Religious Poems

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Eternal Hope

Good friends, kind words
Hope eternal
Stories someday
Fill my journal

Hope is still
Roughly descending
Hopefully this
Struggle ending

Truth and lies
Entwined together
Hope and future
Dreams to sever

One step, two steps
Forward marching

Each day brings
A new beginning
Happiness will
Soon be winning

Blessing many
Needs are few
Doing what I
Need to do

Problems truly
Even as my
Joy they bury

God is looking
Out for me
And someday soon
My Truth I'll see

Hope eternal
Fading never
Holds my dreams
And gifts Forever



A clear glass bottle, shy, alone
Afraid to call the world her home
Running from the world with fear
Cursing all that she holds dear

A clear glass bottle, note inside
Putting down all hope and pride
Begging for a new tomorrow
Where she can forget her sorrow

A clear glass bottle, empty now
Of everything, and yet somehow
Still full of nothingness and doubt
And fear someone will find her out

A clear glass bottle, open wide
For all the world to look inside
To see her weakness and her fear
And so she will let no one here

A clear glass bottle, tightly corked
Building pressure, highly torqued
For now it's only time will tell
When she'll explode from held-in hell

A clear glass bottle, broken, shattered
Smashed to bits, like nothing mattered
Sharpened edges quick to scar
Any who care, both near and far

A clear glass bottle, born again
Recycled, not by worldly men
But God himself who lit the fire
And rescued her from fate most dire

A clear glass bottle, fresh, alive
Taking all life's joy inside
Reflecting rainbows from the sun
Her trials in life behind and done


Seasons of Ending

Summer sun, Winter sky
Seasons change, time passes by
Life and love, joy and pain
Washed away with Spring's soft rain

Life moves forward, time withstanding
Defying our understanding
Light and dark full intertwined
Leaving meaning undefined

Discerning eyes find shrouded truths
Answers without needing proofs
Meanings from the One above
Comforts wrapped within His love

Seasons change, life moves along
Colors change with Autumn's song
Winds of time, change underpinning
Each end gifts a new beginning


My Soul Sings

My soul sings to you, O God
For your majestic inspiration
And your loving intercessions
Over my sad tribulations

My soul sings to you, O God
For your great unfailing graces
Bringing light into my darkness and
For brightening sad faces

My soul sings to you, O God
For your love this glorious day
For my future does look brighter now
In each and every way

My soul sings to you, O God
What else more is there to tell?
You protect and guard me from myself
Beside your living well

My soul sings to you, O God
For your watchful eye above
For I know that I am safe from harm
Thanks to your endless love


The World Does Smile

The sun is shining brightly
And the birds do sing away
It's a lovely, happy feeling
On this beautiful bright day

Here I stand in my convictions
Here I stand without a fight
Not because I've given up
But just because I know I'm right

And the world does smile with me
And the world will sing along
It's a happy, lovely feeling
Hearing God singing my song

And I think of what life was before
The sorry and regret
And I wonder how I reached this point
But I will not argue it!



Truth is ever changing
Always hiding in plain sight
Always present as we question
What is wrong and what is right

There's a truth behind convictions
Set for everyone to see
And yet here I stand and wonder
What on Earth is true, to me?

I do the best I can each day
And daily muddle through
But with all the moral questions
Lately I don't know what's true

Bending truth to match the lie it seems
Is all he really knows
And I will do what I feel right
And hope intention shows

I must stand upon convictions
No more gaslights are believed
Only hoping truth will out
So that I can be relieved

Of this terrifying pressure
To recalibrate each day
Point my face into the sunrise
And I cannot lose my way

Guide my feet upon the proper path
And guide my words to Truth
I place my trust in you, Lord
Shelter me beneath Love's roof


Guiding Light

A light cast through the darkness
A questioning for Truth
Glowing bright through storm and dark
A wakeful, eager sleuth

A brightness shines throughout my days
A gift from God above
A blessing of a life well lived
A sweet, unfailing Love

Troubles rage in storm-cast seas
Tests difficult to chart
Help shines down from tower above
Guiding the true of heart

Loving Truth and Trusting Love
Navigating glow
Holding firmly, rock foundations
Leading me to you

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