Chapter 45

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Sergei, walking the halls of the castle to the library was accosted by a tiny figure. "Whoa hold on there, little one, what are you going on about?" 

"Petal lost, Amaryliss lost, house of healing blocked, Druid helps Petal." The small form was near the point of exhaustion. His wings barely able to move fast enough to keep him hovering in the air. With a profound whoosh of air, the wings stilled and the small form began to drop in front of Sergei. 

Reacting, Sergei thrust his cupped hands out to catch the small form before he could hit the floor, being mindful of the gossamer wings. Once the small sprite was safe, he carefully eased the limp form into a pocket. Not wanting to return to the house of healing after yesterday's grilling, he found a page to send a message to Amaryliss. Accomplishing this task he changed direction from the library to the kitchen. 

Before he could even get his foot over the threshold he heard a loud voice. "Dinner will be served when the King orders and no sooner. I will have no one disrupting the routine of this kitchen for no reason. Now turn your arse around and beat it." A large man extricated himself from the disorderly order to stand in the doorway blocking any egress into the kitchen, tapping a large wooden spoon into the meaty palm of his left hand. He stood a good head taller than Sergei and was about twice as wide. "I dunna think you heard me. I am not running a buffet for the likes a you to come here try an' weasel food outa me." He leaned forward, his bulk bearing down on Sergei. "Jack if you stop turning tha' spit agin you will be a-goin' hungry." 

Sergei knew he had the head cook barring his way at the last comment. Stepping back, he looked up. "Master chef, I am here not for myself but for a young companion of mine who has quite literally fainted from hunger." Carefully he opened his pocket to reveal the small form nestled snuggly within. The large man peered down into the pocket and seeing the unconscious sprite gave a yell. 

"Fredrick, I need a dollop of honey, Jane, three candied violets. Sir, I do apologize, most who come are justa lookin' fer a snack and expect us ta drop what we are doing to make it for 'em. You on tha other hand come in true need, and didna ask us for more'n a small bit o' hospitality for tha very critters which make our jobs a possible." He gently reached into the pocket and lifted the sprite out. His meaty hand, gentler than one would expect for its size. The small sprite filled less than his palm. With tenderness, he placed his charge on the table beside Fredrick and the honey. 

The scent of rich honey roused Petal. "Petal hungry, Petal tired." 

"Go ahead Petal get your strength back. Ya are always welcome in Franco's kitchen." He gestured to the honey on the spoon. Petal reached out with both hands and grabbed some which he promptly began to eat. Jane returned with the candied violets and gently placed them at Petal's feet. 

"Oh, he is so cute. Can I pat him?" 

"Nay we wouldna wanna be harmin' those wings. Now return to the kettle we dunna want tha soup to scorch to tha bottom o' tha pot now do we?" 

Pouting Janet returned to stirring the large kettle over the fire. Fredrick turned and began working the dough he had left to get the honey before Franco noticed he was slacking. Franco stood watching Petal eat the honey with an impish grin. Sergei had the feeling Franco, and the rest of the kitchen staff had rarely seen a sprite. Truth be told, he had rarely seen the elusive sprites. Living up in the mountains it was usually too cold for them and so bees were the pollinators. 

"Petal, when you are finished, we can go. I have sent a message to Amaryliss that you are with me and we would either be here or in the library. I fear to return to the house of healing after my last visit" He shuddered involuntarily at the memory. "I find the place unsettling and feel very much out of my element there." 

"Petal done. Petal thank Franco." Scooping up the candied violets which were quite the armful for him, he hugged them close. "Petal go with druid, though Petal likely sleep." 

Sergei held open the pocket for Petal to climb in. "I can understand that, Petal. You just rest now. Amaryliss will be by shortly to collect you." Once sure that Petal was settled, he left the kitchen. The thought of gathering books with a sprite in his pocket gave him pause. Stubbornly he continued to the library. He had given his word to Eldrick he would try to find books on the Fae. He chuckled to himself as he realized he had neglected to gather books about the Dragons as well. He should have considered them in his education of Eldrick since Sebastian was a dragon. Living with a dragon is not the same as learning about their governance nor all of their culture. Sebastian as a young dragon, would not have all the facts at his disposal. In fact, he knew very little about the governing body of the dragons. If he could find any information on the subject, he was going to enjoy reading it. 

Entering the library, he was met by a small man, with squinty eyes from many hours of poring over the tomes with poor lighting. "These hallowed halls contain vast quantities of knowledge. Please direct your questions to myself, or any of the librarians here. Our understanding of the shelves is quite extensive. What topic do you wish to peruse?" With a wave of his hand to indicate the cavernlike room with high clerestory windows letting in light encircling the outer walls. 

"Honored librarian, I seek enlightenment on the nations of the Fae and Dragons." He bowed respectfully to the gentleman in front of him. "Particularly in the manner of governance and culture. I fear my own library is lacking in such tomes and both my apprentice and myself, would benefit greatly for this knowledge." 

"Ah, a learned scholar. We shall endeavour to locate such tomes expeditiously. Please have some forbearance as the inquest may take an epoch." With two loud claps, Sergei saw a dozen heads pop out of the shelves. "We have an academic within our propinquity. He would like our assistance in his erudition pertaining to the governance of the fae and dragons. Now with all alacrity, we must expedite his solicitation." He turned back to Sergei, "If you would concatenate this humble personage, I shall coxswain you to a covetable location from which you may scrutinize our ascertainment of your sine qua non." The light fell on a table in the perfect array for reading, he gestured to a chair. "If you will exculpate this humble attendant, I have metier to oversee." Bowing himself out, he turned and entered the stacks.  

Sergei let out an exaggerated sigh of relief. Opening his pocket he spoke. "I remember now why I never come here, instead I send others to gather the books I need." All he got in reply was a quiet snore. Chuckling to himself he sat back to wait. It seemed like a ten-day before any of the attendees started bringing over tomes for his perusal. 

Ka-thunk!  The sound of books landing on the table startled him awake.  "Here are the first of the volumes for your perusal."  The weaselly-looking man said.  "Though I am unsure just how useful these may be.  It appears our collection is not as vast as Smithers likes to believe.  I do apologize for his pomposity.  Oh drat, I have been working here too long I am starting to sound like him."  Pulling a handkerchief from his pocket he mopped his brow and returned it.  "The others are searching for more volumes, we hope we can at least cover your needs in your search."  Quickly he turned and re-entered the stacks before he could be seen as slacking in his duties. 

Sergei leaned forward to gather the first of the tomes when he heard a small voice. 

"Hey don't crush Petal." 

"Oh, I am sorry Petal, I forgot you were there." He stood to pull the pile closer, before reseating himself and grabbing the first volume off the pile.  No, this will never do it is full of conjecture and platitudes.  He found that most of the volumes were the same with one or two holding a couple of nuggets of true information.  He sorted the tomes into possible and worthless.  As more books arrived he indicated the pile to be returned to the shelves and began the search again with the new piles.  As he was about halfway through the second pile he heard a loud crunching.  He smiled to himself remembering that Franco had given Petal some candied violets. 

Several hours into his fruitless search he heard Smithers greeting someone at the door. 

"Oh shut up you old windbag.  I am not here for 'enlightenment' I am looking for...  Never mind I see him now get out of my way."  Amaryliss voiced carried clearly through the library causing heads to pop out of the stacks with looks of shock and amusement.  "Sergei," she called as she approached, "thank goodness I have found you.  I received your message that Petal is with you."  Hearing his name Petal popped out of Sergei's pocket, clasping his treat in both hands. 

"Amaryliss, Petal delivered message.  Druid made sure Petal ate.  Franco gave Petal candy."  Holding out the last of the violets for her to see.  Then his eyes narrowed.  "Petal locked out of healing house.  Petal faint for hunger and fatigue.  Petal stays with druid now."  He flew back to Sergei's pocket and climbed in. 

Sergei looked at Amaryliss crestfallen expression.  "I am sure this will pass quickly.  I will talk to him and try to get him to see reason.  I do not have the ability to tend to his needs as you can.  If you wouldn't mind helping an old man out, I need to know whether these books on the fae are accurate or a bunch of rubbish."  His gaze entreating and hopeful. 

Amaryliss was not about to leave without Petal.  They had been friends for nearly four hundred years.  This was the first time he had been angry enough to chew her out for negligence.  Taking a seat across from Sergei she scanned the tomes he had indicated.  Of the three only one was accurate enough to consider valid.  Glancing at the other pile she noted they were about dragons. 

"May I check those for you as well.  I have spent much time in the company of dragons.  Sigmund and I are old friends.  I could at least narrow it down to a few possibilities for you." 

Sergei nodded and carefully pushed the books across the table. 

"Druid not very smart.  Try to kill Petal again.  Petal not like pocket."  Petal fluttered out of the pocket, spotted Amaryliss, and flew straight to her.  With a kiss on the tip of her nose, he floated up and landed on her head where he quickly settled himself down.  "Petal prefer here no squish."  He looked over at Sergei and promptly stuck out his tongue. 

Amaryliss looked up just in time to see Sergei give her a quick wink before dropping his gaze back to the book he was looking through.  With a private smile, she addressed the tomes in front of her.  Between the two of them, they quickly went through the piles and whittled them down to about five tomes in total with one pile left to go through when they noticed the failing light.  Hearing the tread of someone approaching they looked up.  Smithers was about to open his mouth when Amaryliss held up her hand. 

"Don't speak, we wouldn't you to confirm anything.  We will be taking these with us back to the druid Sergei's room.  The rest can be burned." 

Smithers sputtered, his eyes appeared ready to pop out of his head.  Sergei and Amaryliss rose from the table leaving their host standing there all agog.  As they exited the room they heard soft chuckling from within the stacks.  In unison, they turned and winked.  Then they started laughing themselves as they closed the library door. 

They walked companionably down the halls when they heard Petal speak. 

"Petal no like that guy.  He sounds like elf scholar in Cairn Balorng.  All high and mighty and better than Petal." 

All three joined in the laughter as they walked.  Soon they reached a junction in the hallway where they would have to part company.  Amaryliss looked at Sergei with respect. 

"I know what you did and thank you." 

Sergei bowed to her.  "Lady Amaryliss, I am but a humble servant, as all of my order should be.  I do hope the treatments for Sebastian and Eldrick are going well." 

Amaryliss slapped her palm to her forehead.  "Sebastian, I forgot I left him bound.  I am having a bad day today.  First I forget about Petal now Sebastian.  Someone should make me retire."  She waved to Sergei as she tore down the hall towards the house of healing.  Sergei waved back, turning to return to his quarters he remembered she was carrying the tomes. 

"Well so much for avoiding that place," he grumbled to himself and followed her down the hallway. 

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