4338.209.7 | Fires

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As I trudged through the unforgiving heat, each step a painful reminder of the burden I carried, my exhaustion mingled with frustration at Clive's relentless demands. The journey to the lagoon was a desperate gamble to save my leg, but the price I had to pay felt unbearably steep.

The sand seemed determined to trip me up, and I stumbled, sinking to my knees in the gritty terrain. Dust clung to my sweat-soaked skin, finding its way into my mouth and throat, choking me. Coughing and spitting out the unwelcome grit, I found myself hunched over, feeling defeated. The weight of Clive's expectations pressed down on me, leaving me grasping for alternatives. "There has to be another way," I muttered, my voice filled with desperation. The sacrifice of bringing Chris to the lagoon felt like a surrender of my own strength and agency. I had already lost so much, and now I teetered on the edge of losing myself as well.

"My dignity, my freedom," I whispered bitterly, pushing myself to stand. I couldn't afford to lose my leg now. The image of Brianne, carrying our unborn child, flashed in my mind, igniting a stubborn determination to keep going.

Finally, as I crested the dune, the lagoon stretched before me like a mirage. The sunlight danced on its shimmering surface, promising healing and relief. I hobbled closer, navigating the rocky terrain to keep my balance, but a daunting sense of dread accompanied me. The throbbing in my temples intensified, the pain building into a tempest that threatened to consume me.

With a mix of reluctance and hope, I lowered myself onto the rocky edge of the lagoon, sliding my legs into the cool water. Relief washed over me as the soothing embrace of the lagoon enveloped my wounded leg. But the pleasure was short-lived, as a surge of pain pulsed through my chest, constricting my breath. I gasped, struggling to intake enough air, while a sharp zing of enticing pleasure shot up my injured limb. I understood the lagoon's healing power, but the whispered voice in my mind reminded me of the steep price I had yet to pay.

Fighting against the sexual pulses of energy that now remained constant, I studied my leg eagerly for any sign of improvement. My brow furrowed, a thin trail of fresh blood seeped from the top of the gash and dribbled into the lagoon, turning the water a cloudy shade of red.

I see you, Kain Jeffries, Clive's voice echoed in my mind, sending a chill down my spine.

Anger surged through my veins, threatening to engulf me. "I see you!" I shouted, saliva flying from my mouth. "What the fuck does that mean?"

Kain, the voice softly murmured. You must bring Chris to the lagoon.

My hard cock ached from the relentless onslaught, the weight of the demands crashing upon me. "Fuck you, Clive!" I yelled, yanking my leg from the water. With determination, I prepared to leave the cursed lagoon behind.

"Who's Clive?" a familiar voice called out from behind me.

My heels, softened by the water, ground against the hard rock as I quickly pivoted to face the short, tubby man. Chris reached out and placed a firm hand on my shoulder, steadying me as my legs wobbled. It's too convenient, I told myself silently, as my salty eyes couldn't unlock their fix on Chris. As a fierce determination burned within me, like a raging bushfire ready to consume everything in its wake, I grabbed hold of Chris's arm and pulled him towards me as I attempted a side manoeuvre. Chris's body twisted awkwardly as it moved in the lagoon's direction and taking the prime opportunity, I gave his chest a firm push.

Chris gave out a squark as he fell backwards and as his hand found mine and gripped it tightly, my eyes widened in terror. My aching leg caved under pressure and, unable to stop the momentum, I followed Chris into the water with a thundering splash. It was deeper than I expected and I swallowed several mouthfuls of water as my head sank below the surface and I coughed up several more when I finally breached.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" Chris scolded, shoving my shoulder as he retreated to the safety of the shore.

Knowing I couldn't waste this chance to heal my leg, I reached out for Chris once more, but my grip faltered, and I found myself splashing clumsily into the water. "Shit," I muttered, pushing forward, determined to make it right.

As Chris pressed his hands against the rock and hoisted himself upwards, my hands finally made contact with him. Unable to take hold, my hands slid down his round torso, causing the man a failed attempt at escape. My fingers somehow managed to find the tip of Chris's trousers and sinking my fingers beneath the fabric, I gripped tightly and yanked hard at the precise moment that Chris made a second attempt to pull himself from the water.

Chris's trousers came loose as he lifted his body, his bare arse passing barely an inch from my face. A loud moan escaped Chris's lips and, with trousers now at his ankles, his knees slammed down into the solid rock.

You're so close, my mind pleaded with me not to lose hope. 

Chris swore loudly and his back arched as his hands pressed into the rocks.

The lagoon will heal his knees, I justified to myself, as I hoped to bring Chris back into the water. Gripping his calves as they hung over the edge of the rock, I yanked the solid man toward me. But it didn't go as expected. Chris moved barely a few inches before his elbows buckled beneath his weight. My eyes widened in terror as Chris's forehead connected with the smooth rick with a sickening thud.

"Chris!" I called out, panic surging through me as I scrambled out of the water. Rushing to his side, I rolled him onto his back, my heart pounding. A stream of crimson flowed from the gash above his brow, staining the rock beneath him.

"Chris!" I shouted again, shaking his unmoving body, desperate to bring him back. "Shit!" I cursed myself for the reckless choices I had made.

A familiar soft voice spoke eerily into my mind. Bring him to me, Kain, Clive prodded.

My eyes moved slowly down Chris's torso, quickly passing his exposed crotch to where his feet still hung in the water. Moving to the edge of the rock, I took hold of Chris's legs and carefully dragged him closer to the water until his bum sat as close to the edge as I dared without him falling in completely. A sudden movement caught the corner of my eye, and instinctively glancing toward it, I caught the unfortunate sight of Chris's dick as it began to harden. I wanted to look away, but a stronger part of me begged me to keep watch. You've come this far, I told myself determinedly. It would be foolish to inflict so much pain and not ensure the deal was actually completed.

Yes, the voice whispered, affirming my resolve. Finish what has been started.

Staring at the task that I was being forced to fulfil, I gulped dryly. Staring at the blood that continued to drizzle across Chris's forehead and down his cheek, I knew that I couldn't withdraw now. Kneeling beside Chris, I swallowed a dry gulp as my hand inched closer. Closing my eyes, I winced as the tips of my fingers touched the firm flesh. A hot anger began to circulate through my veins as my hand wrapped around Chris's dick and I slowly began to jerk him off. As the anger intensified, I found my grip tightening, and my pace quickening.

Suddenly, Chris's eyes flew open and as he sat up almost instantaneously, my hand withdrew and I quickly retreated backwards. With a loud gasp, Chris reached for his pulsating cock and in a final moment of what could only be described as torturous pleasure, he released the pressure, sending spurts of precious cargo into the clear lagoon waters.

It is finished, Clive whispered calmly in my head.

Uncertain of Chris's awareness, I knew I couldn't stay to find out. As he struggled to catch his breath, I made my hasty escape, leaving behind the lagoon and the consequences of my choices.

My leg was noticeably stronger as I approached the camp, the newfound vitality granting me a glimmer of hope. But the sight of multiple small fires flickering around the perimeter drew my attention, casting a shadow of unease upon my heart. The implications of this new development gnawed at me, leaving me with a lingering sense of dread.

Karen's voice cut through the air, her words jolting me out of my thoughts. "Where's Chris?" she called out, her presence catching me off guard. My heart skipped a beat, and my face tensed nervously as I tried to compose myself. Meeting her gaze proved to be an impossible task.

"He decided to stay at the lagoon a little longer," I replied, my voice attempting nonchalance, though I was certain that it failed to conceal my inner turmoil.

"I'll go and fetch him," Karen huffed, her determination clear.

As she walked away, my mind raced with possibilities. What would unfold when she found Chris? Would he reveal the truth? Had he already been healed? A gasp escaped my lips as a disquieting thought invaded my mind—would Clive make demands of Chris as well? The bitter taste of metal filled my mouth, nearly causing me to gag. I desperately sought a distraction from my own guilt and apprehension. "What's with all the extra fires?" I asked Paul and Nial, who were huddled together near the main bonfire.

"We had to set them up," Paul replied, his voice heavy with worry. "We need to increase our visibility and security. We can't risk another attack."

I nodded, understanding the necessity behind the decision. However, the thought of burning through precious wood made my stomach churn.

"It's going to consume a lot of wood," I commented, voicing my concern.

"I know," Paul acknowledged, his voice tinged with resignation. "But we don't have much of a choice. Not until we can get more security in place."

I turned to Nial, who had remained silent until now. "This is why we need your help," I implored, striving to keep my tone gentle. "We need to get those fences built as soon as possible."

Nial met my gaze, his expression torn between reluctance and cooperation. "I understand," he replied, his voice tinged with weariness. "But it's all so overwhelming. I have a wife and a toddler back home. I can't even begin to process all of this."

"I know it's hard," Paul interjected, placing a reassuring hand on Nial's shoulder. "But we're all in this together. And we need your skills and expertise to help us survive in this new world."

The optimism in Paul's voice, though well-intentioned, only served to churn my stomach further. Nial nodded slowly, his eyes fixed on the dancing flames of the bonfire. It was evident that he was still grappling with the weight of his new reality, and I couldn't blame him. Yet, I also understood that rapid adjustment was crucial if we were to survive another night and avoid further demands from the insidious voice in our minds.

Noticing Karen leaving the camp, my eyes followed her, watching as she made her way toward Chris, who was now approaching. A mix of anticipation and dread swirled within me, knowing that the truth might soon be revealed.

"It's been a long day," I announced to Paul and Nial, eager to make myself scarce before Chris returned. "I'm going to turn in."

"You're not going to eat with us?" Paul questioned, surprise evident in his voice.

I shook my head briskly. "I'm not really hungry."

Paul shot me a sideways glance, his eyes searching for answers. "Okay," he said simply.

Giving Nial a final nod of acknowledgment, I swiftly retreated to my tent, seeking solace within its confines. Lying on my sleeping bag, staring up at the vacant fabric above me, a heaviness settled upon my chest. The darkness outside began to envelope the camp, and I found comfort in the flickering glow of the campfires that surrounded us, providing a semblance of warmth and light in this desolate realm.

Yet, I couldn't ignore the boisterous chatter emanating from the campfire. Curiosity compelled me to listen, and amidst the cacophony, I caught Karen's voice uttering, "The clumsy bugger slipped on the rocks." It was the only fragment that reached my ears, but those words were enough to tighten the knot in my stomach. Regret washed over me, and I couldn't help but question myself, What the hell have I done?

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