Chapter 52

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Taking the elevator, she stared at the screen that showed flashing numbers; it's been more than couple of minutes since she pressed the number three leading downwards to the basement level where her supposed beloved is being locked away from her sight.

With her MP5 in hand, the former assassin was prepared for anything that came her way, already knowing how many people were likely waiting for her to arrive down below. She isn't too worried about herself, more so about the survival of her beloved and the desire to not die.

If she dies, who gets to save Master Carter? That is what's on her mind the most—constantly worrying if anything bad happens to either one of them. Yumi shook her head, trying to get rid of negative thoughts as the elevator door finally opened.


Rows of gunmen huddled in one horizontal of the small office room, their guns aimed in preparation to ambush her as soon as she entered the opening, hoping to kill the notorious assassin responsible for murdering their friends and allies.

Before they even pressed the trigger, she slowed her own perception down to almost stand still, analyzing the entire scene and deciding which one of these bastards would die first. Grinning wildly, she watches as bullets wildly come towards her like a pack of hungry wolves.

Breathing deeply, the psychotic maid stood her ground before calmly walking towards the horde of projectiles; carefully evading them with precise movements as she danced gracefully amidst the showering hellfire. Every individual shot missed her.

Everything was slow in her view—far too slow once more to even perceive reality when every second feels like an hour, every minute feels like a day, and every movement feels like an hour for her. Eventually, the entire magazine in their firearms ended, clicking to the point of them being empty of usable ammo.

A cloud of gunpowder slowly dissipates in front of them, revealing no body of Yumi behind nor any trace that the pink-haired maid had died as well. Instead, only the sounds of footsteps resounded throughout the confined space of the room, echoing loudly as everyone realized the dangerously grave mistake that was made.

Slowly, they turned around, having completely wasted all their ammunition in one go, leaving themselves vulnerable and defenseless against one enemy they desperately wanted dead. "Shit," one of the lackeys whispered fearfully, eyes wide at the sight of their tormentor approaching them unharmed.

"Good job," she said with a sadistic smile, aiming her submachine gun towards them. "I see you bunch spent every round you had just to kill little old me," mockingly laughing at their misfortune. Pointing her finger on the trigger, she grinned brightly. "I have to thank you all for that."


Opening fire at them, bullets flew at incredible speed, brutally piercing their skulls as their bodies shook uncontrollably before falling down one by one. The fusillade lasted only thirty seconds as each member collapsed like dominoes.

Within seconds, the massacre was completed. They were all dead; their corpses lay lifeless in pools of crimson blood. No one dared speak as everyone present in this room was already dead except herself; the barrel of her own gun was still smoking from recent usage.

Wiping away the sweat from her forehead, Yumi sighed heavily and frowned. "Wonder, where is Master Carter being held?" She murmured, wondering if the police had arrived and saved her darling—not that she doesn't mind having assistance once in a while.

Checking her mag, she noted its empty, a sign of having to discard her gun on the ground with a slight thud of its plastic surface touching the metal floor. "Too many foes to take care of all at once, not with a limited amount of ammo to spend," she shrugged at the inconvenience.

She had other guns that were laid next to their corpses, but none of them contained ammunition, forcing her to search every nook and cranny of the place to see if there were any spares to be found. With no other choice, she looted a hunting knife from one of the dead thugs.

Holding it for second, she inspected the blade's sharpness, the tip of it being pointier than most knives and capable of penetrating through most types of materials with someone like her strength. Satisfied with its condition, Yumi held it with her hand, gripping the handle firmly, before walking away towards the wooden door that leads outside of this tight room.

Exiting the vicinity of that place, she noticed a gray-colored steel wall in every direction of this long hallway stretching far and wide, as well as multiple turnarounds from various directions, like a maze for a person to get lost in, as the blaring alarm and said red flashing light still remain unflinching despite everything that transpired recently.

From here on out, she must be wary of her surroundings, aware that there's still enemies lurking within these halls waiting to strike at any given moment, although nothing of the sort can prepare her for what will come next, making her wonder how long she will be able to keep up with so many of them until she will eventually find her love again.

Moving carefully, she casually approached the first junction and peeked around the corner, examining if any hostiles were present there or not. From the looks of it, nobody was in sight, and there were no signs of anyone patrolling around the place at this particular section; only rows of bright, flashing red fluorescent lights illuminated the passageways.

Taking a step forward, she moved around, finding some doors along the way as she placed her eye on them and checking for any movement, breathing, or sound coming inside, only to receive nothing in response. After several tries, she eventually discovered a steel gate in one of them, slightly ajar enough to squeeze her slender frame through it.

Pushing it open, a heavy creak was produced when she stepped into the adjacent corridor, which led towards the unknown as there appeared to be another path. Not knowing what lay ahead, she followed the trail, her noisy walk clanking on the cemented concrete beneath her feet, producing a dull echo that bounced off the walls with each step she took.

Thirty minutes had passed when she entered this place, exploring the facility while encountering absolutely nothing so far, resulting in a growing sense of despair washing over her from the eerie thought of never getting Carter back again, making it linger in her mind from such a dreadful thought.

Despite having no one to encounter, this made her more determined than before as she knelt down on the floor with her knees and arms, placing her right ear close to its surface. Listening intently for any sense of movement throughout the meters around her.

For what seemed like more than a minute, she finally detected a sudden movement not far from her location; in fact, it sounds like there is a group moving somewhere that might lead towards her love. Staying alert and cautious, she stood up and ran in the direction of where the source was.

At first, it started as a faint noise that got louder and louder the closer she got to the origin of it. The unfamiliar voice of an irritated man shouting at someone increased her pace to a jogging speed, slowing down a bit when she saw them.

There stood a stupefied James Gill, carrying the unconscious, malnourished, and broken body of her beloved's arm being placed around the man's shoulders, accompanied by two teens who were seemingly around their sixteens, staring directly at her after noticing Yumi's presence.

"Holy fuck," James eyes widen at the sight of seeing the intruder responsible for nearly killing all his goons, making him almost piss his pants against the idea of coming face to face with the likes of her, "were absolutely, royally fucked," gritting his teeth while sweating nervously, seeing no chance of escaping alive from this insane woman.

Knowing they would die anyway, he decided to drop him on the ground and flee for his life, not wanting to face the one person who slaughtered most of his men; at least he gets to live another day. "You are on your own, you stupid brats!" He shouted to the other two teenagers as he left them with a fearful expression.

Looking at his fleeting form, Nomi turned to Sato with a look of frustration. "I told you he would ditch us," she stated with an annoyed tone. Her words only fell deaf on the ears of the boy, who was too focused on staring at the appalled Yumi as her attention was solely on the person lying on the ground.

Yumi's expression was filled with extreme sorrow and guilt; tears mercilessly streamed down her pale face, dripping onto the ground at her feet from having to see such a broken form of a once healthy man, "master..." She spoke out in an almost trance state, in disbelief of seeing him like this.

"He was real tough to crack," Nomi decided to chime in, her innocent smile turning malicious by the second, "sad sight to see him like this, an absolute shame really," laughing with pure amusement much to the horror of her boyfriend, "so pitiful, so hopeless, so utterly tragic that it hurts to even look at him, don't you think, Sato?"

Sato stared down at his feet for a second, in disbelief of finding her so sadistic about enjoying another person's suffering. Even though he still loves her, he doesn't approve of such acts that cause pain to others just to entertain her; however, he learned that their love is far greater than any disagreement about what happens in the future.

"Yes, it is", he said, trying to put on a facade of smiling evilly just to please his lover as he turned his head to Nomi. "It is quite saddening indeed to see such a mighty man reduced to a mere pile of weak flesh," making the best fake frown he could as he pretended to be as cruel as she is.

"You're right, sweetheart," her lips turned upward to a grin, satisfied by the response she gotten from him, turning her attention back to the pink manic, "it was why I propose such wonderful punishment to test him, to see if he's strong enough to overcome me or not, but in the end, he just lost the will to fight against his inner demons and became like this, isn't that hilarious!?"

Yumi glared at the girl in front of her, hatred filling her eyes as her once innocent pink iris turned red. Veins popping out of her head in visible rage while a growl escaped from her throat, her right eye twitched as she clenched her fists. "You did this?" The realization finally sinks in that he got tortured by this bitch.

Nomi yawned with her hand, mocking the enraged murderer. "Not just me," she said, tilting her head to the side with a blank stare. "Everyone in this facility had part in this; some enjoyed inflicting all this pain on him while others did it for fun, but no matter." Shifting her position, she smiled sweetly. "We all equally enjoyed it; besides, he deserves it for being such a worthless billionaire, wouldn't you agree?"

No words were further exchanged when the once-composed pinkette turned into a complete berserker as she leaped towards them with a knife in hand, screaming uncontrollably from having to hear those painful words coming from that brat.

Grabbing Nomi's hair in the fastest way possible before pulling it back and then ramming her entire left face to the wall while sprinting at inhumane speeds to the point that neither she nor her boyfriend's could process the attack beforehand, both of them were shocked to see the one woman army they believed to be an easy target become a total beast.

Screaming bloody murder, she continued sliding Nomi's entire face against the steel wall over and over at such a fast pace, repeating this action so continuously that even the wall began cracking by the time she finished slamming it for the fifth time before throwing a limp body on the ground, taking deep breaths after she finished.

Her entire head was covered in bruises and lacerations caused by the brutal impacts, making it appear more horrific to look at due to the sheer amount of injuries sustained in a short time frame; the entire back of her hair had been ripped apart from the scalp, revealing the white-colored bones of her skull that would normally be hidden underneath layers of flesh and skin.

Then laughter came, giggling madly as the once disfigured face and presumed dead young girl slowly stood up with her freaky face looking directly at Yumi, regenerating within seconds as her flesh and bones healed rapidly to their original positions; within mere seconds, her face is now completely repaired without any scars or wounds that would suggest she received earlier.

"You know," Nomi snickered in a devious way, drinking the dried-up blood stains on the palm of her right hand. "It's been a long time since I was seriously hurt by someone else and much longer since nobody was actually able to inflict actual pain on me," she paused, cracking her fingers with a soft grin. "To the person who succeeded in that, I congratulate you, even if it was pointless in the end," she bowed out of courtesy, lifting her head to show her eyes turning bright green.

"But this is the end for you, human."

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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