Chapter Twenty

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The room lacked the outer structures of the broken church, but the most notable feature remained present and forefront. Alder placed the cup atop a side table and reclined to better view the universe. His "room" was there, just as the creature had said. He hadn't believed him at first, the likelyhood of the existence was far beyond impossible, yet here he was once more. The tasteless drink still drew a frown, but the ability to summon and dispel objects was something of a charm.

The plan was another of that creatures gifts, and Alder now wondered if that would instead be the lie. The gift of divinty with the curse of mortality. He shook his head and tried to focus on the vast expanse of stars and multicolored clouds extending before him. All of creation. All that ever has, is, or will happen in every possible existence. His mind rebeled at the concept, it struggled to surround the thought and digest it, which only made sense given the sheer size of its contents. 

"Where everything starts and everything ends, endlessly on a loop." His words seemed to dissipate into the void "I suppose I really should thank that one... thing. I never did get its name."

"Master Vol-du-van." 

A shorter woman with a long twisting tail and thin upper body came to rest alongside him, adopting a position of sitting similar to his own. Her face was angular, with peircing copper eyes and a wide smile. 

"I assumed that fool had made his presence known here, given your occupation of this place."

Alder stood and nearly dropped his cup, "Good morning, I'm Alder of Mehonoris, a Pere-"

"Please, I care not for the pleasentries. Sit, you're embarassing yourself."

Alder sat by a force beyond his control and returned to his previous position. When control returned he placed the cup down turned to face his new, oddly rude, guest. 

"How can I help you?"

"Ah, thats a better question." The woman rested a hand on the table and produced a long glass of a bloody liqour "Alder, huh? Rather a dull name."

"I believe i've been told that before."

"Well Alder, you're currently sitting in one of my favorite places in the universe. A place that a mortal shouldn't have permission to enter, nor have knowledge about."

"I'm sorry?"

"As you rightly should be, you-" She paused and sipped her glass. With a frown she lowered it and looked around. "He really gave this place to you?"

"Yes, I believe so."

Sighing loudly, she produced a small brown crystal from a pouch along her snake-like waist and dropped it to the ground. It shattered on contact, sending the shards slowly outward before dissolving into the material of the floor. 

"Don't you dare remove that." She took another sip and frowned "I guess it doesn't matter."

"Who are-"

"Tialimaniastra. Tali or Astra for short."


"Just call me Tali."

"How can I help you miss Tali?"

"Well I'm not sure that you can." Tali leaned back and regarded the view "It really is lovely, isn't it?"

Alder mirrored her actions with slight discomfort, but felt that reduce as the sight before him swallowed his worries and feelings. "I've found a level of peace in it."

"Well put." Tali raised her glass and took another dissapointing sip "Well, Alder, I was hoping that Van hadn't ruined one of my remaining resting places. However it seems that he's finally decided to pass it on to someone else. You, it would seem."

"So it would. May I ask, miss Tali-"

"Just Tali."

"-Tali, what are you both? This place, its outside of my world and time. It has to be. I know a bit about displacement magic and parallel dimensions and what-have-you, but this is far beyond anything I could replicate."

"That it is. This is the Ether, or a viewing room of it anyway. Vol-Du-Van is a... Librarian of sorts. Thats how he sees himself anyway. Myself, well, I'm something of a Goddess from long before twins."

"Does that make Van a God?"

"Creation! Never let him hear you say that, you'd never hear the end of it!"

"So he isn't?"

"Hes... Vol is something older than the gods. Hes strange, him and that whole group of his."


"Its not important now, especially not for you. Any of you. Regardless, yes i'm a goddess and yes this isn't a normal place you're in. You're something of an oddity here, mortals don't normally have the ability to roam the domains of the deities."

"I'd assume as much," Alder sipped from his cup and found that the flavor had improved. It was still largely absent, but stirrings and whispers of flavor were beginning to develop. "So what are you the goddess of?"

"Oh Alder, haven't you ever been told its rude to ask a woman what she's the Goddess of?" Tali feigned a pout and turned away

"No, honestly I can't say its ever come up. I don't think anyone expects to encounter a God or Goddess in their lifetime."

"Yet here you sit, having encountered not one alone, but two! Oh you must be so proud."

"I'm more confused than anything."  Alder took a sip then paused "is that what you're the Goddess of? Confusion?"

Tali laughed, harder than Alder had imagined the thin woman was possible of, and waved a hand in dismissal. "No no, nothing so entertaining. I'm a Goddess of Misfortune. Misfortune of Travelers to be exact."

"Misfortune of Travelers... There deaths I assume?"

"Oh could be," She laughed again "It doesn't always have to be so dramatic. Perhaps in my younger years it was, but theres just as much fun to be had causing an old lous to forget his purse on the way to the brothel."

"Well thats reassuring."

"Honestly, you mortals are just so fun. You wouldn't believe the ease I've found in causing misfortune nowadays. You Pere have made travel so much more accessable, I feel like a young Goddess again."

"I don't know how to feel about that." Alder said 

"Nor should you be expected to."

"And what are you doing here? You said you wanted to rest, are you following me?"

"Surely you can assume i'm not, after all I had not even the slighest idea of your name. No you're far less important than all that. This is more-"

"Chance than fate?" Alder asked

"Van said something similar?"

"It stays with you, waking up in a strange place and having someone so strange say that to you."

"Hmm." She raised an eyebrow and gave Alder a quick once over "What makes you so unimportantly-unique as to wake in this room? What were you doing?"

"Being choked by a possessed mortal and nearly dying."

"Is that all? Here I thought it would be something more unique."

Tali raised a hand and gestured towards the sky, a small cloud appeared in response and began to glow a shade of blue that felt familiar. Alder wanted to ask, wanted to speak, but found his voice absent in his throat. Tali gestured again and the light grew, Alder felt his heart begin to beat quickly and his mind felt a sudden familiar pressure. 

"Interesting." She muttered "Very interesting."

Alder felt the rushing breeze again, just like he was back in that room behind Jeann. He felt the pain around his throat resurface and found breathing becoming more taxing. Suddenly the pain and breeze vanished, and Alder saw that Tali had waved aside the cloud. She turned to take in Alder once more, inspecting him with a new look in her eyes. 

"What," Alder found himself gasping for air, appreciating once more the grace its presence offered "what was that?"

"Your memories, I suppose I should have warned you. It can have that effect on some people."

"I'd have appreciated the warning." Alder gripped his throat and tried to relieve the tension that had built "I did not find that entertaining."

"No, but perhaps it was your share of misfortune during your travel?" Tali gave a wide smile and flicked her forked tongue "I was curious as to what Van saw in you, I too am confused Alder."

"I don't suppose you can just ask me questions? Instead of the whole memory-experience thing."

"Well, it's less fun that way. I suppose I can." She produced a thin pipe with a bulbous end and sparked a flame to light it. She drew a breathe and exhaled a cloud of pink smoke with a face of satisfaction. "Do you smoke?"

"Not often." Alder said "Often times you can't in the Libraries, never enjoyed the flavor either."

"Shame, still it makes no difference. Strangely its one thing that retains its flavor here." She gestured to the surroundings and shook her head "Its just as well."

"What did you want to know Tali? I'd not planned to stay here for very long and your presence has extended that longer than intended."

"Oh I'm so sorry mister Mortal, you're right. How dare I, a Goddess, draw you away from your vastly shorter life. You only life for a few dozen decades after all. How could I, a literal Goddess, interrupt such an important-"

"I'm sorry." Alder cut her off with a begrudging apology "I never meant to offend you."

"Well, I suppose you didn't. I just find the idea that you'd be so openly dissmissive of a Goddess rather odd."

"It's not that I don't appreciate the meeting, I really do, but you already said you were the Goddess of Misfortune and I can't afford to let myself be cursed with such bad luck."

"So you insult that very Goddess?"

"Not intentionally!" Alder countered "I don't exaclty know what the best course is for this moment."

"You've made that point very clear, young Alder of Mehonoris. Strangely though I think I'm starting to see what Vol-Du-Van found interesting about you."

"Thank you?"

"No need, its a lethal outcome for most."

"So he kills people? What kind of God is he again?"

"Oh no, nothing so severe. Its just, often if Vol-Du-Van is involved then something is likely worth watching. I've found anything worth watching often involves a bit of death or intrigue."

"Thats all a bit..." 

"Why are you here Alder?"


"What are you doing here? In this room? Shouldn't you be fighting villians and doing the Empires work? You said you were Pere right?"

"Well, I'm a Battle Mage actually."

"Ohhhh!" Her vicious smile returned and a look of a predator marking their prey spread across Tali's face. "Thats a career I'm quite familiar with. I've seen a large number of you all."

"So i've heard." Alder shifted and picked up his cup once more. He wasn't exactly thirsty, the drinks lacked any real substance or flavor to fulfill that, but it gave his hands something to do as his nerves began to spike. 

"Relax my dear Alder, you should remember that I've no idea who you are and I'm more curious in finding out things about you right now."

"Right now."

"Caught that, did you?" 

Alder took a sip and looked up once more. "Perhaps you could ask your questions?"

"Fine, you're rather prudish Alder." Talis smile seemed to be more certain of Alders fate than either party, and that fact alone concerned him. "You have some big task or something ahead of you then. Now that i've seen what it is, I can assure you that I have no jealousy in your task."

"Thank you? I assume that means you don't envy my position?" 

"Not in the least. Going back through your thoughts and conversations over the past few weeks answers a number of questions, but I suppose I should ask whether you actually intend to do it."


"It seemed to be the most feasible option to you, atleast thats what you seem to think."

"I would imagine that Fusing with the creature would be easiest." Alder said "but the prospect of being possessed is still weighing on my mind."

"Did he tell you it was possible?"

"He did."

"Did he tell you what would happen if you failed?"

"He neglected that part."

"Did you ask?"

"It hadn't crossed my mind to, at the time anyway."

"I think that speaks volumes in itself, don't you."

Alder frowned "I don't have a death wish."

"I never said, nor implied, you did."

"I understand that the idea has a number of flaws and that I'm likely not strong enough."

"But you plan to do it anyway?"

"Yes! How many times- Do you understand that I've had to explain that atleast three times so far! Yes, I plan to fuse with it. I know the risks, I know it isn't the best choice. I know I shouldn't."

"But it's your best option." Talis smile faded and a looking of hesitant understanding grew in its place "I think I understand. I faced many problems with a very similar mindset."

"You're sitting here with me, so they must have worked out."

"I'm a Goddess, Alder. If it doesn't work out then another God or Goddess takes over, and so on and so on until the problem is solved."

"Battle Mages work about the same. If I can't do it then another gets called in to help."

Tali shook her head "It isn't the same Alder. Ethereal Gods don't die, Mortals however..."

"Look, I appreciate the concern. I suppose I should be gratefull that any Goddess would be concerned about my safety, but this is a decision I've made."

"One you plan to suffer the repurcussions of regardless of warnings." Tali said 

"Mortals are fools, right?"

"Gods are no better." Tali sighed "I think I get what Van saw in you. I hope you don't mind my wishing for your failure. Your presence here isn't the worst, but I would appreciate having my room again."

"So long as your wishing doesn't actively cause my death, I don't suppose we should have an issue."

"I could tell you it wouldn't, but I don't think you'd believe me."

"You're right about that." Alder said "Goddess of Misfortune and all."

"That was very rude."

Philistine presseed open the doors to the Library and directed his following servants to collect the lingering notes. Alder sat at a desk, looking over a stack of parchment and inspecting a pouch of Gems. 

"Ah, Alder. I heard the good news. You have a way of saving my Daughter?"

"In a manner of speaking, yes sir I do."

"And when do you believe we can begin this process? I've instructed my staff to begin cleaning the library now that you've completed your research. I trust it was beneficial in coming up with a solution."

"Very much so. I believe we can begin in the next day or so, we just need the moons to in place."

"Is this a lunar based spell you plan on using? Isn't that a bit archaic?"

"It isn't, but lunar magic is far from archaic, however I do require a certain ingrediant and its easiest to attain during this lunar cycle."

"I trust your judgement on this." Philistine placed a hand on the desk and shifted aside a scroll, reading through the topmost of its contents. "Very interesting items you've found here. Documents and accounts I've not seen since I was a kid."

"Well, your library has a far better collection than any I've seen before. At least when it comes to the issue of possession and certain items relating to it. Your family must have been involved in a large amount of the expansion of Arcane theories."

"What makes you say that?" Philistine asked

"Well like I said, you have the largest collection of items almost entirely related to mythos and certain aspects of magic. It just so happens that the side of magic is the same I need to study and use."

"Thats rather convenient indeed." The count pulled a chair out from beneath a desk and took a seat at Alders table "What exactly do you plan to do?"

"I think I have a good understanding of the curse afflicting your daughter, and with some help from Jeann I'll be able to remove it and dispell the presence that has infected her."

"Dispell? Banish it then?"

"In a manner of speaking, yes."

"Is there any way to avoid that?" 

Alder stopped his perusal and turned to face the count. "Avoid dispelling the creature, sir?"

"Yes. Thats correct."

"Any reason why? Count Philistine, I understand you may have strong feelings about this creature and a personal desire to punish it, but the idea of doing anything other than banishing that creature seems rather dangerous."

"Alder, that creature is unique. The damage its caused has been repaired, and the work of the Pere have made sure that things returned to normal. Elizabeth will be taken care of and all that will remain is to handle this creature. Surely you understand the prospect of studying this creature, and the benefits that could have."

"I suppose, but Count that creature has some very dangerous power. You were responsible for subduing it last time, you saw what it was doing to everyone at the time."

"All the more reason to study it. Alder, this creature is made of pure Ethereal magic, imagine what we could do with that sort of imbuing of arcane powers."

"So you want to study and adopt their bodies?"

"Its far more complex than that, but in a short answer... yes." Philistine pinched his brow and the stress of life began to show more visibly on his face "I'm tired Alder, and I'm having a harder time handling the affairs of my region with each passing day. I've asked the Governor and Imperial King for help, but so far things haven't gone anywhere."

"What would containing this creature do?"

"This, creature as you call it, could help gain me aid from the Empire and our dear sweet Governor. Perhaps if they knew that these sorts of things were happening then they might take an interest in helping contain the problems."

"Why would they be more concerned about it after that? The Empire only ever sends Pere these days, and were in one of the Fronts. If anyone should have access to troops and support I'd assume it'd be you and the other Counts of the area."

"My family gained this land generations back, and when my great-grandfather took over the position of Count he swore to dedicate his life to turning this area into something prosperous. It took three generations of our line to accomplish that goal, and Alder I will not see my line become the cause of its downfall."

"I still don't understand. This land is important, why wouldn't they be concerned about it regardless."

"My family has helped with advancements in the fields of Arcance research, but with our dedication to turning this area into something properous we started to lack the output that would have kept us in high esteem."

"So you want to use this creature as a form of weapon, and give that to the Empire?"

"Nothing like that!" Philistine shot up and with a look of anger and resentment "This creature is something new entirely! If we can learn about it, perhaps we could learn something new about magic itself."

"Count, I don't know if I can remove the curse and possession of your daughter without dispelling the creature."

"Are you certain?"

"No, I'm not really certain of anything right now. However I don't want to risk letting this creature escape just to satisfy your desire to produce a weapon for the Empire."

"It isn't a weapon Alder. I'm asking that you help us contain the creature instead of dispelling it from all existence. If you'd like, I could offer you a position in monitoring and containing it for the forseeable future."

"I really don't..."

"Just think about it, I'd much prefer to have you on staff and assisting us than working in some small library on the coast."

"Thats very kind Count,"

"Consider my offer and help us contain this creature, Im sure you'll find a safe way. Elizabeth will be fine, but this creatures safety and security is just as important now."

Alder nodded slowly and gave the Count a decerning stare, one the man was ignorant of. He needed the Counts trust, but he didn't want to actively align himself with the man any further. However, he still needed to know more and he wasn't going to find those answers on his own any more.

"Count, could I ask you a question related to your families research?"

"Go ahead."

"What do you know of Changelings?"

"Changelings?" The Count laughed "You mean that old fable from the Capital?"

"I don't know that its a fable, they've been reported to exist in several different areas."

"Come now Alder, Changelings are a long dead people, fables and myths. Nothing more."

"Would you know anything about their creation?"

"Oh sure, I did my research on them long long ago." Philistine said "I found the idea very amusing when I was younger and thought to make a name for myself using them."

"What happened to that plan?" Alder asked

"I found the process rather distastefull. It required torture and needed specifically a 'victim' as oppossed to 'specimen' or 'test subject'. You can see how that would discourage one from pursuing that path."

"Rather good of you to stick to your morals."

"We are nothing," Philistine said "If not our Morals." 

Alder rested a hand on the desk and palmed a cut jewel of a pulsing red. He felt its energy surge through him, steadying his heart and slowing his breathing. It was a strange comfort, the prospect of having another well to draw power from. 

"I couldn't agree more." Alder said

"Do you require anything further?" The count stood and accepted a tome & quill from a waiting servant, scribbled a signle line, and returned it to man. "I'm certain I can have my servants acquire anything you may need."

"Thank you thats very kind, but I believe I have all the items required. I trust you'll be staying in contact with Jeann now that you're back."

"Oh yes." Philistine gave a warm smile "Shes been very keen on keeping me up to date on things."

"How were things in the region?" Alder asked

"The same as ever, House Shevsne is pushing further into my territory again."

"Are territory wars common still? I figured the Empire had put an end to that, especially on the war front."

"On the contrary. Territory struggles are how we keep our soldiers ready for conflicts." 

"Is that so? I had assumed that loss of life against our own would be disheartening."

"Rarely do the commoners actually view their world as anything more than the struggles between families. Fewer still see the pieces as a whole, as you and I do."

Alder gave a slow, pained nod 


"Are you sure this will work?"

"Are any of us ever truly sure?" Jeann, cocksure smile plastered ascross her charming face, stood leaning against the Tax Office. The shadow of the Keep cast long over the city and Old Town, sending its inhabitants to retrieve the lanterns early.

Wind and weather had swept an eerie fog over the listless tracks of the nearby lake, and as such the town found itself in an unseasonally foggy early-evening. Alders carriage pulled to a halt beside the two figures, Jeann and Philistine, and allowed him to depart. He exchanged quick words with the driver, who upon seeing Philistine had instantly perked up and acting far more proper, before slipping the man a small purse and waving him off. 

"Evening." Alder bowed low to the Count, then gave a curt nod to Jeann.

"Good Evening Alder." Philistine said, returning the gesture but at a much higher angle

"Alder." Jeann similarly returned the nod. 

An acknowledgement of both the spoken and unspoken in their greeting. 

"I believe we are ready to begin, If thats alright my lord."

"That will be fine, Alder. Have you given any thought to the adjustments we discussed."

"Yes sir," Alder put on his best resigned grin and nodded "I have. I think we may be able to do something about that."

"Thats wonderful news!"

"Yes sir, it is."

"Shall we go then?" Jeann pushed herself off and made for the door. "We don't want to keep everyone waiting."

"Thats a fair point my dear," Philistine took a brisk pace and disappeared within the office and down its hidden passage.

"What exactly do you plan?" Jeann whispered as he passed "Still that whole-"

"Yes well," Alder did his best to match her pitch "We shall see, shall we not?"

"True enough, it will be difficult!" Jeann shouted, slapping Alder hard on the back and into building. 


"My lord," A Vardan man with six arms, thin brown chitin, and a very clean white outfit approached as the trio entered. 

"Ah Doctor," Philistine greeted "I trust things are in order for our good Sir Alders work today."

"That they are sir, however about your other projects."

"I'm sure I don't know what you mean."

"The research labs we're-"

"I'm sure whatever it is can wait until after my daughter is returned to me. No?"

The man gave a sheepish sound and retreated a step "Yes sir. Sorry sir."

"Something the matter Count?" Jeann asked

"Nothing that needs attention now, I assume." Philistine said, giving a glare to the man and waving him away. "Now, on to the matter at hand. Alder, are we ready?"

"Yes, I believe so. Jeann, I need Albert."

"Here Alder." Albert stood near the circular prison in the center of the room, still filled with the unconscious form of the Elizabeth-possibly-not-Elizabeth creature. "I have the works you asked for, as well as the gems."


Alder crossed the room and withdrew a thin shard of glowing emerald from Alberts bundle. With quick actions he drew the curves of sustained flight he'd been taught so many years back, creating a shimmering field that floated a few inches ahead and at Alders shoulder level. 

Next he retreaved three books from Albert and tossed them lazily into the shimmering field, he felt the weight catch and the small prick of energy being pulled. He focused on the feeling, the slow trickling of his essence draining away to hold the books. Then he gripped the emerald again, tightening his hold until he could feel the pusle of its power. It took dificulty to link the two, but once he'd accomplished it Alder slid the shard into a custom pouch on his waist.

"Rather helpful, that." One of the soldiers remarked 

"Just a little trick from the Academy." Alder said "I'm sure the Count could hold twice as many without even need a focus, or one with a battery for that matter."

"Quite so," Philistine laughed, "however I find it enjoyable to see the devices used."

Alder leafed through the pages, stopping at certain discerning texts or at marks he'd made. Eventually each book was held wide to reveal symbols, scripts, and half-formed spells. He mimiced the symbols using glowing shards, copying them to the best of his ability in the air around the cell. Each symbol was unique to the author, like a signature, and recreating them with any semblence of accuracy was something Alder had never been particularlly proud of. Still he steadied his hands and got on with his work, anxiety be damned. 

The completed works floated like lights, circling the cell with a slow rythm. A steady pulse of colors began as Alder placed the last symbol, followed by a low hum that started from somewhere beyond the chamber. THe soldiers around seemed to tense at the display of magic, but each remained stationed and ready.

"You're putting on quite a show Alder," Jeann quipped

"Quiet!" He snapped. 

Alders spear began to shake, its empty gems brimming at the presence of new energy filling the room. Arc-lamps began to burst and small gems in nearby equipment began to fracture.

"Get those out!" Philistine shouted, sending a group of researchers and servants into a wild frenzy "Alder!"

"Sorry! This is going to take a lot!" The low hum had begun to rise as the energy built, it sounded like a low roar now. Its volume cascading off the chambers walls.

The creature began to stir in the cell now, either by the noise or the almost palpable levels of stinging energy filling the room. At first the figure seemed concerned, the face of Elizabeth growing scared at the change. However once the noise reached its low roar, the black oozing began to spill from around its form. Dark pools formed beneath the hands and feet and its dress began to thicken and expand.

"Albert!" Alder had to shout to be heard over the building volume

Albert instantly began to dart around the cell, dropping small opals and bits of stones bearing inscriptions. Alder felt each land, effectively shifting the energy each time. His clothes wipped and pulled as the current of powers crashed against him, forcing him to retreive and expand his spear. Its ends shot hard into the stone of the floor and ceiling, granting him a single pillar of control in the maelstrom.

With each piece dropped, Albert seemed to lower further until he seemed to be crawling. When the final one landed and began to spin, its was with a shout mixed of joy and pain. Alberts body seemed to be contorting before Alders eyes, as if being pressed by some great weight. 

He was too distracted to notice that the creature was nearly formed, and a hand was extended towards Albert. Suddenly the action clicked and Alder pulled the ends of the spear back. With a sharp cry he flung the point into the beasts side, sending the blade through its body and out into the opposite wall which was thankfully clear of all but a bookcase. 

The wound caused the monster to pull back, but the pole of the spear wedged between bars, body, and wall kept it firmly in place. Focus lost, Albert was able to scramble up and slam against the wall. Jeann placed herself between the two and readied her stance, however the pressure was beginnig to show against her strength. Alder gripped firm to pole and started slowly towards the writhing, screaming creature. 

"Alder! You need to do something quick!" Jeann called "I don't know how much longer we can hold!"

"Just a few... more..." He reached out, trying to touch the beast

His arm was burning, literally burning before his eyes. The flesh of his left hand began to sizzle and seemed to turn into wet clay, a small wave of fire burning up the hairs of his arm. His clothes caught fire shortly after, burning up to the shoulder before he could slipt his concentration enough to cast a quick cooling spell. Each step, each inch, seemed to be stripping away his very being, until he could just... about... reach..

A scream slipt the air and silenced all.


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