Chapter 30

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Chapter XXX

Dmitri's Reward.




It has been reported that a member of the Wolfrick Co. Board has been arrested on charges of treason against the imperial state, for the crime of selling countless weapons to the barbarians of the west and the murder for hire of a colleague tasked with investigating these crimes. Mr Geoffrey Randell of; 66, Arch Row was arrested at the office of his workplace two weeks ago and is denying all charges against him, claiming that he has been set up by several undesirables.

When asked for comment about the claims of his company’s illegal activities a spokesman for Mr Wolfrick said that Mr Randell acted without the company’s knowledge and stress’ its commitment to help win the war in the west. When asked as to why such actions were allowed to happen in the first place, the spokesman had no response. When pressed we pressed for an interview with Mr Wolfrick, we were again denied. As he has not been seen since the arrest of his former colleague, we can only guess what his involvement was in this criminal act. 

When asked for a comment from City Hall, The Mayor stated his disappointment at the fact that such a great company had been involved in scandal such as this and that he would. ‘Be looking into these charges personally.’ When asked whether he believed the rumour surrounding Mr Wolfrick’s involvement in these crimes. He made no comment.

Mr Randell is due to be tried at the imperial grand court by Judge Fox, where he is looking at a minimum of 75 years in Greymount Prison. Mr Randell has entered a plea of not guilty, and the trial is set to start next week.


Alan put down the paper and sighed to himself, knowing that The mayor would have to have the last laugh, as Vernon walked up to him looking grave despite the victory that they had just won.

“What are they saying sir.” Vernon said as he stood over him.

“Nothing that The Mayor didn’t okay first. I should have known that the man would have make a final dig at me.” Alan said throwing the paper into the fire, as it folded in on itself, Alan got up.

“Yes.” Vernon said, he had known that Osmund would not go down without a fight, and after Alan had told him how the meeting had gone with the Mayor, he had expected something like this to happen. “However, he has upheld his part of the deal.” Vernon said, trying to find a positive. Despite Alan’s attempt to hide what the paper had said about him, the old butler had already read it, and guessed that it would pose a major problem for them later on down the road.

“So far. And I’ll consider myself lucky for everyday that he keeps his word.” Alan said.

“Yes.” Vernon said and produced a large envelope and the staff taken from the east. “As you requested sir.” Vernon said handing them to Alan. It had been quite a task to move the locked desk from Randell’s office but after an hour they had got it and more importantly its contents up to the manor.

“Thank you, Vernon.” Alan said taking the items, the staff had already chosen its successor out in the ruins, but it was the envelope that was more important right now.

“Are you sure about this sir.” Vernon said, it wasn’t that he didn’t trust either Alan or Dmitri, it was just, giving him the envelope might take them down a road that would lead only to their deaths.

“Of course. Dmitri has proved himself a valuable ally, and we need him.” Alan said as he and Vernon exited for the cave. “This should cover our debts to him. He is after all free to go where he pleases but has chosen to remain with us.” Alan finished. That had been a surprise, when he found Dmitri still in the cave after being declared a free man, stating that he wished to remain at the house.

“Yes sir, as has Miss Sparrow, both she and Mr Jones have taken up permanent residence at the manor.” Vernon said, it had been interesting seeing Charlie’s cat meet Echo for the first time, but after a few interested glances, the husky dog had adjusted quiet well. As they walked down the corridor, they saw the cat lying on the windowsill looking out at the manor grounds where Nick and Martin were playing with Echo, the husky chasing both boys around the grounds of the manor, but always keeping one step ahead of the brothers.


Once inside the cave they found Dmitri going through Gerrard’s computer, he turned around at the sound of the footsteps.

“What’s this?” Dmitri asked, looking between Alan and Vernon.

“Your fee, for the past years’ service.” Alan said, handing the staff over to him. Dmitri took it and the gem glowed for a second before falling silent.

“I can’t take this.” Dmitri said looking at the gem.

“Yes, you can. It chose you to succeed that man in the ruins.” Alan said, he didn’t know how the magic of these items worked, but he did know that they would only allow very few people to wield them and that if it had chosen Dmitri, then that was an advantage they would do well not to squander.

“Cool. And what’s in the envelope?” Dmitri said and Alan handed it over. After opening it and reading the first page. He looked up, his hand shaking slightly and a tear running down his cheek.

“Everything that Geoffrey had on your abduction, he was connected to the group that did it after all, there isn’t much there, but it’s a start.” Alan said. “Should you want to find the truth behind it.” He finished.

“You have also had a request from Commander Codsworth. If you wish, he requests that you join him and help in the fight against Lord Boris, now that you are no longer an undesirable and able to rejoin the imperial forces.” Vernon said. Dmitri didn’t speak for a minute, the prospect of going off to fight under Codsworth was the sane and rational choice as Lord Boris was now the most active threat to them and the sooner he was out of the way, the better, but all the same.

“I’ve spent my life fighting in the commander’s wars. I will go and join the effort. But not just yet.” Dmitri said making up his mind as he fully opened the envelope and began to read what was inside his file.


The End.


Link to book 2


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