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Chapter 2: The Acceptance Ceremony

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Sun shined in through the window covering most of Adrex’s face in a warm orange glow. Adrex started to slowly open his eyes as he woke up. Then his eyes widened and he sat bolt upright, looking about wildly. He saw that his window shutter had been left open slightly and the sun was just starting to creep through the Mountain range beyond the city.

He chuckled at his own foolishness in thinking he had overslept, and then started to get up and get ready. Once dressed he made his way down the stairs to the communal area. Each dormitory had several bedrooms above or below a common area that the wards could use to catch up on work from classes, or rest after cleaning.

He went to the kitchen to prepare a basic meal, only to find that food was already prepared. A note was with the food, it read ‘For Acceptance Day, Good Luck’

There were breads, cheeses, fruits and cold meats laid out on the table. Adrex sat down and started to enjoy the meal. Slowly the others started to join him, all of them in some stage of waking up, some looking as if they were still asleep but walking anyway.

No one talked as they ate, and a nervous energy hung over the table. Several of the other wards picked at their food, too nerve wracked to eat anything. One of the larger boys was shovelling food into his face, barely slowing to chew before swallowing, his eyes staring blankly before him the only indication that he too was nervous about the day’s activities to come.

The silence was broken when three loud bangs echoed around the room. Everyone at the table stopped, Gennel with a slice of bread halfway towards his mouth, all eyes turned towards the door leading to the corridor that would take them to the throne room. 

A man in robes of velvet black carrying a long staff stepped into the dormitory and turned towards the kitchen. Gennel slowly lowered the slice of bread as the man approached. 

“It is good to see everyone is almost ready,” The man said, “I am Chamberlain Doran, and I will be taking you to the Throne room once the Trade Masters and Meisters have arrived.”

He looked over the six teens, his warm smile trying to calm their nerves. 

“I will go and check that all is ready for your arrival. I should be back in about thirty minutes. Please, do try to eat something before I return, it will help to calm you. Trust me, the ceremony feels much worse on an empty stomach.” He chuckled before he turned and with a swish of his robes, walked out of the dormitory.

Livia swallowed the small amount of cheese she had been holding half chewed in her mouth, others let out a pent up breath. Adrex just looked down at his barely touched breakfast. How was he going to survive today? Sudden thoughts surfaced in a rush, thoughts he had been burying for the last few weeks. What if he wasn’t good enough, what if he wasn’t chosen? He was a ward at the castle because his parents had died in the war. He had been checked by a seer and it was discovered he had a latent magical ability. Now he was wondering; what if they had been wrong? What if he had nothing?

It was Derrik that spoke first, breaking the uncomfortable silence that had settled over the room.

“How do you think they choose their students?” He asked, nervously scanning the rest of the wards.

Everyone looked at him, and he looked to visibly shrink before them. 

“There must be a test of some kind,” Gennel said, “Perhaps they get you to perform a spell?”

“What about those who don’t want to join the Mage schools?” Derrik asked, nervously.

“Maybe they perform a test of physical strength or endurance?” Adrex responded.

The wards started chatting and throwing out theories trying to ease the nerves, the theories were getting more and more wild depending on the trades; Scouts having to navigate a forest full of wolves, Knights having to face down captive demons, Mages having to cast impossible spells.

The chatter was continuing and slowly getting back to more normal topics before it was cut off suddenly by three loud knocks as the Chamberlain entered the dormitory again. 

“Ah, good to see things have eased up.” He observed as the wards suddenly went stiff and silent again. “Or maybe not,” He mused.

He tapped his staff gently a few times to ensure he had their attention, then cast a long look over the six wards before him. Adrex felt a shiver run through him as Doran’s eyes passed over him. The nagging thoughts returned. What would there be for him after this if he was discarded by the Masters? He pushed the thoughts aside. No, stop that. He would be chosen. He knew it. He looked back up at Doran.

“Alright, line up over here, let’s see… how about, tallest to shortest. Please be quick about it as we don’t want to keep everyone waiting.”

The children stood and organised themselves with Gennel in front, then Derrik followed by Livia, next was Adrex then Perra. Finally Torrin glumly stood at the back. He hated being reminded of the fact that, even though he was one of the oldest among them, he was shorter than everyone else.

Chamberlain Doran nodded approval muttering under his breath, “Excellent. Now, follow me.”


He led them out of the dormitory past the castle servants who smiled as they waved farewell as they passed, then up the stairs to the third level where the King’s Throne room was. He lead them down the black stone corridors, with paintings and tapestries that adorned the walls, suits of armour that stood in the gaps, until they came to two great dark grey wooden doors. 

“Now, I will walk in and introduce you to the Masters and Meisters, please wait until I finish the announcement to enter. When you walk in, you will walk towards the throne, then line up in front of it at the base of the stairs, in the same order that you are in now. Understand?” Doran asked, raising one eyebrow. Heads bobbed stiffly in response. “Good, and don’t worry. Each of you will be chosen. You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t already meet the requirements to enter at least one of the schools.”

Doran turned, held the staff out in front of him, his hands seemed glow with a bluish light then the doors slowly opened before him. He seemed to glide into the room until he was standing on a long red carpet that ran from the throne to the far wall. Doran turned to face the throne and banged his staff to the side as he set it to rest. He bowed to persons unseen by the wards then spoke, loudly, clearly, his voice echoing off the walls. 

“My Liege, Honourable Masters and Meisters, We are gathered for the Tenth Acceptance Day. May I present the six new wards to be chosen!”

Gennel stepped forward into the throne room, trying not to look around at the impressive site. The throne room was a large area that seemed like it was originally carved out of the Mountain. Eight large, black, monolithic pillars rose from the polished smooth floor into the darkness of the roof, banners of the Royal Family hung either side of the carpeted hall, a black crown resting atop a similarly black pickaxe on a white background. Gennel lead the wards towards the throne before they stopped and stood side by side, turning to face it.

The throne was carved from the same rock, roughhewn steps cut into the large rock that seemed to be part of the floor. On top of the rock was the throne itself, cut and chiselled to perfection. King Kilvar Colman, descendant of the First King sat there in his rich clothing, His daughter the Princess Royal Nora stood next to him, and at the bottom of the stairs stood the five Masters and Meisters in their hooded coloured robes. First in line was the red robed Meister of the Battle Magic School, followed by the blue of the Defensive Arts School. Then was the brilliant white of the Knights School, and the deep emerald green of the Healers Master. Finally there was the ruddy brown of the Rangers School, this master looking very much like he wanted to be elsewhere, and was obviously bored of all the ceremony.

“Thank you Doran.” King Kilvar said his voice was both strong and gentle, carrying throughout the room.

Doran bowed then approached the throne taking his position behind the Masters and Meisters next to the throne. The Wards kept their eyes forward, nervous of the big moment and wondering what was going to happen next. 

The person directly in front of them, wearing red robes with gold details weaved into them was the first to step forward.

 “Greetings Wards of Castle Blackhill,” they said in a soft caring voice as they removed their hood with both hands, revealing herself. “I am Grand Meister Vista, current head of the Battle Mage School.”

The other four Masters removed their hoods revealing the faces of the heads of the trade schools. Vista continued, “Our job here is to find out which school you belong to and which craft you will ply your trade to. This is not a decision to be taken lightly as this is the first step on your future path.

We will call you one at a time to test you.” She said.

The look of fear must have been obvious for her next words were designed to comfort them. “It is a simple test based on your type of magic.”

She pulled a piece of parchment from a pocket in her robe and closed her eyes, small swirling glyphs formed around her hands as the parchment turned bright orange then burst into red flames, though it remained untouched as if the fire didn’t burn at all. She opened her eyes and looked at the six wards, the flames dying out and that colour draining from the parchment in her hands

“You should have been taught how to let the magic inside you flow. The parchment is infused with its own magic and will turn to a colour designated to one of the Trades.” Vista explained.

“First up we have Gennel.” Doran said from beside the throne.

Gennel stepped forward and Vista offered him the parchment while smiling. “Now, Gennel, what did you dream of being when you became a ward?” Vista asked softly.

“I, I wanted to be a Battle Mage.” Gennel stammered out quietly.

“A fine choice to join my school let us see what your magic is suited towards. Close your eyes, and just let the magic flow.” She said smoothly.

Gennel closed his eyes and for a few moments nothing happened, then the parchment turned a dark blue before bursting into flames. Gennel watched it burst then looked up at the Masters and Meisters. The man in the blue robes stepped forward and looked at the boy. “Hmm, I can see why. A Mage you will be, but it is the defensive arts that you seem destined for, Gennel.” He said.

Gennel took his place back in the line, looking slightly crestfallen. Derrik stepped forward next, shoulders back standing straight. Doran raised his eye quizzically, before stating. “This is Derrik, Grand Meister.”

Derrik turned bright red as he realised he was too eager. Vista smiled, the same warm smile she had given Gennel. “Derrik, what was your dream?” She asked.

“Originally, I wanted to be a Battle mage like yourself,” Derrik said, “However I think I am better suited to being a Knight.” He added.

“What made you change your dream?” Vista asked.

“I don’t think I am magically gifted, I struggled in classes.” Derrik said.

Vista gave Derrik the piece of parchment and said, “Don’t let failures turn you from your dreams, failures simply help build success later.”

Derrik nodded and closed his eyes, the piece of parchment turned white before bursting into a white flame. The man in the white robe stepped forward, blond hair, tall and armour barely hidden underneath the white robe. He was the perfect hero. “Well, a knight you may well become.” He said, “For your magic is suited towards the battle school.”

Both Derrik and the Battle school master took their respective places in their lines before Doran called Livia forward. The tall brunette stepped out of the line and approached Vista. “And what has your dream been?” Vista asked.

“I have always seen myself as a defensive magae.” Livia replied.

“Indeed.” Vista said with a smile.

Livia took the offered parchment, closed her eyes and the parchment immediately glowed blue before bursting into flame. The Meister in the blue robes didn’t step forward this time but nodded his approval, “We will make your dream come true then.” He said simply.

Livia stepped backward into line and Adrex prepared to step forward, instead Doran called for Princess Nora to come forward. Everyone slowly turned to face the Princess Royal as she walked from the side of the throne to stand before Vista. “Ah, Your Highness. Let us see what the future holds for you.” Vista said with a slight bow.

Nora gracefully took the offered parchment and held it before her as she closed her eyes and concentrated. All eyes were focused on her as the seconds passed, but there seemed to be no change from the parchment. After a too long wait the person in the green robe removed their hood and stepped forward to take Vista’s place, she was older than most of the others and she stood slightly hunched. “Child, I am Meister Karris, let me have a look at you.” She said in an almost maternal way.

Karris raised a hand and green glyphs formed and swirled over her arm which started to glow in the green light. “Ah, yes, I see,” She started to mutter, “no, this is correct, a slight block but that can be overcome.”

Karris nodded as the glyphs died away. “Indeed you have latent abilities, but you have a magical block, it can happen but is a simple fix.”

Karris raised both hands and a single glyph formed; it was complicated in its design with, with multiple layers to it. A green light seemed to emit from Nora’s feet and rose up her body vanishing when it reached her head. “Now Princess, focus your magic on the parchment.” Nora said.

Nora closed her eyes and a few moments later the parchment glowed and burst into a green flame. Karris nodded her approval and let Vista step back to the front of the group. Vista gestured towards the six wards, “Join your fellow students Princess Nora.” She said.

Nora stepped into the gap that Adrex and Livia made for her, before Doran finally called Adrex forward. “What has your dream been?” Vista asked Adrex as the ward stepped out of line and in front of the Grand Meister.

“I have dreamed of being a battle mage.” Adrex said confidently.

“Indeed.” Vista replied, handing over the parchment.

Adrex took the parchment and closed his eyes, he could feel the pool of magic inside him, he focussed on the lessons they had been taught was how to get the magic to flow. Adrex concentrated on the pool of magic moving towards his finger holding the parchment. He could feel it reach the very tips of his fingers and opened his eyes to see the result. The parchment had turned bright red, but it had not burst yet, black veins had started to flow from his fingers taking over the red before black flames erupted from the edges. Adrex looked up at Vista who had lost her kind smiling eyes; she had become cold, with an air of fear. “What does that mean?” Adrex asked, concerned.

Adrex looked at the Masters and Meisters before him, all of their eyes were focused on him, as were the wards and King Kilvar and Doran. Several of them looked like they had seen a ghost, others looked angry. “What does black mean?” Adrex asked, his voice breaking.

Vista seemed to compose herself in that moment, her face returning to its former cheerful state. “It means that you will be coming to the Battle Mage school, for one thing.” She said.

The other Masters and Meisters looked at her, but then nodded their approval. “I will need to do some research into this before I can tell you anymore,” Vista said, “for now, take your place back in the line.” She added gesturing.

The other two wards took the test. Perra’s parchment glowed green and Torrin’s was Brown, the colour for the scouts and rangers. As Torrin returned to the line Vista addressed them all. “Wards, and your highness, tomorrow you will set off with your trade masters to what will become your new homes. You will learn how to harness your powers, not just for your benefit but for the benefit of the kingdoms and help keep the peace.” Vista informed them.

Doran then stepped forward. “You have the rest of the day to pack your things and prepare.  You have free reign over all ward areas of the castle. You can go now.” He said.

The wards started to leave, but Nora stayed where she was, unsure of where to go. Kilvar noticed his daughter hesitating and leaned forward slightly. “That includes you Nora. Until your training is complete you will be treated the exact same as any other ward or selected child.” He said, his voice both stern and soft, bridging the roles of father and king.

Nora bowed and followed the six wards out of the throne room. The seven of them made their way through the dark stone corridors until they reached the dormitory, everyone started to walk in except Adrex who continued on, ignoring calls from Derrik and Torrin. He needed to be alone, he needed to think, and he wanted to know what happened.




Adrex continued playing over the image again in his head, the fear in the Grand Meisters eyes. The fact that something had happened that had even caused her to feel fear was something else too, the most powerful battle mage, who had risen to the rank during the Demonic Crusades.

Adrex found himself standing on the rock that he had leapt off just yesterday, reaching the other side had seemed so important then. He sat down on the edge, his feet dangling as he tried and failed to process what he had seen and what had happened.




King Kilvar took his seat at the head of the small dark wood conference table in one of the throne room’s offshoot rooms, the other Meisters and masters sat along the sides as did Doran and his Army Commander, Lord Andrian. “Grand Meister, I have seen ten years of Acceptance Day trials, it is an honour to see the next generation learn their first steps. I have seen dreams made and broken, I have seen multi-coloured results, I have never seen black. Explain that.” He demanded, though he kept his voice level and gentle.

“I wish I could My Lord, I saw something I have not seen since the Demonic Crusades. Though I am no seer, so I cannot tell you more than that boy has a powerful magic within him.”

“I observed all the wards as they performed the test, “interjected Meister Karris, “The boy is human, so if you are thinking he is some sort of demon spawn, you would be incorrect.”

“The thought had crossed my mind.” muttered the battle-master Master Nevsky.

“As I told the boy, I will look into this, and I will keep an eye on him to make sure it is nothing dangerous. However, in the meantime I think it would be wise to send a backup force to the ruins of the northern kingdom.” Vista said gravely.

Kilvar looked at the group, his face becoming stern. “Even a small request like that would need a majority agreement from the four kings. I have my doubts you will get that.” He said.

“I will send out a group of Scouts. If nothing else, I could always use it as an opportunity for training,” Said Master Ame, “and I don’t need a Kingdom sign off.”

“All right then, for now we will call this matter sorted,” Meister Karris said.

The others all nodded their agreements.




The sun was starting to set and the men of the northern watch started their nightly rituals, torches were set up just within the marker of where the north most walls would have been. The castle had been razed during the Demonic Crusades and had been the site of the first attacks against the realms.

The torches spread enough light into the now encroaching Blackwood forest, the inner patrol of the watch would then set up a second line of torches around the former keep of the castle. It provided enough light within the area to keep the nightly fears away, though having a Mage or two as part of the watch helped.

Meister Bo sat on a piece of crumbling inner wall and yawned, he peered out into the forest as Meister Inca walked the perimeter, Blue symbols floated about and her eyes glowed a blueish white, the symbols cast  her casting her in a cool light that shone just into the edge of the forest.

This was the pattern now; the night watch would set up the defensive wards while the foot patrol of guards did their rounds. Bo, himself was a battle mage, he was only here if things turned ugly. It was the most boring assignment that could be given, and Bo loved it. Ten years in the battle school he needed to get out, away from the too strict higher mage’s, he needed the freedom, even if it was boring and nothing happened, especially if it was boring and nothing happened.

Inca finished her last ward and the symbols vanished and the light died in her eyes returning them to the normal brown. She let out a sigh and walked over to Bo and joined him on the wall. “Decided to try a new spell, should sound an audible alert like a bell if triggered.” She said smiling.

“I wouldn’t bother, you’ll drain too much magic, and it’s not like we are going to be attacked anytime soon,” Bo said.

As the Mage and Magus talked a pair of emerald green eyes peered out from the forest as it hid behind a tree its clawed hand clawing into the hard bark. It showed its teeth in a vile grin and started to slink back into the shadows. The time for their return was almost here.

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