Chapter 25

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After the waitress brought them the drinks along with their requested food, all three of them ate together, their utensils slicing through the juicy steak while occasionally dipping the lobster in their buttery sauce before consuming it piece by piece. The shrimp and filet mignon were delicious in the sauce, while the bread rolls tasted good in their mouths.

Enjoying their wonderful lunch, Sebastian began the conversation on behalf of his master's question: "Miss Yumi dislikes me because of my deep infatuation with you, Carter, which is something she is not willing to share with you due to her selfish possessiveness." His explanation was direct, honest, and blunt.

He was a little shocked to hear this, especially coming from someone who shares the same gender, but he was conflicted on this, as his best friend was always known to be a free spirit with an open mind who likes to express themselves regardless of the situation.

"Are you..." he tried to find the right word without sounding rude or judgmental, only to have it interpreted by his maid herself. "Homo," she stated bluntly on behalf of him, looking directly at the white-haired young man with spite and disgust from learning this.

Sebastian merely smiled in amusement, finding her reaction amusing to the eyes. " As far as I know, sexuality is not inherently a trait of one's gender but can be a preference of one's inclinations that varies from person to person." He took another bite of the shrimp before swallowing it down.  "However, it's more simple to say that love does not discriminate and is beyond such arbitrary categories and stereotypes as homosexuality or heterosexuality, for what matters is what is in one's heart, rather than one's gender or anatomy," stating his true view on the topic.

Blinking several times, Carter doesn't know what else to say in this matter but, "Ah, sure?" He said with uncertainty, "Is that why she despises you for having a romantic interest in me?" Asking for further clarification on Yumi's hatred towards his best friend.

"She despises me because she sees me as her rival in love," he answered with a brief response, "and also because I have feelings for you, Carter. But on a brighter note, I am at least selfless enough to acknowledge that you have free will of your own," his lips curled up into a sly smirk, "unlike some people who want to control their significant other at every turn with an iron fist," glancing at the pinkette who hissed at him.

Taking a sip of her water, the maid grumbled under her breath while avoiding any eye contact with her nemesis, "fine... I admit to not liking him if he hadn't any interest to the man I love." She glanced down at the plate in shame, her mood being ruined by the butler, "but just know this, Sebastian, that as long as he's with me, nothing is going to change that," declaring with a bit of venom in her voice, "because I love him more than anyone in this world, and no one can ever replace what he is to me."

Nervous laughter erupted from Carter as the situation had escalated a lot higher than he imagined. "It sounds to me that there is some hostility between you two; how long has this been going on?" Already aware of Yumi's strong obsession and love for him, it isn't out of her character to eliminate those who try to steal her lover or harm her relationship with him in any way.

"Not long ago," Sebastian answered to him, "she never liked me from the start to begin with." Chuckling at this intriguing notion, " it appears she sees me as an obstacle for her, Carter, someone in her way of having you to herself as long as I am around you, but honestly, it's funny how she thinks that I stand in her way of winning your affections and heart when it is your decision to make in regards to loving someone." His voice has a hint of mockery in it.

Picking up a napkin, the pink-eyed twintails cleaned her mouth. "Whatever, anyways," her voice switched to a kind tone. "You haven't touched the food yet, master," she sweetly said with a warm smile as she gazed at her beloved. "It will get cold if you keep pushing it aside without taking a bite out of them." Gesturing to the still hot plate filled with shrimp and mignon as the maid's eyebrows scrunched up, showing a face of concern.

He sighed in understanding, seeing her point of view. "Alright," he complied, just as ready to grab a fork. Before he was able to take hold of it, Yumi took it in one fell swoop and stabbed the piece of meat with a fork, taking the steaming hot mignon to her master's mouth and saying, "Uh, thanks...?"

"Say uh." She waited eagerly for her lover to accept the meat, opening his mouth slowly and preparing himself to receive the gift his pink maid provided. "Ahh..." His jaw gaped open, and his face was red from the thought of her feeding him. "There you go. Her soft hand lifted the tender morsel of his lips and teeth that pierced its flesh, drawing juice into his mouth.

Sebastian giggled from the sight. "Even after all of these years, you still haven't changed a single bit, master Carter," he commented in a casual manner, observing the display with a hidden grin. "If anything, I am amazed you are being fed like a spoiled child," he said, teasing his dear friend further, much to the master's embarrassment.

Carter glanced at his side, embarrassingly looking at him with a reddened face, saying, "Uhh, aahh..." Unable to properly formulate words, all he did was simply nod before turning to her, keeping his focus on his servant as he waited for her to finish feeding him the mignon.

She seemed to enjoy this immensely, savoring the moments with his dear lover, "so cute." Yumi's cheeks lit up with bright red blush, her face beaming with absolute delight from feeding him the mignon. "Doesn't he look adorable, Sebastian?" The pinkette couldn't help herself from gushing about this, seeing it as her greatest opportunity to be with her master.

The butler was taken back at her for having her ignored and hated him, never expecting her to actually call out his name, let alone even ask him anything like that. "Indeed, I do find him cute from time to time, especially when he is acting all embarrassed and shy about something," he gave her a toothy smile, his eyes seemingly having glimmer in them as well, "and not to mention how he looks so kissable whenever he blushes like that, isn't that right, sir?"

Hearing the word 'kissable,' having completely switched her mirthful attitude to scowl, narrowing her eyes dangerously from the implication behind it, "Sebastian," she warned him with threat in her tone, glaring daggers at him as she gritted her teeth, "don't you ever think about kissing him without my consent, got it?"

"Yes, yes," he lazily agreed with her, seeing as this isn't even worth arguing over, "although, is that jealousy I'm hearing in your voice, miss Yumi?" Smirking devilishly at her reaction as her face becomes more pale and sickening, she says, "Do not worry; I assure you, master Caster will be so enthralled by my affection that he will abandon you instantly," taunting her in an attempt to rile her up.

Yumi wasn't fazed by this remark; instead, her anger only became worse as she growled at the smirking white-haired butler, "he would never love you," grinding her teeth together, "he doesn't even like you, idiot, or is that too much to comprehend in your empty, little skull of yours, huh?"

Sebastian only chuckled at the insults: "So disrespectful and impulsive as always, aren't you miss Yumi? Now I wonder how many people in general you hate." He mused aloud, trying to estimate, "That must be a lot considering how much of a psychopath you truly are underneath all that cheeriness," grinning cockily, "and my guess is probably ninety-nine percent of the population at this rate."

The commissioner could feel the tension between those two as she bicker while his butler simply leaned back, casually enjoying this and allowing the argument to continue itself. It made him slightly confused about the relationship between his servants.

It's as if they were married couples, only that they were fighting over the love of their lives, him. While Carter understands Yumi's jealousy, he wonders if his butler shares the same sentiment as well. Or possibly just amused by the whole thing.

Seeing this behavior in their arguments, he decides to intervene once again: "Can I eat? I couldn't really do so with the both of you fighting each other like wild animals, and people around us are starting to notice, so please calm down before this situation gets out of hand," he pointed out to the two of them.

His two servants finally stopped for a moment and listened, having to realize how much of a scene their making right now, "oh, sorry, my beloved, didn't mean to be such bother to you and everybody here," she apologized, giving her sincere apologies.

While the handsome butler simply nodded in acknowledgment, "no harm done, master Carter, now let us continue our meals," he gestured to their food, and the young man was more than happy to do so until his butler suddenly grabbed the fork and knife to slice off a chunk of meat to feed his beloved friend. "Say ahh," his voice coaxed, copying the maid's earlier tone and actions.

His eyes widened in bewilderment at this, and he understood that his butler was being playful towards him, wanting him to entertain him. Begrudgingly, Carter complied, accepting the tasty morsel while letting it fall onto his tongue.

"T-thanks," he said embarrassingly, unbeknownst to Yumi, who was tightly clenching her fists, holding her anger out of her master's command to not make a scene, but as far as she knew, that wouldn't stop her from retaliating in private.

"Your welcome, my dear friend," he grinned at him, watching his master chew down on the meat and swallowing it down his throat, "is there anything else that you'd like me to cut for you?" Sebastian courteously offered while secretly intending to make Yumi angry, "If so, don't be afraid to tell me; I will gladly cut anything to serve you."

"I'm good." Carter politely declined the offer, getting a glimpse of his maid's murderous glare towards his best friend; even his friend knows that if he allowed him to continue this act, her patience wouldn't last any longer. Everyone in this restaurant could sense her intense killing intent radiating out of her.

Making the entire peaceful atmosphere somewhat gloomy, dark, and unnerving, the pinkette girl was so pissed by his constant defiance and antagonism toward her that it seemed that she was on the verge of breaking down in pure rage.

Even the commissioner can understand what that means; when he realized what was going on, his face turned paler and he gulped nervously to the point of having to intervene as a small crowd of onlookers cautiously watched them from a safe distance while also feeling the emitting energy of her killing intent.

"Sebastian..." She seethes quietly, barely holding herself back, while Carter begins to sweat nervously, terrified of her potential explosion and lack of control over the situation, especially in regards to the situation between his friend and his maid, who is fighting for his heart.

Carter decided the best way to break the tension between them was to stand up, causing the enraged pink maid to perk up to him while the amused and mocking white-haired butler, who appeared to be curious of his actions, said awkwardly, feeling uncomfortable from the unwanted attention he was getting once again.

The atmosphere immediately went back to normal after her pure rage and killing intent switched to her mirthful and sweet self, looking up at her master with her kind expression and saying, "Of course, my love, as long as I'm with you, I'm more than happy to do whatever you want," smiling cheerfully at him, forgetting how she brought the whole restaurant to their knees.

Sebastian chuckled lightly before following the same, standing up as he pulled out a couple of thousand yen dollars, saying, "Don't worry about paying, sir, it's on me," placing the money down on the table with a smile still plastered across his face, "I hope you have enjoyed the meal as much as I did."

He wanted to pay him back, to say thanks for what his butler had paid, but something told him that he'd be better off accepting the hospitality rather than refusing it altogether.

"Yeah," accepting the courtesy with some difficulty, "let's just go home," his voice became tired as the two servants followed after him, being aware of the onlooking glances and stares that had surrounded them.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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