Chapter 20

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Chapter XX

The Expedition Begins


Charlie stands by the medical bed as Alan, Vernon and Dmitri walk in. they had to discuss something with the young scientist and all of them were certain that she wasn’t going to like it and after about ten minutes of explaining the proposed plan their suspicions were confirmed.

“Well, I ain't going. I can't make myself clearer on that.” Charlie said, she looked stubbornly at the three men.

“This is our chance to find out what happened out there. There's no better opportunity.” Alan replied, he had expected this response.

“Well, isn't it supposed to be completely incompatible with life out there.” Charlie asked, she had heard stories about what happens to people who ventured out into the Badlands and she was determined not to join the long list of people who didn’t make it back.

“Nonsense.” Alan said in a tone that was falsely humourless, he waved his hand up in the air, batting away the problem before continuing. “Anyway, Dmitri's been out there.”

“Yeah.” Dmitri said and then continuing in an undertone. “Only two miles in though.” He hoped Charlie hadn’t heard that, he was crazy for these kind of thrill missions, but going out to the east was suicide and he knew it. He was about to say something but then Codsworth walked through the door.

“What news.” Alan asked of the commander, he was wondering how The Mayor would make of his proposal. Codsworth didn’t speak for a moment, he seemed to be deep in thought before quickly coming round to himself.

“The Mayor has granted your request. Thirty troops, along with armoured vehicles, and enough fuel and food to get you and your men there and back.” Codsworth said, he was still thinking about what he had heard back inside The Mayor’s office, but he wasn’t ready to tell what he had heard despite his decision to tell the group about it. “Who's going to be lead'n the mission?” Codsworth asked trying to force his mind back on course, as he was getting a curious look from Dmitri, who hadn’t failed to notice the commander absent mindfulness.

“Charlie is.” Dmitri said, he was curious why the commander seemed off, but decided to think nothing off it.

“Am not.” Charlie said.

“Charlie, I need someone leading this mission who I can trust. And as my most recent injury hasn't fully healed yet and Dmitri is one of the most hunted men in the city. That leaves you.” Alan said. Charlie looks first at Alan, then at Dmitri and then finally at Codsworth who only shrugs.

“Fine. I'll do it. But if I die for this, I'm going to kill you.” Charlie said, and Alan nods promising to hold her to that agreement.


Alan and Charlie arrive at the eastern border post, a large metal gate set between to large mountains, with mountain ranges stretching far to the northern border with Normanguard and to the south stretching past Wolfrick Manor and ending at Boris’ fortress. Standing in front of the large metal gates were close to hundred troops and their equipment stood along with Codsworth and Captain Arnold Buckley in front of four light vehicles and two heavy tanks along with the large mobile command centre provided by Wolfrick Co.

“Well, this is it. Never thought I see the day that people would be heading out through those gates.” Codsworth said looking at the eastern border, it’s shadow looming across all of them. Arnold Buckley turns around to see Alan and Charlie walking up.

“Ah. Mr Wolfrick what a pleasant surprise.” Arnold said as Alan and Charlie reached them.

“Ah Alan, we've got everything ready as requested.” Codsworth said looking around at the convoy.

“Good, just get the location before Boris can get there.” Alan said, that was his main concern right now, he knew that Boris would certainly be aware about what had happened out in the east and would know what caused it.

“Don't worry sir, we'll get there before that traitorous worm can even stir from his fortress. Yes. If I had my way. That piece of human filth would have been strung up years ago.” Arnold said, Codsworth looked at Buckley, this was one of the things that made him weary of the eastern captain, but he decided to shelve that concern and focus on the mission at hand.

“Yes. Well, good hunting sir.” Codsworth said turning back to Buckley, not that he meant it, but it was custom to say it before a potential suicide mission.

“Good hunting indeed.” Arnold replied, whether he got the tone of voice Codsworth had spoken in, the commander never knew, but he guess that he had. Arnold turns to the men waiting by the gate. “Man up. We're moving out.” Arnold shouted as he and Charlie walked towards the modest ensemble of soldiers and scientists waiting for them. Alan turns to Codsworth.

“Do you trust him?” Alan said watching Buckley’s retreating back.

“Buckley. If truth be told I don't know him very well, arrived back only a few short months ago. But he has the most experience of anyone I know of the east.” Codsworth responded knowing full well that wasn’t what Alan had been asking about. As Charlie climbs into the mobile command centre along with Prof Deryn Gibbs and the three other scientists who had volunteered. Arnold gets into his modified tank and rides up to the head of the convoy. As Codsworth walks up to where the bottom of the two-mountain range’s meet. “Gatekeeper. Raise the gate.” Codsworth shouted up towards the mountain, for a moment nothing happens, Alan guessed that it had been so long since the people working here had heard that order they were hesitant to carry it out. But his suspicions were proved wrong as the gate slowly begins to rise up, a large amount of dust come through but quickly subsides as the small column of vehicles begin to move out. Then once through the gate watcher closes the gate behind them. As the sun begins to rise above the small fortress.

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