Chapter 13

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Though the days were growing longer, the strain of only seeing each other for short periods of time each day was starting to drive Eldrick and Sebastian to distraction.  Knowing that they could not afford distractions, they worked out a way to accomplish both objectives at the same time.  Sebastian would assist Eldrick in his studies where he failed to understand which would give them more time together without incurring Sergei’s ire.  Seeing that his protégé was actually progressing faster with Sebastian’s help he added more and more advanced tomes to the study routine. 

Sebastian was surprised to encounter the same tomes Sergei had originally handed him in Eldrick’s pile of books to get through.  He knew Eldrick was catching up to him thanks to the learning trance.  He asked Sergei for tomes on human magic since he was spending as much time in human form as dragon lately, he figured it would be a good idea to learn those as well.  This way if he had to pass himself off as a human at some point during the journeyman trials, he could be working magic appropriate for the form.  Sergei agreed since this made too much sense not to.  Sebastian began spending most of the night in a trance while Eldrick slept.  In his draconic form, he needed less sleep and therefore could devote more time to study. 

It came as a surprise when Sergei refused to offer any more books to Sebastian. 

"I am sorry Sergei. Have I done something to offend you?  I was only asking since I have finished the ones you have loaned to me." 

“My dear boy,” Sergei chuckled. “You have done nothing wrong it is just that I have no more books for you to read.  You in your inexhaustive search for knowledge have gone through my rather extensive library.  Both you and Eldrick, now have the same knowledge that I do.  I think the two of you will be better equipped to utilize that knowledge.  At least in the form of book knowledge, there are still many other types of knowledge I can pass along.  Some of it may come during the travels from here to the conclave later this year.” 

With the understanding that he and Eldrick had gone through the entire library, he vowed that somehow, he would find a way to increase the library during Eldrick’s time as a journeyman.  The only thing that bothered him was how that could be possible.  They would need either money to purchase new books or some form of trade.

Eldrick learned the fine craft of leatherwork, crafting new travel clothes out of the moose hide.  It was not easy to work, he had to soften the hide before he could work it.  The first few days he spent just rolling the leather to make it supple enough to work.  Cutting out the patterns was a tedious task as he could not just slice clean through but had to score it over and over again until finally, it released from the rest of the hide.  Then he had to trim the stitched edges enough that they would bunch and bulge where the stitching went through but not so much as to weaken it.  The hide was large enough to make two sets of travel garments.  One he gifted to Sebastian for the journey to the conclave.  The most depressing point would be when they had to part ways in the nearby village as only druids and apprentices were allowed to attend the grove ceremonies. 

“Why can’t Sebastian act as your apprentice as well?  He has all the knowledge and training that I do,” pleaded Eldrick with a strained voice. 

“A master may only have one apprentice at a time.  Otherwise, some of the other masters would start a school in order to increase their own prestige.  It is all part of the checks and balances agreed upon when the order was created to ensure the prestige of the order itself.” 

The look of pity on Sergei’s face expressed he was truly sorry for the hardship he was about to enforce upon his protégé.  A youth that he truly cared for, as if he were his own flesh and blood.  What Sergei could not tell him, was Sebastian would be accompanying him in the guise of his horse.  It was Sebastian’s own suggestion since he could not bear the separation.

As they began preparing for the long journey to the conclave Sebastian approached Sergei with his concerns. 

"Sergei, I was considering the proclivities of this journey.  Are we not going to need some money for food and lodgings or is it going to be an entirely a survival training type journey?"

“I have considered that, since no, it will not be all outdoor survival.  I have money set aside for this journey, also we will be staying with friends on our way.  I have made many friends in my years as a druid," he paused raising his hand to stroke his beard.  "People I have helped, or those who turned to me for judgement on legal issues.  While we are travelling you and Eldrick will be learning law.  We will be travelling through at least one other kingdom to get to the conclave and the laws there are different from ours.  The kingdom isn’t so much a true kingdom as it is not ruled by a monarch but by a ruling council.  You will have certain protections travelling with me because of our order."  Sergei pulled a sheet of paper out of his pocket, handing it to Eldrick.  "I will be in my regalia which lets everyone who sees us know that I am a druid.  Eldrick will need to attain the rank of a journeyman before he earns the right to wear regalia other than at specific occasions, and then it is slightly different from mine since I am a master.  The Grand Druid, Veldar has even more majestic regalia when he is acting as the high druid.” 

They packed what they thought they would need for the journey.  Unpacking and repacking several times before they were convinced they had what they needed.  Consulting the list Sergei had given Eldrick.  Several sets of clothing each, bedrolls, slickers for when it rained, utilitarian knives, a bow, pots and pans and other cooking essentials, walking sticks, and the funds they were going to need, secreted about their clothing in hidden pockets.  Sebastian deciding to travel aerially, so as not to draw too much attention to the group and would join them in the evenings, this way he could scout ahead.  Sergei thought this idea was both good and bad.  Good in the essence that they would have forewarning of any dangers ahead, bad in that Sebastian would not be able to partake in the lectures he would be giving to his apprentice.  Considering this, Sebastian suggested he do an initial scouting first thing in the morning to look for possible ambush locations, then return and travel with them so he would be able to participate in the lectures as well. 

Sergei was apoplectic when Eldrick suggested travelling in a learning trance. 

“I wish that were possible but alas it is not.  You cannot travel while in trance, you will miss turns and other warning signals.  Besides once you enter the trance, the only things you can move are your hands and eyes."  He glanced over at Sebastian, "If you know of any way in which it is possible to travel while in the learning trance both Eldrick and myself would be grateful for the knowledge.  It would make passing information along much easier and require less recitation on both parts,” hinted Sergei sardonically. 

"There is a way to travel while in trance but unfortunately it only works for those of us who are draconic in nature and in our true form.  You see our wings function as arms in many respects, that is while we are in trance it is our wings and eyes that are capable of moving.  I had a tremendously hard time studying the books you loaned me originally because I had to manipulate the pages with my wings.  That was until I learned the art of transformation, whereupon I was then able to read the books as a human would using my hands instead of my wings," rejoined Sebastian.  "The other option is that we could all fly to the conclave.  It would save time but we would need to leave the horse at home, and Sergei, you would have harder travel to return home once the ceremonies were completed." 

“What are you talking about?  Aren’t you travelling back with him?” inquired Eldrick warily. 

"Unfortunately, I will not be travelling back with Sergei.  I have some things requiring my attention for a time.  Sergei and I have discussed these matters and he agrees that I should attend to them with all haste whilst you are partaking of your journeyman trials.  That does not mean I will not be worried about you.  But, My Heart, if I cannot travel with you, I must attend to other matters, some have to deal with family," Sebastian let out a long sigh.  "If I can, I will try very hard to send you messages.  Not knowing where you will be is going to make it harder for me to do so.  The other thing is you need to focus on your trials, stray thoughts of me could be a hindrance or even a weakness in the eyes of the one who must accompany you.  If it were Sergei accompanying you it would be an entirely different thing but unfortunately, he is at an age where just going to and from conclave is becoming difficult.  I am going to try to find my uncle and ask him to check up on Sergei from time to time just so that I am not overly worried about him as well.  I cannot be there for him myself and he has come to feel like family to me.  I would prefer to see him safe rather than lose him.  I only fear losing you more."  Sebastian’s tone was loving and replete with anguish at the thought of being separated from his soulmate. 

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