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Chapter 16: Advanced Combat Skills

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The first snows had reached the battle school as Adrex approached; as he got closer he watched the central tower reveal itself before he crested the hill to reveal the rest of the school and the surrounding flat field now with a fine layer of white snow.  He had set a small magical fire to keep him warm while riding and he huddled over it as he crossed the field and entered the castle grounds, hunched over as the snow continued to fall.

He made his way up to the stables and once inside dismounted, extinguishing the fire so as to not startle the horses, even if they were trained not to spook due to magic. He tied up his mount, gave it a pat on the shoulder and removed its saddle before a stable boy took over the brush down.

Once the stable boy had taken over Adrex made his way to the castle. He brushed off the last of the snow as he crossed the threshold and removed his hood as the door closed behind him. He felt the warmth surrounding him, he smiled, he was back home.

A first year student, as marked by his cloak, approached Adrex and bowed slightly. “Magus, the Grandmaster would like to see you. She’s been expecting you.” The student said.

Adrex bowed in response, “Thank you.” He said.

Adrex made his way through the castle towards the central tower before climbing the stairs to the top room. He knocked on the door before he took a seat on one of the chairs. He didn’t have to wait long before the door opened and Master Vista beckoned him in. Adrex followed her into the office and took a seat in front of her desk as she sat down in her high backed chair, a few papers on her desk. “You had an eventful trip, apprentice.” She said,

Adrex wasn’t sure how to respond, she didn’t actually ask him a question. “I, uh, yes I did.”

Vista raised an eyebrow and pulled out several pieces of parchment and laid them out. Several with orange writing and two with green that glowed slightly, Adrex swallowed hard at the sight of the green ones. “I’ve told you before about overdoing it, most people would collapse and probably die, you would suffer a worse fate and possibly doom us all.” Vista said sternly.

Adrex looked down at his feet embarrassed. He knew it was coming but it didn’t make it any harder. He forced himself to look up, expecting to see a stern look; instead he saw kindness and compassion, which shook him. “What’s the other letter?” Adrex asked.

“Oh, it was just a letter to say you had recovered and were leaving.” Vista said slowly.

Adrex knew better to pry when his master was obviously hiding something, normally she would just outright say it wasn’t for him to know though. Vista looked down and shuffled the letters to bring his reports from the north to the top. “Now, onto business,” She said, looking at the reports. “What are your thoughts on the Northern Watch?”

Adrex sat up a little straighter before he started. “We had a few encounters, even as the snows started to fall and made the mountain passes impossible to pass. The Northern Watch and Northern Riders are well trained and led, though undersized for the area they must cover.” Adrex said.

Vista nodded, “Your reports say that the forts are barely manned. Are these the forts that oversee the mountain passes?”

“Yes master. They would need three times the men to constantly man them, though they are not needed during the snowy season as you can’t get through the pass, certainly not enough to form an invasion and the Riders still patrol the area.” Adrex responded.

“Is there anything else that you can think of?” Vista asked.

“Well, I learnt quickly that the combat training we went through is unsuitable for anything other than large battles with big armies. While some of the skills carry over, any mage stationed there needs to learn to fight in small skirmishes.” Adrex said.

Vista looked up at him, her eyes studying him. “Are you saying that I did not train you well?” She asked, her face blank and unreadable.

Adrex swallowed hard before answering. “No, not that.”

A small smile tugged at the lips of Vista, “Relax Adrex. You are correct; your training was focused more on larger combat.”

Adrex felt the tips of his ears get red from embarrassment, and he looked down at the desk. “Master, I was hoping you could teach me some more combat techniques?” He asked.

“Under normal circumstances you would be doing your own study to attain those skills that would eventually let you attain the title of Meister.” Vista said slowly, choosing her words carefully, “that being said, these are not normal times and if you do intend to go back north you will need to upskill faster than you can on your own. So yes. I will oversee your training.” Vista said.

Adrex looked up, a beaming smile on his face. “Thank you Master.” He said.

“Get some rest; we will start in two days’ time.” Vista announced.




Adrex sat cross-legged in the centre of a large training hall that was empty except for Vista who was sitting across from him in the same cross-legged style, both of them had their eyes closed and were meditating, bringing their magic and themselves under control. Vista let out a deep breath followed a few seconds later by Adrex before both slowly opened their eyes. “As you have observed, combat on the Northern Watch or while travelling will usually be a smaller affair than what you have been trained for. While you can use some of those combat skills you have learnt, they are not as effective as other methods.” Vista said.

She stood up and Adrex followed her lead turning to face the four small targets set up against the wall to his right. “Depending on the targets you could get away with an attack on a large area, much like your normal attacks, though you will most likely need to target a single target instead.”

She held her hand up and a small spell formed in her palm before a concentrated bolt of lightning flew at the centre right target. “Compressing the spell is a good way to improve accuracy and a few added push spells will increase speed, this is a simple upgrade to help in a pinch. It is also good for the start of your training.”

“Compressing the spell isn’t too hard, master.” Adrex said.

“No, it’s not, but your accuracy from the act of compressing the spell will be off and you will need to learn to control it. This is also your starting point for the final step.” Vista explained.

She again took aim and for spells formed in front of her before beams of pure magical energy shot forth piercing the targets. She composed herself after the demonstration, and then said. “There are several steps before this attack, and it is risky as it is draining, but it is effective for targeting single enemies like in small scale skirmishes and battles.” Vista explained.

Adrex nodded and raised his hand creating a lightning spell, adding more push spells to it and then focussing on making it smaller. He aimed his hand at the targets set out in front of him. “Take a breath, steady yourself, and lower your arm slightly as you will naturally aim high.” Vista instructed.

Adrex did so, standing with a slightly wider stance, he lowered his arm fractionally, took a breath, and then cast the lightning spell. The bolt shot out and slammed into the wall high and wide to the left. Adrex looked at his hand, then at the wall. “It will eventually become natural to aim like this, but for now you will need to practice. Once you can more accurately aim, then we can move onto rapidly casting.” Vista said, “But for now, just practice aiming and condensing.”

Adrex nodded and cast his next spell, this one he over corrected and it pulled right and still a little high. Vista nodded, as her apprentice started the task, she turned and left him to it. She said she would help, but she no longer needed to hold his hand as much. Sixteen years old, a graduated Magus, and had now done a patrol up north and faced combat too. He had grown up since the ward where he was scared after the black flame appeared. She smiled as she left; he had done well, was doing well, and would become a great Meister one day.




It had taken three weeks, a week less than Vista had expected, but Adrex now stood in the centre of one of the training rooms he was turning left and right firing off bolts of lightning and fire and ice shards at targets set around him. Some of them were large, some small, all set at different distances. He had been instructed to never shoot the same target twice in a row. So now he twisted and turned making small marks on each target. Vista stood on an observation balcony with two other Meisters; both were much older who had survived the Five Kingdom Wars and the Demonic Crusades. All three of them were watching Adrex perform his routines. “He’s very impressive, and to last this long he must have a great pool of magic.” One said.

“I want to start teaching him about pure energy.” Vista said.

“Understandable, he seems like a natural.” The other said, “So what is your concern?”

“He is the Magus with the Demon spirit possessing him.” Vista explained, “I haven’t found any recording of it, the healers don’t know any way to remove the spirit, and I am concerned that the training might push him too far. If we lose him then he could do a lot of damage.”

“While I understand your concerns Grand Meister, I have faith in your abilities and the boy.” The first Meister said.

“Thank you Meister, most others are concerned.” Vista said.

“We understand their fear, it is not unwarranted, however he is talented, as are you, and we cannot risk such a weapon as this boy not being fully ready to fight should the need arise.” The Second Meister said.

“If you want our recommendation, teach him about magical weapons. It is less strain on the user, tighter control is needed to maintain, and they are effective in combat. Once he has mastered not just the creation, but swordplay, then you can decide if he is ready for the pure attack.”

“Thank you Meisters.” Vista said, bowing in respect to the two older Meisters before calling out to Adrex. “Enough!”

Adrex stopped mid turn, eyes were already on his next target, and he had the spell ready to cast. He released the spell and relaxed his posture. “Take a break, Adrex, then I shall introduce you to the next phase of your training.” Vista said.

Adrex flopped to the floor, leaning back, and even from the balcony Vista could see him breathing hard. He had really been pushing himself.

While her apprentice caught his breath Vista made her way down from the balcony and into the training hall. She walked through the various targets, marvelling at some of the tight angles that Adrex had hit, before she came to a stop in front of him. He stood up, waiting for whatever came next.

“Your control is exceptional, and your accuracy has become very impressive, especially over just three weeks of practice. You have done very well.” Vista said.

Adrex let out a tired smile, and a little nod of thanks, but aside from that he stood still. “I have spoken to several of the Meisters because I do have concerns about teaching you one of the most powerful magical attacks I know.” Vista started, Adrex went to cut in but she raised her hand to stall him. “You know why I have these concerns, and while I trust you fully, I must also assess the risks. Instead of teaching you that now I will teach you to create magical weapons.” She said,

Vista put her hands together before pulling them apart creating a staff from pure magic as she did so. She gave the staff a twirl then set it point down next to her. “Your next step will be to create a weapon from magic, and learn how to fight with it.” Vista instructed Adrex.

“The first thing we will get you creating is a simple baton. First you must visualise the tool or weapon you wish to create, think of it in your mind’s eye, think of how the magic will be shaped.” Vista explained.

She looked at Adrex who stood there eyes closed in thought, his hands pressed together. “Once you think you have that you need to draw your magic out like you have done for spell creation and writing.” Vista said.

Adrex, brow furrowed slightly, pulled his hands apart with an orange glow forming between them. A small stick of orange light was starting to form before it exploded out in a wave of orange dust. “Unlike a spell which you have built up over layers or writing which is small bits of magic with a template to base it off you are working with only your imagination and raw magic. You will need to control the flow perfectly to form anything, and then you will need to learn how to control it and use it. For most Meisters this is a multi-year learning experience.” Vista said.

Adrex took a seat on the floor before looking up. “Well then, I had best get started then.” He said.

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