Chapter 7

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Breakfast consisted of thick porridge, eggs and toast.  Eldrick sported a few scratches on his hands from the chickens.  His nose also had a nip taken out of the tip. 

“Well, we are going to have a couple of chicks soon.  That dang banty hen took a chunk out of me when I tried to gather her eggs.  She's a mean one” Eldrick stated. 

“That’s what happens when they sit too long.  Oh well a couple fryers would be good to have anyway” retorted Sergei.  “After breakfast, Sebastian and I need to finish with the moose.  Otherwise, we won't have meat for dinner tonight.  Have you finished with the barn yet?” 

“No sir I haven’t, I was planning on finishing that up after breakfast.  It is probably going to take me all day.  Some has frozen to the floor.  Thank goodness it is frozen.  I wouldn’t want to be near the barn for the stench."  Eldrick looked at the ground in embarrassment.  "I have to take the scrub brush and some hot water in there once the old straw and manure are removed.  I had planned on mucking out the stalls yesterday.  I seem to have slept all day.  I woke up in the middle of the front room.  Why did you let me sleep?” 

“My dear boy, I think there was a magical attack during the night.  I have not been able to determine where it originated.  I am doing some research.  I am trying to determine a way to shield you from further attacks."  Sergei looked thoughtful, "Tomorrow we will return to your magical studies.  Specifically, shields to protect yourself from attack."  Eldrick watched Sergei shift his attention to Sebastian.  "I would like you to stick around tomorrow and learn this as well.  This technique will allow you to disguise your energies so others cannot sense your strength.  I know you do not consider yourself menacing and neither do either of us.  However, others will perceive a dragon as a threat," he shifted to split his attention between them.  "I would like you to master this ability and make it second nature so that you do not need to concentrate on it," his gaze focused on Eldrick.  "My reasoning for this is my last three apprentices to pass onto their journeyman trials failed since I was unable to travel with them for that time," turning his attention back to Sebastian, "I am going to ask you to shadow young Eldrick while he is partaking of this trial.  I fear the High Druid has plans to remove anyone he perceives as a threat to him.  Eldrick from studying your energies, I have noted that you carry great potential.  Everyone who has shown such potential has disappeared during journeyman trials.  I will explain more when the time comes, now we all have things to attend to.”

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