4338.211.1 | Glimmers in the Mirage

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As Nial and I embarked on our journey toward the Drop Zone, a palpable unease hung in the air, growing thicker with each step. The landscape stretched out before us, revealing a disarray of scattered supplies strewn haphazardly, like fragments of a broken puzzle. It served as a stark reminder of the harsh reality we faced in Clivilius, a land where chaos and unpredictability thrived.

Lost in my thoughts, I reached the crest of the final hill, surveying the desolate expanse that lay before us. The weight of the unknown pressed upon my shoulders, my mind tangled in a web of uncertainties. The air crackled with anticipation, urging me to seek solace in the clarity of the present moment.

"Everything okay?" Nial's voice pierced through my introspection, jolting me back to reality.

I drew in a deep breath, attempting to steady the racing thoughts within. "Yeah," I replied softly, my gaze sweeping across the desolate landscape. But my attention was soon captured by a commotion near the Portal. Beatrix stood by a motorhome, her eyes fixed on Paul, who stood over an unfamiliar man how lay sprawled on his back directly in front of the motorhome. I gasped softly, my brain scrambling to connect the disjointed dots of the scene.

"Shit! Adrian. What the hell are you doing here?" Nial's exclamation snapped my attention back to our immediate surroundings. Rushing ahead, he crouched in front of Adrian, delivering a few sharp slaps to his drowsy face.

My brow furrowed in confusion as I observed the scene, seeking answers in the unexpected convergence of these individuals. Who is Adrian and what brought Adrian to Clivilius? And how does Nial know him? Questions tugged at the fringes of my mind, curiosity interwoven with a tinge of unease.

"Not surprising," Luke chimed in, his voice laced with casual indifference. "Hobart's a small place."

Paul turned towards us, his eyes reflecting a blend of concern and urgency. "Can you two take him back to camp?" he requested, motioning towards Adrian, who remained in a groggy state.

Nial's grip tightened on Adrian's shoulders, his voice a mixture of concern and frustration. "Let's get you to camp," he assured him, his words carrying a delicate balance of reassurance and urgency.

"We'll come back," I interjected, extending a helping hand to Nial as we guided Adrian to his feet. The pungent scent of a freshly smoked joint drifted toward us, causing me to sneeze uncontrollably.

Steadying himself in his feet, despite his acknowledgement of Nial, Adrian appeared far from cooperative. He veered toward the vehicle he must have arrived in, brushing off Nial's pleas to leave the ute and join us on our journey back to camp.

"I'm just getting the rest of my gear," Adrian insisted, his determination fuelling his pursuit of the vehicle.

Frustration welled up within me as I observed Adrian's actions. The scorching sun beat down upon my sweat-soaked face, intensifying my exasperation. Our trek to secure fencing supplies had led us to the Drop Zone, yet the desired materials remained elusive, leaving us entangled in yet another unexpected encounter with someone thrust into Clivilius against their will. Lingering doubts cast shadows over our path, remnants of Luke's deceptive methods in establishing our settlement.

Amidst the ongoing squabble between Nial and Adrian, the driver's door slammed shut with a resounding thud, and the engine roared to life. Nial stood resolute at the front of the vehicle, his hands resting on the bonnet, a silent plea for resolution.

A cloud of dust billowed into the air as the motorhome surged forward, propelled by newfound vitality. I watched, a mixture of curiosity and concern, as Beatrix, who must have returned to Earth through the Portal, vanished from sight.

Amidst the clamour of anger and confusion, Nial managed to wrangle himself into the ute alongside Adrian. Through the chaos, Nial called out for me to join them, but I had reached my threshold for commotion for the morning. "I'm all good. I'll stay here and wait for the fencing supplies to arrive," I called out, my voice cutting through the turmoil. With a wave, I bid them farewell, a symbol of my final declining of the offer to join them in the ute. It was time for a respite, a chance to gather my thoughts amidst the scattered supplies and the weight of uncertainty that hung heavy in the air.

Wandering through the barren expanse of the Drop Zone, awaiting the return of a Guardian with the much-needed fencing supplies, my mind drifted to thoughts of Brianne and our unborn child. The harsh landscape stretched out before me, the sun scorching the desolate land, and yet, within my imagination, I saw a glimmer of something more.

A mirage seemed to materialise in the distance, teasing my weary eyes with illusions of greenery and life. The heatwaves danced and twisted, conjuring visions of lush fields and vibrant forests. In that fleeting moment, I caught a glimpse of a different Clivilius—a transformed land where my family could find solace and sanctuary.

I closed my eyes, surrendering to the whims of my imagination. I envisioned a humble home nestled amidst the natural beauty, crafted with our own hands. I could almost see Brianne's radiant smile, her freckled checks catching the early morning rays of the sun as she tended to a small garden, her belly round with the promise of new life. The laughter of our child echoed in my ears, their tiny feet dancing across the untamed earth, embracing the wonders of this wild world.

In that reverie, the challenges and dangers that loomed around us faded into the background. The desolation of Clivilius transformed into a canvas of endless possibilities, where love and resilience could carve out a place of solace and belonging.

But the mirage vanished as quickly as it appeared, leaving me with the stark reality of our current circumstances. The vision had been a fleeting glimpse of hope, a reminder of what we were fighting for—a future where our family could thrive. Yet, the path forward would be arduous, filled with sacrifices and obstacles. Still, the ember of hope within me refused to be extinguished.

With renewed determination, I opened my eyes and refocused on the Drop Zone. The mirage may have been ephemeral, but the vision it kindled remained steadfast. It reminded me of the purpose that propelled us forward, the dream of creating a better life for ourselves and our community.

As I stood amidst the arid landscape, contemplating the significance of the mirage, a whisper slithered into my thoughts. The familiar voice, the Voice of Clive, intruded upon my consciousness, its presence evoking both anticipation and unease.

Ah, Kain, dreaming of a paradise amidst this desolation, are we? the voice taunted, its tone dripping with perverse delight. How enchanting it must be to envision such beauty, such serenity. But tell me, what would you be willing to offer in return for this paradise?

I clenched my fists, my resolve hardening. The Voice of Clive had played its twisted game before, demanding sacrifices in return for healing. I glanced down at my wounded leg. The healing was far from perfect, but I had to admit that especially give the lack of meaningful medical attention given to the injury, its current status was rather remarkable. But I had learned the price that came with the offerings, and this time I was prepared to stand firm, to resist its temptations.

Yet my curiosity couldn't resist the urge to learn more. "What do you want now, Clive?" I retorted, my voice laced with defiance. "I've given enough. I don't want to be part of your manipulation again."

The voice chuckled, a sinister sound that reverberated through my thoughts. Oh, Kain, your resistance is admirable, but I can see the longing in your heart, the yearning for a better life for your family. I could grant you that mirage, that idyllic paradise you saw. All you need to do is bring Brianne and the baby to Clivilius—a simple trade for such a grand reward.

My blood ran cold as Clive's proposition hung in the air. The mirage, the promise of a haven for my loved ones, seemed within reach. Yet, the thought of setting in Clivilius and betraying my determination to find a way home, sent a wave of conflict crashing over me.

No! my mind replied firmly, my silent voice unwavering. I won't bring Brianne here and sacrifice our chance to find a way back to Earth.

The voice hissed a rebuke, its disappointment palpable. Very well, Kain.You deny yourself the pleasures I could bestow. But remember, every choice has consequences. And there will come a time when you'll have to face them.

With those final words, the voice faded, leaving behind a lingering sense of unease. I took a deep breath, my mind still reeling from the encounter. I centred myself in the reality of the present, reminding myself of the path I had chosen, however difficult and uncertain it may be. The mirage, once so tantalising, now held a bittersweet taste—a reminder of the sacrifices and challenges that lay ahead. Despite my best attempts to persuade myself that I had made the right decision, the tight knot that firmed in the pit of my stomach felt like a noose that was being prepared for my neck. I couldn't shake the inevitable thought that if there really was no way that I could go back home, I would remain alone all my days in Clivilius.

As I stood at the Drop Zone, burdened by the conflict of my emotions, my attention shifted to Luke, who had returned with the delivery of the temporary fencing components. With each piece he brought through the Portal, a renewed sense of purpose and determination filled me. I eagerly grabbed the materials, feeling their weight in my hands, a tangible reminder of the security that we were creating for the small camp.

Luke and I engaged in intermittent conversation as we worked, the sun relentless in its intensity. My curiosity got the better of me, and I couldn't help but inquire about the origins of the fencing. I turned to Luke, my voice filled with intrigue. "Is this the order that Paul and Nial placed the other day?"

Luke nodded, a momentary flicker of reservation crossing his features. There was more to this story, hidden beneath the surface. Determined to always maintain a spark of hope for any information that might provide clues for a way home, I probed further, hoping to extract more details from Luke.

"Yeah, it is," he finally confirmed, his voice tinged with a hint of caution. "But there's more to it, mate."

My brow furrowed, the gears in my mind turning as I considered the implications of his words. What was Luke not telling me? Before I could voice my curiosity, however, Luke abruptly cut himself off, a flicker of unease crossing his features.

"What's the matter?" I questioned, my concern etched across my face.

Luke hesitated for a moment, his gaze fixated on a distant point beyond the Drop Zone. Then, with a sigh, he began to share a story—one that left me equal parts impressed and wary.

Luke's voice took on a low and measured tone as he began, "Beatrix and I came up with this ingenious plan. I activated my Portal Key inside the delivery truck without the driver even knowing it. Now the Portal location is registered, so we can access the truck whenever we need to."

My eyes widened in astonishment at their audacious scheme. Despite Luke's often chaotic actions, the resourcefulness of him and Beatrix never ceased to amaze me. Yet, as I contemplated the implications of their actions, a wave of caution washed over me. There were risks involved, ones that couldn't be ignored.

"And what about the driver?" I asked, my voice laced with concern.

Luke's expression darkened, a shadow of regret passing over his features. "Don't worry," he assured me, slapping my shoulder lightly. "We've been careful. By the time the truck returns to the warehouse, I'll have emptied it of all the fencing equipment. The driver won't suspect a thing."

As Luke continued with his task, I made the decision to return to camp, eager to share the news of the fencing's arrival with Nial. It was time to rally our fellow settlers and begin the process of fortifying our camp, to build the protection we so desperately needed for however long we would remain in Clivilius. With a renewed sense of purpose, I bid Luke farewell and set off on my journey back to camp, my steps infused with cautious hope.

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