Chapter 21

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Heading back to bed with the warm blankets covering his naked body after having Yumi leave to do her chores was the best sleep Carter ever had. Although it is good that he isn't tired anymore and feels refreshed, I still can't help wondering why he feels more comfortable without his pajamas or clothes on.

As the early morning approached, he yawned loudly, stretching his arms above his head and letting out content sighs before opening his eyelids to find himself lying flat on his back underneath the soft mattress. The best sleep he has ever had

While he still had those terrible nightmares, the dreadful feelings after waking up were less noticeable since he hadn't had his clothes on. Whether it is a good thing or not is up to interpretation, but at least for once in this life, Carter could get a little bit of positivity from waking up from a long nightmare.

A gentle couple of knocks could be heard banging against his bedroom door: "Master, are you awake yet?" A gentle voice inquired from the other side. "I have brought your clothes," she informed, waiting patiently outside in the hallway.


Getting up from his bed, Carter stretched once more before heading towards the door without much thought, grabbing the knob and twisting it open, revealing Yumi standing outside holding a pile of his neatly folded clean clothes in her hands, saying, "Here, master," offering them to her master before politely bowing.

Just when her eyes glanced up at his figure, she was utterly taken back by what she saw as her eyes widened in shock; gazing upon Carter's average-length shaft proudly standing in front of her, the only thing preventing her from seeing its true form was the outside light shining on his manhood through the many glass windows of this very hallway.

Confusion written across his face, Carter blinked twice at the sight of his maid that came to visit him. Yumi blushed deeply, averting her gaze shyly from the embarrassment. "M-master, you're not wearing anything."


His face turned pale white at the realization that he had forgotten about being totally naked, quickly snatching his clothes away from her before slamming the door on her shocked and embarrassed expression. "Sorry! My bad!" He exclaimed sheepishly at this revelation.

The poor girl's face turned completely red, a little disappointed at not being able to glance more at his glorious peen but incredibly embarrassed at having to see a man's dong even though she promised not to judge him based on appearance alone. She's unsure how to react, conflicted between being chastened by the event or simply trying to act normal by ignoring it.

Carter, on the other hand, is left in a dilemma about how to salvage his dignity as a man while also making things up for his friend. Putting on his freshly cleaned clothes, comprising of his long grey trench coat and pants, white shirt with black tie, and shoes, he quickly opened the door with his cheeks still flustered red.

"I'm very sorry about that," he said sincerely, guilt evident in his tone, "that was really inconsiderate on my part." He apologized profusely while rubbing his back in shame, hoping she wouldn't hate him forever for this blunder.

His words were sincere enough for her to smile gently: "Accidents happen all the time; there's no need for you to worry about them." Yumi does not mind seeing master's manly parts. The way she says it while blushing is comical in itself, making Carter feel even more awkward because of her strange choice in words.

"Yeah..." awkwardly looking at his side, "so, um, any plans for today?" He decided to take this opportunity to enjoy the weekends he has for now, trying to get a load off from his hard work, "because I'd like to spend some time together with you if that's okay. It's been awhile since we've caught up in anything other than solving crime all the time," he suggests hopefully.

Her expression lit up in excitement, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "Yes! Absolutely, yes! I would love to accompany master during this fine day," she agreed enthusiastically while clasping both of her palms in delight. "Shall Yumi prepare some breakfast for us, master Carter?

A smile forming on his lips, Carter nodded his head affirmatively. "Sounds great; let's head down to the kitchen so we can whip something up for the morning meal," he told her happily, even though he was still deeply exhausted like always.


She said it cutely as Yumi wasted no time waiting any longer as she took his hand by hers, practically dragging him downstairs to the kitchen where all the utensils and cooking ingredients were kept for preparation purposes.

Once reaching their destination, she put her hand away as she began rummaging through various cabinets in search of essential necessities before finally grabbing them out one by one and laying them neatly onto the wide, wooden table.

Meanwhile, Carter simply watched her perform such simple actions while thinking hard about what exactly he should do next while standing idly by until she turned around and looked at him curiously, asking, "Didn't you want to assist me with making some breakfast?" Her sweet, considerate inquiry prompted him to snap back into reality, making him stare blankly at her.

"Ah, yeah, sure," nodding his head affirmatively, "I just got caught up in thinking of what to make," he admitted with a slight grin on his face, trying to find something else to do, "what is it that we're planning to make? Carter asked politely, hoping her answer would give him an idea of what exactly to create.

Yumi tilted her head slightly at the question, saying, "I don't know... Do you have a preference or suggestion on what type of food to cook?" Her question sounded innocent and curious, and she expected him to respond accordingly as she observed him with those beautiful pink irises.

"Well," scratching his chin while contemplating thoughts, "I guess we could make our own, but it might be difficult to pull off perfectly." The young man scratched the back of his own head, feeling awkward for not knowing what exactly they should make.

Seeing him in such a state made her giggle cutely: "It doesn't matter what type of meal we create as long as we enjoy it together, right?" She suggested cheerfully, her sweet words putting him at ease as he sighed in relief, nodding in agreement, "besides, learning how to make new things is an exciting adventure," adding with her radiant smile.

Returning the smile, he moved alongside her to the fridge and opened it, searching inside for the ingredients while the two discussed what recipe to use. Shortly, they spent minutes discussing ideas and making their own decisions, combining different items from various shelves and pantry drawers to produce the most delicious food that they ever could.

Eventually, Yumi returned carrying two large bowls full of chopped vegetables, eggs, milk, butter, breadcrumbs, flour, sugar, salt, pepper, baking powder, tomato sauce, ketchup, cheese, cucumber, and other stuff needed to cook whatever dish they were making.

Carter smiled with satisfaction at their combined effort. "Looks tasty," he commented in awe as his eyes scanned every ingredient carefully laid on the tabletop. "Let's get started then, shall we?" Smiling excitedly, they both started preparing everything necessary to begin making their creations.

First, she grabbed two separate bowls and placed them in front of him; one contained the mixture of flour, water, egg white, and a special ingredient that automatically forms meat when heated, in addition to making the inedible edible.

The other contains beaten yolk, which contains four pieces of cubed breadcrumb. Afterwards, Yumi poured half of the batter into the first bowl as she began whisking it together while also adding some cold milk to thin it up, making sure that the mixture was smooth and well mixed.

Once finished mixing both materials, Carter poured them into the second pan, with each spot having a circle, before placing them inside the stove. Then his servant prepared the mixture in two heated frying pans containing oil to make sure that there was enough grease for them.

Next, the pair added chopped onion and mushrooms to a medium skillet, seasoning the mixture with a pinch of salt and pepper as she sautéed them for two minutes. Once done, Yumi poured the tomato sauce into the pan while stirring occasionally.

Finally, when the stove rang, he carefully took out the pan with heat-resistant mittens as he began to place the meatballs in the bread crumbs until each ball was covered completely, making them appear extra crunchy. Finishing the coating process, she slid the meatballs into the simmering sauce as she added grated cheddar cheese to it.

Truthfully, they have no idea what they have made, but judging from its appetizing appearance, there is no doubt that this food would taste heavenly. Satisfied with their progress thus far, Carter went ahead and put the meatballs covered in bread crumbs and tomato sauce on their individual plates.

"Weirdest food we have ever made," chuckling at their creation that resembles pasta balls more than anything else, "but I'm sure it's going to be amazing," Carter praised their ingenuity and efforts as Yumi grinned proudly of herself, "now we just need to give it a try." Taking off his said mittens and placing it on top of the kitchen cabinet, he get his plate before having to walk over to sit at the dining table while she did likewise.

Together, they both picked up their respective forks and stabbed their homemade cuisine, taking their first bite. When the sauced meatball touched their mouths, it immediately tasted wonderful beyond comprehension.

It was as if the gods themselves crafted each individual piece personally, sending bursts of flavor throughout their entire bodies as their jaws clenched tightly shut at the incredible sensation that coursed throughout their system.

How could they even describe it? Words simply couldn't convey the exquisite emotions and feelings that resounded in their hearts and souls while their tongues savored every inch of its juicy, succulent texture. Even when eating something mundane and simple such as these, their meals became so much more than mere sustenance for their survival.

"Amazing," he said in awe, "what the hell did we just eat?" This tastes incredible! Sharing the same sentiments as he finished every last morsel off his plate, wiping away traces of stray drool hanging on the corners of his mouth with his arm.

"Delicious," Yumi hummed pleasantly while finishing up her own portion of the meal, the best meal we have ever made," proudly saying of their achievement, "we should definitely do this again sometime, master," smiling contently while eating their food.

Carter knew that the ingredients they used weren't what made a meatball, but for some reason, he made one out of his own desire. Could it be his powers psychically affecting reality or something entirely else? Or could it be some special, unknown ingredients that feed on the person's wishes in order to form the perfect food?

He doesn't have a clue, nor does he want to think about it right now; he simply wants to relax without any complications whatsoever. Taking another bite out of their latest concoction, he chewed carefully before swallowing. Carter continued to consume the rest of his dish in silence until they heard the doorbell ring.

"Someone is at the door," Yumi pointed out, annoyance hidden within her tone due to being interrupted while enjoying their lovely meal. She wondered who in the world would be visiting at this time of the morning while also assuming whoever came must have a death wish.

"Let me handle it," he kindly insisted, standing up from his chair while excusing himself, "probably some delivery person or someone just here to visit," guessing who could possibly be there as he exited the kitchen and then into the living room.

Moving forward to the door with his full intention of checking who was there, he opened it, revealing someone he never would have expected to come at this time of day. Especially when it is someone Carter knew from childhood.

"Your..." Carter's eyes widen at the unexpected visitor.

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