Chapter 19

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His thoughts revolving around what Sebastian had said, as he left the room.  If that were the case, there could be more trouble in the world than just Veldar.  Hopefully, there were others working along the same lines.  Knowing they were going to be here for a few days at least since he had been called upon to testify at the trial of the brigands he had brought in, left him in a bit of a pickle.  He was running out of time to make it to the conclave in time to have Eldrick graduated to the rank of journeyman, but on the other hand, there were responsibilities that needed to be attended to as well.  He knew of several ways to make up the time that was going to be lost but they were not without consequence.  The most effective yet hazardous method was to traverse the Fae lands, lands in which time runs differently than here.  If they were to risk travelling that way to the conclave, they could either arrive in time or they could arrive many years in the future.  The Fae are notorious for playing games and seeing through any magic they wish.  This could have some definite repercussions if they let slip about Eldrick’s true nature.

Re-entering the main room, he found Eldrick had already returned, sitting on the floor in trance listening carefully to Amarna explaining about healing magic.  Sergei had never been able to master or even completely understand that art.  Curious to see if Eldrick could, would be interesting since Amarna had stated it was considered woman’s magic and men rarely mastered it.  Watching Eldrick’s face while Amarna recited the manipulations and energies required was enlightening, for Eldrick seemed to understand what she was explaining.  Sergei silently cursed himself for a fool.  Eldrick could understand men’s magic as well as woman’s magic.  His spell changed outward appearance and some minor aspects of the mind but not all of it which meant that eventually his spell would fail and Eldrick would revert to her true form.  He only hoped it didn’t happen soon.  He worried about the magical backlash he would be privy to when the spell finally broke.  He was also ecstatic, it meant that Veldar would have apoplexy when he learned he had willingly accepted a female into the order.  If it happened after the trials he wouldn’t be able to rescind the rank.  The rules of the order were such that once rank has been achieved the only way to rescind it was in death.  Eldrick would be too powerful to face in magical combat, and trying to sneak up on him would incite Sebastian’s wrath and protective nature. 

'Now all he had to do was get Eldrick trained efficiently and Sebastian healed.'  Training Eldrick was going to be tough on him.  There could not be even a split second of hesitation between need and casting.  That would only come with practice. 

All through the day, Sergei had Eldrick casting force bolts at him to impact on shields.  About mid-afternoon there was a knock on the door.  Eldrick went to answer it. 

“Now,” declared Sergei. 

Without looking at where he was casting the bolt, Eldrick opened the door, the bolt travelled unerringly at Sergei’s head.  The young page at the door stood agape, as the force bolt connected with Sergei’s shields, knocking him down.  Timidly he proffered the envelope he was carrying to Eldrick, who took it and looked at the written script. 

“You have a message, sir,” he said, turning back to the rest of the room. 

Sergei was sitting on the floor rubbing his bruised posterior.  Reaching out for the envelope he quickly opened it and read the contents.  Looking up he noticed the page still standing in the doorway. 

“Well come into the room young man.  I presume you are to bring my reply to his Majesty.  Well then come in and sit down while I pen my reply.  Eldrick go find my paper and a quill, please."  Turning he addressed the page, "There will be no more spellcasting while you are here.” 

The shocked page entered, gingerly sitting on the edge of one of the sofas, wringing his hands together.  Gazing around he noted the room for the first time.  The other sofa held the lady healer, soundly asleep.  Her gentle snores telling him just how worn out she truly had to be. 

Curiosity overcoming the shock he asked, “How did you do that?  I have seen the vizier training magi but never have I seen someone throw a visible force bolt without looking at the target.  I have seen the effects of force bolts interacting with shields since they give off a quick flash but yours hit the master druid’s shields and the whole thing lit up like a starburst, then he was on the floor.” 

“He trained me to sense the life essence of living creatures and every one is different in some way or another.  All I did was send the bolt toward his life force.  It shouldn’t have been visible though,” Eldrick replied, his brow furrowing.

“Here you go Cedric, we will be happy to attend His Majesty at dinner this evening,” Sergei noted, handing over his written response.  Turning his head, “Eldrick you need to go change into the special outfit we packed for you.  Oh, and please assist Sebastian into his finery as well.  His shoulder is liable to cause him some issues. 

As Sergei was speaking Cedric collected the note, silently leaving to deliver his answer.  Sergei turned his attention to Amarna, still sleeping on the sofa.  Gazing at her lovingly he only wished he could have been able to devote the attention to her that she deserved.  Too many years wasted, when they could have been together.  Vowing that upon his return from the conclave he would stay in Herigberg with her.  Let younger people have the farmstead.  He had already divulged its secrets to Sebastian and the desire to see that Eldrick inherited it.  They would take good care of it and each other.  That is if she would still have him when he returned.  Something they would have to discuss before he left.  She still bore no wedding braids or kerchief.  If she had waited this long surely there was a reason but he wouldn’t know until they talked.  Taking himself to his bed-chamber to change he glanced back one last time.  'Why was I such a blind fool,' he thought to himself.

Finally being able to remove the grime from the travels of the past few days felt like leaving the road behind.  His dirt-caked clothing went into a heap as he changed into his full regalia.  His simple homespun cloth robes of white, denoting his connection with the land and no particular kingdom, the gold thread embroidery around the cuffs and hem signifying his rank as a master druid, his simple bronze triquetra medallion was the acknowledgement of his order.  He left his room barefoot so when practicing his art, he could feel the energies of the world.  The ensemble was completed by a simple hemp belt from which hung a ritual golden sickle as large as the stretch of his hand from pinky to thumb at a full spread.

Eldrick didn’t like the grescratchy simple homespun robes Sergei considered appropriate for a meeting with the king.   His triquetra hung from a rawhide lace; his sickle was crafted of bronze. The trim on his cuffs and hem was a dull brown.  He didn’t feel comfortable going barefoot but knew it was required of him as Sergei’s apprentice.  He considered himself to be extremely plain compared to Sebastian, in silks from a faraway land that accentuated his frame in gorgeous blue gemstone hues to match the scales of his dragon form.  In fact, the tunic had embroidered dragons down the front in crimson and gold on both front panels.  His sapphire blue leggings of silk flowed invitingly around his legs and if the tunic rode up Eldrick could just make out a slight bulge under the cloth.  On his feet were a pair of slippers of exquisite manufacture.  Oh, how he longed for the feel of such fine materials against his skin.  He dreamed of the day when he could dress in some way similar, just for Sebastian.  Once again, the feeling of being in the wrong body overtook him.  He almost began to cry with the thought. 'Why did Sergei have to take me as an apprentice?' he thought solemnly to himself.  Reminding himself that had Sergei not taken him as an apprentice he never would have met Sebastian.  This was a sobering thought Picking himself up for the edge of sanity he decided to present himself in the best possible way for His Majesty, and to the benefit of his master.  

Just as the sun was setting with everyone ready for dinner, there was a knock on the door.  Eldrick opened the door to a tall dark man on the other side.  His dark hair slicked back to his head, his tunic of gold seemed extravagant, the sable leggings skin tight.  His face had a comely appeal yet, Eldrick had the feeling it hid something sinister.  

“May I help you, sir?” Eldrick asked timidly. 

“Ah you must be young Eldrick, it is good to see you are up and about, unlike the last time I saw you.  Is your master about?  We are old friends,” the stranger remarked.  

“Welcome Victor, I take it you are to be our escort to the dining hall this evening?” stated Sergei.   “Eldrick, Victor was once an apprentice of mine as well.  He took a position in the royal entourage upon my request.  He is the royal vizier.” 

“Sorry sir, I didn’t know.” 

“Quite alright.  It is good that you are respectful of your master’s wellbeing especially if it is someone who looks like me.  I know I have a sinister appearance; I have actually contrived it to further the goals of His Majesty.  Shall we go?  It is not polite to keep the king waiting.  I think you may find his table unexpected.” 

With that, he turned to lead the way to the dining hall.  As they walked, he expounded upon the history of each wing they passed through as well as points of interest such as artwork.  There were statues from the kingdom of Shay, portraits from Gaullium, pottery and vases from Craglim Reach.  Not one piece was worth less than five hundred gold, mostly due to their rarity.   There were not many pieces since acquiring them was difficult, the money was better spent on the kingdom and not a private collection.  Every king since the founding of Herigmark added a single piece to the collection.  Such was the loyalty of the king for his subjects and their loyalty in return.  Eldrick understood the information was designed for him and not his master since his master added poignant details at critical moments.

'Next time I speak to my uncle I will need to ask him about the political exploits of the previous kings.' Sebastian sent to Eldrick. 

As they progressed through the hallways peals of thunder could be heard.  Sergei winced. 

“Where did this storm blow up from, I wonder,” mused Sergei.  “From what I could tell, we were not due for rain until the day after tomorrow.  The spell you cast yesterday Eldrick would not have caused such a shift in the weather.  Unfortunately, I cannot track the cause since the weather is a fickle beast. 

They reached the dining hall, a monstrosity of a chamber, one hundred feet long and fifty feet wide. The head table was on a raised dais, twenty-five feet long and three feet off the floor.  A small staircase at either end allowing guests and retainers to mount.  The head table, fifteen chairs set at it, all of which faced the main room where other diners were assembling.  From their appearance, they must be the nobility of the court.  If the nobility sat on the floor who were the lucky ones to be assigned seating on the dais.  The king of course, but then the other seats must be for important guests and members of the privy council.  Eldrick expected to be seated below the salt due to his unimportant position.  Sebastian was likely to receive a place at the high table, and Sergei was definitely going to be seated there.  As Victor marched them past the lower tables and up onto the dais, Eldrick stopped 

I am afraid I do not belong up there, sir.  I am just a lowly peasant who was lucky enough to catch the eye of my master and become his pupil.  As such the head table is way above my station.  I shall sit on the main floor below the salt as is appropriate to my station.” 

“What??  Don’t be absurd.  All druids no matter their level is expected at the high table by the declaration of the first king of Herigmark."  He looked over at Sergei, eyes bulging, raising his hands, shaking his head he continued.  "All kings uphold this right. Therefore, you are expected to be seated at the high table, as befits your rank.  Your outfit entitles you to the respect of every noble in this kingdom.”  Victor was very adamant.  “As for you,” he said turning to Sebastian. “Before you balk at the prestige of the high table, I happen to know you are not what you seem.  You are the first of your kind to grace these halls in two hundred years.  The last time one of your kind visited we were at war with the Motherland.  Of course, it was due to a difference in ideology.  Sigmund watched the battles and decided there should be a truce between the two domains.  Because of his wisdom, our kingdoms have had peaceful dealings since.  Our first king when he learned of the existence of your kind, crafted a law protecting them in Herigmark.  In fact, any Dragon who seeks asylum from attack in another land is given it.” 

“How is it you know what I am?  I don’t think Sergei would discuss it even with his former pupil.” 

“To be frank, I have made it my personal mission to recognize a polymorphed dragon.  There are very subtle ways to catch it.  Your skin texture and eyes give it away.  Even when in other forms the draconic lenses do not change.  Your skin takes on a vibrancy unlike any other.  Also, the effect you are having on the ladies in the room is unmistakable.  They are watching you as if their lives depend on it.  You are going to likely have invitations to rooms by the end of the night and some very angry men wishing to challenge you even with your very visible handicap.” This caused a shudder to run through his body. “The odd thing is, others are looking at you the same way who are most definitely not female.”  Eldrick’s eyes glowed with anticipation.  “Thank you, I now have some information I didn’t before which I can use in service to the king." Veldar's voice going cold, "Eldrick you need to learn to mask your desires, others will use them against you.  Veldar is such a one since it will suit his purpose to have a reason thrash Sergei’s reputation within the order.” Victor noted.  “As Sergei does not have much longer in this world the damage to his reputation would follow him to his next incarnation. 

Eldrick pondered just how he could accomplish this feat while being seated at the high table.  Sebastian was seated next to him and Sergei was seated almost in the center.  Victor seated himself further down the table leaving two chairs vacant.  Eldrick figured this was where the king and his consort would sit.  Eldrick was curious to see if any children would be seated at the high table or not.  Other guests began arriving in the dining hall and finding their seats.  From the looks of where they sat, it seemed like everyone had been assigned seats, used for many meals.  The façade of a great dance to which all the members of the court were accustomed was astounding to Eldrick, watching some bow and courtesy to others while receiving a nod in return was interesting.  It showed the status of the performers in the court, for there were no true symbols of power displayed.  Those heading to the high table peered at the diners already seated there and judged where they would be seated according to some precedent or other.  An elderly lady sat down beside Sergei and they began discussing the weather and possible crop yields for the year.   As Amarna approached the high table Eldrick felt a wave of relief, though she didn’t seem to have the high status necessary for the rank of the table it seemed the king, whatever his name is since he was only mentioned as His Majesty, chose specific people for the high table.  Amarna carefully navigated the three steps up to the dais in her long flowing skirt then seated herself in the empty chair beside Sebastian, leaving only one empty seat on this side of the table. 

Eldrick was fascinated by the outfits worn by the ladies of the court.  He just couldn’t seem to lose the thought that he should be wearing clothing like that.  Looking down at his own arms and hands, he wondered if maybe Servalin, had made a mistake, they were not the large beefy arms of a boy his age should have, but fine-boned and delicate, almost feminine one might say.  Shaking himself out of the reverie of self-doubt once again, he noticed everyone was beginning to rise as someone came in carrying a very large staff.

“His Royal Majesty, The Rightful King and Ruler of Herigmark, King Daividh the third,” declared the newcomer with the staff, as he rapped it hard on the stone floor three times. 

Entering the room was a grand figure of a man, causing everyone to bow or curtsy.  His regal bearing was not one of forced perspective.  At about forty-five to fifty years of age, his seamed face had seen battle and he bore the scars with pride, his tunic strained at the shoulders, yet fell loosely around his middle.  He was a figure of pique fitness, his muscles bulging.  His smile which engulfed his face spread all the way to his expressive emerald green eyes, which shone with the light of intelligence.  He was neither bookishly thin nor portly from over-eating.  His physique was that of a well-sculpted athlete in the prime of his life.  As he passed each table in his progress from the main entrance to the head table, he genuflected to each table in passing.  Once passed, the members there were able to stand erect once more as the king moved on to the next and so forth down the hall. 

As the king approached the middle of the room, something twigged the back of Eldrick's mind.  Sergei, Eldrick and Sebastian all seemed to leap to their feet at precisely the same moment.  Even Amarna seemed to be in unexpected motion as she shredded her skirt to the knees and leapt off the dais in the direction of the king.  The guards which were placed along the walls began to move in to protect their king, that is all but the few whose sole duty was to seal the chamber to detain all maleficences from escaping justice.  Sergei was in mid-casting when a guard struck him from behind.  Sebastian and Eldrick were quicker in their casting, Eldrick let fly with a visible force bolt so that everyone could track its progress as it arced towards the king. 

Sebastian used a much simpler spell, four arcane sigils to draw and a single word.  The only word he spoke was "King".  Upon the utterance of the single syllable, there was a bright flash of blinding white light, as it dissipated standing in the hall glowing for all to see was a figure holding a glowing bared dagger.  Several other daggers in the room glowed as well. 

Just as Eldrick's force bolt was about to strike the king, it veered around him and his loyal guards.  Splitting into hundreds of bolts and spreading throughout the room.  Everyone was now flat on the floor hoping not to be seen.  Most of the bolts hit targets without any apparent damage or real impact.  The sole exception, the twenty that pierced the would-be assassin.  None impacted the chest or head but hit everywhere else causing the assassin to drop his weapon and crumble to the floor like a marionette that had just had its strings cut. 

Amarna, forgotten during the commotion used the strip of her skirt to gather the vicious-looking blade from the floor.  She did so without touching the weapon.  The stunned guards began pulling themselves together as everyone realized the king was safe. 

The king stood there, busting a gut laughing.  Looking around the room he would start laughing harder and harder seeing his courtiers prostate with their hands covering their heads.  The amused look on his face was quickly replaced with outrage when his gaze fell upon the dais.  His own vizier was standing stock-still in shock.  

“What in blue blazes is going on here?  Release the druids.  They had nothing to do with the attack.  If it were not for them, I would now be dead,” bellowed Daividh. 

The guards looking somewhat chagrined unbound the two druids, picking up the would-be assassin, gazing about them trying to figure out what to do with the unconscious man, tying him to one of the chairs off to the side until after the meal until they were given further orders.  Sebastian, they left restrained in his chair as their orders had not included him to be released.  With a glaring look from the kingone of the guards quickly cut Sebastian’s bonds.  Had Sebastian or Eldrick wished either one of them could have prevented the abuse from the guards upon their person’s.  Neither wished to cause that form of ruckus on top of the confusion already apparent.  

With his good hand, Sebastian rubbed his shoulder.  Eldrick rising, immediately went to check on Sergei’s condition.   Amarna approached one of the guards with the assailant’s weapon securely swathed in the bottom of her skirt. 

“I would not consider touching this without some heavy gloves, the blade has been liberally coated in some form of poison,” she said as she handed him the package.  “He,” she said indicating the very messed up assassin, “is not going anywhere, anytime soon.  His limbs have literally been pulverized by magic.  I am glad that Eldrick has such firm control over his spellcasting, otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to get any answers out of him.” 

The incredulous look she shot the guard spoke volumes as to her opinion on whether he would be able to get any information.  Eldrick stifled a chuckle.  With a turn, she was face to face with His Majesty, offering a curtsey deep enough to make mock of the high-born ladies, yet with the perfect intention of showing the utmost respect.  She proffered her arm to the king.  Laughing, his great barrelling laughter, the king took her proffered arm and escorted her back to her seat. 

“Now, where were we…  ah right preparing to enjoy a simple meal.  Everyone sit, sit.  Let’s begin this meal comfortably,” he said gaily as if assassination attempts were an everyday occurrence. 

The last few diners, late to arrive, rushed in and grabbed their seats quickly as the king sat.  There was a nervousness about the room pervading enough to make the skin crawl.  No one who had been in the room when the attack occurred was willing to make eye contact with anyone else.  The only exceptions being Sergei, Sebastian, Eldrick, Amarna, and Daividh.  Even Victor kept his eyes downcast.  'Likely for fear of reminding his liege that he had failed on his duties,' Eldrick thought to himself.  

As everyone seated themselves, Daividh stood once again, smashing his hands together three times signalled for the dinner to commence.  The dishes brought out by the liveried serving staff smelled delightful.  Large haunches of roast beef on huge serving platters were placed on the tables, large tureens of baked and boiled vegetables were deposited strategically between.  Then came the wine, mead, and beer served according to each diner’s preference. 

Once the serving was complete, the servers receded to the outer walls, awaiting further need.  As the meal progressed, the timidity in the room began subsiding and natural conversation picked up once again.  The noise of about a hundred voices speaking was almost deafening, yet seemed to not reach those seated at the high table.  The conversation had never reached the lull that had enveloped the rest of the room.  Pleasantries were passed back and forth and the discussion of the day’s events and outcomes of designated tasks were discussed at length betwixt those who had an interest in such goings-on.  Daividh, kept half an ear open on the off chance there was something that required his attention, otherwise, he was engrossed in the conversation with Sergei, who was once again aware of his surroundings thanks to Eldrick and Amarna, and Victor while they discussed the training of pupils, for Eldrick had let slip to Sergei that Victor was training mages.  Daividh would interject now and again about how training a student or apprentice was not unlike raising an heir.  Having to understand the where’s and why fors could be tedious but necessary for the outcome to be conducive to success.  Sebastian ate with gusto, almost as if he hadn’t eaten in days, though he had eaten a very large breakfast earlier in the day.  Eldrick simply picked at his food, lost in contemplation. 

“It seems as though your young apprentice is lacking in appetite.  I remember Wilfred at that age I couldn’t get him to stop eating.  I mean Sergei, look at the boy.  He's as thin as a rail, no muscles there at all, have you not been making sure he works out on the farm?  I thought for sure there were many tasks out there that would require strength.  I hate to say it old friend, but you do not have the strength to continue running that place on your own."  He glanced towards Sebastian, "I truly hope you have decided to sell it to someone who would see it well taken care of.  You will always have a place here as long as you would like.  No heavy lifting and no dues to be paid either.  You have long since paid your dues and should be able to rest.  Sorry, that came out boorish.  What I meant was you have some good years left in you and you should be able to use them as you will, with no responsibilities weighing upon you.” 

“You know my friend, Eldrick is just worried about the upcoming conclave and his friend.  Sebastian took a very serious injury yesterday defending us from brigands.  I am aware that we are not going to be able to continue our travels until Sebastian is healed.  I don’t like the idea of travelling while he is so badly injured.  As to the well-being of the farm, that has already been taken care of.  It is going to Eldrick upon his completion of the journeyman trials.  I am aware that there have not been more than three new masters promoted in the last fifteen years.  And all of them seemed to be poppets who toady up to Veldar.” 

“Are you sure your young Eldrick is up to the task?  I mean some of the failures were in better shape and they still failed.  I am sure you know what you are doing.” 

They continued talking all through the meal.  Once again, the king rose.  This time he didn’t clap, motioning for the servers to clear away the remains of the meal, the signal for the sweets to be brought out.  The rich scent of egg custard permeated the room as the crème Brule was served.  The crisp topping crunched under the forceful ministrations of the diner's spoons. 

Once the sweet course was complete Daividh rose and gestured for Sergei to accompany him to his private chambers.

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