Chapter Nineteen

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Their path, void of life as it was now, still kept a feeling of concern all the while. The air itself seemed to fill with forboding, as if the littlest of sounds or scents could shatter the illusion and send a whole group of dangers their way. Still Oridi and Alder continued on their way and pressed their luck to its breaking point.

Alder led them along the path and made escrutiating certainty that they remained silent and safe, and Oridi needed little of the instruction but welcomed it all the same. For her part Oridi felt as if she was walking back in time, entering the hallowed halls of horror that had plagued her youth. The urge to kill and scrape, run and hide began bursting forth and it was only with great concertration that she managed to restain it again. 

"This way." Alder whispered. 

"What is it you're looking for here?"

"A few days ago I was led through the city and taken to see the Young Lady in her current state. My attempts to help her resulted in me being nearly choked to death."

"A resounding success then?"

"Well, regardless the chamber was large and cylindrical, internal cylinder prison too."

"Theres a point to this?" The pair rounded another corner and came to face another door. Large and well used by the look.

"Only in that I hope it isn't here." 

Alder pressed the door open slowly and stopped, waving for Oridi to follow. She perched alongside and peered through the crack made. Before them was the Cylindrical room, guards stationed and roaming. In the center was the Cylindrical Prison of glowing bars and the dirtied possible-Elizabeth. 

"Is this-"

"Its is." Alder said

"And does this mean-"

"It does."

He pressed the door closed and tried his best to silence the lock as it slipped back into place. The pair stood back and turned around, silently making their way back the way they came. Ten minutes later and they stood back in the original room of Bookshelves and Desks. 

"Alder what was that?"

"That was the Prison that the Elizabeth monster is currently in."

"And why does the Count have an underground society working on creating changelings?"

"I don't know?"

"Is that what he was trying to do? Create a Changeling and his daughter got in the way?"

"I don't know." Alder said again

"Does Jeann know about this?"

"I don't know."

"What is happening Alder?"

"I DON'T KNOW!" Alders shout echoed and the room fell silent. "I don't know Oridi. I don't know. I have no idea what is going on. If I had to guess, yes Jeann knows, but I certainly didn't and I'm not happy that I do now."

Oridi took a breathe, fighting her anger again, and looked back the way they had just come. "Alder we need to leave. We told those soldiers three hours and thats likely up by now."

"I just," Alder placed his hand on a desk and tried to think "I had hoped that there would have been more."

"More? More than a underground secret society of arcanists stealing people in the night and expirementing on them?"

"I had a..." He felt the blood rush to his cheeks "I had a dream about this place. I think."

"A dream? Are we taking dreams as leads now?" She laughed "You did read that scroll from the light though..."

"Okay!" Alder righted himself "Look thats enough. You're right, we need to leave."

"Back the way we came? Through the Church?"

"It'd be best, can you turn yourself into the captain once more?"

"Easily," Oridi motioned towards the door and bowed low "After you, great Battle Mage sir."

"What does that even...? Nevermind." Alder pressed through the doors and back into the cool of the crypts once more. 

When they reached the ladder Alder climbed up first and helped Oridi out, then stepped into the central chambers with Oridi followed close behind in the disguise of the Captain. They were lucky in their timing, the two guards were just beginning to return singing all the while. When they returned, Alder and the Oridi-Captain were waiting with a look of impatience. They gave a brief exchange before returning to their posts, allowing Alder and Oridi to pass unobstructed. 

The pair made their way back through the winding streets and dark alleys, the first lights of day just begginning to crest the rooftops. Alder and Oridi slunk into a small tavern along Giistle Market and found a booth to sit. Oridi went to the counter, ordered their drinks and food, then returned. 

"What do we do now?" Alder asked

"I'm not sure. What do you think?"

"I'm not sure either."

"Do we bring Jeann in on this whole thing?" Oridi leaned back, letting the wait staff place the drink and food before them. Their conversation placed on hold while the food came to a rest. 

"I'd imagine that if she doesn't already know, she will soon. Albert is rather effiecient about these sorts of things."

"Is he now?" Oridi took a bite and frowned. It was bland and poorly cooked. She ate another, even worse than the first. 

"He can be. I used to train with him in the Academy."

"Alberts a graduate?" 

"No, no, he was just Jeanns servant at the time. She said he was her little brother at first, I thought it was strange but, well, Jeann never would be predictable." Alder bit into the food and nearly gagged, he took another and felt himself wrech. 

"Well isn't that something. Alberts one of the ones who hired me."

"Is that right? What for exactly?" 

"Ah, good sir Alder. I do believe that information is offlimits."

"Right. Right, i forgot. Jeann keeps the whole thing close to the chest, doesn't she?" Alder drained half the tankard just trying to cleanse his mouth of the taste. Sadly he found no respite in the liquid, its acrid taste spoiling on his tongue. "This is truly horrendous."


The two finished their drinks unison and felt their faces contort in response. The tavern was only half filled, patrons either arriving sleep deprived or having passed out already from the nights work. Alder tried to relax. Did his best to take in the smells and sounds of the world he was experiencing, trying all the while to put the torturous room and expirements out of his mind. An idea sparked in his mind and he retrieved a small journal from a satchel. 

"I don't know if this would interest you," He placed the thin leather tome on the table and slid it across "Its a journal from an Arcane Researcher on tasks reltaing to creating Changelings."

Oridi placed a light hand on the work, feeling the depths of the cuts and injuries with her fingertips. Something about the thing drew her back to, back to dangers and times long past. "Where did you find this?"

"In the Counts personal Library."

"Back in the Keep?" She picked up the journal and began to leaf through it. "I knew it... I knew he was involved."

"The library in the Keep has only been curated by the Domicortas. Generations have seen to it."

"So why would they have journals and entries relating to something like this, unless they were involved."

"Why did you really come here Oridi?" Alder placed a hand on her wrist, gripping with only enough force to draw her back into the world. He let out a thin string of magic into the point of contact and felt in disappear.

"I don't..."

"I'm not sure what you want, or why you're actually here Oridi. I trusted you enough to leave my life in your hands. I trusted you because Jeann either trusts you or believes in you enough to give you a degree of freedom, but I need to know now if theres something sinister about you. Theres something off about you, so why?"

"Alder this isn't-"

"No, I think it is. I'd really like an answer Oridi, because I desperately want to work with you."

"What about you?"


"Why are you here, Alder. You act the coward, play the simple librarian, but theres something in you too. Something that you're not telling me about all this, you're looking for something besides just the cure to this issue."

"I'm sure I don't-"

"You don't trust me unless you know all there is about me, I won't trust you until I recieve likewise. You claim you want to work with me, then lets prove it to eachother."

"Should we go somewhere," Alder glanced around "more secure?"

"Alder, there is nowhere more secure in a city than the cheap taverns along the market square. We can speak here, unless you really feel uncomfortable about it."

"No, if you trust this place to be safe then I'll take your word for it. Afterall, who would I be to doubt the words of a criminal."

They fell silent, another round of the terrible drinks were given again and just as quickly drained. The world around Alder was strange, Oridi as well, neither had felt the desire to speak the truth to air, as if doing so would hinder its ability to seem real. Neither wanted to speak. Neither wanted to start. 

"Yours might be easier." Oridi offered "Less criminal atleast."

"What do you want to know? Exactly. I'm not going to just spill my life story to you."

"Thats fine. I don't need to know everything mundane, only the important stuff. Like what are you really doing here?"

"I'm here to help cure Elizabeth, Oridi you know that."

"I don't mean what your job here is, what really brought you here. You don't seem like the type to risk life and limb unless theres something intersting involved. So what is it?"

"You're an Arcanist, aren't you?"

Oridi tensed, "In a way, yes."

"Well thats what I always wanted to be. I wanted to be an Arcanist all my life and tried so hard at the Academy."

"Whats the problem? You're a Battle Mage right? Thats an Arcanist isn't it?"

"No, its a glorified position with a high body count. Battle Mages are the ones trained to fix all the issues Arcanist cause, problem is that Battle Mages are exclusively Arcanist dropouts."

"Dropouts? You left the training?"

"Removed, involintarily. I was average in the practical weapons tests, but anything to do with magic was just... beyond what I'm capable of."

"How do you remove curses and possessions and things then, if you're so lacking in arcane ability then whats the point of you all?"

"We have a certain amount of magical ability, and that minor abilities is often shared among us. We all fall into that category."

"All of you?"

"If not most. Something about our lack of power allows us to learn to absorb and negate certain magical effects, however since all of this magic recquires intention and actually thinking through the action its rather difficult to perform."

"So you need to know exactly how it happened?"

"Or exactly what type it is. If I can figure either of those out I can begin to negate and remove the magic."

"So, what? You're here to help, that I understand, but whats the confusion and purpose of everything else? What, are you trying to merge with whatever entity possessed that thing?"

Alder shifted, fiddling with the tankard and doing his best to avoid the judging eye contact of his new companion. 

"Gods above..." Oridi whispered "you actually plan to do that? You think you can merge with whatever that thing is and get the ability to use magic normally."

"In an ideal world, yes."

"Ignoring that its a crazy idea, which it is, it would never work. Its never been done and never will."

"It could work, Its dangerous but it could work."

"Did your dream tell you this too?" When he failed to answer Oridi began to laugh. "And Gods below! It really did happen in a dream, you're serious."

"It could!"

"Alder, it won't. Everyone who has ever tried to contain or control pure Ether or Ethereal essence has died from it."

"I'm well aware."

"And yet, you think you can handle that?"

"I'm not sure, but i'm willing to try."

"Are you willing to die for it? Because thats what will happen. If you attempt to absorb that much energy it will consume and destroy you."

"You're rather certain about this Oridi."

"I am." She took a sip and lowered the cup "It happens to be something I know about."

"Why do you know about it?"

Oridi froze "Its... Well..."

"You're a changeling. Aren't you?"

Oridi felt her blood run cold, a sharp pain rushing through her spine. It was the words she'd always hoped to avoid. She hadn't been the best steward of her secrets, sure, but she thought for sure that Alder wouldn't have guessed it. Feeling the pain and relief of losing secrecy, Oridi nodded.

"When did you know?"

"A few minutes ago actually. I hadn't expected it, but it started to make sense. You knew so much, the way you reacted in that room, your utter contempt for the project."

"I didn't make it hard, did I?"

"Well it wasn't easy either. Arcanists who can shift their form and preform illusions to such a degree are often hassled with strangeness about them. I really wanted to believe you."

"But." she said, making a motion for him to continue 

"But you used the roof window. You fell from that height and were unharmed, thats physical magic. An arcanist of both types is rare as well, but theres always one thing true about them."

"An arcanist only has one real specialty..." Oridi said. She leaned back and smiled. "The window, huh?"

"Even I, in my limited skill, can handle a fall of a single building. The library was atleast four high, you couldn't do both unless you used an enhancer or you're something else entirely."

"Thats a fine bit of work you did to slueth that out." Oridi said "Yes, I'm a changeling."

"Are you really from Panwe?"

"Yes. That parts true, actually alot of it is true. Its easier to lie if you keep most things the same aligned, nothing is more aligned than the truth."

"Fascinating." Alder stretched out "Why did you really come to Domina? It wasn't for Elizabeth was it?"

"No, infact I actually had no idea that she was in this state when I began my trip. I had my suspicions about Count Philistine for a while. His family was involved in the work a hundred or so years back, and I wanted to know if he had any connections to the whole system of creating us."

"Its a dangerous world, even for a changeling, you must have had your fair share of scraps."

"No more than anyother person with a perpencity for criminal actions." Oridi sighed "No, I had tried to make my way honestly. Sometimes I even managed to do it, but its always the same. You never truly fit in and eventaully you get pushed out."

"It must be hard, I can't imagine-"

"No, you can't." Oridi took a breath to steady herself, speaking so honestly was refreshing but nearly panic inducing. "I'm sorry, maybe you can. I don't mean to-"

"No, no, you're right. I honestly can't, maybe I can relate to it but I'll never share that experience." 

"You're taking this rather well, most people I've met either want to use me or kill me. But not you."

"No," Alder said "Not me."

"And why is that Alder? Thinking through some devious way to manipulate me?"

"No, I wouldn't dream of it. Oridi you're smart, quick witted, and one of the most intersting people I've met in my life." Alders expression gave Oridi pause, his eyes looked so determined. Like he was trying to see through her to whatever was really pulling the strings.

"That sounds like a confession of love."

Alder gave an awkward laugh and leaned back "Hardly, no I'm not really interested in that sort of thing. No honestly I just want to know about you, how this happened, how you got here to this point."

"It's not a pleasant story." Oridi said

"It never is, but that doesn't make it uninteresting."

"Why, whats it to you?"

"It isn't," Alder paused "what I mean is, if you don't wish to tell me then it isn't anything im concerned about." 

"And if I do want to?"

"Then I'd be very interested in hearing it."

"Maybe some other time." Oridi shifted and scanned the room "Whats your story then, in more detail i mean."

Alder laughed and lowered his head. "Oh, thats not a very pleasant story either. However mine is for much different reasons."

"Such as?"

"Well, early schooling then late schooling. I transfered to a capital university and then got placed in my lowly position now. Became a librarian and i've done a few jobs, some of those with Jeann."

"All together that wasn't unpleasant, but just rather dull."

"I gave you a fair warning."

"That you did. I guess I could say you didn't specify."

"Ah but thats no ones fault but my own."

"Can I ask a personal question?"

"By all means, go ahead."

"What are you planning to do about this Elizabeth situation? Now we know whats happening, to a degree atleast, you could probably remove that creature-entity-thing now."

"I've been thinking about that myself, honestly I'm not really sure yet. I've some ideas, but nothing solid yet."

"How are you planning on merging with that?" 

"I haven't figured that out yet, but i'm coming up with something. If I can just channel it into me slowly, perhaps it could be safe."

"That much energy, from what I know its lethal unless subjected to exposure and organ removal." Oridi waved a barmaid over and ordered another round for the table, taking Alders mug in the process.

"Then maybe I can make a contract with it."

"Contract? You mean like in the fables. Alder I know you believe in dreams and are willing to take them as fact, but I'm not that easy to convince."

"Well you better come up with something, because I don't know that you'll be able to lie your way out." 

"I don't plan on ignoring this, I plan to get to the bottom of it. I'm going to Jeann and we'll prepare for the removal."

"Have you considered that taking this entity could be seen as stealing by the Count?"

"It... may have crossed my mind a few times, but if hes doing this sort of thing then I don't believe theres much we can do."

"What do you intend to tell Jeann then?"

"The truth, I'll tell her the truth and we'll make a plan from there."

"She may have you covered on that front."

Alder pressed aside the tankard and slid out of the booth, "I'm going to see Jeann, what about you?"

"I think I'll stay around a while longer, I heard a rumour someones here. Someone I want to see, an old friend you could say."

"I won't get any further into it," Alder turned to leave, but stoped and placed a hand on her shoulder "I'm sure you'll know, either Jeann or through your own ways, but if you can I think it'd be best if you joined us when I go to remove that entity."

"Any reason?"

"We got this far together, I just feel it'd be unfair to not have you there."

"Any other reason?" Oridi removed Alders hand from her shoulder let it drop

"If Jeann and I need to escape it would be best to have a friend there."

"Understood... you really are trusting me."

"You said you tell the truth most of the time, I'm willing to believe that. Besides, I could use a friend besides Jeann."

Oridi gave him a smile and waved him away. "Good luck, Alder."

"To you aswell, Oridi"

Alder sat across from the pair, Jeann thankfully more clothed than before, sipping on a cup of coffee. The room was better put together this time, though Albert seemed more tired and his outfit spoke more to unsavory activities.

"What's so important that I need be awake?" Jeann pulled a large bottle of wine from a cooling tub, removed the cork, and began to drain the bottle. 

"I think I've figured out how to remove the curse, but theres more than that." Alder eyed the lowering contents of the bottle with nervous respect. "Its about the Count."

Bottle finished and thirst unquenched apparently, Jeann removed another from the tub, removed the cork, and poured a glass. She handed the wine to Albert next, who took it with sluggish acceptance and began to mirror his masters previous method. 

"Is everything okay?"

Jeann smiled and looked around. "Its alright. Better than the last one at the very least. Theres an issue with the count?"

"Jeann you've been playing me since you sent me that letter, now I'm willing to overlook all that because theres really not a damned thing I can do, but so help me I'll be throwing my life away without knowing what you're really doing!" In his anger, Alder had slammed the cup and spilt part his drink. Normally he'd feel the need to clean up and apologize, but not now. Not here.

"You feel strongly about this then?" Jeann asked

"I do. Oridi and I went-"

"Ah that would explain it." Jeann laughed and leaned back, slipping a small coin purse into Alberts waiting hand. "Albert figured that'd be the case, I thought they'd be nearly dead-drunk and in a ditch."

"Jeann." Alder kept his eyes locked on the woman. "I want the answer this time. I know about the changeling experiments, I know about the tests, I know its not Elizabeth."

"Do you now?" she left herself relax, dropping her shoulders and taking a sip of the wine. "You know it's not Elizabeth?"

"Well I..." He dropped his gaze and fumbled "I have a theory."

"And whats that theory?"

"No! I'm not doing this Jeann, tell me now."

"Jeann." Albert placed a hand on her shoulder and squezed "You've had your fun, but we need him on our side for this."

She sighed and nodded "You're right. You're both right, sorry Alder. Just trying to have some fun at your expense. Quick version or the long one?"

"Quick if you please, I've got a good amount of it so far. We'll compare notes and I'll go from there."

"Fine. I know about his expirements, I know about his darker interests, but I didn't think that about Elizabeth."

"You didn't?"

"I trully didn't. The bastard had me fooled, it was only Albert overhearing news of letters arriving addressed to the Count from Elizabeth. Shes at an Academy some ways away, far from this mess."

"Is she really..." Alder went to finish the cup, only to realize it was now empty. The puddle hadn't been from him spilling apparently, he'd broken the bottom and everything had poured out. With a sigh Alder poured another cup and continued. 

"You didn't know? Then what made you come to that conclusion?"

"Oridi, and a bit of thinking. I'm pretty sure the reaction I got from the servants about Elizabeth helped aswell."

"Well its all the same," She paused, face contorted with inner turmoil for only a moment before continuing "Alder I plan to kill the Count."

"Of course you do. I shouldn't be surprised, this stinks of your work."

"I'll take that as a compliment." Jeann smiled

"Take it however you want, I don't want to be involved in murdering-"

"An innocent man? Come now Alder, you know the Count is anything but innocent now. Surely you can see the importance of removing him."

"Removing him from what?"

"Philistine is an important part of a growing network in the Empire." Albert said "His land is crutial in the Front, his family holds high esteem in Panwe, and if he can produce a changeling he would catapult himself to a position of Head Researcher in a Imperial Lab."

"You'd go against the Empire? Both of you? We're Peres, aren't we supposed to do the opposite of that?" He didn't care about the answer, he said it more for himself. This talk was almost sane, and that was becoming a concern. 

"I've done so before. Often actually. The Empire isn't perfect. Its brutal, disgusting, and corrupt in every space that isn't purrified regularly."

"You planning on overthrowing the Imperial King or something?"

"Someday, maybe, but I don't intend to sit by and follow orders that only serve to benefit one person. I've done that before, I've regretted it since."

"We do what we can" Albert said quietly "and we make sure we don't get caught in the process."

"What about you and Oridi?" Alder asked

"We're the group set to assassinate him."

"They're not going to do it during the removal though. One week after we've completed the job and the Count goes back about his business, thats when they'll strike." Jeann said

"You might be interested in the reason Oridi was here that day." Albert added


"Oridi got so upset about my secrecy that they went and made a plan all their own, forced me into action, and did all that while drinking most nights away."

"That sounds about right." Alder said "So this team of yours waits a week and then just kills him?"

"Its unlikely that he's extremely close, this possession is proof enough. Whatever deals hes made are likely dependant on the research actually being fruitfull." Jeann said

"Kill him before he's completed the work, make the death look like an accident caused by that research." Albert continued

"And you effectively remove him and the research from the field in one go." Alder finished "I have to say Jeann, thats just crazy enough to work."

"Thank you. Now this removal."

"Ah, that." Alder chuckled "That part is not going to make either of us happy. I think I know how to remove the curse, I've got a decent understanding of whats happened and the strings interwoven here, but that entity is far to strong."

"Can you weaken it and then dispell it?"

"I don't think so. Its possible, but without hurting the subject the task becomes far more complex."

"So what do you have planned?"

"I'm going to merge with it."

The room was silent without their conversation, but the silence that followed Alders statement was even more barren. 

"Alder I don't-" Albert was cut short by a very angry Jeann

"NO. You're not risking your life and our safety just so that you can chase some... Pipe Dream!"

"It isn't a pipe dream. I have an idea on what to do, it could work."

"And when it fails and you're consumed?"

"Then you kill me with Arcane fire and call another Battle Mage, but it won't come to that."

"I hope you're right Alder, I really hope you're right. If you're wrong we may all be die."

"I'm sure, it'll work or you'll kill me."

"Murder-Suicide, I'm not fond of it." Jeann crossed her arms with dissaproval

"It won't be that. I have more than just one idea on how to handle this. Ignoring the difficulty involved in purely removing the creature,"

"Which will already be great." Jeann quipped

"Yes, then I can go through the process of actually trying to merge or dispell the creature. Oh, I've asked Oridi to attend as well, I trust you'll tell them the day we plan to do this." Alder gave a look to Albert, who returned it with a nod.

"Thats pretty smart, Oridi wouldn't be a bad one to have around in a room of chaos like that."

"My thoughts exactly."

"So you've got the plan, and you've got the ideas. You know what to do and roughly how to do it. What else is wrong with this plan?"

"If it isn't Elizabeth-"

"Which we can assume it isn't" 

"Right, the spell being used to change the subjects form. If I slip up during the removal I might end up pulling that with it."

"I see." she drummed her fingers on the table, eyes taking in something farther away than the room "That wasn't something i'd expect either. You're sure about that as well then?"

"It's just another possibility. I want you to be prepared for all outcomes and plan accordingly."

"Is there any way to prevent that?"

"I could refuse to remove the creature and we could all leave?"

"Fine, its possibel then. How long until you're ready?"

"A day or two, I just need to work out what the exact process will be. I'm going to have to guess about certain aspects of the creature and the link bonding them, but i'm pretty sure I can figure it out."

"Do you need anything for this?"

"Some gems, medium to well cut, and a scroll or two."

"Anything else?"

"Just a day or two."

"Fine, Albert make sure that he gets those supplies."

"Yes Ma'am," Albert stood and quickly left.

"I think that will be the end for today Alder. I need to send a message to the Count now to confirm our work and set the day for you."

Alder stood and nodded. "Of course, I appreciate you telling me, my prying not withstanding."

"Its for the best Alder. You work better with a larger view of the picture. Still its fun to watch you run in circles."

"I'm glad I could be so entertaining." He sighed and made for the door.  "I expect I'll be seeing you or Albert in the next day."

"Yes you will."

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