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Chapter 5: The Watch Falls

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Bo and Inca started their patrol of the shield; it had been weeks since the first alert had sounded, it had only been three that night, and only at the start of the night, now it was happening more and more. Every branch that rustled outside, every creak of armour had them jumping. They were on edge constantly. They had started patrols themselves, constantly checking the shield was holding, Inca, Bo could tell, was feeling the strain of it. The constant stress, adding to the lack of sleep, and the need to keep the shield repaired was draining her. She stumbled around, already exhausted and they had only just started. 

The two scouts that had been sent had not done much to bolster the spirits either. They had sent back word through a messenger eagle spell, and had then gone into the forest to do what they did best. Both of them had seemed to vanish as each cast a spell as they entered. That was three days ago, and so far they had not returned.

“Contact, we have enemy contact.” One of the patrols shouted.

Bo immediately took off, drawing the magic to his hands. He had a few good spells he wanted to try out and he figured that trying them against the ones putting so much strain on them was a good stress reliever. That was until he reached the patrol and looked towards the forest. A black creature with iridescent muscle showing in the torch light, massive spikes coming out of its back curving upwards to head height, long white hair falling down it’s back, emerald green eyes and a wide mouth full of grinning perfectly white sharpened teeth, arms that were slightly longer than a humans hanging down to the creatures knees and large hands with long clawed fingers that held one of the rangers by his head.

Pacing next to it was a wolf of black, oversized jaws and large clawed feet, those same emerald eyes and a ridge of white hair running down its spine. It held the second ranger in its maw by the ranger's arm as it snarled and paced.

“Release them demon.” Bo said.

“But we have only begun to play with these new toys you sent us.” It said its voice was sweet and joyful, but with an undertone of controlled hatred, “I just wanted to come to say thank you.”

“I will smite you where you stand.” Bo said, the patrol in front of him getting ready for a fight.

Bo created his spells, one would send a bolt of lightning through the creatures’ chest, the second would pin the hound to the ground and the patrol could finish it. He just needed Inca to open a section of the shield.

The Demon cocked its head to one side. “Seams your spell caster cannot drop a section of the shield for you to attack. Let me help.” It said,

It held up the ranger by the head, he was bleeding from several wounds and not looking good, and then the demon smashed the ranger's head against the shield.

The shield flared white where the ranger's head and demon's hand smashed into it. The Demon pulled back then attacked again, and again, and again. They could see the ranger's face breaking under the repeated blows. Bo looked over at Inca as she struggled to get the spell up, the demon pulled back again, lunged forward and the ranger's head slipped through the shield. Inca stood hands apart with the spell between her hands. Bo sent the bolt of lightning forward. It went straight and true, just like he pictured it, except for the demon's speed. It moved the rangers’ body in the way and used it as a shield. The ranger screamed as he died a large burn hole now in his chest, then the demon stepped inside the shield. He swung the body at the patrol; the guards raised their shields to stop it. At that moment the hound had bounded in.

The hound used the second ranger as a club, swinging him by the arm as the demon moved through them facing Bo. Black symbols and glyphs formed around the creature's hands and a bolt of green fire shot towards Bo. He side stepped it, only to have the green fire exploded in mid-air. Inca had set up a shield in front of Bo to stop the spell. Bo countered with a wave of orange flame, but the demon merely laughed, and held up a hand with a shield spell. “That feeling you are experiencing right now, that is fear. You realise you are too weak to stop me alone.” It said,

He summoned another fireball, holding it in his hands, he looked directly at Bo. “And now, you will die.” He said and threw it.

Bo looked to his right as the spell moved towards Inca, she was trying to build another shield, but like Bo she was expecting the attack to be for him. The Green fireball hit her in the chest and sent her flying back, burning through her robes. Bo screamed something; he didn’t know what and launched himself at the demon, creating a sword with magic. He stabbed at the demon, who deftly sidestepped the strike and caught Bo by the arms.

The Demon picked Bo up holding him so they were eye to eye. “The rest of us are going to rush through, kill everyone here, and then take this world. I just want you to know this, and know that it was you who allowed this to happen.”

The demon carried Bo over to Inca and set him down on his feet. “I’ll do you the favour of letting you two die next to each other though.” He said, and then sent a fireball through Bo’s stomach.

Bo collapsed next to Inca, her face twisted in fear. He reached out to her. It was such an effort, it felt so far to reach, but he had to close her eyes. His fingers brushed her cheek, tracing the lines of her face. One last effort, he moved his hand, forcing her eyes closed, removing the wide eyed look she had.

He could hear laughter, but it sounded so distant, and his body hurt too much to care. He closed his eyes and death took him.




Bodies lay strewn about, the hell hounds were fighting over a couple of bodies and fires had started up in the camp these border protectors had. Blood had stained the grass where the bodies fell and the air smelt like exposed meat. The Demon Lord walked through all this noting each new level of the death caused here with a sense of satisfaction.

He reached the broken walls of the Northern kingdom's former castle and climbed on it. Perching just below the commander of this massacre, the Demon Lord took a deep breath in and let out a calming breath. “The King will be pleased with this.” He said.

“We captured the prisoners that the Demon King wanted, a few resisted, but they are alive.” The Commander responded.

“He will reward you well.”

“What about the shield, it didn’t fall when the spell caster died?” The Commander asked.

The Demon lord looked over at the two spell casters, both had been left alone after the battle, then he shrugged his shoulders. He held up a hand and several spells formed in front it. They spun around each other before joining together and a large black spike launched from the spell striking the shield, piercing it. The shield glowed white around the edges of the breach, then cracks started to form, spider webbing out from the point of impact, before the shield shattered and blue light rained down over the battlefield. “What shield?” The Demon Lord asked.




Adrex woke in a sweat, such a vivid nightmare. He closed his eyes and could still see it, a mass of black creatures occupying the Northern Kingdom. He slowed his breathing and sat up; he looked around to get used to his surroundings, remembering where he was. As he calmed down the images from the nightmare started to fade.

He looked outside, it was still dark, he figured he still had a few hours before he would have to wake and go to training. He lay back down in bed and rolled over, soon he was asleep again.

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