Joyful Hope

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Hopeful Dreams

There's a dream that can't be spoken
There's a piece of life unbroken
There's a hope, a dream, a fear, a chance just waiting to be heard
There's a light beyond the sorrow
There's a chance beyond tomorrow
There's a reason in the future, you'll just have to take my word


Beginnings and Endings

Beginnings and Endings all Blend into One
The Quest for our Lives has just Barely Begun
Each Day we're Alive is Another to Live
Learning to Smile and Learning to Give
Trying our Best to make Sense of this Place
Spinning in Circles to Finish the Race
And Now looking Back on the Distance I've Run
Beginnings and Endings all Blend into One


Silver Lining

I'm looking for the silver lining
That always should be there
The good things I can count on
When I feel so raw and bare

I'm looking for the silver lining
I need it to appear
My future happiness depends
Upon it being here

I'm looking for the silver lining
And that is when I see
My world is still a happy one
And I can count of me

I've found my silver lining
No matter what the bad
I know that I will be okay
And don't need to be sad

I don't just have a silver lining
Bordering the gray
My life is silver, rainbow, gold
I'll be alright today



What am I?
The end of the world, the dawn of time,
The death of destruction, the birth of the future.
I can feel the world spinning on its axis, around the sun, around the galaxy, around the universe.
I am alone, abandoned, but not afraid.

I am pain, I'm awareness, I'm death and I'm life,
I'm hope and I'm fear, I am failure and strife,
New beginnings and endings, the death of the sun,
I'm dreams long forgotten, and journeys begun.

What am I but a failure, cast out on the sand?
What am I but the victor, of hope and of life?
I stand within time and yet I stand apart,
I view all life's struggles, emathetic and yet detatched.

I am the Universe, I lie in the timeline of all of existence,
Each moment in time just a part of the whole, a section of infinity,
And I have seen it all.
I have seen life and I have seen death, wars and destructions, extinction and death.
I have seen peace and love, harmony and life, victory and new beginnings,
Species determined to cling to survival,
Refusing to take no for an answer.

I am existence itself, impassive,
Alone and yet accompanied by every thought throughout history,
Every timeline, every age, every light in this broad expanse.
Species will cling to the rock they call home,
Large in their eyes, a pebble in mine,
A spherical stone wandering in its lonely path throughout the sky,
Random when taken alone,
Yet beautifully calculated when seen within the context of its surroundings,
Elliptical orbits with other small pebbles, dancing across the fabric of space-time,
Mathematically precise, and yet beautifully uncalculatable, all at the same time.

The strings of the fabric of existence, stretched across ten and twenty-six dimensions,
Intermingling and woven into many different worlds,
Small and insignificant when compared to the whole, and yet beautiful in their own right.

This is the Universe, this is life,
The right to exist through both beauty and strife,
The strenths and the weaknesses of every race,
The Universe is a lovely place.
Places of mystery for eyes to behold,
Wonderous sights more precious than gold,
Life and existence, all woven in one,
Billions of years old, and yet barely begun.

Mysteries untold, unfold to the eye,
Suns that are older than the universe itself,
Untold energy lying in wait, unexplained and unknown, but calculated into existence,
A place of physics and math, and wonders uncountable,
Mathematics unaccountable,
Calculations proven to be correct by math itself, lying outside the realm of experimentable physics,
Wormholes and blackholes and dark energy,
Antimatter and particles too small for the eye to see,
Pieces of puzzles, both humongous and small,
Testing the logic of all sentient species, puzzling scientists,
Channelling forces of life and destruction.

I am the Universe.
A mystery, a puzzle, something unexplainable and yet right before the very eyes of all existence,
I am existence, unprovable and yet proven, daring all to try and understand,
Refusing to be categorized and boxed into equations,
Always changing, always living, life itself long after all else is gone.

I am Life.


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