Chapter 29

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Chapter XXIX

Randell's Arrest.


The chopper touches down, much to Alan’s annoyance at city hall, however to his relief there were no crowds, only The Mayor was awaiting them, but strangely no Eugene, The Mayor’s right hand was no-where to be seen, not that this was a problem here.

As he and Charlie exited the chopper The Mayor made a big show of it, loudly congratulating the group of survivors, even though there was no crowd, until his eyes fell on Dmitri.

“You.” The Mayor said, almost hissing it as Dmitri leaned up against the helicopter, looking wide awake, it had taken some convincing to get him to come along instead of ejecting after the group were told that The Mayor wanted a debrief, but Alan managed to convince him, to remain, and was now wondering whether this half-baked plan that he had created whilst on the way to the city would work.

“Me.” Dmitri said simply. The Mayor turned to Alan a look of horror on his face.

“You’ve been consorting with the enemy Wolfrick, I’ll… I’ll.” The Mayor began to splutter, but Alan stepped forward and put his plan into motion, for better or worse, this was it.

“Why don’t you and I go inside to discuss this privately, sure we can make a scene out here, but if you do. I’ll let the entire city no that you almost allowed one of The Raven’s to get away with a very priceless artifact.” Alan said whispering it into The Mayor’s ear leaving the obese official to splutter some more, but after a while he nodded and the two walked inside, with Alan wondering whether or not he would see the outside again.


Once inside the office and behind his desk. The Mayor rounded on Wolfrick who sat across the table from him.

“What’s do you want?” The Mayor said, he sounded dejected.

“I want Dmitri taken off the undesirables list.” Alan said. “Plus, information on your boss.” Alan continued and The Mayor looked at him.

“What boss, I am the mayor of this city, no one is above me.” The Mayor said, trying and noticeably failing to bluff.

“Osmund, we both know that you work for an organisation called The Answer.” Alan said. “Never mind how I know.” Alan said anticipating what The Mayor was going to say and continuing. “I want a name.” He finished, looking at the way that The Mayor was sweating was almost comical in a way, if the situation wasn’t so serious.

“I don’t have a name, but he went by Leeran Frogadfly. But that’s all I know.” The Mayor said.

“Very good.” Alan said.

“I’ll also take Jones off the list. Now are there any more demands?” The Mayor said spitting the last word out as if it was causing him great hurt to think about the direction his life had taken.

“Yes. The artifact remains with me.” Alan said coolly.

“Out of the question.” The Mayor said. “It needs to be studied and it will be secure here, you mark my words Mr Wolfrick.” Osmund finished.

“The gem comes with me.” Alan repeated, this was something that was not negotiable to him. “One of the Five was able to infiltrate your military, Osmund. The gem needs to be kept as far away from the cities control as possible.” He finished.


By the time Alan remerged from city hall, night had descended, but the chopper was still there along with the crew. He later found out that they were waiting there encase he hadn’t been allowed to leave city hall.

“Well?” Dmitri asked. “Is everything good, or do I need to start running?” He continued. As he spoke his hand moved to the gun at his side, for all his talk of running, he had every intention of going inside the town hall and taking The Mayor and anyone else who got in his way down with him.

“You’re a free man.” Alan said. “We have a lead on the person who sold my companies weapons, plus the gem.” Alan finished and walked back to the chopper intending to fly it to Wolfrick Co himself. Dmitri looked pleased at the news that he was no longer a wanted man, but Charlie did look concerned.

“What did you give him in return for all of this?” Charlie asked, whilst pleased that they seemed to get everything they had wanted she was also smart enough to know that The Mayor would have asked for something in return.

“Immunity.” Alan said. “I told him that he would not be held accountable for his numerous crimes, I am not to pursue him directly and anymore evidence I find of his activities are to be destroyed immediately.” He finished before getting into the chopper. It was a small price to pay however, whilst he wanted to make The Mayor pay for what had happened to his brother and the countless others slaughtered that night, this was more important.

“Where are you going?” Dmitri asked, wondering why Alan didn’t seem happier about this, they got everything they wanted for one man, who had… and then the penny dropped, Dmitri realised that Alan had given up his chance of getting justice for his brother in that deal.

“I’m going to my company, Deryn would you mind calling the police to meet me there.” Alan said coolly and got in the chopper after Deryn had agreed to once he was at the hospital as an ambulance pulled up, Charlie and Dmitri then followed Alan into the chopper along with five of the soldiers.


The door to Geoffrey Randell’s office had already been kicked open by Dmitri by the time that the man himself arrived on the scene, looking livid at the sight of his now broken door. As he walked through, he noticed Alan sitting by the desk, with his feet resting on the pristine desk. It was at that moment he noticed the stack of papers that were being sifted through by Charlie and Dmitri.

“Don’t tell me you’re responsible for this.” Geoffrey said as he looked at his ruined door and the papers that were now everywhere.

“No. But my friends are. And they’re extremely talented.” Alan replied, turning around to observe Charlie and Dmitri continuing their work before returning to Geoffrey who was smirking like he had won some great victory.

“I hate to tell you Mr Wolfrick.” Geoffrey said before indicating Dmitri. “That man is an undesirable. And you colluding with him means that you’re now out of a job.” Geoffrey finished looking triumphantly at Alan.

“I’m afraid your a little behind the times Randell. Dmitri has been pardoned, a misunderstanding that I’m sure you understand.” Alan replied as three men came walking into the room, Stan Collins, the new chief of police, and two of his officers entered the already crowded room.

“What is the meaning of this?” Geoffrey asked as the police, that had been called by Deryn half an hour previously, walked in and each placed a hand on Geoffrey’s shoulders.

“Mr Randell, you are under arrest. You do not have to say anything you piece of human filth.” Stan Collins, the police chief said, it had been a surprise when he had shown up personally, but not one that Alan had any problems with. As Geoffrey looked around the room he saw Alan and a grin crossed his face.

“What grounds exactly are you arresting me?” Geoffrey asked, turning to face the police chief, but it was Alan who answered.

“Having a poor taste in friends.” Alan replied as he nodded to the chief. Who nodded in return before returning to the two officers that he had brought with him.

 “Take him away boys.” Stan said and Geoffrey was hauled out of the office, in full view of everyone that worked there.

Once the police were gone Dmitri turned to Alan who had watched the whole thing outside of the office.

“How’d you know it was him?” Dmitri asked.

“I recognised the voice when Osmund showed me the tapes.” Alan said. “That along with the sale forms and a copy of the hit that was put out on Derrick Jacobs will be enough to send him to Greymount Prison for the rest of his life.” He finished.

“Greymount.” Charlie said, she had heard of that prison and whilst she didn’t like Geoffrey, she wouldn’t wish Greymount Prison on her worst enemy. The Prison was set on an island a few miles away from the city and it had a formidable reputation as a place where if you went in the only way you come out, was in a body bag.

“Yes. Greymount.” Alan said, as he walked inside the office and pried open the desk to see what was inside it. To his surprise it was completely empty. He slammed it shut before exiting the office. He was halfway out of the office when Charlie entered and noticed that Alan slamming the draw so harshly had opened a crack in the wall.

“What the fuck.” Charlie said grabbing the wall and pulling at it until the wall swung open like a door to reveal a small closet sized room. Alan turned around and looked inside this hidden room. It was tiny, only about two square meters big, with the only decoration inside being a large computer monitor and a desk with one draw padlocked shut.

“And what is in here?” Alan said to himself, kneeling down and examining the desk, he looked at Dmitri for a second, before returning to the desk. He sighed and exited the room and closed the door.

“What are you doing?” Dmitri said as Alan re-sealed the door shut.

“I can’t take it yet, and neither can I open it now. I’ll come back for it later on when the building is empty.” Alan said very quickly, he wanted to get out of this room even though the police had turned the office back over to him after arresting Randell. As the three exited the room, Alan phoned the manor and organised for Vernon to come and collect them.


Jamerson was waiting for them in the lobby, along with the three other survivors that hadn’t needed medical treatment.

“Mr Wolfrick.” Jamerson said hailing him to come over. Which Alan did slightly begrudgingly whilst he had nothing against the man, he had served under Buckley without realising what he was.

“Sergeant.” Alan said as he walked over.

“I just wanted to thank you for getting us out of that place.” Jamerson said. “I didn’t know what Buckley was I swear.” He continued. Alan was about to rebuff the man as to why not before remembering that he had met Arnold on two separate occasions and not noticed either.

“None of us did soldier.” Alan said, trying to make the soldier feel better bout his mistake. “Now I must insist that you get some rest, I believe that The Jagaur still gives a discount to soldiers.” Alan said walking to the door with him, escorting him out of the premisses’ Dmitri noted before returning.

“Do you think he was telling the truth?” Dmitri asked, once Alan was within earshot.

“About Buckley. No. He seemed genuine and I find men who have just come from a life-threatening experience to be honest men.” Alan said as he saw Vernon pull up in front of the building.

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