Chapter Twenty Four

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“Who are they?” Karolus asked, trying not to make it look obvious that he wanted to reach for his sword.

“The Alexandrite Guard. They patrol the Alexandrite Ward.” Tarik answered as he paid Cestus double what he asked for. The wyrmling had done well.

It had cost Tarik a small fortune in bribes as they crossed the city bridges. Guards wanting to ask questions of Karolus and the halflings thought otherwise when silver graced their palms.

“Got a thing for shiny shit don’t they.” Stella didn't enjoy being in the company of those whose loyalty was based on wealth.

Tarik had Cestus bring them to a different bridge market than he had passed through the night before, it was further along. His hope being that they didn’t bump into Sofi again. He wanted a more formal approach to requesting an audience with the House of the Bastion.

The more inland they went the harder it was to sit still. The massive buildings, grand bridges and the mountains of the island all pressed down on him. Statues of dragons were all about them, on the bridges, guarding the grand arches that led to wide streets, and sat high upon expensively built buildings. 

So many Calvarians walked the streets, their scales every colour imaginable. Everyday life here reminded him of home. Sure there was less mud, rain and pigs and more marble, gems and scales here but it didn’t matter. All the same day to day patterns were there.

“They went all out on names didn’t they.” Stella jibed.

“What do you mean?” Tarik approached a small roofless building of white stone. Mithril cages held Pseudodragons within them. A large gold tray with coins piled on it sat on a table. 

“Alexandrite.” Stella said as if it answered everything. 

“The Ward is infused with power from Alexandrite. The guards carry Alexandrite sigils. They guard it. I don’t see the confusion.” Tarik dropped a handful of silver on the tray and a sun orange pseudodragon flew from its mithril cage and landed on his shoulder.

Stella just stared at him, smiled and patted him on the hip before turning away to wander the square. 

Tarik whispered to the small dragon bird on his shoulder. The words were in the draconic tongue. A moment later it took flight into the night sky. 

“Was that a dragon?” Karolus looked amazed as it flew away, its burnt orange feathers flapped gracefully. 

“Not quite, but they are of the blood.” 

“This place is beyond anything I could imagine.” Karolus turned in an arc looking back the way they came and towards the magnificent town before them. A town Tarik told them was the home of Calvarias leaders and the place their lives would be most at risk. 

“Don’t let its glitter fool you. Once you are past it you will see the tarnished gold of politics used to gain selfish riches with no care of the people.” It was the first time Tarik had let out a glimpse to the party of his true feelings towards the place.

Karolus nodded and adjusted his sword belt subconsciously.

“So where is the Villa Taurusino?” Yina appeared in the conversation. 

“A short walk beyond the ward.” 

“The Alexandrite Ward?” Stella called out as she belly laughed.

Tarik ignored the jest and continued talking with Yina. She was the easiest to converse with and respected her all seeing self. Her obvious youth betrayed the wisdom she carried.

“Beyond the pillars we will be watched by many magical means. Some may only view but there are those of power that could hear our words if we are not careful. So please take care when you speak.” Tarik addressed the three of them but aimed his words quite obviously at Stella.

“Noted lad, I'll behave.” the halfling cleric nodded and winked.

There was no trouble passing the pillars of the ward. The guards seemed happy with Tarik claiming they were his guests. As they left the guards behind Karolus noticed they were laughing after whispers were made. The target of their laughter seemed to be Tarik. But he didn't react.

The flora of this huge town, a district of the island city, was so filled with vibrancy and colour it blew Karolus mind. His eyes flicked from bloom to bloom, the gem dust wisped in the air about them, kissing the petals of close by flowers.

Yina was criss crossing the road, skipping to each patch. The short marble stone flower beds looked as though they were absorbing the starlight of the night. The halfling druid reached out and caught the moonlight, playing with it at her fingertips.

She looked so happy. As if she walked in the great forests of the Drydakka. Karolus noticed Stella watching her with a broad grin and love in her eyes. 

Tarik led them along and as promised it wasn’t too far. A short path ran from the main road they walked on. Simple stone slabs with the artwork of a raven on each slab. An open garden of peach trees spread out before them. 

A wide gate of styled iron opened automatically as they approached. As it did Karolus noticed that Tarik was grinning. 

“Something we missed?” he asked.

“It has been a while since I haven’t had to open it myself.” Tarik stopped at the open gates and gestured with his arm for them to enter. 

Karolus and Stella did and looked upon the single floor villa before them. It was clearly expensive in its making but was simplistic. They could see no obvious grand gestures of wealth or station.

Yina however was climbing the trees in the garden and plucking peaches from them. She joined them shortly after with an armful of the plump fruits. She took a juicy bite out of one, the sweet liquid running down her chin.

“I think we should live here.” she said with such bright happiness in her eyes.

Karolus couldn’t help but laugh and took a peach from her, tucking in himself. It was like nothing he had ever tasted. The fruity flesh was perfectly sweet, he couldn’t help but for a moment agree with Yina. Stellas look told them both she wasn’t humouring Yinas words.

“Good evening Dominus. I did not know we were having guests. My apologies for not having anything prepared.” The tall and lithe Samos opened the door to the villa as they approached it. An ankle length robe of shiny black complemented their golden yellow scales. 

“Lucretia, it is I who is sorry. I should have sent word ahead. Are the ovens still hot?” Tarik gave a bow.

“Yes Dominus. I will..” they stopped as Tarik held his hand up.

“Good, I will prepare supper for us. Can you show our guests to the inner gardens please. A supper under the stars sounds like a good idea.” 

Lucretia and Tark shared a nod to one another. Once beyond the doorway the villa opened up before them. The first thing the three highlanders noticed was the warmth in the home was natural. As if the heat of a large fire ran through the villa. It had been an age since they had felt such heat.

The floor under foot was neatly made with small tiles. Patterns of colours that made up no specific image. The tall Samos led them past a huge room that was filled with equipment used for various exercises. Ropes, sticks, heavy stones, wooden steps and barrels of sand. 

Past this was an indoor pool. Easily large enough for a person to swim happily back and forth along its length. Lit torches were all around the pool, the orange glow of the room held warmth. 

The whole building was a square and as they went into the gardens they could see it had no middle. The gardens were roofless and the moon and stars above shone down. For a reason none asked, the rainbow aurora was not visible. 

Tables and chairs were already set in the gardens. A dozen chairs at three round tables. All from wood and simple in design. More peach trees made up the majority of the garden flora. The blooms here did not have gem dust upon them, all their petals were naturally vibrant. 

“The Dominus will be with you shortly. I will prepare rooms for your stay.” Lucretia bowed and swept the robe from their way to leave.

“What does Dominus mean?” Karolus could guess but that's all it would have been.

“Apologies, in the common tongue it would be akin to lord, or the like.” they nodded again and left the gardens back into the villa.

Karolus nodded to himself and looked about the gardens. The smells were pungent and it truly reminded him of the wilds of home. Just that natural aroma, the night sky above. 

“Not doing bad for himself then.” Stella whistled as she took a seat.

“I’m just looking forward to what he cooks. I’m hungry as a bear.” Yina was on her third peach and beaming at the opportunity of more.

Karolus laughed and strolled about the garden. He had no idea long had passed when Tarik showed up carrying a large tray with ease. Placing it upon the table that Stella was sitting at. 

A bowl with boiled eggs accompanied a plate of sliced ham and another of pepper seed cheese. Two jugs of water were placed and four wooden cups.

“Eat.” Tarik said as he positioned everything perfectly. 

“Thank you Dominus.” Karolus mocked but stopped smiling at the dark look Tarik shot at him.

“Lucretia is keen on formality.” Tarik finished laying out the supper. 

“Are they your…?” 

“Friend.” Tarik ended the line of questioning.

Karolus didn’t push it and sat at the table. They all started tucking in. The food was good and the water fresh. Yina made a wonderfully exaggerated compliment about Tariks cooking that brought a smile to them all. 

Stella ate like she had never been fed before and welcomed an evening of water instead of heavy ale. 

“The food is grand and all but when we seeing the wolf?” Stella munched on a mouthful of ham.

Karolus looked from his plate, trying to control the need to run to wherever Galwyn was in the city.

“We will need to go to him.” Tarik poured out a cup for himself. 

“Is he staying with your House leader, Garen?” Karolus was trying to recall anything shared during their sailing time together.

“Unfortunately not. Galwyns residence here is not within the Rook.” 

“What yer not saying lad?” Stella had picked up on his half truths. 

Yina hadn’t noticed them but was beaming smug that Stella now had. Karolus was oblivious and still not completely on track with Stella after she asked. 

Tarik took a sip and looked across the table to Stella. 

“As I said earlier there are those with the power to hear our words if spoken out loud. Let us finish our supper then we can converse.” he stared at the cleric, she stared back. 

“Well it is good food, might as well.” Stella raised her cup to his and they clinked them together. 

It was deep into the night, early hours of the morning. Supper was long gone and the  party had moved indoors to avoid the lack of heat outside. A sitting room with a large armchair and two large sofas positioned in front of a massive hearth.

Tarik sat in the armchair and kept the fire going with thick logs and an iron poker. Lucretia had informed them that the guest rooms had been made up for them and if anything else was required to let them know. 

Yina shaped herself into a ginger furred cat and sat on Stellas lap purring. It was a wonderful sight of deep friendship and love. Karolus took a mental picture. They were all quiet for a while until Stella yawned and chucked cat Yina to the floor gently. 

“Time for bed druids.” Stella looked at Karolus, now off the sofa she picked Yina back up.

“Opposite the pool.” Tarik informed them.

“What?” Stella asked.

“The guest rooms.”

“Aye, right. Anyway, night.” Stella carried Yina stroking her head. 

The two halflings, one as a cat, left Karolus and Tarik before the fiery hearth. The wood snapped and cracked in the flames and the pair sat silently. 

“Can I ask you something?” Karolus continued to look at the flames. 

“You just did.” 

Karolus paused for a moment.

“On the ship, you said to go and get Glencora from the Fae.”

“I did.”

Karolus had gotten used to Tariks' people skills.


Tarik threw a log into the flames and turned to the highlander. He thought through the answer to give. The danger it would offer, the interference it would cause his current plans.

“The Fae reside in their own realms. As you sailed here you can travel there.” Tarik offered smoothly.

Karolus sat back against the sofa cushions. He had been told the stories of the Copper Forests and Hills of Kamen, worlds where the fairy creatures lived and came through to Toa and did evil and horrible things. 

“We can travel there, into their realms?” his mind was racing. His thoughts now filling with visions of Glencoras’ face.

“Indeed. It's not as simple as knocking on a door. But there are ways.”

“You need to show me. Can we go now?” Karolus was up and in front of Tarik.

Tarik stood and put his hands on Karolus' shoulders, settling him.  

“Take a breath, think of Connor.”

Karolus had tears rolling down his cheeks. The realisation that he could have saved them. They would still be here. 

Glen would have kept Connor safe where he had failed. His heart was beating so fast when he felt the hands of Tarik and his words floated in his mind. He dropped to his knees.

Tarik followed him down and knelt before him. 

“Karolus, breathe. Focus on my voice. Breathe.” Tarik kept his tone soft and comforting. 

“It should’ve been me. It should’ve been me. Glen wouldn’t have failed. Connor would be safe.”

“Look at me Karolus.” Tarik waited until Karolus made eye contact.

“But it wasn't.” Tarik stated.

Karolus blinked slowly, the tears coming to a slow stop. 

“But..” the highlander started.

“But nothing. Stand up.” Tarik stood but did not offer a hand to Karolus.

Karolus repeated the words in his head. It wasn’t him. It wasn’t him. Glen was gone, at least for now. Connor was so close and here he was panicking and looking for another to step in. His anxiety slowed. He took a deep breath and stood.

“Sorry.” he said through a staggered breath trying to regain his composure.

“This is the last time you break until we have Connor safe. Do you understand?” 

“I’m scared to my wits end Tarik.”

“There is nothing wrong with fear.”

“Easy for you to say, you’re fearless.”

“Fearless is for the arrogant. Always acknowledge fear Karolus, you will live longer.”

Karolus nodded gently.

“You sound like a wizened wolf.” 

“I’ve been called worse.” Tarik reflected the gentle laugh.

They pair shared the moment before Tarik moved to put the fire out. 

“We should rest before Stella bangs our heads together.” 

Karolus laughed and agreed, enjoying the lighter mood of Tarik. Tariks personal room was on the opposite side of the pool room and so as they reached the guest room Karolus called Tarik.

“Will you help me with Glen?” Karolus asked with hope.

“One thing at a time highlander. Now rest.” Tarik walked on to his room.

In his room Tarik stripped off. Naked he went through a series of meditative stretches and positions to settle his body and thoughts. He had felt the intrusion on his mind early in the night. It always failed and yet they still tried.

He lit the candle at his bedside. His room was basic. Definitely not that of a Dominus of Calvaria. His bed sheet was a thin cotton of blue that he wrapped like a robe about his body.

His window opened slowly and the sun orange pseudodragon flew in and settled on the table.

“Welcome Alterus.” Tarik said to the draconic bird.

“Good evening Tarik of the Rook. Sofi of the Bastion accepts your offer.” The voice was smooth and deep.

“Thank you kind Alterus, may the sunstone bless you.” Tarik bowed to the creature.

The pseudodragon spread its wings and did its own bow of etiquette before flying back out the open window.

Tarik closed the window but not before watching the beautiful creature fly northward.   

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