Chapter Thirty Four

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The fighting was intense. Karolus kept his momentum, slashing and stabbing when he could, parrying when it was needed and throwing himself to the ground and rolling had saved his life several times in this fight. 

Stella had summoned small spiritual guardians that circled her and attacked the soldiers when they came close to her. The hammer was alight with radiant fire. The halfling cleric's shield had been smashed but in its place she had manifested a divine buckler that would not break as long as she took breath. 

Karolus fought alongside her, at times back to back as the soldiers tried to box them in. Keeping the momentum was key, working the angles so as not to let themselves become surrounded. 

His sword was nearly knocked from his hand but he used the attack to spin and hit back, doing little damage but it gave him the time he needed to reset.  Prince Octavus was close by walking about the chaos, brimming with excitement at the bloodshed, their tongue snaking out over their lips as if tasting the loss of life. 

The highlander had to ignore them and concentrate. Making a plan mid battle was not easy, Connor was still in a berserk state of mind and was devastating the soldiers. So much so that the reward offered was swiftly becoming not worth one's life.

Octavus applauded and called for a more aggressive push on the new Vendari, wanting to see the potential with their own eyes.  

“Hurry up highlander! I think your little brother is tiring!” the Prince mocked loudly.

Karolus was furious but could only attack the soldiers in front of him. He chanced a glance around him to look for a space that involved the party being able to grab Connor and run. Tarik had told him to get to the docks but that was impossible.

“Yer got a plan lad or we just fighting until the branches of the Ruis and Ailm welcome us?” Stella called out as the massive Mastiff barrelled into the soldier to her right and bit deep into the scales and flesh around its throat.

“I can’t leave without Connor.” was the only answer he had.

“Ruis it is then!” the cleric called as she cast another prayer to Shiorraidh Cadal, her eyes became complete orbs of golden light and her strikes were empowered.

The large wolf yelped and rolled across the scene before turning back into Yina. Despite her youthful appearance there was years of wisdom behind her hazel eyes. Wisdom that said they were in trouble.

The halfling druid stood to her feet and brought her hands up blasting air all about her, like she was directing a tornado. Scales and flesh were torn from the soldiers but the attack only breezed over her allies.

“I can get us out of here, we just need to get to that tree!” called Yina.

“Not without Connor!” Karolus called back.

“He's all in with Ruis lass!” Stella said with joy in her voice.

“Of course he is!” Yina shook her head with the youth of today's emphasis on it. 

Connor was angry, he felt only rage. Shouting and screaming at the soldiers in front of him. Tearing their shields from their hands before biting through their armour and torso. They did it, they took his ma, took his brother, took his home.

The Kyanite Vendari was a raging power. The blessing of a dragon was no easy task to deal with. The words of the arcane wove into his mind in a draconic tongue, giving him encouragement, bringing forth memories of the flames and smoke. 

What Connor didn’t know was Prince Octavus was spinning a bardic melody of inspiration into his mind. He felt empowered by it, clung to its force of will. He would tear the souls from everyone coming against him. 

He let out a roar and from deep within rumbled the damaging breath the Samos could muster. Normally of an elemental nature he came forth in a cone of bone breaking stone out in front of him. It crushed several soldiers who were stuck in two minds of retreating or going all in. 

Connor bull rushed left sprawling those in front of him. He heard a cry of pain that didn’t sound like the others. His mind clung to the sound. He knew it, felt it pang in his heart. The inspiring draconic words became louder. 

Something was different though. The voice he knew was calling to him, repeating his name. There was a battle raging in between the bardic song in his mind and the voice in his heart. 

“Connor!” again and again.

The bardic song faded and his mind cleared. He was looking down at his brother who was holding his arm. He had been wounded by a large set of claws, his.

“Karolus.” his words broken.

“Breathe.” said the elder sibling.

Connor could now focus, his brother, Yina and Stella nearby. A mastiff he didn’t know but it stood guard over them. Calvarian soldiers lay dead all about them, with more moving towards them. 

He did as instructed and took a long deep breath.

Prince Octavus was idly walking towards them with several soldiers dressed in similar attire but it had amber filigree across the breast plate and their short cloaks were golden. They had full helms of gold layered across their draconic heads.

Each spoke words of power and their blades ignited with arcane energy.

“Well as entertaining as that was, I'm tired and have things to do. So unfortunately your selection of annoying insects needs to be squashed. The Blessed of Agamas will be coming with me.” Ocvtavus spoke as one who lived in expectation of their word being obeyed.

Karolus stood between Connor and the oncoming Romanus soldiers. Ruis was the tree of death and those that embraced it. He had tried not to accept it but he was fooling himself. The outcome was so heavily stacked against them.

The docks were too far away, whatever Tarik had arranged was wasted. Karolus for the first time in a long time did not feel anxious, he slowed his breathing. If he could just get a swing at Octavus and take their life he would die happy. Karolus knuckles whitened as he gripped the druidic broadsword in his hand, waiting for the moment. 

Octvaus smiled with cruelty in their eyes. Seeing Karolus stand foolishly before them. It was always this moment the Prince bathed in. 

“Well let's get a move on then yer frog faced lizards!” Stella brought the last of her prayers to her and the hammer brightened and the shield in her hand had never looked so new. 

The halfling Cleric rushed forwards, calling down divine fire in a column into the pack of Romanus. She missed the Prince as they reacted and shielded themselves from its burning light. Two of them were not so lucky. 

Tarl barked and leapt, following Stella’s lead, biting at any limbs they could. He looked heavily wounded across the face and flanks. But fought on like a beast refusing to die. 

The previous battle had been wild and unorganised. The soldiers were well trained but didn’t wield the magic the small party did. But this one was well practised in violence. Magic was present on both sides but unlike Stella and Yina they hadn’t used most of their energy for the day. 

Karolus moved with precision now he had accepted his fate. Remembering his short training with Tarik on the ship. His swordplay had massively improved and it served him well in this moment. 

Octavus did not directly take part but allowed magic to flow from their voice into the Romanus Calvarain soldiers. They could see Karolus was trying to come for them and so the Prince remained close enough to bait him.

Tarl yelped and skidded across the stone before laying still, his breathing shallow. The wound broke his shapeshift and now he lay there moaning in pain. 

Something deep in Yinas heart broke. She had known love as many times as she had lost it. Her lot in the world was chosen and she embraced it. But never had one stood as Tarl had before the Phoenix, and all for her. 

Druid of the Toan Drydakka, halfling of the highlands. Yina remembered everything. She had to get them away. Ruis be damned it was not their time. She looked at them and saw the component she needed. 

“Connor.” she said among the fighting.

He looked at her, the rage in his eyes had long gone and the scared flickers of a youngling remained.

“Get me to that tree over there. Stay strong and don’t stop. Can you do that.” She wasn’t asking.

Connor looked at Tarl dying on the ground, then at Karolus and Stella fighting like heroes from the fireside stories back home. He looked down at the tiny Yina, nodded, and picked her up.

Kyanite power infused with his soul, Connor smashed through the closest Romanus soldiers to him and sprinted to the tree in the gardens nearby. Putting Yina down and wiping tears from his lightning blue eyes. 

“Get Karolus, it's time for you to go home. Be quick about it.” Yina placed her palm on the bark of the wide trunk and felt its life and answered her request for permission. 

The druid pulled a handful of stones from a pouch and blew on them as she whispered the language of the elements. Casting them forwards they skittered across the ground and where they stopped fingers of root, stone and druidism pulled humanoid entities from the very ground. 

Similar to the earth spirit Karolus had summoned, but these from Yina looked ancient and radiated power. 

“Connor, quickly.”

“What about your friends?” panic rising in his voice. 

“They will be fine, I will bring them with me. Now hurry.”

Karolus was tapped, relying on his sword skill and the magic within it. He was covered with cuts, bruises and was certain most of  his ribs were cracked. 

An outsider looking in would have been impressed at how long the cleric and young highlander were holding themselves against their enemy. But the result was inevitable. 

“Stella, we need to kill Octavus at least.” When there was no reply, no radiant light flashing in the fight he turned and saw Stella motionless on the ground, a large pool of blood about her. 

Sadness and anger boiled up from within, he slashed wide but the blade was caught by a large blue scaled hand. It was like hitting a castle wall.

“Karolus!” Connor shouted, stepping in and grabbing his brother, lifting him off his feet.

Karolus looked up confused.

Connor took a deep breath and as before sent forth a cone of rock knocking back the Romanus for a brief moment.

As he turned to run back to Yina stood before him was Prince Octavus. Tutting and waving a finger. Rose gold fire burning in their eyes. 

“This is not how this story ends dear highlanders.” Octavus turned their hand and a yellow spark hit Karolus.

He spat blood and started to clutch at his throat as he could no longer breath. 

“Stop!” Connor roared at Octavus.

“No.” Octavus said softly and with ease. 

Connor lunged and slashed with all his might. The magic shield of the Prince absorbed the kinetic force of the blow, cracks of light splintered through the arcane armour. 

It was enough to break Octavus' concentration on his spell locked onto Karolus. forcing them to step backward. The look of utter shock on their face was seen by all those around watching the fight. 

Karolus stood and leaned against his massive brother. 

“Move.” he patted his shoulder. 

Octavus did not acknowledge them as they ran past. What had just happened. What power had this Kyanite Vendari been blessed with. Looking up and at them they saw the magical portal the halfling druid had created for them.

Both were running for it. No doubt it led back to the highlands. Miles from Calvaria. They would have time to run. This couldn’t stand. 

Octavus pulled their arm back and summoned a sharp golden spear of light. They thrust their hand forwards and the spear shot forwards. Its target could do nothing as they concentrated on the portal.

Yina saw it coming from behind the highland brothers. She knew it would be enough to break her hold on the portal if she tried to defend against it. If…

Karolus and Connor half smiled as they saw the beaming smile of Yina. She nodded at the Holly green light that was the portal back to the Toan Highlands.

The spear of light flashed past the brothers and they immediately understood. She was sacrificing herself. The golden arcane weapon however, did not hit its mark as leaping from the Wyvern above was a ebony scaled Vendari, emerald eyes a blaze with sword and shield at the ready. 

Sofi landed heavily in front of Yina and stepped forward shield barging the spear in its flight. The arcane blast pushed her back a step but then dissipated. 

Everyone stopped. Breaths were held as Sofi the Vendari of the House of the Bastion had joined the scene. Prince Octavus looked livid but did not lash out. 

“What is going on here?” Sofi’s question demanded an answer. She was careful not to direct it at the Prince. 

“Who ordered the attack on the Blessed of Agamas?” she boomed as she eyeballed the carnage about her. So many Calvarians dead, and from the looks of it civilians had been caught in the damaging spells cast in the battle. 

“It was I, Vendari Sofi. My apologies, I misread the situation. I thought these small folk were trying to abscond with the Blessed.” Octavus lied easily and knew Sofi knew of the lie as well. But for now it would stand. 

Sofi stared hard. She couldn’t scold the Prince. They could do as they wished. Her eyes fell upon the Douén and the still halfling. She then turned to Karolus.

Their eyes locked. Both acknowledged the difficulty in the next few moments. 

“Are you trying to leave with Connor?” Sofi asked out loud, hoping beyond hope that Karolus saw reason. 

“We are going home, Sofi.” Karolus gestured at the portal. 

She waited for a breath.

“If you step through that portal I cannot keep my promise of keeping Connor safe.”

“This is not our home.”

“It could be.” She took a small step towards him.

It was Karolus who now paused for thought. A life in Calvaria, he would be near Sofi and could venture down that path. Connor would be well looked after, rich and healthy beyond his wildest dreams. 

But it meant forgiving and forgetting. The highlands, their mother, Glencora, Galwyn, and Connor himself. It was too much to ask. Then there was Octavus, as long as that lizard took breath Karolus would never forgive or forget. 

“Come with us.” he counter offered.

This caught Sofi off guard and her sword lowered slightly. She was Vendari, a Dragonspirit of Calvaria. It was her fate to champion the dragons of Uldryd. Sofi steeled herself.

“Karolus of the Toan Highlands. I will grant you passage to leave Calvaria under peace. You may say your goodbyes to your brother who will remain in Calvaria. The Blessed of Agamas is a truly honoured guest and a gift from the dragons." She then performed a formal bow. 

He scowled at her.

“Connor, step through the portal.” Karolus moved himself in the way of Sofi. 

“Connor, if you step through that portal your brother's life will be forfeit. Do you want that?” she offered softly. 

The younger of the brothers looked at his sibling then at Sofi before looking into the soft caring eyes of Yina. She was heartbroken, he could see the pain she wore. Tarl and Stella had been close to her. 

“Vendari Sofi, I’m sorry but it’s not nice here and I want to go home.” tears rolled down his scaled face. 

Time stood still. Octavus hadn’t moved, they watched with curiosity. What happened next would hinder or help his plans. 

Sofi stood open-mouthed before shifting back to her natural Sovii Orc form. 

Yina smiled, straining with the power of the portal. 

Karolus took hold of Connors massive hand and squeezed it gently and took a step to the portal. 

“Please. Don’t.” Sofi pleaded.

The highlander softened his gaze and drank in her beauty before taking a final step. 

Karolus and Connor disappeared through the druidic portal, Yina following behind.

As the portal closed Sofi walked forwards and placed her palm on the bark, closed her eyes and sighed. 

Behind her Prince Octavus smiled, spoke a word of power and disappeared in a flash of rose coloured light.  

Sofi lowered her blade as the portal closed. When the metal hit the stone the noise brought her around. She sheathed it and placed her shield upon her back.

She went about her duty, giving orders to clean up the dead, tend to the wounded and make sure of the safety of the other Princes. Albeit she felt the threat had now left.

She was feeling every emotion fighting for placement within her. 

“What of the halfling and hound Vendari Sofi?” 

“Take their bodies to the Bastion, I will see to their last rites.”

“Apologies, they are wounded, not dead.”

For a brief moment Sofi thought about executing them, but it would have been nothing more than petty vengeance for Karolus and Connor leaving.

“To the Bastion, see that they are healed.” she ordered.

Sofi blew into her silver whistle and the massive Wyvern she had arrived on landed nearby. Craning its massive head into her chest. She leapt up behind the wings and neck. A second later she was in the sky directing the beast towards an old friend.

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