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Chapter 15: In the School of Healing

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Adrex slowly woke to the smell of perfume wafting in through the half closed window of the room he was in. After all the time he had spent travelling getting up early to travel as long as he could it was nice to be able to take his time. He slowly got out of bed and made his way to the window.

Looking out he took a deep breath and smelled the flowery scents in the air. He had travelled to the healing school several times of his years of study and he always enjoyed his stays here. The magic that the healers used to protect the meadow allowed the most beautiful flowers to bloom, which in turn allowed them to harvest those flowers for medicinal purposes.

The healing arts were completely different from the other mage arts as it often relied on outside influences that magic enhanced or transformed. They could turn a few weeds and a spell into a potion that could heal internal ailments, remove poisons or null pain.

This was the first time he had stayed in the village though; he remembered one of the Meisters telling him and other apprentices from outside schools that the first villagers were spouses of the first healers. In the early days only Mages were allowed within the school walls so any that came with a family would have the family live in the village nearby, it also became a place to heal non Mages. Over time however the village grew as people who needed constant medical treatment moved to live closer to the healers, the villagers would travel to sell or trade herbs and food and word spread of the school and the surrounding area. Eventually the village expanded, other trades came in and helped out with the school, glassblowers to create vials for potions, blacksmiths for tools, fishers would come because of the bountiful catches in the lake. It helped that the Meisters were known for paying well for good quality tools and equipment. Fifteen years after the final battle and the forming of the schools the village was normally used as a stopping point for travellers heading to the school, not that the villagers minded a quiet life.

Adrex closed his eyes and enjoyed the smells wafting in through the window, the calming effect it had was for some therapy enough, he felt the sun hit him and bathed in the heat it gave off before slowly opening his eyes and turning from the window. He washed in the basin with the water provided and dressed before walking out of the bedroom into the front room of the small inn.

One of the Magae who had greeted him yesterday evening was sitting in a high backed chair reading a piece of parchment. “There is some bread and honey on the table. Please eat, my friend has sent for your friend and she will join you here once she has finished with her morning assignments.”

“Thank You Magae, but I really should be going. It is still a few hours' ride around the lake.” Adrex said.

The Magae turned to look at Adrex, a sly grin on her face. “My dear boy, sit and eat. You won’t be riding around the lake.” She gestured to a seat with a small table in front of it and the food mentioned.

Adrex reluctantly sat down, he spread some honey on a piece of bread that he could smell was freshly baked and took a bite. The Honey was sweet and he guessed it was probably from a hive somewhere in the meadow. He swallowed the bite before asking, “What do you mean I won’t be riding?”

“You will travel via the lake on a raft.” The Magae said simply, “It will save you plenty of time. My colleague has gone to collect Magae Nora and will be back around lunch time.”

“Thank you for your help.” Adrex said before taking another bite of bread.

“So, who is the Crown Princess of the Western Kingdom to you? A Secret Lover perhaps?” The Magae asked cheekily.

Adrex choked on the bread he was chewing on, and pounded his chest as he coughed but managed to swallow the lump. He coughed again and looked up at the Magae with his eyes watering. “, n..n..nothing like that.” He said, gasping.

The Magae laughed as Adrex floundered trying to regain some composure and dignity. She waved her hand, green symbols and glyphs floating in the air and Adrex felt the effects of almost choking pass. He slowly sat upright and wiped the tears from his eyes. “We both came from the Western Kingdom, I’m just a ward of the Kingdom though we’ve only met a few times. However her Master helped me with an issue in my first year of training, I’m just here for a follow up.” Adrex said.

“Any Magae can do a follow up, why her?” The healer asked, “I could do it and save everyone some time.”

Her eyes went green as she drew on her magic pool. Adrex immediately readied a spell that would have sent her flying across the room and raised his hand. “This is a rather private matter.” Adrex said, “Continue with your interference and I will be forced to take more drastic options.”

The Magae let go of the magic and her eyes returned to normal, Adrex followed suit a few moments later. “I am sorry for that scene and I hope you can understand. I’ll be in my room meditating.”

He winced slightly as he said this and tucked his left hand inside his robe as he turned and headed towards the door. “My apologies for that, I didn’t mean to pry.” The Magae said.

“No, no, it’s fine. I just need to focus before my treatment. Please don’t disturb me until Nora gets here.” Adrex said hurriedly as he closed the door behind him. He locked it and set up several insanely powerful trap spells to keep not just people out but magic and magic sight. He then knelt down in the middle of the room and pulled his cloak and shirt off to reveal the black traces of demonic magic creeping up his left arm.

He had feared the seal was weakening, and his hand that was now growing black claws was confirmation. He gritted his teeth through the pain and shut his eyes focusing inwards on the flow of his magic. He saw Athridon, smiling at him black wisps of magic flowing out of the magical seal and entering his magic stream tainting it. “I have you now little Magus.” Athridon sneered.

Adrex calmed his breathing and focused on his magic stream, it was erratic and flowing too fast through his body, carrying the demonic power to all parts of him. Athridon looked at him quizzically as Adrex calmed himself, his magic while still flowing erratically slowed down going from a raging torrent to a meandering stream. Athridon roared at him and forced himself at the barriers holding him trying to push his way through. Adrex was focused though and paid the demon little heed as he changed the flow of his magic so that it flowed smoothly through his body once more.

He pooled it towards his hand and focused on the push spells he had used as a seal for the demon and increased their power. Cutting his magical pool down a fraction but allowing him to gain control over the demon once more. “You are an unwelcome guest here, keep it down.” Adrex said to the demon.

“Arghh, if I don’t get out my brothers will. I hear the one in Central is sewing distrust.” Athridon raged.

“I know of the Meister you refer to, and he will be reported to the Grand Meister.” Adrex responded calmly.

“I wonder about that.” Athridon said as he faded back into the magic.

Adrex opened his eyes and fell forward bracing himself with his hands outstretched. The black fading from his left hand and sweat dripped from his forehead and coated his upper body, he felt like he had just run a marathon and was breathing hard. His head was pounding, or something was pounding. He shook his head as his senses started to return to normal and he heard banging on the door. “Magus Adrex, Nora is here. Are you okay there?”

Adrex threw his cloak on and walked over to the door removing the spells and unlocking it and slowly opening it. Both Magae and Nora were standing in front of him looking worried. “What’s up?” He asked.

Nora smiled at him, though it did not reach her eyes she stepped forward forcing Adrex back a few steps as she entered the room. “Looks like your first session of healing starts now.” She said taking control.

She turned round to face the other two Magae, “I’ll need to not be disturbed this is very delicate work.”

“Understood, we’ll clear the area just to make sure no one bothers you.” One of the Magae said.

Nora nodded and shut the door before locking it. Then she turned to Adrex, “What the hell is happening?” She hissed.

Adrex waved his hand at the door and all the spells immediately returned, then he knelt down in the middle of the floor and shrugged off his cloak. “Do you remember a few years ago when your master helped me?” Adrex asked.

“I do.” Nora responded worriedly, though curiousness was creeping in.

“Did she ever tell you the full story?” Adrex asked hopefully.

“Never the full picture, but you created quite the buzz in the medical school. Someone who had cut off part of their magic stream, it had never been done.” Nora replied.

“What did you get told?”

“You had some sort of corruption in your magic stream and had sealed it off. We were forbidden from asking about the type of corruption, or from trying ourselves, but I learnt how to search for it. Meister Eir said I would need it in the future.” Nora said.

Adrex let out a weakened smile at that, he was feeling the efforts from just before it had taken a lot from him. “Then you need to search for it, but be warned, it will fight back.” Adrex said.

Nora swallowed hard and stood in front of Adrex holding both hands in front of her as she started to craft the spell she would need. Glyphs and lines formed in front of her in neon green light forming circles, squares and spheres with glyphs running through the entire thing. Nora closed her eyes and made a slight pushing motion.

The green spell moved forward and seemed to pass into Adrex’s body which started to glow. Nora’s brow furrowed as she concentrated and Adrex looked up at her worried. Then a wave of pain hit Adrex and he collapsed to the ground.




“Was that your lover?” Adrex heard Athridon ask, “She seems nice. You should have told her you are taken though.”

Adrex groaned as he looked at the demon, still in its cage, which Adrex saw was holding. His magic stream also seemed to be okay. “Don’t worry, she’s fine, so are you. She just got a bit of a fright. Clever girls actually fixed some of the damage. Now you are moving, somewhere.” The Demon hissed.

“If you hurt her, I’ll…” Adrex started.

“Do what? Kill yourself? You are stuck with me boy.” Athridon cut Adrex off. “I’m you, you are just piloting this body, and eventually I will take over.”

“Never.” Adrex muttered tiredly.

“That’s the spirit.” Athridon laughed. “I’ll see you next time, looks like you are being woken up.”




Adrex felt a gentle tapping on his cheek and he tried to move his arm to brush it away. His arm felt heavy and sluggish and barely moved.

“That’s a good sign.” He heard a voice say, it sounded very distant.

“Open his eyes up.” Another said.

He felt a hand on his forehead and his left eyelid was forced open. Light flooded in and he winced. “Reactions seem okay too. Meister Eir, he’s ready.”

“Very good, now stand back please.” He heard a third voice, this one he recognised.

Meister Eir who was one of the few Meisters who knew about Athridon, and the full extent of what was going on. “Relax Adrex, this will heal you.” She said,

He felt a warmness flow over him and he felt the tiredness in his body start to fade away. He flexed his fingers before opening his eyes slowly so that he could adjust them to the light in the room. It was actually rather darker than he expected, apart from the green glow of healing magic in the air. “Meister, where’s Nora?” Adrex asked.

“Recovering, she spent too much magic helping you, but I’ll tell you once you have rested more. In the meantime I will treat you; she still isn’t ready for large operations like this. Most Meisters would struggle.” Eir said.

“Thank you.” Adrex said.

“Just relax Adrex, this will take a while. You spent so much magic you almost killed yourself recreating those barriers.” Eir said.

“Sorry, what?” Adrex asked.

“Your magic pool was almost completely depleted; you would have started burning your essence if you kept going slightly further.” Eir said softly.

Adrex sank back into the pillows that he only just noticed, they were really soft, and he closed his eyes. “I should have seen you before leaving on tour.” Adrex said.

“Would have been wiser, yes. Now relax. I’ll be back in a few hours to go through another session.”

“Session?” Adrex asked.

“I don’t have enough magic to fully heal you and restore your magic pool in one go, and while it will replenish itself naturally it will be a slow process as it heals itself, and those next few sessions might hurt a little bit.” Eir said.

Adrex groaned and he settled in.




Adrex was at the healing school for about two weeks, the first week he was bedridden for the most part physically incapable of moving more than basic functions as he was slowly healed and returned to full strength. Eir would provide his treatment every second day at the end of the day, doing what she could but careful not to over exert herself in the process.

On the sixth day of Adrex arriving and receiving treatment Nora arrived with Eir. Adrex sat up and immediately started to apologize. Nora bowed her head before saying “I’m sorry for causing any concern.” She said,

“You saved my life, almost at the cost of your own, I’m sorry you had to go through that. Can you forgive me?” Adrex asked.

Eir just looked at the two, a sly grin tugging at her lips, and a look of disapproval etched on her face. “Both of you are as foolish as each other. Spending all your magic reserves with no thought about personal safety,” She said before softening her voice, “Both your masters are impressed with your self-sacrifice, but wish to remind you of the dangers of overexerting yourself.”

Adrex looked from Nora, who had withdrawn slightly and turned red in embarrassment, to Eir as she spoke. He felt himself going pale. “You told Master Vista what happened?” He asked.

“I did, as I felt it important she knew the full extent, including Athridon becoming a greater threat.” Eir replied.

“Master Vista is going to kill me.” Adrex groaned.

In the second week of his treatment he was able to walk around, escorted in case he started to become weak. He spent large sums of his time in the library reading over the older tomes of healing especially during the war hoping to find something that Eir might have missed.

Nora was his career during this week and anytime that Adrex didn’t spend in the library he spent with her, he had missed her and Perra’s graduation due to him going on tour and wanted to know what life was like for a healer leading up to graduation and following.

Perra, he found out, had left the school; she had gone to the Southern Isles with a few other healers. This, Adrex realised, was more common as healers would set up places of healing in communities unlike the more warrior based magic users.

On his last day before Eir would let him start travelling Adrex took some time to sit out in the meadow outside the tower. Nora had started to go back to her other duties and studies but would still check up on him. Adrex was using this time to meditate and test his returned strength; though at this moment he was leaning up against the castle wall dozing off when he heard the grass crunch next to him. He half opened one of his eyes to see Nora as she sat down next to him before closing it again. She leaned back against the wall before she shifted closer to Adrex and leaned her head to rest on his shoulder. It reminded Adrex of the first time they spoke just after the choosing ceremony, Nora had stayed up late waiting for him before they spent long hours talking. It was nice to think back to those times. “I thought I might find you here.” She said, breaking the silence.

“I have become a bit predictable in my day to day recovery.” Adrex said. 

“It is good to have a routine.” Nora responded, sounding like she was quoting one of the books she must have studied.

Adrex opened his eyes and slowly turned his head so he could see Nora better. She looked relaxed and comfortable except for a furrow of her brow. She had something on her mind, Adrex though would not ask, she would open up when she was ready, until then he closed his eyes and leaned his head on hers, he also grabbed her hand and loosely held it.

They sat like that for a while, the sun trying to warm the meadow though a chill still lingered in the air, the gentle sounds and smells of nature surrounded them. Adrex heard Nora let out a little sigh before asking, “Are you returning to the battle school?”

“I intend to, yes.” Adrex responded.

“Would you ever consider leaving the battle school? Would you consider going home?” Nora asked.

“I might leave after I have become a Meister, though I have not planned to. Currently I intend to go back to the North Watch.” Adrex said slowly, he felt Nora’s hand tighten around his as he answered.

“And you haven’t considered returning to Castle Blackhill?” She asked.

Adrex paused; he wasn’t sure where this was going. He no longer thought of the castle as his home, the battle school did with the other students, mages and Meisters feeling like his adopted family. “I hadn’t thought of returning to the castle, no. The battle school feels like my home.” Adrex said slowly.

Nora paused; briefly, she gripped Adrex’s hand even harder. “My Father has requested that I return to the castle, to the Royal Court. I have completed my basic training and have experienced the world. I have always known that I must return, but having been free here I don’t want to go back.” She explained. Adrex could feel her sob slightly as she finished.

Adrex couldn’t relate to any of this, he was a commoner and a child of the ward. His parents had both died in the demonic war leaving him alone at a young age. He was tested and found to have latent magical abilities so was taken in. He never had expectations put on him of what to do with his life, except those of his position as a Battle Magus.

“You could always renounce your title and stay here with the healers.” Adrex responded.

“Unfortunately I cannot. My oldest brother died at the Northern Watch, I am now second in line for the throne. My Father needs me, and I do want to perform my duties as crown princess. I just want someone as a close confidant and advisor and friend.”

Adrex chose this moment to stand up, letting go of Nora’s hand briefly; he then offered it again to help her stand. She took it and Adrex pulled her to her feet. He embraced her, holding her tightly for a long moment before pulling away. “I will always be your friend no matter where we are. However my place is not at Castle Blackhill, not in the Royal Court.” He said softly, he watched as the hope in her eyes faded, and it hurt. He took another step back, but before he could walk away Nora stepped in and gently kissed him on the cheek, then she let him go.




Adrex was packing the last of his things when Meister Eir walked into the room. “She asked you, didn't she?” The Meister asked.

“Yes Meister, she did.” Adrex responded glumly.

“Your horse is ready for you to leave. One of the Meisters will make sure you get across the lake. Will you not stay until tomorrow and leave early?” Eir asked.

“I don’t think that would be wise, Meister. I should get back to my studies and my own Master.” Adrex responded.

“Safe travels Magus. I shall see you in a few months for another check-up.” Eir said before she turned and left silently.

Adrex silently left the Healers school, he led his horse to the lake and got on a raft and was transported to the other side of the lake. He thanked the Meister who took him, and made sure to pay the two Magae who housed him. Then, without looking back at the school he mounted his horse and rode into the forest.

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