Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

“So…” Alder spoke with hesitance. 

The scene around him was beyond unusual, in fact it was teetering towards insace with every passing event. Three carts, two Pere, one actual fighter, and an entire group of seemingly bloodthirsty highwaymen ahead. He was certain that fate was finally rewarding all his efforts with the violent end that so many others of his tutalige had endured. 


“A-Alder,” Alder said “ Pere of Mehonoris and Battle-”  

“Yes, thats all well and good.” The Dwarves words were cold and still. 

“And you sir?”

“Hargis,” A younger dwarf beside him made to protest but Hargis waved him off. “This man gave his name, i’ll give mine. No harm.”

“Pleasure Hargis.”

“Likewise Alder.”

“I suppose,” Alder said realizing his control of the conversation. “I should make some sort of offer of recompense for allowing us safe passage. I can make the same offers I did before, surely you heard them.”

“I did, and no. Those won’t do, but tell me something; who’s the convoy for? Dominias’ Cursed Count?” 

“Yes, Count Philistine did order a few pieces that did require larger transportation.”

“And you? Do you work for him too?”

“In a way…”

“What way would that be? Personal attack dog? Defender?”

“Nothing of the sort, simply using the convoy for convenience. Truth be told i’ve not even met the fellow yet, Was on my way to accept a contract formally.”

Hargis seemed to loosen at that. Tightness that Alder hadn’t even noticed melted away from the dwarves face, revealing a far more calm appearance. His eyes darted between the carts and then towards Jeann. 

“And that one? Does she work for the Count?”

“In a similar manner, yes.” Alder nodded “Though hers is a talent more suited towards a fight, nevertheless we’re only on contract for a short term.”

“Her name?” 

“Jeann of Rubedelle.”

Hargis’ eyes widened and a smile began to creep across his face. “The Bloody Lance? Thats quite an honor.”

“Bloody Lance?” Alder looked to Jeann for any sort of reply, she was instead investigating a flask with a startling amount of interest. “Yes, though the titles a tad off.”

“Ugupian riot, few years back. The details rarely surfaced, but those there were certainly aware of her.”

“You’re of the mountains then? An Ugupian?”

Heargis shifted his eyes back to Alder, a new steel behind them. “What are you carrying?”

“Casks of ale, wheat, mail for the keeps guard, a few uniforms, weapons, and some construction supplies for a renovation.” Chimed a Crewmember from their concealed spot aside the cart. 

“Quite a lot. Perhaps you’d want-”

“We’ll take a cart, the construction supplies, the uniforms, and the weapons. The rest you’re free to keep.” He spoke the words quickly before turning away and walking off, leaving the remaining dwarves to spread out and begin their motions. 

“I’m surprised that worked.” Alder said, leaning back against the carts bound seating and stretching out his legs. For some reason he felt unusually sore, perhaps his nerves had taken more out than he’d thought. 

“Sure you are.” Jeann said mirroring his actions. “And why wouldn’t you be? You managed to talk down an angry party of raiders by only giving away half of our entire cargo.”

“But we didn’t have to fight. And thats what matters.”

“I’m sure the Count and the Quartermaster will agree when they realize your persuasive tongue cost them a few hundred coins?”

After Hargis’ sudden and speedy departure, the remaining dwarves made quick work of moving over their desired items and hauling them away in their new ride. Though the party left at some speed, the crew leader insisted they remain a while longer to double check their cargo, and to put distance between the two. 

“I’m sure it’ll be fine.” Alder said “We were robbed. Occupational hazard, right?”

“For Two Pere?” Jeann asked coyly

“Look, i understand the point you’re trying to make but i’d much rather celebrate the fact that I found a bandit willing to talk things out.”

“You really are, aren’t you? You really don’t care about the loss of supplies and anger awaiting you?”

“Jeann,” Alder stood hastily and slammed into the ceiling, his excitement yanking him from his seat. “This has never happened! Never! The possibility that a criminal would willingly step away from a fight and accept a peaceful solution has never once happened ever!”

“You’ve tried that often then?”

Alder sat slowly and rubbed the growing bump on his head. “Well no, but i’ve read quite a few accounts of others trying such things.”

“Of course you have.” With a sigh Jeann closed her eyes. 

“I understand my lack of experience is not exactly a selling point, but all those texts and scrolls couldn’t have been for nothing right? I can use their example, learn from it, and try my own way using their knowledge to help me.”

“You’ve literally just described the fundamental tenets of the Scholars first year. I thought you were a Battle Mage.”

“And a Librarian.” 

“Is that a good thing to you?”

“It’s certainly not ‘Bloody Lance’, what in ether is that about?” 

“The King.” Jeann said, ice freezing over her tone and eyes scanning out ahead. “Rioting in the Ugupian settlements were starting to grow out of hand. People were dying, buildings were being burned, and the King wanted it ended. He ordered a few battalions from Rubedelle to quell it, I was among that group.”

“Pere are usually exempt from service unless ordered right? Did the councils meet and send you?” Alder asked

“No, and they didn’t need to. It’s Rubedelle, my home Alder, I was raised in the barracks. Vicre barely had to ask,  and I wasn’t about to let them head into such a dangerous territory without going along.”

“I’m guessing it didn’t go well.”

“No, it didn’t.”

“Why haven’t I ever heard of it before now?”

“Viltran made sure to hide the information away. He’s continued to use the area as his staging grounds for the crusades against the Tribes, as a result hes had control over what goes on for some time now. Sweeping it away didn’t take much effort i’d imagine.”

“I’m sad to say that that makes sense.” Alder said nodding “but i’m still surprised neither you nor Albert ever told me.”

“Why would I have? Sure the mountains were beautiful, but the campaign…” her voice fell away and was lost in the sounds of the wheels rattling “Anyway, Albert didn’t come with. He refused to go along with it, and I wasn’t about to make him.”

“But you’re both from their right?”

“Thats not his burden, nor is it his place. I’ll not ask my own brother to join in a cause so foolish.”

Silence overcame them for sometime, the horses and road providing the only ambience to fill the void. At some point Alder became so entranced with the noise that he was lulled into a dreamless sleep only to awaken at Jeanns behest at their nights rest site. 

The journey in its totality had proved to be rather uneventful from Alders view. His remarkable progress at diplomacy aside, the remaining time was filled with little other than the monotony of the daily rides. His sulking during the days at his failures prior to the trip seemed to grow smaller with each mile, and the idea of possibilities looming ahead. 

As they drew closer to the outer edges of the city the forest began to fall away. Stumps from former sections remained like acne scars upon a face. So many miles surrounding the large stone walls were unobstructed spare the scars. A single lake spanned a distance to which Alder could barely make out the other side. Instead he saw ships of ienumerable amounts dotting the water, seeming to be heading to any of the lake side towns.

The steepled roof of Dominias Keep towered over the surrounding buildings, giving a sense of otherworldly presence. The stainglass windows reflected light off and cast the roofs below in an ever changing sea of splotched heughs. The light backlight against the keep gave its shadow a near infinite stretch over the city, casting all into its shade.

“Ever been?” Jeann asked as they approached the cobbled roads beginning to grow busier. 

“To Dominia?” Alder asked “Never, no. I’ve heard a bit about it from-”

“Texts and scrolls?”

“My mother actually.” Alder snipped “Said she traveled through when she was young. Fleeing the first desert campaign.”

“Well, she chose an interesting place. Dominia is the only city in Tsenen that gets this close to the Ugupian Mountains. Built on the ruins of an old Ugupian settlement, or something. I never really cared much for the history, but the foods alright and the beds are clean. Even the Pere Hall isn’t too bad. Single rooms are a bit cramped from what i’ve heard though.”

“Great, first time here and i’ve chosen the person least interested in the cities history.”

“Albert can fill you in more. He’s similarly annoying about that topic.”

“Speaking of, where is he? Shouldn’t he meet us or something? I thought you two rarely traveled apart.”

“Normally,” Jeann said “but this time I had him stay behind to watch over the group and follow down any information he could.”

“Theres more than just you and Albert?”

“Of course, you didn’t think I fought creature on my own do you? Look i’m good, but i’m not stupid.”

“Anyone I know?”

Jeann shook her head and laughed. “Hardly, these are less of your ‘curse solving’ type and more your ‘curse killing’ type, but they’re okay once you get to know them.” Jeann paused and then added “Also don’t bet with Boulin, no matter what he offers. No matter what he says, I swear to you he’s played it and is better than you.”

“I’m sorry?”

“Just, keep that in mind. The rest of the group is less shady, if not less aggressive.”

“Should i be worried about betting with this group that much?”

“Like I said, Only with Boulin. The others are much easier to read. But that one…”

“Got it.” Alder said “Anything else i should know before meeting them? Names? Histories?”

“Nothing to worry too much about. All Graduates, though I doubt you care. No one else as green as you, and we’ve all worked together a few times before. Boulin, Dantes, and Ulma.”

“Five then. Is that too small of a group for this?”

“Six, Alberts included even if it isn’t in a full capacity. Honestly though, i’m not sure. What I fought before was a monster for sure, but if thats only the beginning of it then i really dont know.”

“Where did you take Elizabeth afterwords?”

“To the keep.” Jeann said calmly “Direct to Philistine as asked, he said he could calm the symptoms and curse with a spell or charm he’d learned.”


“Hilstella, same as you.”

“Well atleast thats something. Maybe I can talk with him about his methods then, see what he’s learned and tried.”

“Right, right. I won’t pretend to understand but i’m sure it’ll help, have you thought of anything?”

Alder scratched his head and grimaced. “Not especially. There are a few void curses that cause similar mutations to occur, plenty during the old campaigns, but nothing thats close enough.”

Jeann nodded and turned away “I guess we’ll just have to see, huh. At least we know the city isn’t far off.”

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