Chapter 26

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Chapter XXVI

A Reckoning


As The chopper touches down on the landing pad inside Wolfrick Cave, Alan and Dmitri sees that Vernon is waiting. As Alan and Dmitri step out, they can both see that the butler is looking as grave as ever, and both wondered whether the news of what had happened at Prostead Bridge had already reached the heartlands, but Alan decided to get back to business either the butler knew or he didn’t, in any case he would soon enough.

“Is the computer decrypted yet?” Alan asked, he was hoping despite what Jack had told them about these things needing time to complete. And then Vernon confirmed it by shaking his head.

“Nice to see you to sir. And no it hasn’t. But Codsworth is waiting for you as well sir, he says it’s urgent shall I send him down?” Vernon asked, gesturing towards the door.

“No, this needs to stay in house.” Alan said, he made for the computer, but Vernon sighed and he turned back around.

“I'm afraid, sir, that ship sailed a long time ago.” Vernon said and it was Alan’s turn to sigh. However, the commander had been a good friend to them over the past few years, but he wondered how long that would last with the information he had.

“Very well, bring him down.” Alan said and Vernon nod and walks back up the stairs as Dmitri turns to Alan.

“Are you sure about this, what if Codsworth is in on all of this?” Dmitri said, Alan shrugged, as Vernon had said the time for keeping things close to the chest was well and truly over.

“If he is, then he knows everything already, and if he isn't then we will need him.” Alan responded as they walked into the room where the computer was stored, sitting in front of it however was Jack, continuing to work on the old machine which now read. ‘Three days to full decryption.’ 

“I see you managed to cut a few days off, or have we really been gone for that long?” Dmitri said looking at Jack who turned around.

“Yeah, I took a few days of the wait time.” Jack said, seeming proud with himself.

“We need you to go upstairs lad.” Alan said.

“Why?” Jack asked.

“Because I fucking said so.” Alan said, starting to lose his temper at his eldest and wondering where the resentment from Jack had come from, after all, he was trying to keep him alive and healthy. However, instead of having the desired effect of getting his son out of the room, so he wouldn’t hear anything that could get him killed. The opposite happened. Jack stood up from the computer looking angrier than he had seen since Laura had died.

“You’re not my boss! You may think that you can tell me what to do like you do everyone else around here!” Jack shouted, staring daggers at Alan. “But you can’t. I’m not a little kid anymore dad.” Jack finished, taking his father of guard. Alan didn’t speak for a moment thinking things through.

“I know you’re not a kid anymore Jack.” Alan said, kneeling down so he was on an eye level with his eldest. “You’ve had to deal with things that not many others your age have had to deal with.” Alan said, he moved the strands of brown hair from out of Jack’s right eye. Who quickly averted it from Alan’s face.

“Why do you keep going away?” Jack asked.

“Why do you ask?” Alan said, he was genuinely curious as to why he was being asked that question.

“Because whenever you go, who do you think has to keep answering all of Dave’s, Nick’s and Martin’s questions. ME!” Jack shouted the last word, all his anger starting to spill over now that he finally had the chance to lay into his father over everything that had happened. “When you went off to war in the west, when you went to meet that old man in the south and came back looking half dead, when you left this time to go who the fuck knows where, when mum died. You weren’t there, and you never have been. Yeah, I’m not a kid anymore, because of you.” Jack finished, emphasising the last word.

“You’re right Jack.” Alan said simply, remembering Vernon’s words to him when he woken up properly after the disaster at Boris’ Castle. “I haven’t been there for you or your brothers. I wish I could say it was because of what happened to your mother, but if we are being truthful, I was even worse before that… That happened.” Alan continued and lifted Jack’s face up so he could look into his face properly. “But I promise that I will be here more often from now on.” Alan finished. Jack only nodded, before hugging Alan.


It was at that moment that Vernon entered the room with Codsworth a few paces behind, looking graver than Alan had ever seen the commander before.

“Vernon, would you mind taking Jack back upstairs.” Alan said as he got up.

“Certainly Mr Wolfrick.” Vernon said and putting his hand on Jack’s shoulder, a little more firmly than was necessary before leading him out of the room. As Codsworth walks into the computer room and looks at the old machine where Alan and Dmitri are waiting for him.

“Interesting computer. Don't think I've seen it turned on before.” Codsworth said and was surprised to the see the look on Alan’s face, it had changed to a stony expression.

“We'll skip the pleasantries Codsworth. Have you ever heard of a group called The Answer?” Alan asked, Codsworth simply stares at the two of them, secretly relieved that they were aware of this group and that he wouldn’t have to explain what had they were, he took a deep breath before answering.

“Yes. I've heard of them. Although I've never had any direct contact with them.” Codsworth said before continuing. “That was the reason in fact. As to why I am here.” Codsworth finished.

“What?” Alan said, he was surprised at the answer.

“I came here after overhearing a communication between The Mayor and Eugene with someone else.” Codsworth said.

“What else?” Alan asked, if this was true then they had just struck a very lucky chance and he was determined to take advantage of it.

“They direct the Mayor on every matter. Every war we have been in, they are responsible. Not long after the mission east began Osmond communicated with their leader about something. How are you lot mixed up in all of this?” Codsworth said

“We went to see an old contact of my brother’s, but before we had all the information, the town was attacked.” Alan said. Codsworth looked shocked at this. ‘So news had not reached the heartlands.’ Alan thought to himself.

“Attacked, by who?” Codsworth said, looking between Alan and Dmitri, hoping that it wasn’t who he thought it was.

“My guess, Boris. It seems that he has finally come out into the open.” Dmitri said coldly.

“What town?” Codsworth asked looking at Dmitri, this was slightly concerning as if The Mayor found out that Dmitri was involved in the finding out this information he wouldn’t do anything about it purely out of spite.

“Prostead Bridge.” Dmitri said.

“That’s not good, they're trying to cut us off from Docksmouth.” Codsworth said, if they could do that it would not only make them look weak to potential enemies, Boris would almost certainly seize The Imperial fleet, docked at the cities famous dockyards. At this Codsworth turns and leaves.

“Where are you going?” Dmitri asked moving slightly at the suddenness of Codsworth’s sudden exit attempt. The commander turned around.

“To raise whatever few men I can. I will not let any more territory fall into the hands of these mercenaries.” Codsworth said, and then promptly departed, leaving Alan and Dmitri alone once more.


The Mayor sits at the end of a long table gaping at Codsworth, sweat pouring from under his brow in both fear and rage at the news he had just been delivered, The Mayor pauses taking several deep breaths before responding, Eugene to looked concerned, as if he at least grasped the gravity of their situation.

“Boris has done what?” The Mayor asks looking down the table at Eugene and Codsworth, who of the three was not in the least surprised off this news, he had known for a long time that Boris was planning something and the fact that these two buffoons in front of him now had failed to act, was the exact reason they were in this mess right now.

“Boris has invaded Riveruster, his forces have already attacked Prostead Bridge and are now striking both west and south.” Codsworth said, he wanted to begin to prepare some kind of defence now, as if Boris would attack their closest ally, then their own turn would soon be next, but he couldn’t act without The Mayor’s direct order. Before he could raise the issue however Eugene spoke from The Mayor’s right side.

“Why would Boris turn aggressor, the man is a loyal friend of the city.” Eugene said his calm tone was not the one that Codsworth would be using right about now, and he was wondering why Eugene did seem so calm at the current situation.

“It would seem that he is wanting more land and he has been eyeing Riveruster for some time now.” Codsworth said, he hoped that The Mayor would not ask for the source of this information as it would not only land himself in trouble, but a lot of others as well. The Mayor stood up at this and for a moment Codsworth did fear the worst but the glutenous fool did something that the commander did not expect.

“For Boris to attack an ally of us is to attack us.” The Mayor said before gesturing for Codsworth to step forward which he does, hoping against hope that this meant what he thought it meant. “You shall have the command, assemble two brigades and head south to aid Riveruster.” The Mayor finished. But Eugene interrupted at this.

“Our forces are spread to thinly as it is. We cannot spare that many men.” Eugene spoke, he did have a point at that. Codsworth thought to himself, their forces were spread out to thinly. ‘But whose fault is that, yours to schemer.’ Codsworth thought. But The Mayor interrupted his train of thought and continued to issue orders.

“You will use the city watch plus whatever handful of troops and civilians you can muster from both the city and the southern garrisons.” The Mayor said.

“Who will be left to guard the city without the guard.” Eugene asked.

“I'm sure the police can manage that.” The Mayor responded, as Codsworth watched on, he noted that this seemed to be going not at all the way Eugene had planned, not that was a bad thing. As The Mayor returned to Codsworth. “Go, oversee all preparations. You'll depart in three days’ time.” The Mayor finished. Codsworth nods and exits the room followed by Eugene who seemed to be vacating the room as fast as possible leaving The Mayor continues to sit speechless before he gets up and walks to look out of the window as rain starts to settle in.


Codsworth strolls amongst the encampment that he had made where he continues to give what training he can to his newly assembled force. A mixture of tired old men and fresh green recruits. As well as a handful of river men who had already engaged Boris' forces and been forced back north, who ironically Codsworth’s most experience troops. A force totalling around five thousand. Codsworth heads into his command tent and address' his rag tag group of officers, who like the soldiers outside were a mixture of the experienced rivermen and green imperials. A result of the many purges ordered by The Mayor, leading to positions being awarded on loyalty rather than experience.

This was evident when Codsworth arrived at the camp when he was greeted by the local base commander who looked more at home at city hall, not on a battlefield. Needless to say Codsworth had dismissed the commander as well as his second, before promoting the first proper soldier he had found, a youngster called Barca Godfrey.

“Well we're all ready to go. Lieutenant Barca.” Codsworth said to the newly created lieutenant. Barca nodded and gingerly entered the command tent where a group of half a dozen people wait inside.

“Eye there not much point waiting around here any longer.” Barca said, his armour looked worn, but Codsworth noted that it was easy to fake ageing on armour. He hoped that he made the right decision about promoting this kid. As Brian Walker, a captain in charge of a platoon of the most battle hardened river-men.

“Well, I've seen your men, most are enthusiastic enough but most also look like they've seen too few winters.” Brian Walker said. Codsworth nodded, he couldn’t argue with that statement, for every veteran he had five green recruits.

“Or too many.” Arnoth Rockwood, another captain said. “To think, my homeland is under attack and this is the best that our chief ally sends us. May I remind you that this force is at the moment the only effect fighting force in the region.” Arnoth finished.

The river-men had been taken completely by surprise when the first bullets had been fired on the border with Boris’ land, ever since then, The Iron Company had driven most of the defenders before them, with only Arnoth and Brian being able to make it to the imperial heartlands that they were in now. The rest of the army of Riveruster was trying to re-group at the capital city of Docksmouth.

Codsworth turned to Arnoth, whilst he didn’t blame the man for his outburst, it was after all his homeland under attack. But the last thing the commander wanted right now was a defeatist mentality, if that happened then their war was all but lost.

“With any luck that shouldn't matter. We are still fighting in friendly territory. Which means we have a home advantage.” Codsworth said, he knew that whilst it wasn’t much of an advantage, it still was one. Larger armies had marched against smaller and less experienced forces and loss due to smaller force’s greater knowledge of the terrain. A silence around the group told Codsworth that he was alone in that opinion. Another thing that Codsworth was used to, however he had never lost a battle and thus was their superior. Reassured by that fact, he turned to Barca. “Lieutenant, give the orders to your men we head out at dawn. Our first task is to recapture the Prostead Bridge.” Codsworth said before turning to Arnoth and Brian. “You are right about the experience of our small force though. Your river-men will train up the imperial recruits along the way, is that fair.” Codsworth finished, looking at the two river-men. They looked at each other before nodding.

“Yes commander.” Brian said, as he and Arnoth exiting the tent. Codsworth, now alone in the tent, looks down at a map of the south, showing that Lord Boris’ mercenaries had advanced almost two hundred miles into Riveruster, and were now mere days from the coast and Docksmouth. Whilst war was the last thing he ever wanted, it had had one potential upside. It had driven all thought of the group called The Answer from the commander’s mind.

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