Everyday Moments

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Black Crow

Black Crow on the pavement
Picking at crumbs,
Finding lunch in the litter
Carelessly tossed to the ground,
Black eyes shining as you
Emerge from the shadows,
Dull again
As you move from the light,
Black feathers glistening
In afternoon sunlight,
Black feathers rippling
With the breath of the wind.
Sunlight and shadows,
Black shines in the evening,
Who ever thought of
The brightness or beauty
Of black in the daylight,
Black upon black?

Tilting your head as you
Watch this lone student
Of nature and sunlight
Gazing upon you,
Enjoying stark beauty,
Dark gloss of the night
In the brightness of day.
Meal completed, stretching black feathers
With a thrust of black wings,
Dark shape disappearing
Into the bright sky.



Today is Tuesday
Tomorrow will be Wednesday
Come closer, weekend



A chiropractor from New Delhi
Made patients feel like they were jelly
When his client Kevin
Let loose upon heaven
With flatus remarkably smelly!


Ode to a Shoelace

Ode to a shoelace
Alone on the ground
Abandoned, forgotten
No shoe to be found

Ode to a shoelace
Curled up on the floor
Whole and unbroken
Unwanted no more

Ode to a shoelace
Now tied to my shoe
Snapped one forgotten
I now run anew

Ode to a shoelace
The cycle complete
My shoes when I run
Now keep up with my feet



Today is real long
And the hours tick by slowly
I want some ice cream



This morning was bad
And I really cried a lot
But now it is good



Sitting here, mind wandering
Away from tasks that must be done
I see my future freedom close
But restless thoughts will not obey

Procrastination is my curse
No focus here for me to find
Despite my hope to end my work
My concentration still does stray

Distractions I can still enjoy
Upon completion of this job
I want to finish soon, and yet
My mind does naught but run astray

And so I fail to understand
Why finishing must be so hard
This task needs to complete, and soon
Perhaps I'll manage it today?


Winter Snow

Winter snow falls gently,
Softly gliding to the ground.
Muffled voices gently,
Softly leaving not a sound.



I found a house, lovely and proper
No more just a real estate shopper
But now hope has been changed
The whole place rearranged
All due to the high price of copper


Work Email

Your humor will always prevail
To jump to the top of email
My stress is decreased
This part is released
Your drawing it will not derail



Today is Tuesday
Tomorrow will be Wednesday
Come closer, weekend


To Do List

The bus roars away at the end of the day,
And I’m left standing in front of my house.
Grab the mail and page through – any mail for me?
Bills, a credit card advertisement, stock information, a coupon booklet,
A book borrowed by the neighbors, slipped in the newspaper slot, finally returned,
A letter from Uncle Thach and a package from Aunt Nettie,
A birthday card, three months in advance,
And a McDonald’s toy that our neighbor doesn’t want anymore,
Dropped in our mailbox in the hope of finding a home.
But most of the pile lies waiting for my
To Do List.

College advertisements, SAT II forms,
Confirmations of appointments for special programs,
Forms for college visits, and scholarship forms for places I never knew existed
And will probably never visit,
Thrown on the pile on the dining room table,
Growing always,
Almost threatening my pile of homework,
But not quite.
Pre-Calculus project due Tuesday,
Various research strewn across the table,
Open dictionaries and encyclopedias, pencil, paper, and calculator,
Scratch paper coated with dark hieroglyphs,
And formulas growing from half-thought ideas, never needed, never used,
The useful ones piled beneath the mail.
Always growing,
Piles rival for my attention,
Tottering and falling, collapsing on each other,
Barely piles at all,
More resembling the Tower at Pisa than carefully organized categories of information,
No longer organized,
To Do List.

Mutating, deforming, reproducing, left alone,
Always multiplying, merciless.
English due Monday, thank goodness for weekends, snow days,
And colored pencils – the erasable kind.
Speech due on Thursday in Biology II,
Nothing written yet, unbegun,
Relevant information buried on the dining room table and saved on the computer,
No time to rediscover the lost past of Science Fair
Beneath the material covered on the
To Do List.

Spanish shirts due Tuesday, not started yet,
Is there enough time to begin?
Sponge paints on the kitchen table,
Blue and white paint drying in flakes on margarine lids and old newspaper,
Red shirt, unmarred by paint, waiting to carry Spanish phrases,
But needing my time to paint them on.
Just one more thing on my
To Do List.

Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science
Claims my Saturday,
There goes the weekend.
First Place Certificate added to my piles,
I’ll find somewhere to put it, as soon as I find the time to find a spot,
One more thing on the
To Do List.

SAT class Tuesday nights, Pit Practice Wednesday,
Science Olympiad after school,
Spanish test Tuesday, mentioned on Monday,
No Chapters given – should I study the whole book?
No time to even read the introduction,
Except during Calculus. Just one more thing on the
To Do List.

Religion assignment due Wednesday,
Write about a quick decision I’ve had to make – would I make it again?
How to answer the question?
The only decisions I’ve had to make recently are which assignments should I do first,
The largest ones or the ones due the soonest?
One more assignment, and I’m going to scream.
List on my white board, carefully color-coded
At the beginning of the quarter, now scribbled over with due dates and tests,
Barely readable, adding to confusion,
Yet somehow making me feel organized.
Which is more important,
Order or psychology?
I’ll have to debate it later – no time now,
I’ll write that on my
To Do List.

Portfolio due Thursday, I’ve barely started,
I have the first assignment done,
But not edited.
I might have to turn it in that way,
And hope I haven’t missed a colossal mistake,
Lurking maliciously on the page in front of my tired eyes.
Thursday night, freedom-bringing,
Slowly coming, yet too fast,
Save me from my
To Do List!


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Nov 21, 2022 21:13 by Simo

Lovely. I think "Ode to a shoelace is my favourite" it has some healing quality for me in this moment.

Nov 22, 2022 00:56 by Morgan Biscup

I'm so glad you found it helpful, and that you've been enjoying these.

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.