Ch 27 - Truth

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After 2 hours passed, and Michelle finally told Allison that she wasn’t flying the ship, Allison stopped sweating bullets and lifted Michelle out of her seat. She quickly put her back down, realizing it was in face Michelle who was flying the ship. Allison could only manage to spit out the question “so, what’s our next move, and what exactly happened back there”?

“We gather our allies without getting killed” Michelle calmly stated.

“Why is ‘trying not to get killed’ involved in every plan we have? Can’t we have 1 plan where there is no danger of dying”?

“Yup, you still aren’t truly initiated into the team, which reminds me, you have a choice to make”.

“Eh? Oh, about my contract being void or something, right”?

Michelle nodded. “That’s right. I know it’s a dick move, but I can’t, or won’t tell you the details of what happened should you choose to leave. On the other hand, if you decide to stick around, you’ll have to deal with whatever may come… which include MANY plans where the main objective is to simply not die. If this is a problem, consider your choices wisely”.

Allison gulped. “That’s not fair. I should at least have some idea of why my life is in danger”.

Jessica spoke next “Well, telling her will totally load her choice. It’s almost as unfair as not telling her. She did live after all that’s happened, but could one go back after knowing the truth of the matter”?

Emilia entered from the back of the room “C’mon guys, now that’s not fair. If you’re gonna tease that much, I’ll just tell her myself”.

Jessica interrupted, “Wait, we gotta get Philip and Francisco in here too. There’s something that they need to say to the rest of you. David and I already know”.

Everyone turned their attention to Jessica, who pointed to Aaron. After a short communication was sent, the 2 formerly of team Omega appeared.

“Yes, you rang on mighty…” Philip burst into laughter after attempting to speak those lines to Michelle. “I cant do it… she’s so small…I just cant call her mighty…”

Everyone in the room, except Francisco and Philip held their breath and watched. Michelle launched herself out of her chair with knives drawn. Within the blink of an eye, she was before Philip with a knife to his throat. “I’ll tell you once, since you’re apparently a bit new to the team. If you call me short, I’ll gut you like a fish. If you call me stupid, I’ll gut you like a fish. If you steal my food, or decide you want to use me as the object of a sport, I’ll gut you like a fish. Got it”?

Philip and Francisco nodded as Philip fell to the floor, covered in a cold sweat. Michelle promptly got on the ships intercom and relayed the same message, as well as the warning about Emilia and duckies.

Francisco finally spoke in place of the petrified Philip. “So, you specifically asked for us. What did you need”?

Michelle put her knife away and Jessica replied “We need you to tell the team what you told us. Actually, it would be better if you told everyone on board. Michelle, can we arrange an assembly of some sort”?

“Why do we need to do that, we can just video relay it though the ship, It’ll display on every screen. Rinoa, make it happen” Michelle ordered.

<<The focus of the video is Francisco Vila, correct”>>

“How the hell did you get my last name”?!

<<I was one of the central A.I. of the Butterscotch agency. I have detailed information regarding all members, active or otherwise, that have been involved in the agency dating back 57 years>>.

“Oh, shit… that’s not creepy” Francisco muttered.

<<Don’t worry, I’m not like Glados, I wont preform ‘tests’ or anything like that. Also, I don’t make cake, so don’t even ask”>>

“Did she really just…”? David asked.

“So, that happened. To answer the question, yes Rinoa, Francisco is the focus. Begin transmission on his command” Michelle ordered.

Francisco nodded and transmission began. He stood still for a moment, a result of stage fright, and pointed to Michelle, who started speaking.

“As most of you know, the agency is now in chaos. Those of you who are here, either saw this coming, or took an oath of alliance to certain individuals at some point. In case you are not aware, if you are on board, you are likely now considered an enemy of the Butterscotch agency. I will be referring to that as BS agency for short. You are no longer under contract with the BS agency, and as of this moment, are rogue agents with no national affiliation aside from your country of origin. We ill be stopping briefly at a nearby city tomorrow morning. This will be your chance to leave the conflict without consequence. Know that if we see you again, and you are against us, there will be no hesitation on our end to do what needs to be done. That being said, we have a message from Francisco, formerly of team omega, yes, I know what I said… don’t ask”. Michelle then pointed to Francisco, and the camera changed again.

“Uhm, well… It’s about Conrad. It’s believed that he’s acting under orders either from a malicious third party, or agency administration which is corrupt. He not only intended to eliminate team lambda during the squad games. He is also partially responsible the numerous attacks and unusual events that have been occurring across the base and surrounding area. He, and other individuals across the agency, view team Lambda as a threat to some sort of plan, the details of which, I am unclear. Threats against his own teammates and other teams were common, as were the skirmishes between him and Jesse. It is for that reason, among others why you find us, formerly of team Omega, here. Long story short, Conrad is up to something, and he’s an asshole, so we bailed and are sticking with the only team who doesn’t seem to fear him”.

The broadcast ended there and Michelle turned to Allison. “Well, that’s most of the story. If you want the rest, I’ll need your answer. You in, or shall we leave you at the next town”?

“Well, I still have to make some duckie boots and modify at least 1 set of pajamas for Emilia, and I’ll make a set for you too, so I guess I’ll stick around. I don’t want to owe you guys anything”.

Jessica laughed and fell out of her chair “Did you really just play the tsundere card?! It really doesn’t suit you”!

“True. In any case, I’ll stick around. I like you guys, and its not like they wont be looking for me. That fear will always be there. At least I’d have the ability to fight back if I stick around. Now, what’s the other part of that reason”?

Michelle nodded with a stern expression “BS is a big agency with a lot of power. Simply put, we suspect that the agency is aiming for world domination”.

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