Chapter Twelve

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Karolus had felt nauseous quite often the last day or so. The dead eyes of Yina and Aden staring at him. A Tharros, a sorcerer, had faced them. The stories of them being demon summoners and necromancers was told most commonly as a scary story for children.

The wagon raft they steered was thankfully loaded with food and drink for many days' travel and more importantly spare clothing and warm blankets. Rain fell on and off as per the norm. Greenery rolled by thick forests reaching miles back into the rolling hills of the highlands. 

Karolus and Connor had talked about irrelevant topics over the last couple of days, passing time the best they could.. Climbing trees, fishing, working the farmlands. It was very forced and fake but it worked. 

As angry as Connor had been, he agreed that finding the Douén was a higher priority. The brothers were worried where else the Calvarian’s might be.

“Do you think your friend Galwyn killed those Samos?” Connor asked as he ate an apple, the water wheels were turning behind the eyes. 

“When I first saw them fighting I didn’t think so. But now, yeah I do. The Douén are powerful. ” Karolus had been thinking about it the last day or so. Galwyn was something to behold, to be in his presence was otherworldly.

“What did they teach you?” Connor wanted to know anything that could be of use.

“Magic, a little but not like the stories. More simple things, like how to ask for help from the elementals.” Karolus looked about to try to give an example but saw no fire or earth, however they were on the river and alone.

Dipping his hand in the freezing water, like a tiny oar. Karolus reached out, requesting the audience, let the river know he was just wanting to say hello.

When his hand got too cold he pulled it free and held it under his arm to warm. At the edge of the wagon-raft a half dozen small humanoid shapes, made purely of water, climbed aboard.

Connor immediately crouched towards them.

“Nice and easy, be respectful.” Karolus resisted his hand on his brother's shoulder. 

“Hello, I'm Connor.” he gave a small nod, there wasn’t a lot of room with his head so close to the wood.

All six of the elementals gave a lil bow to Connor. As they did they were joined by a chunky earth spirit rumbled out from behind the sacks. 

Both brothers were a little surprised as they hadn’t seen the spirits since entering Bluewyn. It stood before Connor facing the water spirits. It didn’t bow. 

“What's going on Karolus?”

“It’s protecting you.” the elder brother answered with a smile, he could feel it, interpet what was going on. 

A moment later the earth and water launched at one another and began to wrestle playfully. Tiny stones flicked into the brothers with a little sting.

Small jets of water hit the earth spirit. It looked as though the water were youthful and the earthen one a playful parent. 

The brothers watched and laughed with the truest joy they could muster. It was honest and worth it. A minute passed and the game was done. 

One by one the water spirits waved and leapt back into the river, blue lights that faded to nothing below the surface. When the earthen spirit faced them it bowed, almost in apology for its hiding. 

Karolus nodded and watched it approach Connor. It formed into a small replica of a stone warhammer. As Connor picked it up it fell apart and the stone became finer than sand.

Connor smiled broadly.   

“Did Glencora know magic?” Connor moved closer to Karolus and sat upon a chest as his older brother steered the raft. 

“They did, and they were amazing with it. And fight, wow, I can tell you now Connor these lizards wouldn’t have stood a chance against Glen.” Karolus ruffled his brother's hair. 

The moment was shared silently.

“How do we find the Douén?” Connor asked.

“I have no idea, if we stay on the river we will end up in the sea.. We should still try and warn folk. But it seems the Calvarian’s are everywhere. The town we passed earlier I saw a Tharros skulking. If you have any ideas brother I’m all ears.” he looked at Connor with a cheeky smile.

Connor took on a serious look and was clearly deep in thought. A plan trying to be formed. Then it hit him, as if a torch instantly brightened in his mind.

“I think we should hunt them before they hunt us.” there wasn’t a smile on his young face, in fact the youthful look of Connor was not present at all in the statement.

Karolus put a hand on his brother's shoulder. Sighed deeply and patted him. 

“If only it were a few, but it looks like an army.” Karolus paused and looked to the treeline on the northern bank, pulled by an uneasy feeling.

“Means they will be easy to find then.” Connor this time had a mischievous dark look on his face. 

Karolus kept his eyes on the treeline. Then he saw it, the shades of coloured scales flicking past. Now he had seen one he could see the rest.

 Among the trees not far from the river bank was a hunting party. Were they looking for them?. 

“Well brother, I don’t think we will need to hunt for long.” and Karolus gestured to what he had seen. 

It took Connor a moment but then as the coin dropped he immediately reached for the bow. Frustration took hold of him as he remembered he had no more arrows. 

Karolus ignored him for a moment scanning the river ahead and the southern bank. The bend ahead narrowed and to his dread passed under a wide wooden bridge. It was here the hunting party was heading. Looking to intercept them. 

The southern bank was thick with mud, it wouldn’t be a quick way to get away and if this hunting party had magic or were even a half decent shot with a bow the brothers would be easy targets. 

It was the end of them running. Karolus felt a cold state push back his fear. The inescapable situation ahead of them made his decision easy. He pulled the broadsword free and held it tight in one hand. 

As he had guessed, the Calvarian’s now stood on the bridge. Gila lizards barking in the direction of the brothers, hungry for their flesh. 

Mostly Samos rangers, scales of blue and red shades. Expensive leather armour and well crafted bows. Not the same as the ranger Karolus had killed before. 

One stood out, clearly a Tharros. But it was more than that. Their scales looked as if made from molten amber, eyes the brightest rose gold. A robe wrapped about them, deepest crimson.

Beside them as if with a mind of its own, an ornate staff levitated. A solid piece of twisted marble, decorated with sapphire flakes.  

“They look like the leader.” stated Connor. 

“Yep.” Karolus agreed planning his first attempt of blood would be at that one.

As the raft floated along, it was quiet. The welcome party on the bridge stood staring through the misty rain emotionless. 

The leaders rose gold eyes locked onto Karolus. Connor had taken a sharp cooking knife from a pack and was holding it out of sight. Ready to defend himself if they got too close.

The obvious leader raised their hand, palm facing outwards and the lips moved, silently the magic manifested in the water before the raft. The water stopped running, as if an invisible dam had just been created, nor did it spill over. 

“Fair day to you travellers of the river.” The voice was deep and despite the growl of it was charming and had spent years mastering the craft of speech. 

“Let us pass.” Karolus was shielding Connor. Not that there was much space to do so. 

“I am looking for two brothers, one with dark hair and sea green eyes, that would be you. The other is big for their age with mouse blonde hair and hazel eyes.” their eyes fell upon Connor, the anger in the child’s eyes was like fuel to a fire, and they thrived upon it.

The highland brothers failed to hide their surprise.

“What?” was all Karolus could say.

“I am somewhat short of time and so I shall make it easier for you. I am here for Connor. There is nothing about my task that requires you to be alive. So, run some more and I shall allow my companions here to hunt you down and kill you. Before bringing young Connor to me.” the eyes narrowed.

“Or say your goodbyes now and I let you walk away alive, free to drown in your own guilt, eventually taking your own life realising your efforts were wasted.” the words were spoken matter of factly.

Karolus' mind was racing, the anger and hatred this brief conversation had stoked in his belly had to be quelled for a moment. The world felt slow. His thoughts were thick   

He turned to Connor, holding back tears. He couldn’t think fast enough but knew he would give his life for his brother in an instant. But now was not that moment. He needed time, looking back up at the Calvarian, Karolus took a deep breath.

“What do you want with him?” He stood as proud as he could, trying to show no fear. 

The leader grinned, sharp teeth filled their mouth.

“I can’t say I'm not disappointed at your miserable attempt to delay the inevitable. But I don’t enjoy deceit so you will have your next meal as a head start. I do hope you are hungry and will get this underway quickly. I have many more things to do other than chase children around the hills.” they took a long sigh of disappointment and waved, dismissing the hunting party. 

One by one the Samos left the bridge until only the amber scaled leader was left. 

“Know when you are beaten, it makes the day so much easier.” and with that they dropped the magic hold over the water and the raft again followed the river. 

As it passed under the bridge and out the otherside Karolus kept his eyes locked with the Calvarian leader. 

“Do I get to know the name of my executioner?” 

“No dear boy, you do not.” The toothy grin was all Karolus could focus on as they drifted further and further down the river. 

As soon as they were out of sight of the bridge Karolus threw up into the water. The Calvarians were uncontested in the Highlands, it seemed nobody was doing anything about them being here. Which meant they could hunt Connor and himself at their leisure.

Once the panic had gone he checked the time of day which was difficult with the clouds and heavy rain. 

They would need rest if they were to even remotely stand a chance of escaping the hunting party about to be descending upon them. 

It was both comforting and disturbing that they wanted Connor alive. 


“Why what?” replied Karolus.

“Why do they want me?” Connor looked on the verge of frustrated tears. 

“I have no idea little brother but we are not going to let it happen.”

“They said if you let me go with them then you would be left alone.” Connor looked at his brother deeply.

Karolus felt his soul being touched. 

“Connor, don't even think about it.”

“I am just saying, if I go with them you can live and find a way to come and get me.” The tears were no more and the bravery showed through like a beacon.

Karolus couldn’t believe what he was hearing. The absolute madness of the thought, the courage in the presented plan and cold logic of the words.

“They don’t intend on letting me live, that amber Tharros is bad news. You can’t go with them.” 

“But they did let us go after saying they would.”

“They are being deceitful brother. Trying to play games with us, to scare us.”

“Are you not scared?” Connor straightened his stance and put his chest out.

Karolus smiled and put both hands on his brother's shoulders. 

“I am petrified.” he laughed.

Connor looked quizzical for a heartbeat and then laughed. 

“Me too.” and the brothers laughed out loud. 

Those who knew their predicament would think them mad for laughing, but it somehow helped them get over the encounter at the bridge. 

“There is another village ahead. It might be time to get off the river and make our way on foot.” Karolus looked down river at a village that hadn’t come into view yet. 

“Will it not have them guarding it?” 

“It may, but if we stay on the river they can just follow it and take us any time they want.”

“Why don’t we just get off the raft now then?”

Karolus stood staring at the youth as if he were the smartest creature in the world. 

“Good point.” Karolus pushed the raft to the bank.

The brothers quickly took a heavy packed backpack each. With as much of what they would need to survive nights out in the highlands. Karolus had his sword and a long knife. Connor, without a usable bow, grabbed two hunting knives and a short boar spear. .

With an unspoken agreement they headed into the woodland before them. Still no idea on how to reach out for help and clueless as to why these people were after Connor.

It was a day later, at first the morning had been calm, a heavy rain had slowed their cooking of oats but they managed it. The brothers reacted to every sound of the forest, more so in the rain.

Now later in the day they continuously looked over their shoulders. Connor had been sure he had seen the black and orange scales of the Gila lizards among the trees. 

Karolus hadn’t but wasn’t willing to go looking to confirm. Instead they had upped the pace and pushed through the trees in a snake like pattern. 

Late into the afternoon they both saw the black and orange scales among the trees. Karolus walked with his sword out and Connor the two hunting knives. Knowing they were being stalked and seeing the beasts that were coming for them filled them with urgency and a small amount of dread. 

Karolus tripped and Connor stepped in helping him to his feet, deep growling croaks surrounded them as the Gila had moved into positions to encircle the brothers. The circle was large enough to give them the element of space but the brothers knew it was just a net waiting to be pulled over them. 

An arrow thudded into a tree nearby Karolus. The growling croaks became louder and with more intent. Karolus stopped and turned in a full circle scanning those that were not of the forest, those that stood out. Leather armour in patches across shiny scales. 

Bows with arrows loosely held in them. The arrow in the tree was clearly a warning shot, or one of teasing and malice. 

“Connor.” Karolus said the word quietly.

“No.” said Connor, tightening his grip on the hunting knives. His eyes filled with anger and hate.

“Connor.” Karolus said with a little more effort to get his younger brother's attention.

Connor turned and looked up, there was no fear in his eyes.

Time stopped, as Karolus remembered Connor as a babe in arms being brought into the house. Their mother had gone into labour out in the fields and Connor had not waited for his time to take breath in the world. 

All the times they had argued, fallen out, cried, laughed, hugged and thrown the odd mud pie at one another, all rushed through his memories. 

Karolus could feel the hunger of the hunters all around. His life ended here. His efforts had been nothing more than a few more days with his brother. 

“I’m sorry.” he finally said.

“For what.”

“This.” Karolus gestured at their surroundings. 

“This is their fault, not yours!” Connor spat angrily. 

Karolus smiled.

Another arrow thudded into another tree.

Snapping the brothers back to the matter at hand.

“For ma and Glen.” said Connor softly and turned on his heel running in the direction of the closest Gila lizard, shouting at the top of his lungs.

Karolus repeated his young brother's words and charged with him.

The broadsword of Karolus slashed down causing a long gash in the lizard's flank as Connor leapt at it stabbing furiously with his knives. The lizard was dead so fast that it gave the brothers advantage against the next one that rushed them. 

The Calvarian hunting party then burst into action. Arrows flew in the direction of the highlanders but in the chaos of the pair fighting the Gila lizards they did not manage to hit their mark.

Their orders were clear. Retrieve the young one and kill the elder. They advanced, pulling short swords. It would be a quick kill and on with their mission. 

Karolus spun and crashed the flat of the blade hard into the head of another Gila lizard. Teeth broke but his arm shuddered at the impact. Connor was a whirlwind of stabbing and cutting and concentrated his efforts on whatever his older brother was fighting in that heartbeat.

The Samos were now swinging at Karolus who swung wildly to keep them at bay. The natural terrain of the forest was making it slower for them to just surround him. 

But the outcome would be the same. The hunters had to make sure they didn’t injure Connor either but his blurring knives had already earned them some minor wounds. 

One of them became eager and leapt over a log at Karolus, but he saw it and adjusted his body enough to use the momentum of the hunter to plunge his sword deep into their chest. It didn't slide free as easily as the highlander wanted but managed it nonetheless.

Angry noise’s came from the hunters at the loss and stupidity of one of their own. They barked commands at the Gila and the lizards snapped and growled at Karolus, tightening the noose. 

Connor stood close to his brother, knives ready. Covered in lizard blood and some of his own from the terrain and odd glancing bite. 

“Give up highlander.” the words were spoken as if they had only just learnt the language.

“Never!” shouted Connor who threw one of his knives at the hunter that spoke.

The blade hit them but pommel first caused annoyance more than anything else.

The command word to attack was given to the Gila and the four remaining leapt atop of Karolus biting and clawing. As Connor turned to attack he was grabbed by a strong scaled hand and yanked away from the fray.

Karolus swung the broadsword in powerful sweeps. But every Gila he hit another clawed at him. He twisted and turned, spraying his blood and the lizards colouring the mist of the forest. Teeth dug into his flesh and claws ripped at him.

The magic of the druidic sword burst to life, the runs lit up along its blade. He hadn’t summoned them, it was reactive of the weapon. A healing warmth ran through his body from the sword. The smaller cuts and bites healed and some of the larger ones began to slowly close. 

It wasn’t enough though as the Gila weren’t deterred by this magic weapon. In the frey Karolus had managed to kill one and heavily injure another. But the two healthy ones had taken full advantage of not being the victims of the sword. 

Through the blood and pain he heard the barking of words and the Gila backed off, still growling low at him. Karolus was laid on his back struggling to breath, there was so much blood in his mouth. He spat out what he could and dragged himself to his knees. Still holding the sword as tight as he could. 

He could hear Connor shouting and cursing. The sound was muffled and felt as if it was coming from afar. He couldn’t see out of his right eye and there was blood in the other. He coughed and spat. Pain wracked his body. 

A hunter stepped forwards for the final blow, as the short blade came at Karolus with the last of his strength stabbed upwards through the gut of the Samos. 

The Samos swung wide and dropped their sword, clutching at the broadsword sticking out of its stomach. Vomiting blood onto Karolus. Lifeless the hunter fell into him and knocked him prone. 

As the world around him started to fade and sounds of his brother's cries subsided Karolus managed the words “For ma and Glen.” 


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