Chapter Twenty Eight

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Karolus watched on as Connor went through his sword and shield techniques. The lesson was overseen by Balus, a veteran of the arenas, and despite having a blood drenched record seemed a gentle soul.

He had grown since Karolus had last seen him, he looked taller and stronger. Karolus had been told Connor trained most days with Balus. He also was having lessons with another tutor called Midria, who was responsible for teaching his letters and numbers and a plethora of other subjects. 

These lessons were strengthening his body and mind. Preparing him for the ritual. On arrival Tarik had told him to muster all his strength to keep his anger in check. To focus on the end goal of making sure Connor remained safe. 

So far he had.

Connor had rushed at him when he came through the dark wood double doors. Grabbing him in a tight hug, beaming excitement on his face. He looked happy, content, and safe. Karolus was beyond confused, more so by the welcome he received. As though he were an honoured guest. 

Those that worked for the House of the Bastion had given him the guided tour of the massive villa fortress. Draconic statues lined corridors. Busks of the previous members, clearly of import in the family. 

Mosaics and tapestries displayed imagery of mighty Samos with gemstone scales, shining armour,  Tharros in glorious silk robes. Some were wielding giant swords and tower shields whilst others threw arcane fire and light.

The one that stuck in his mind the most was a greystone scaled dragonkin, cradling a babe in their forearms. The youngling was elven, short pointed ears that one day would be a foot long and likely adorned with thin chains and silver rings. 

Tarik had told him the dragonkin was Galarus, a warrior priest from the Vae Dynasty far to the north east. They had apparently earned a place in the echelons of the House and the elven babe was their granddaughter. But Tarik couldn’t remember their name.

“He’s good.” Tarik watched Connor with a knowledgeable eye.

“Yeah. He looks like he's enjoying himself.” Karolus said sadly and still very confused. 

“For now that is enough. I will be leaving shortly, my welcome here is wearing thin.”

“We’ve only been here a few hours.. What did you do?” Karolus pushed down the knot in his stomach at the thought of being left alone in this place. Despite the generosity he had been shown so far.

“Nothing recently I can assure you.” Tarik patted Karolus gently on the shoulder.

The highlander raised an eyebrow.

Tarik smiled.

“Keep your wits about you. Connor is not in any immediate danger, he means too much to them.”

Karolus took a deep breath and nodded. 

“How long do we have?” he asked quietly.

Tarik casually nodded at the heavily armoured guards that were nearby, apparently nothing more than a gesture of protection.

“I thought we would have been too late, but it would seem like another moon at least. Good luck.”

“Wait, are you not coming back?”


“But how do I..?”

“You are with your brother, and safe. Enjoy it.” Tarik had his usual dry expression. 

Time stood still. Somewhere far away he thought he heard glass break. 

“We never had a chance did we.” he stated, knowing there was no question to form with those words. 

Tarik simply stared at him but there was a softness in his eyes the highlander had not noticed before. 

“You escorted me for what then?” anger edged his tone. 

“There are those that don’t want you and your brother united. Be thankful I am of those that do.”

Karolus gripped the railing, his teeth clenched.

Tarik put his hand on his shoulder.

“Don’t touch me.”

“This was the only way Karolus. Don’t throw away your chance.” Tarik turned and walked away.

Karolus left with his thoughts, scrunched his eyes closed. One tear broke free but soon disappeared into his beard. 

He watched Connor, a beaming grin as he rolled to his right over the shield in his left hand before spinning with the sword to attack his sparring partner. 

It was parried by the heavy set Samos warrior before him. Several exchanges followed before Connor twisted and disarmed his opponent before laying his own blade at the throat of his opponent.

Karolus smiled. Alone at the railing. He hadn’t watched Tarik leave, the sight of his back might have made him lash out. To swiftly be put on his back. 

“Brother! Come join us!” Connor shouted across the training grounds whilst pouring water all over himself. 

Keep the situation calm, don't rock the boat. Use the time.

He climbed over the railing and onto the sand. 

Balus pulled the rope free to give Karolus entrance into the sparring ring. 

The highlander removed his shirt, boots and belts. Now standing barefoot on the sand, wiggling his toes. He took a piece of leather lace and tied his hair into a ponytail. 

Balus eyed him up and down assessing his physique. Turning him and pushing his shoulders back before lifting his arms. 

“Is this necessary?” Karolus' tone did not hide his irritation.

“You have a strong frame, not like Connors’ but it is there. Your ancestors were hardy people.” Balus didn’t care about personal space and examined him like a piece of cattle being prepped for market.

The Samos then stepped out of the circle and left the brothers to face one another. Connor was smiling and looked genuinely hungry. Holding a thick wooden blade and a round shield of similar wood. 

“Ready? Go!” The younger leapt forwards and cracked Karolus against the thigh then back with the flat of the blade. 

“Hey, I’m not even armed!” called out Karolus as he tried to spin away from the onslaught.

“Your enemy won’t care if you are armed or not big brother.”

Even the way he spoke was different, his highland accent seemed diluted somehow. Karolus rolled from another attack and shot a pleading look at Balus. Who in turn tossed him a wooden sword and shield.

Now on somewhat even ground the brothers circled one another. Both had the grace of one who had been taught how to fight but there was a confidence in Connor that Karolus did not share. 

Splinters flew as the blades met and shields were struck. It wasn’t the most poetic of duels but both knew what they were doing and it was good enough for the trained eye.

Karolus wiped sweat from his brow keeping his distance. His little brother was almost as strong as an adult already. His blows were shaking all the way through Karolus' shield arm. 

More impressively was his footwork. The younger knew when to press and when to yield. Luring Karolus into traps and making him pay with a slap to the arm or torso. 

The clash only lasted a few heartbeats more as Connor spun low using his knee in the sand as a pivot bringing him under the swing of Karolus finishing behind his older brother and jabbing him with the tip of the mock sword in the back.

Karolus stumbled forwards catching himself before falling. 

“Enough, enough. You win little brother.” his breathing slowed and he dropped the weaponry in his hand holding his arms out in mock surrender. 

“Accepted.” said Connor as he too dropped his sword and shield and hugged his big brother. 

Balus nodded to the pair, signalling Connor was done or at least would be after he finished his laps of the yard.

The brothers ran together side by side. Karolus was still catching up to his former self but held pace. Connor on the other hand was holding back. There was something extraordinary going on with the young highlander. 

He was stronger, faster and bigger than Karolus had known. Ancestors, Balus had said. But none came to mind. Their father had died when Connor was a babe in arms and their grandparents had died before either of them were born. 

It was almost an hour before Balus called time across the sands and Connor directed Karolus to the recovery baths. 

The large bath hall had a huge pool that those of the Bastion were swimming lengths and around it were freezing pools and very hot pools. Apparently switching between the two was good for the body.

Connor had been training all the morning into the afternoon and welcomed the waters. Even Karolus couldn’t deny it felt refreshing. Highland lochs were colder, he reminded himself with a smile.

“You look to be enjoying it here?” Karolus asked nervously.

“I am. It’s so good. The food is so good and the beds are so comfy. I don’t have to do any chores.” Connor beamed. 

Karolus wanted to shout at his younger brother in anger but remembered Tariks advice of calm. He screamed inside, wanting to shake Connor into remembering. 

“Aye, who'd want to do chores?” Karolus laughed and splashed his brother. 

Connor dunked himself fully under for a few seconds before coming up fast and sending water everywhere. 

“I am so happy you and ma let me come here.” Connor jumped onto Karolus hugging him. 

Karolus' heart froze, the words cut through him like the sharpest of blades.

“Connor…” Karolus started when a shadow came over him. 

Looking up took his breath away. Tall, broad and thick in muscle was a smoke grey skinned Orc. Hailing from Sovii at a guess. Karolus met her eyes and nearly floated out of the cold pool. Lost in the ivy green of her iris. 

“You must be Karolus. It is an honour to meet the brother of Connor. He has spoken very highly of you. I am Vendari Sofi of the House of the Bastion. A bit of a mouthful I know.” She gave a small bow and held her hand out. 

Karolus took it and was hoisted out the water easily to stand before her. He bumped into her, but he was the one that stumbled as she righted him. 

“Sorry, yes I’m Karolus.” he found himself staring. Her short tusks, long ebony hair and what looked like decorative black scales along both her temples reaching back into the locks of her hair.

Sofi touched the scales gently acknowledging his stare.

“They are my blessing. Each of us manifest it differently. Scales on our skin, horns, eye colour and a few more.” she smiled.

“I’m hoping to get two huge horns, and wings.” Connor chipped in excitedly.

Karolus looked from his brother to their host. Holding his quickest responses inside. Instead he smiled.

“They are very nice.” he nodded. 

“You are welcome to treat the villa and its grounds as if it were your own. Any issues please bring them to my attention. Now if you would excuse me I need to swim.” removing her tunic of dulled silver Sofi took a few steps and dived into a long pool and didn’t surface until she reached the far end.

Karolus failed in not starring. She was not Calvarian, and spoke in a manner that Connor did. Like nothing was wrong with the situation. 

The brothers were dry and dressed. Connor had given his own tour of the villa reminding Karolus of all the great and wonderful history of dragons and the leaders the house had had. The youth spoke of how he too would one day have a statue in the villa or a painting of his heroic deeds. 

Every word was edged with the excitement that he was going to be blessed by dragons, actual dragons. That he would become all powerful and a hero.

Karolus listened to every word trying to catch the deception, the disbelief but so far his younger brother who had been taken from his homeland, his mother slain and his older brother lost for months was completely invested in the coming ritual with no problem of the previous.

“Where’d you get the sword from? Looks magical.” Connor asked whilst performing some shadow moves in the corridor. 

Karolus paused before answering. Connor should know the sword belonged to Glencora and what happened to them.

“It was a gift from a friend.”

“You don’t have any friends.” Connor laughed out loudly as he jabbed his brother in the shoulder. 

It was a fair point now that he thought about it. His friendship circle had been Glen and acquaintances around the village. As for Yina and Stella he didn’t know what they were to him and Connor. In fact he didn’t even know where they were right now.

“Just the one.” Karolus sighed and smiled.

“Follow me.” Connor led them up a long staircase onto the upper balcony of the villas. 

It was a magnificent view of the rainbow streams of light spreading their glittering power in the shine of the stars. Calvaria was massive and had more magic flowing through it than one could ever imagine. 

“It came from Uldryd. All the colour.” Connor recited from one of his study lessons as he gestured skyward.

“Whose Uldryd?” Karolus feigned intrest.

“The Dracun Legatus, the Monarch of Dragons.” His words were spoken with awe and belief as he stared starward.

“Connor, do you remember the day you left?” Karolus asked curiously, putting his hand on his brother's shoulder. 

The youth seemed to snap out of his thoughts and met the gaze of his older sibling. 

“I remember it was raining and Balus was at the door. Midria was talking with ma and you. You both looked so happy.” Connor smiled.

“Why are you crying?” Connor asked, confused.

“I’m just happy seeing you again little brother and your smile.” Karolus wasn’t lying, but his heart was breaking.

“Stop being soft. I’ve missed you too.” Connor, despite the jibe, hugged Karolus tightly.

The pair simply stood on the balcony staring out. Connor had a constant beaming grin and was pointing at the individual colours, talking of the different towns that made up the districts of Calvaria. He was clearly well versed in the lay of the land.

Karolus took it all in, overwhelmed by the day. His brother was for all intents and purposes safe. In fact he was in a better condition than the last time he saw him.

It was late before they retired. Connor had his own quarters of which he enjoyed gloating over to Karolus who was in the guest quarters. They were incredibly well decorated with soft silks and thick furs. 

Saying goodnight to his younger brother Karolus made his way to said quarters and pulled the blue curtain door aside.

“How was your day?” Sofi asked, standing from the lounging cushion. A tunic of dark blue with silver trim. At her waist was a thick leather belt with Sovii runes and a dragon over water etched into the leather. 

Karolus checked about and there were no guards in the corridor or the room.

“Tarik tells me I can trust you.” he needed to test the waters.

“Tarik tells many people many things. Do you trust him?” Sofi moved closer.

“I try to, but he doesn’t make it easy.” Karolus moved sideways. He was uncomfortable around her, something about her aura was intoxicating. He imagined Glencora for a second, mocking him.

“Would you join me for breakfast?” Sofi was by the curtain door now.

Karolus was trying to calm himself, he felt his cheeks warming the more he looked at her.

“Of course.” he answered respectfully.

“Good. I will make arrangements. Sleep well, highlander.” Sofi smiled and left. 

Karolus took a deep breath when she had gone and drained a goblet of water. Looking in the mirror he stared long into his soul. Breakfast with a Sovii Orc, in the villa of a noble house, on the island of dragons. 

He did not sleep this night.

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