4338.209.1 | Into The Shadows

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Sensing movement in the water from where I lay on my back, resting close by the lagoon's shore, yet being mindful to keep my flesh distant, opening one eyelid, I caught the last of the small wave as it rippled to the shore, the water sending a zing of pleasure through the tips of my toes as it unexpectedly reached them.

Surprised that I was no longer alone, I opened the other eyelid. Glancing toward the water, I could see the top of a head breach the surface of the otherwise, still lagoon. Looking about, there remained not another soul in sight. Curious, I watched as the familiar red hair began to emerge from below the surface.

"Brianne?" I asked, surprised, and I sat up, leaning back on my elbows for support.

As the head began to rise from the lagoon, long strands of hair clung to the young woman's face. "What the hell? What are you doing here?" I squeaked, surprised to see my fiancée here in Clivilius.

"Shh," Brianne hushed me, bringing a finger to her lips. More ripples, larger ripples, began to lap at my feet as Brianne took slow, careful steps toward me, her hazel eyes locked seductively on mine. Her body rising from the water more with each step, my gaze moved from her eyes, down her neck, and paused at the small, purple bikini top that held her breasts in position. They fit so perfectly, I told myself, grinning broadly.

The water ran easily down Brianne's soft skin, and dripped back into the lagoon. As she continued her slow, almost rhythmic walk towards me, her hips lightly swaying as she placed one foot in front of the other, her inner thighs touched gently with every step. Not wanting the moment to be spoiled too quickly by the lagoon's enhancing abilities, I slid myself backwards at least a good body length away from the water's edge. Whatever impulses I felt, I wanted it to all be because of her. She is naturally beautiful, I told myself, I don't need the lagoon to interfere.

Reaching the edge of the lagoon, her body now in full-view, as though reading my intentions, Brianne spoke, "The lagoon's waters don't simply influence our physical sensualities. It doesn't diminish any part of your being, it enhances what already exists within," she said, placing her hand across her bosom.

A shiver ran down my spine as I thought about the words. "I do love you. Very much," I told her.

"I know," replied Brianne, her hand caressing herself as it made its way down her body and rested on her belly that was beginning to show the early stages of her pregnancy. "I am carrying your child."

Brianne stopped short of leaving the water, the water barely covering her bare feet. "Come here, Kain," she beckoned with her left hand.

I squirmed uncomfortably. "I'm not sure I should go in the water," I said, my dick beginning to surge as I recalled the last time I had set foot in the lagoon. Sexually overwhelming and inextricably awkward at the same time, I told myself, trying not to remember the conversation with Uncle Jamie in any further unwanted detail.

Brianne inhaled deeply, her hand slowly moving from her belly and sliding beneath her bikini pants. Eyes closing, she moaned softly as she exhaled.

"Shit," I muttered, wiping my brow anxiously as the sexual tension began to form small beads of sweat across my forehead.

The long, pleasurable moan coming to an end, Brianne opened her eyes. With one hand still in her bikini, the other hand beckoned me again, "I'm ready. Come and fuck me, Kain," she said firmly, her tongue running salaciously across her red lips.

Instincts needing no further call, I sprung to my feet and within seconds, my hands glided behind Brianne's smooth body, and I pulled her against me, letting her wet flesh dampen my own. The feelings of intense desire that pulsed through the soles of my feet were immediate.

"Embrace it," said Brianne, sliding her hand into my shorts. Wrapping her warm fingers around my engorged cock, she squeezed it hard. "Let the waters enhance what's inside," she said, calmly.

I gasped softly as my dick left the safety of the fabric that had been concealing the swelling passion. I brought my lips closer to Brianne's, and gazed into her glowing eyes.

Allowing my mind to surrender to Brianne's sexual encouragement, her hand pulled me toward her. The touch of the bikini's silky material as it rubbed against the head of my exposed cock sent a shudder through my body.

Brianne's breath was warm against my neck. Her tongue sensitively tickled my ear as it circled several times. "Enhance yourself inside me," she whispered, grinding her body against me.

A hoarse, pleasurable moan fell from my lips as Brianne pulled back the bikini material and her hand guided the tip of my cock as it gently penetrated.

"Deep inside me," she breathed deeply, lowering her body to consume my entire shaft.

"Fuck!" I hissed, eyes springing open, legs clenching instinctively. Did I stop it in time? I asked myself. My body shuddering involuntarily, fuck! And as though my body felt entirely in sync, I rolled to the side, hand reaching into my trousers, I pulled my dick out and released the unstoppable pressure into the dust surrounding me. Another body shudder, I took several deep breaths, my heart pounded in my chest.

Lois's deep growl reverberated through the night, filling the air with an unsettling energy. The realisation that I wasn't the only one who hadn't made it back to the tents last night struck me like a bolt of lightning. "Shit," I muttered, hastily wiping my sticky hand across my abdomen. The darkness engulfed us, making it impossible to discern anything.

My self-pitying thoughts were abruptly interrupted by Lois's persistent and disconcerting growl.

"The wind is picking up. Do you think it's another dust storm?" Luke's voice sliced through the heavy darkness, its direction unclear in the obscurity.

"I hope not," Paul's whispered response barely reached my ears.

I recognised that type of growl, a chilling reminder of Hudson. Grateful that it wasn't directed at me or my unsettling dream, I couldn't shake the eerie tingle that crawled down my spine.

"I think something's out there," I whispered, cautiously shifting through the dust to position myself between Luke and Paul.

The tension in the air mounted rapidly, pricking uncomfortably at the back of my neck as the three of us, likely wearing equally wide-eyed expressions, stared into the pitch-black void, waiting.

Lois let out a sharp bark, followed by a low snarl.

"What's going on?" Glenda called out, swiftly approaching from behind. "Why is Lois barking?"

"We don't know," Paul responded.

"Probably just the wind stirring up the dust," Luke offered.

As Luke's words faded, an unexpected gust of wind whipped through, throwing a cloud of dust directly into my face. I could feel the sting on my cheeks, but my tongue worked feverishly, desperately trying to rid my mouth of the gritty particles. I closed my eyes, shielding them with my raised hands. While I couldn't alleviate the stinging sensation, I could at least protect them from further assault.

"We should seek shelter in the tents!" Luke's voice rang out.

"Come, Lois," Glenda commanded.

Blinking rapidly, tears forming to wash away the dust, I struggled to clear my vision.

Ignoring Glenda's instruction, Lois persisted with her relentless growling.

"Duke! Get back here!" Uncle Jamie's voice called out from somewhere behind us.

Finally able to open my eyes, I gasped, certain that I caught sight of a creature lurking in the distance, its silhouette outlined against the fading embers of last night's campfire.

"Shit! We're surrounded!" I cried out, catching a glimpse of another figure darting in the opposite direction. I inched as close to the fading warmth of the embers as I dared, without risking setting myself ablaze.

A tent rustled, sending a shiver of unease coursing through my shoulders. Was it movement from within or without? The question twisted my stomach into a painful knot. Stay calm, I admonished myself, attempting to steady my breathing as another gust of wind showered me with dust.

"What's happening?" Karen's voice trembled with panic.

The sound of her voice brought a modicum of relief, signalling that she had emerged from her tent.

"Is that Luke?" Karen's voice trembled with uncertainty.

Confused, I turned my head toward the direction where I thought Luke was. I gasped, catching a faint glimmer of the Portal's vibrant, rainbow hues dancing across the dunes in the distance. The colours provided a stark contrast against the darkness of the night, but their radiance was fleeting.

"I think it's just a dust..." Paul's voice trailed off.

"I'm right here," Luke's reassurance reached Karen's ears.

I fervently wished for Lois to cease her growling, seeking solace behind my makeshift shield.

"Duke, stop barking!" Uncle Jamie's voice pierced the whistling wind once more.

A bone-chilling scream pierced through the gusts of dust, sending a wave of terror rippling across the camp.

"Lois!" Glenda's scream echoed, her dog bounding off into the night in an instant.

Panic gripped me fully, driving my actions to irrationality. Without a moment's hesitation, I found myself running through the darkness, following the path set by Paul and Glenda. Barefoot, my feet sank into the fine sands, causing me to stumble and fall. The intensified wind lashed against any exposed flesh, leaving a stinging sensation as if I were its personal pin cushion.

Digging my fingers into the shifting sand, fuelled by adrenaline coursing through my veins, I pushed myself back onto my feet. Stumbling forward for several strides, I came to an abrupt halt. "Where the fuck am I!?" I hissed, my voice filled with frustration, unable to discern anything in the all-encompassing blackness.

Another shrill scream pierced through the air, sending a shiver down my spine. My gaze turned back to the fleeting brilliance of the Portal's radiant colours illuminating the night, only to fade quickly, plunging the world into an oppressive darkness that felt suffocating. Undeterred and fuelled by determination, I broke into a steady jog.

"Good. I'm going in," I heard Luke's voice declare, and once again, the land was bathed in the vivid hues of the Portal.

"Whoa!" I yelled as an unknown force collided with my legs, tipping me off balance and propelling me like an uprooted tumbleweed, careening uncontrollably down the dusty slope. Panting heavily, I finally came crashing to a halt at the bottom of the dune.

Shielding my eyes from the onslaught of dust, I felt a warm breath on the back of my neck. A droplet of saliva landed on the tip of my ear, slowly trickling down the side, followed by a deep, bone-chilling growl. Shit! My heart pounded fiercely in my chest. There's something here.

With no time to consider my options, I let out an agonising scream as razor-sharp teeth sank into my leg. Propelled backward, my head slammed into the ground as the creature in the shadows took off, dragging my helpless body behind it. The pain surged through me with an intensity that made me wish for unconsciousness.

Flailing my arms and free leg aimlessly, every attempt to fend off the savage beast proved futile. I was moving too swiftly, and with no light to guide me, escape seemed impossible.

Suddenly, the sandy ground ceased its movement, and the creature released its grip on my leg, emitting an unexpected yelp. Uncertain of what had transpired, yet terrified of its return, my eyes darted about in search of any opportunity to escape. It was then that I noticed a small, faint light in the distance.

The light drew nearer, a shadow passing in front of its glow. Every muscle in my body tensed as I grimaced in excruciating pain, attempting to bring myself to my feet. It's too late, I told myself, sinking back into the dust, as a diminutive figure approached.

Eyes closed in defeat, I braced myself for further torment. A rough tongue sloppily licked across my face.

"Lois found him!" Glenda's voice rang out.

"Lois," I whispered, tentatively reaching out to feel for her presence. "Is it really you?"

Though my teeth were clenched tightly, a small sense of relief washed over me as my fingers brushed against Lois's soft golden fur.

"Kain," Glenda said, pushing Lois away from my face. "Kain, are you okay?"

"Is he alive?" Paul's voice called out.

Wincing as pain seared through my leg, my reply emerged garbled and undecipherable, except perhaps for the nodding in the direction of my injured limb.

"Yes. But his leg is wounded. Come help me move him," Glenda yelled, her voice now more composed and reassuring, dispelling the earlier panic.

Suppressing a scream born of relentless pain, I bit down on my tongue, a little too hard. The taste of blood flooded my mouth. "My leg!" I finally managed to scream, spraying bloody saliva indiscriminately.

The wind continued to strengthen, yet Paul, thankfully, managed to locate us.

"I think it's bleeding," I said, my voice choked with tears that I could no longer hold back.

"It is," Glenda confirmed, shining the phone's light across my leg.

Wiping my eyes as dust began to cling to the tears, I missed the opportunity to view my injured leg in the light. Probably for the best, I told myself, grimacing at the thought.

Glenda turned to Paul. "We have to get him out of this dust storm," she said firmly.

Paul's slight pause sent a dry gulp down my throat, my anxious palms growing sweatier. Is my leg that bad? I wondered, consumed by worry.

"You hold the light, I'll help him," Paul finally responded.

"Try not to let him put pressure on the leg," Glenda instructed.

"Okay. We can seek shelter at the Drop Zone for now," Paul said, a discernible quiver present in his tone. Turning his attention to me, he continued, "We're going to stand," reaching behind my shoulders and lifting me up.

A torrent of dark thoughts flooded my mind as we struggled toward the Drop Zone. Each one more terrifying than the last. I couldn't discern whether my body trembled from the damage to my leg or the all-encompassing terror that seized me. I must be leaving a trail of blood, I thought, my mind consumed by a final nightmarish notion that caused my body to tremble uncontrollably from head to toe, until the Portal's giant transparent screen illuminated the dark night.

"Paul!" Luke's familiar voice rang out.

"We're almost at the Drop Zone," Paul shouted in reply.

"I need to check the house. I'll be back soon," Luke's voice continued to carry through the darkness.

The glimmer of hope that had briefly sparked inside me was quickly extinguished as we were once again plunged into near pitch-blackness, with Glenda's phone serving as the only remaining source of light.

"Do you think we're safe here?" I asked, as we settled among the larger shed boxes, making sure there was enough space to keep my injured leg straight.

"Lois hasn't growled since we found you," Paul responded, implying that it was somehow a positive sign.

"As soon as the wind calms, we need to get back to camp. Kain's leg needs care," Glenda asserted firmly.

"Of course," agreed Paul, resting his head against a box.

Although I didn't feel entirely safe, I took solace in the fact that I wasn't alone. My conscious mind began losing the battle against the constant ache in my leg, and I found myself drifting, relying on Lois to awaken me if danger loomed. I'm... sure of it...

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