Chapter 75

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Landing themselves on a new planet, Carter's allies were shocked to see a much more brand new place where futuristic-looking buildings had nearly every solar panel attached to them in multiple angles that were positioned to capture all the sunlight on a specific surface. There were dozens of his clones with various attire moving about in the streets.

Although there were no vehicles seen as they followed behind the white lab coat clone, they were amazed by this sight to the point that even Demigod herself was impressed by this place. "Where exactly are we?" Strolling forward where they are being led, they are accompanied by the injured heroes, still unconscious, as they are being carried on the stretchers by the identical doctor-clones.

She wonders if this is perhaps a new dimension Herculean never experienced beforehand, being known to visit other worlds and realities to learn different cultures and gain experience through traveling across the omniverse itself.

The clone who was leading them smiled at the question, "Not a dimension, a world built from the ground up by Randolph Carter's ingenuity," giving a hint of what he meant by his explanation, "These look alike, including myself, are essentially clones bred in laboratories to be used for various tasks," surprising the crowd with the knowledge of this answer altogether.

Meanwhile, Misa was focused on the towering dome that seemingly is the size of the massive dome they are moving towards, amazed by it when the sun reflected against its sleek surfaces. "It's huge." Witnessing the marvel in front of her, she found it hard to imagine the complexity of how it was built in the first place.

Koyoshi, however, wasn't interested in his partner's comment, more so of what the doctor had said, "Clone?" He said in disbelief, unable to comprehend what the individual in front of him was saying, "Just how many of you are out there?" Questioning this purpose for even existing

The clone's smile faded from his face, replaced by a serious, melancholic frown, his shoes scraping the solid asphalt underneath him, "around a billion on this dwarf planet," informing them about his numbers that are staggering to even hear.

They can't possibly mean that all of the people here are exact replicas of this Carter fellow, which is absurd if they truly do have such a large population, finding it impossible to have one man create a whole civilization by himself with just his smarts.

Within the crowd of officers is a forty-year-old man with messy blond hair and a short mustache. "I'm sorry to interrupt this conversation, but what planet is this?" Asking politely as he looks around, wondering if he is really in another world altogether, "I have never seen anything like this back in our own home."

Not bothered to reply, the clone kept walking while keeping an eye on the direction of where the dome, "Pluto, also renamed by us to be Planet X, In addition, the original had successfully terraformed starting the surface; from it, he made the lakes and rivers. Including plants, flowers, gravity, and so on," his face lightens up while explaining the origin of how it all started.

Herclean couldn't help but drop her drop from this: "That is impossible." She never found anyone across her travels doing such a thing, especially at this magnitude. "Even with technology this advanced, creating a whole new world is beyond the capabilities of humanity itself." She was objectively doubtful of being capable of such an achievement.

Even Koyoshi, the respected officer in the HPD department, agreed with this take: "She's right," thinking what he just heard is a complete fantasy, "making an entire world based on science is nigh-impossible; maybe thousands of years will take to achieve such a thing," feeling the sweat on his forehead from the long walk.

He chuckled, finding their disbelief understandable: "If I were in your shoes, I would believe the same thing." Agreeing with their views on the matter, he proceeded to lead them to the destination: "But what we say is true, my original really has built and recreated everything with just his hands," proudly declaring his creator's achievements in doing the impossible.

They kept quiet along the journey, not saying a word from having to comprehend all this process of what had just transpired, not sure if he was telling them the truth or lying through his teeth. Either way, the people in the HPD are incredibly exhausted from everything that happened.

They rescued the commissioner, thought he died, and then invasion arrived before here they are; five months have passed, and it turns out the billionaire never died; he simply disappeared from thin air. Furthermore, they are on an entirely different planet—a completely new one, in fact.

Misa broke the ice. "This is Pluto?" She inquired curiously, having to confirm with the guide, "If they were transported here, how were they able to survive after being exposed to the harmful elements of outer space and the extreme coldness?" Her eyes glanced at him from behind, thinking how they had done such a feat.

Stopping his tracks in which everyone else followed suit, sighing through his nose, the clone gave an obvious answer to her: "We had some help with certain someone," not wanting to reveal too much about that freak, "it's better when you all meet the real Randolph Carter," saying his full name instead of his title as they continued walking in this morning.

Finally reaching their destination, they entered inside with no gates or doors present in the dome; simply entering through an archway, the voluminous lobby was filled with different machinery and stuff, where many other clones were doing their own individual projects.

In the very middle is a wide, holographic table. Sleek, black, and rectangle, with a soft blue glow emitted from the center. It was large enough to seat twenty-four people comfortably, and the chairs surrounding the table were just as impressive, albeit much less impressive than the technology used in building them.

Their guide motioned them to gather around at the table. "Everyone, please take a seat while we fix the injured guests," he ordered to them. "We have lots of things to discuss about what has been happening behind the scenes." It didn't take long for the doctors to finish with their healing, having a clone wearing civilian clothing holding a syringe filled with green liquid as he approached the bound trio.

They all sat while focusing on the person injecting the mysterious syringe into their forearms. Immediately,  the unknown fluid moved as he pushed down the needle's plunger, forcing the liquid to enter their veins, which caused them to grunt and slowly open their eyes in a daze.

Within a few seconds, they begin to panic, restrained, seeing multiple copies of the commissioner along with being in different places; they are confused, frightened, and tense, unsure of the situation, what just happened, and everything altogether.

"Your all right," Herculean stood up from her seat, approaching them with a comforting gaze to calm the situation down. "They had saved your life from the mad god; everything is fine now," she said, gently placing her hand on the male hero's shoulder to ease the tension, smiling in his direction as he stared at her and then at the rest.

Akito gave her one look at the Amazon before sighing in relief, turning his attention to his side in seeing Yasuke, who was suspicious of everything but relaxed by the whole ordeal, except for the idol he recognized in the get go, but her attitude was surprising to her because of how her fans imagined her to be friendly and polite.

Instead, what greeted them was an angry, vengeful, and boisterous young woman who was throwing tantrums with her massively long self-righteous speech, making everyone, even the clones, stupefied at having to listen to her outspoken words non-stop.

"Get these cuffs off of me this instance! I just woke up, and this is what greeted me! Are you kidding me? Don't any of your dumb asses ever learn to treat celebrities with respect, or did all your parents drop you when you were kids? I can't stand this when people mistreat me like this, and this treatment is just unacceptable, and it insults my pride to be treated like this! I have the privilege, rights, and freedom that all women have in life, and those who do not know such things can be taught! When I was born, I knew I was special, just like other children, but even I knew that women were weaker than men physically, which is why we had to work harder than everyone else in order to live in this dog-eat-dog world! All of you are probably laughing! Nothing is funny about being a feminist, and I am an idol that people love and adore, so of course I don't deserve this horrible treatment since I worked hard to get where I am today! Those who cannot obtain what I have should just go and try their luck at other places, because you aren't even fit to breathe the same air as I do! Are you even listening to me? Everyone should be happy that I didn't just get out of these restraints because I could and can, but I won't! Because why do you ask? I am already satisfied to get some rest and relax in my room for the rest of the day until tomorrow for my next concert! My next show is just right after this week; after all, if it weren't for the inconvenience of all of you that have caused trouble by ruining the schedule, I would have been getting ready and getting prepared, but here I am, bound to stretcher for no reason other than the fact that I am injured or perhaps dangerous! I'm never dangerous; I'm a lady, and I prefer to be called a lady because that is what I am! If you have a problem with that, then you should be ashamed of yourselves! And not to mention, don't call me 'this one' because that is racist and offensive! I think all of you are racist because this is why I am strapped to this stupid thing, right? Yeah, I am right, and I know that you agree because everyone else would! Why else would anyone be doing this if it were not for what I said? So I am right about it! Hmph, yeah, that's what I thought. Now let me out of these restraints! Moreover, I demand my release by going back to my concert! Or else I will sue all of you until I get compensation for what has occurred here, and believe me when I say that all of you will lose everything that you own, your future included in the deal! Yeah, that is what all of you would receive if you did not do what I wanted. You see, I have a lot of friends that would help me take care of all of you until every one of your pockets will be empty from all your wealth and resources that will be spent on the lawsuits! Ha ha, isn't it hilarious?! The mere thought of this makes me laugh! Do you think I care about how much money any of you have? No! But you see, I do care about how much money can get all of you locked up in jail and never being released after paying all that cash to bail yourselves out of the prison that all of you would definitely end up in. Believe me when I tell you that not even your entire family or friends would be able to bail any of you out of prison! Not with me bringing in the court every piece of evidence that will be stacked against all of you until you will be drowning in debt, prison, and loss of hope for the future. Maybe all of you will end up being beggars or prostitutes. Ahahaha! Just thinking about all this makes me really laugh out loud. Isn't it ridiculous to see how all of you will suffer for eternity after my victory against all of you? That would make me even happier for the rest of my life, living my days like a queen like the royalty that I am. Unless everyone here apologizes to me by getting these stupid restraints, chains, and bindings off of me, otherwise, all of you should just wait for the court to decide about all of you! I hope all of you will like your time in prison, because I certainly will like mine while watching all of you suffer from the confinement of your cells! ... Huh? What?! Hey, don't just ignore me! How dare all of you ignore me like this? Look at me when I speak to you and show me the respect that I deserve, and you know that I am right about everything that I have just said! You can't—"

One of the clones placed a tape on her mouth, preventing her from speaking anymore as she tried to continue to speak in muffled noises, thrashing and struggling to get loose from her bonds while glaring at everyone who was responsible for this.

Giving everyone in this lobby a sigh of relief from finally being freed from this woman's blabbering speech that goes on and on nonstop. Many were traumatized by this experience of having to suffer by just being close to her range of hearing her voice, while others were extremely relieved to be spared from such a thing.

"Thankfully, we had someone bring a tape to cover her mouth," another one of the clones remarked, giving the other a thumb up for his quick thinking on the spot. "Otherwise, this would have lasted for a decade or two before she would even stop talking."

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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