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Puzzle Pieces

We live in our own little worlds, secure in our own beliefs, our own experiences.
But we don't see what's happening in the world itself, we don't see the full picture because we're too wrapped up in our own little puzzle piece.
We don't realize that a puzzle piece, by itself, is just a flash of color, a non-sensical bit of reality that is barely reality when taken alone.
We have to work together.
We have to connect the little selfish self-less pieces to build a unified whole.
Only then can we truly know.
Only then can we see the full picture.


Rhyming Dictionary

Determining determination
Takes a lot of dedication
Ending in a culmination
Of the truth of your salvation

Overthrowing defamation
Working through all the frustration
Leads to final activation
Of your friendly affirmation

Defining aspiration
Without any deviation
Will lead to the condensation
Of your final declaration

And honest dedication
With a truthful distillation
Of your thoughtful expectation
Will avoid an altercation

The proudest proclamation
Of your well-planned motivation
Despite careful trepidation
Shows your careful meditation

The slightest inclination
To find the information
That can yield the explanation
Leads to greatest conversation

The greatest fascination
To this poem's full germination
And it's careful incubation
Without any hesitation
In the thorough inclination
To include all machination
In the final presentation
Without any punctuation
Of this thorough rumination
On a rhyming permutation
Leads to this poem's dissipation
And its final termination


We Are Many, We Are One

My name is not my own to give,
My life is not my own to live,
My secrets are not mine to keep,
My hard work is not mine to reap.

It may seem rather strange to you,
To live like this, but I make due,
I'm part of something larger, see?
Something that reaches beyond me.

If we can live in harmony,
Perhaps the world someday will see,
This life I give to set them free,
Given to help society.

My name is not my own to tell,
I do my job, I do it well,
I take my corner of the cause,
And hope to make your leaders pause.

This hard work that I now perform,
I'm not alone, this is the norm,
Amongst my friends, we do what's right,
For everything, both big and slight.

What seems to be the problem, friend?
Just come with me, your hurts I'll mend,
We'll make life new, come join with me,
Just trust my word, and you will see.


We are many, we are one,
And our Plan has just begun,
Helping others do what's right,
We love peace but we will fight.

We are many, but united,
Party's here and you're invited,
Join with us to save the day,
Don't let evil come this way.

We are many, we are strong,
None can fight us for too long,
We stand up for what is right,
Hope will give us strength to fight.


My name is not my own to give,
My life is not my own to live,
My path is set before me still,
And I will follow, come what will.



The hour creeps unto the dawn
And here I sit alone
My mind is here, my thoughts are gone
And I do feel at home

This darkness that does mask the eyes
Does truly free the mind
When daylight comes the feeling flies...
Reality does bind

And so darkness allows true sight
Past inconsequentials
The brightest time of day is night
To gather thought essentials

The Universe tugs at my mind
The quiet pull to sleep...
In slumber rest, my thoughts to bind...

Her mysteries to keep.


Image of Imagination

I wish that I were strewn across my bed,
Reading a book into the dark'ning gloom.
And as I turn each page the more I'm led
Into a land quite far from my own room.
And as the words draw life upon the page,
As actions bold and fierce do now unfold,
As actors fret and strut across the stage
Imagination gives to them to hold,
As life becomes adventurous and brave,
And each new character of life is shown
Their own part in this drametizing cave
Of mine in which they are to make their home,
Then do I realize what life can be,
Then does this soul of mine fly ever free.


Shadow of the Victor

The evil has returned again,
Reaching both far and near,
Hung'ring for these People of mine,
Who hide their heads in fear.

The Wanderer grows weary,
Her days are almost gone.
But who will lift the fallen banner?
Who will carry on?

The pride of my fallen people
Thirsts for a hero new.
Someone to raise their fallen flag --
That hero, friend, is you.

You must sing the Victor's song
With final hope to bring.
None other than your shoulders have
The strength to make them sing.

So raise your head, throw shoulders back,
And sing of Victory,
For in your image, pride and courage,
Let their reflection be.

So take the fear that once was here,
And o'er evil's back break,
For now you know the future foe
Has fallen in your wake.


Truth's Arrow

Notch the arrow, let it fly
Straight and true into the sky
Fall to earth, no more to roam
Revealing truth when it hits home


Hebzucht the Hog

There is a world with land so vast
That all may enter; none may pass

A world so free, with land so pure
And food aplenty, no need to store

Into this land came Hebzucht of bad breed
Who viewed this land with growing greed

"I could grow wealthy, rich and fat,"
He told himself as in comfort he sat

"I'll build a wall, then charge a fee,
So none can come without paying me."

And so he started to build his wall
A wall so thick and wide and tall

A wall the likes no one had seen
To compliment his evil scheme

And those who visited the land
Would stop and gawk and look and stand

"Who is that fool?" they asked each other
Looking around at friend and brother

"Why would he build that silly wall?"
No one could answer this question so small

For in his haste to feed his greed,
In his rush to complete the deed

He failed to notice a simple fact;
He required a fix that his evil plan lacked

The shadow cast by his growing wall
Killed all beneath; there was nothing at all!

The trees were shriveled; the rivers ran dry
Strangled from life by this new wall so high

Nothing remained when the wall was complete,
Forcing its builder to admit defeat.

Now children are warned when they're young to beware
They'll lose just like Hebzucht if they refuse to share!


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