Chapter 6

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Sebastian’s wing joint throbbed violently.  Though he didn't move much while sleeping, he felt like he had spent most of the night on his back and right side.  Giving himself a shake to loosen up tense and sore muscles he heard a loud pop and felt searing pain arc through his right side as the wing snapped painfully back into place.  Realizing he was shrieking; Sebastian clamped his snout shut and cut the cry off. 

That he had expelled any sound at all was a shock to him.  He was still young enough that vocalizations shouldn’t have occurred.  It was a symptom of maturing into breeding age.  He had yet to find a suitable mate, though his thoughts kept returning to Eldrick.  Only the pheromones of a suitable mate would trigger this development.  As far as he knew no other dragons were living in the area. 

Leaving his room, he approached Sergei.  "It just snapped back in, but I am afraid there may be other damage to the tendons and ligaments.  It hurts something fierce.  The pain isn’t as bad as when I woke up." 

“I will do what I can.  I am not familiar with draconic anatomy," Sergei's brow creased.  "I will assess the injury as I would any of my livestock.  That is the closest I can get to your physiology; I am sorry my friend” replied Sergei uncomfortably. 

Examining the wing joint and checking the muscles and tendons Sergei muttered, "I can't find anything wrong.  There is some swelling which should dissipate over time."

The joint and surrounding muscle tissue was tender to the touch, which was to be expected, icing it should help he figured as it had with Sergei's hip. 

A sudden realization dawned in Sergei's eyes.  "My shoulder no longer hurts like it did the other day there is a serious lack of pain in my shoulder and it vanished with your ear-piercing cry this morning."  He scowled as he turned his attention back to Sebastian.   “How did you know we needed your help yesterday?  Neither of us were in any condition to call for help and you were miles away.” 

"To be honest, sir, I had a feeling of dread from the farmhouse I could not explain.  It spurred me on to get here as fast as I could.  I can't afford losing good friends." 

“I believe we may have a bond I have not heard of before.  When you let out that cry this morning the pain in my shoulder vanished.  It hit me three days ago as I was waking up and caused me to fall from my bed and dislocate my hip, which Eldrick had to pop into place," pausing as he rubbed his chin.  "We can craft a makeshift ice pack for that before we head out to deal with the moose," he indicated Sebastian's wing.  "I would also suggest you rest it today but tomorrow strengthen those muscles with short flights over the next couple of days.  I would never have suggested you try for a moose if I’d known it would be that dangerous for you," looking contrite he turned toward the other room.  "Eldrick, it's time to get out of bed and attend to the livestock they have been neglected long enough.  Jemima is going to be one ornery cow, and the chickens are likely to be broody.  Also, when was the last time you mucked out the stalls?” 

“Sorry sir, I will get right on it, then I will start breakfast.  I don’t know what happened yesterday” responded Eldrick contritely. 

“Yesterday was not your fault.  It seems that we have acquired an unknown enemy.  I awoke to a cold bath our friend placed me in due to an extremely high fever.  If he hadn’t arrived when he did, I believe neither of us would have survived.  Now off with you, Sebastian and I have work to attend to.  Call us when breakfast is ready, we will be in the meat shed,” scolded Sergei. 

Heading for the kitchen, Sergei snagged a blanket from the cabinet.   He came back with his skinning knife, cleaver, filleting knife, and a small pot and a blanket for the ice pack.  Returning to the front room he signalled he was ready to proceed. 

Once outside Sergei dug the pot into the snowbank, placing it between Sebastian's wing joint and back.  Using the blanket he tied it in place.  The placing was awkward, but the cooling effect was palpable. 

Climbing out of the tunnels to the moose, Sebastian noticed it had frozen to the ground.  Inhaling sharply, Sebastian prepared for a quick blast of flame to release the moose from the snow.  Nothing.  Complete shock and apprehension flooded through Sebastian.  His body was changing, and he couldn't control it.  He needed to find the source of the pheromones.  There were going to be some serious issues that could cause problems with the current living arrangement.  He had about six months to find the source before his body entered a severe moulting phase. 

Putting that thought aside Sebastian set about cutting the moose free of the ice so they could get it into the meat shack and begin butchering.

Hanging the carcass in the shed, Sebastian stepped back, allowing Sergei the room necessary to skin the monstrous beast.  Hauling the tanning tub over to the side so that hide could be placed into it once it was sliced free of the body, Sebastian watched Sergei skin the moose.  The speed and efficiency of the old man astonished him.  With the hide removed Sergei set about gutting the moose so he could use the brains and left over urine to prepare the hide. 

Sensing the chill starting to cling to his bones, Sebastian scanned the room for a fireplace. Seeing a potbelly in the corner he found the flint and striker.  Stacking wood he gathered some tinder.  He struggled with manipulating the flint and striker. 

“Why not breathe fire onto it?” inquired Sergei. “I think that would be much easier than using the flint and steel.” 

"I would agree except there isn’t much room in here, I need the practice anyway."

“Alright then, I was just making a suggestion.” 

Several tries later, he finally got the fire going.  With the blaze roaring cheerfully in the fireplace, the shed began to warm.  Just then they heard the call to breakfast. 

“Well, great timing.  I cannot do much more.  The meat needs to thaw a bit.  My knives may be sharp but cutting frozen meat would dull them awful quick.  Having to stop to sharpen my knives constantly will slow us down.  Build up the flames a little higher then, we shall break our fast.” 

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