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Chapter 18: Invitation Home

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“Left strike … left strike … right strike … overhead … left strike … stab.” Halden called out the cadence as he walked behind them observing.

He reached the end of the row of seven fighters and called out “Halt!”

The fighters, Adrex included, stopped and stood still facing their training stumps. “Vadik; you are dropping your guard when you strike. Adrex; you are falling behind the cadence, again, keep up. Bazyli, you are doing great.” Halden said.

Adrex had finally caught up to the class, and had been drilling with them for the past two weeks, two sessions a day plus the cardio and it was starting to show. He had trialed several weapons in his first few weeks of solo practice including staff, spear, halberd and several types of swords. In his down time he had been practicing the creation of weapons.

He stood tall when the call to halt was made, and let his sword tip dip slightly. He knew he shouldn’t but he was getting tired, and the session was ending soon, so he let his standards drop slightly, until Halden called out for attention. The trainees and Adrex stood straight upright, sword resting ever so slightly on their shoulder.

Adrex guessed one of the Meisters had stopped by to pay a visit as they sometimes would, his suspicions were confirmed when Halden said, “Grand Meister, we are honoured by your visit.”

Adrex closed his eyes; he hoped Master Vista had not seen him slacking off. He winced slightly when she said, “I’m here for Adrex.”

“Adrex, fall in.” Halden called out.

Adrex stepped out of the attack line and faced Vista and Halden. “Adrex, you’re done here for today.” Vista said a serious tone to her voice.

Adrex bowed slightly and returned his training sword to the rack and quickly walked over to the Grand Meister. “Yes Master.” He said.

“Follow me, quickly.” She said, before walking off quickly, her robes billowing out behind her as she walked into the castle and up to the first training floor. She walked into a small room, closed the door and applied several spells to it to prevent anyone entering. Then she turned to face Adrex, who stood there waiting for what was coming next. He guessed this was another ‘test’ to see how his creation skills were progressing.

“Create your weapon.” Vista ordered urgently.

Adrex nodded, clapped his hands together, as he pulled them apart a glowing orange sword appeared between his hands which he grabbed once formed. He gave it a few test swings before facing Vista, waiting for her to attack. It never came, she nodded to herself before simply saying, “Good, good.”

Adrex stood there, for a few more moments, before asking, “What’s going on?”

Vista looked up at Adrex, almost like she was seeing him for the first time. “Oh, right, sorry.” She said before saying, “We appear to have lost contact with the Northern Watch, it’s been a few days with no messages received.”

“You think this might be a war?” Adrex asked.

“It’s unknown now, but I am leading a group of Knights-Meister to the Watch to see what’s going on.” Vista said.

“I’m guessing I am not going with you on this one.” Adrex said.

Vista smiled sweetly. “I would have taken you, but you have another engagement.” She said handing over an envelope.

Adrex took it, it was addressed to him, with nice neat writing on it. He carefully opened it and pulled out the letter inside.


Dear Adrex


You are hereby invited by request of His Royal Highness King Coleman and Her Royal Highness Princess Nora Coleman to attend the wedding of the King’s second son His Royal Highness Prince Petr and Lady Violetta.


Adrex looked at the letter, then up to Vista. “How’d you know?” He asked.

“I was given a similar request, as expected for a Royal wedding.” She said,

“You want me to go to this, rather than the Northern Watch with you?”

“Simply put, yes. You are still young; you should be able to enjoy life, instead of the constant studying or warfare that you have lived through.” Vista said.

“Master, I didn’t exactly leave Nora under the best of circumstances. I’m not sure if returning for this would be best.”

Vista smiled and stepped closer to Adrex, putting her hand on his shoulder to reassure him. “I heard about that too. Her master told me about that one.” Vista explained, “It might have hurt at the time, I believe she understood why you chose what you chose. She is a very smart lady after all, and clearly likes you.” Vista said softly. “There is also that fact that Magae and Magi from the Kingdom are routinely invited to attend large functions so you can probably expect to see a couple of your ward mates too, if that changes your mind.” Vista added.

“I'm not sure, Master.” Adrex said.

“Think it over, but in your position I would go. As I said, you should enjoy life too.”

Vista turned, dropped the seals and walked for the door, “Oh, and before I go. Your fighting form needs improvement.” She said, smiling.

Adrex dropped his head in disappointment and frustration.




Adrex watched Vista and the Mage Knights leave, and a few days later he left too. He was still unsure if going was the right decision or not, but after speaking to Halden and Meister Alard he had been convinced to go. Both had said similar things to Vista including the need to take a rest and to have fun. Halden even noted that Adrex had been pushing himself too hard recently.

With three of his respected masters all saying the same thing he set off for the Western Kingdom, following the same path that he had travelled with Master Vista when he had first been selected. This time however it was not a slow trek, he was well travelled now unlike his trek here. He thought back to those days, aching from riding after just one day, so excited to learn, scared of the future. Things had turned out well for him.

By the end of the first day when he was setting up his little camp he was even looking forward to returning to Castle Blackhill. He wanted to see the old ward; the staff that worked there, maybe even see the city beyond the walls. Something he had never really experienced. He was even slightly looking forward to seeing Nora, certainly looking forward to seeing any of his ward mates, especially Livia. He fell asleep to thoughts of old adventures he had had, and that stupid river he had tried to jump.

It was late on day two of his ride that he came across the edges of the Western Kingdom, riding down the edge of the river that was still used to ferry stone to the central kingdom, he came across farms, he couldn’t see the castle itself yet but he knew its black rocks races would come into view soon. He picked up the pace slightly urging his steed on, he bent low over its neck and raced towards Castle Blackhill, eager now to see his old home and glad he came.

It didn’t take long before the castle started to loom into view, a black mark against the sky starting to darken and turn orange as the sun started to set behind the mountain ranges in the west. He pushed his steed on more galloping now through the estates of the Lords and Ladies.

He galloped all the way up to the main gate where he sawed on the rains to bring the horse to a halt before the guardsman standing there. He patted the horses’ neck as he dismounted and apologised to it. “Stranger; what is your purpose for entering the castle?” The Guard asked.

Adrex handed over his invitation to the wedding before saying, “I’ve returned home.”

The guard looked from the note to the Magus standing before him in a slightly tattered red robes and hood. “Adrex? Weren’t you the Ward who kept trying to jump the river years ago?” The guard asked smiling.

“You remember?” He asked.

“You’ve gained a bit of a reputation thanks to the Crown Princess telling tales of you, the current Wards calling it the Adrex Leap.”

Adrex laughed at that before asking. “May I enter? Or do I have to stay in the city?”

“You have a room in the castle, one of the servants will take you and the stable boys will look after your horse for you. Enjoy your stay.” The Guard said before escorting Adrex inside.

Once inside the courtyard two stable boys rushed forward and took the horses reins from Adrex before leading his horse away to the stables. Adrex grabbed his travel bag before a male servant stepped forward, “May I take your bag, sir?” He asked.

Adrex looked at the servant, a young man in typical servant clothes of a thin blue shirt and brown pants. In colder months when the snows started to fall they would be given thinker clothes and robes but that was not needed now. Adrex shook his head, “That won’t be necessary. Though if you can lead me to my room please?” He asked politely.

The servant nodded and gestured for Adrex to follow him towards the castle, Adrex thinking back to his time as a ward, he was on the same social level as the servants except he was not meant to be seen. Now he was being invited by the Princess, was being called sir, and as the servant led him up through the castle, not sleeping in the lower floors. His life had changed dramatically and it wasn’t until he came home had he realised it.

That thought caught him off guard, and he tripped slightly before catching himself before the servant noticed. He still thought of the castle as home, that thought confused him.

He collected himself as the servant opened a door and stood outside it gesturing inside. Adrex walked into a large suite complete with washroom, bed and several chairs and tables. “Your suite Master sorcerer.” The servant said.

Adrex placed his bags down just inside the door, and looked around standing just beyond the threshold of the room. It was larger than his room at the battleschool, and more ornate and stylish too. Adrex turned to the servant, “It’s too much.” He said.

“The Princess was insistent that this room was for you as her guest.” The servant responded.

Adrex shook his head slightly, disbelief at what was being requested. “Is the princess free?” He asked.

“Sorry sir, I don’t know, but I could try and find out.” The servant responded.

“No, it’s fine. Please inform her that I have arrived though.” Adrex said.

“I will make sure it is passed on.” The servant said. “Please be advised that breakfast can be brought to your room and the smaller hall is being used for meals should you wish to join the others. You have been given full access to the castle and grounds except for the Main hall and Banquet hall, and of course you have full access to the castle grounds and can come and go as you please.” The servant said addressing the common questions. “Is there anything else, sir?”

“Thank you, that is all for now.” Adrex said bowing slightly.

The servant returned the bow and slowly closed the door. Adrex immediately unpacked his gear and stored it before he used the washroom to clean himself up from his days of riding before taking a seat at one of the chairs that faced the window.

He looked out the window as the sun disappeared fully, the sky became blacker and the lights of the castle and the lands surrounding it sprung to life. The night had a calming effect with it being a calm night not a cloud in the sky and the moon which was almost full starting to illuminate the land in a cool blue light. He was home, and he was glad he came.

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