Ch 28 - Advance

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Allison sighed “isn’t that awfully cliché”?

“It would be if there were an anime or a light novel” Jessica replied.

“Ok, so what you’re saying is that us, the people on this ship, are trying to take on an agency that has enough power to control the world… potentially”?

Michelle nodded. Allison continued, “So that is to say that it is more or less ‘us against the world”?

Michelle nodded yet again, Allison kept asking questions “Are you fucking retarded?! We can’t fight the world”!

David followed with his own answer “Well, we can either fight against the world, and have a stupidly small chance of winning, or at least living… or we can die once the agency decides to come after us. The other option is to go into hiding. I don’t think I need to explain why that would suck. Also with people like Jesse among us, it wouldn’t work either”.

“So, we split up and die apart, hide until someone fucks up and draws attention, or sit tight and wait for them to come to us. These options suck”, Allison commented.

“We do have this ship you know, and allies scattered around the globe. We kinda gotta pick them up anyways, so we’ll be on the move” Michelle said from the captain’s seat.

“OK, so, where to first? Any particular order for who gets picked up. Better question: how do we tell those who wat to help from those who want to kill”? Allison groaned.

“Well, Rinoa has a database for those answers I believe. Rinoa, who first”?

<<There are approximately 3 agents in the city we are scheduled to land in tomorrow morning. I will notify them>>.

“That’s fine. Set the course and assist Allison with the flight controls. She will have to learn”.

“Wait!? You’re really gonna let me fly this thing?! Do you want to die that badly”?! Allison screamed.

“Did I not just say that Rinoa would be helping you with the controls. Don’t get me wrong, its not like we cant just have her pilot, but there are limits to what an A.I. would do, No offense Rinoa” Michelle replied.

<<None taken. I understand that there are some… less than logical things… that humans do that I would not. I will also admit that these things may occasionally work. I will assist Allison with all necessary controls and help her get accustomed to piloting. I wont let her kill us, at least not what I’m supposed to be teaching her>>.

“Can’t you not let me kill us… ever” Allison whined.

<<Not in a combat situation where there are enemies to factor in. In any case, take the controls, I will be disabling autopilot features one by one>>.

Allison gulped as she returned her hands to the controls. After a gentle shake, the ship was partially under control. Rinoa gave her first lesson.

<<Since we’ll be teaching you, and a craft this size is obvious as well as dangerous, we’ll start with flight altitudes and how to activate optical and radar camouflage>>.

Allison, now with a cold sweat, nodded and followed the directions Rinoa gave. They continued with various scenarios for several hours before everyone retired for the evening.


Michelle’s voice pierced Allison’s sleep and frightened her to the point that she fell out of bed. “All administration, report to the bridge immediately. All other personnel, find an appropriate viewing station. There are announcements to be made. You have four minutes and 27 seconds to comply. Get a move on bitches! Allison, you are administration, in case you were unaware. Get to your station”!

Allison sat wide eyed on the floor for a moment, and was then interrupted by the TV in her room turning itself on. It was again, Michelle. “Hurry up and get off your ass. Sitting on the floor is not moving to the bridge. If you don’t hurry, Emilia will eat the remainder of the doughnuts”. The view on screen panned over to Emilia happily munching on doughnuts and still wearing her unarmored duckie pajamas.

Allison sighed and quickly changed clothes, then immediately went to her post as instructed, grabbing the last of the doughnuts on the way, one of which was directly from Emilia’s hand. Clicking could be heard behind her back as Allison sat down. Without missing a beat, she calmly replied “There are 2 boxes of blueberry mini-muffins in the cabinet to the left right after you enter my room. Put that way and you can have them”.

“Shit, she adjusted even quicker than I thought. I’m kinda impressed, and just short of frightened”. Emilia returned her weapon back to her arm and took a seat. “So, what’s this announcement, o’ captain”.

“Take a look at the screen, this is being simulcast all over the ship. Don’t even bother changing the channel, anything news related has pretty much the same shit” Michelle commented.

Following Michelle’s glance at the screen, Allison, along with everyone else, looked at the screen, on which was displayed a news station, with images of combat displayed. Seconds later, the image split to show many other news stations from around the world broadcasting similar images.

It was Jessica who broke the silence “So, what we’re watching here is…. What exactly”?

“Well, simply put, our enemy has already made their move. Read the captions” Michelle instructed.

“There are none in a language I understand” Jessica muttered.

“The top row says the following: ‘Unknown entity immobilizes national military’. ‘Government taken over by private agency’. ‘Group identified as ‘Butterscotch’ lays siege to military facilities, takes control of government’. ‘National borders dissolved after government takeover’. That’s pretty much what all of them say in more or fewer words”. Aaron finished speaking and continued watching the scenes on the display.

“Holy shit, Aaron did his job” Javon muttered.

“Shut up. This is actually important. Those images without contest equate to simple skirmishes around the globe, or at worst, a world war”.

Michelle sat wide eyed as she glanced at Aaron. “Well, you aren’t wrong. It is as you say, though it would be more accurate to call this a global siege. Our enemy, the agency known as Butterscotch, has already recovered from the events of yesterday and are starting with their plan. They just needed to rid themselves of extra baggage, namely, us and anyone that might support us”.

“OK, so they are taking over the world after all”. David replied.

“They are also eliminating national borders of areas they capture. They are creating a global state” Aaron added.

“Why didn’t you say that before”? Jessica questioned.

“It was on four of the last six channels. I just didn’t feel like saying that much”.

Javon muttered again “I knew Aaron doing his job the right way was too good to be true”.

“What language do I have to translate ‘shut the fuck up’ to, so that you understand and actually do it’ Aaron growled.

“Will you two ladies quit with your lover’s quarrel? We have a serious situation here” Emilia shouted.

Javon and Aaron both glared at Emilia, who merely pat her arm. “What? You two are staring quite hard. Gonna do something or keep flirting”?

“OK, that’s enough from all you fuckers. Back to the situation at hand. Butterscotch is turning the world into a single global state. Although the transition will obviously not be seamless, there is still the fact that we are enemies of the state” Michelle noted.

“And as you said… it’s a global state… ha.. haha… hahahahahaha”! Allison’s pupils shrank and she began to laugh uncontrollably. “You weren’t even kidding. We’re gonna be enemies of the whole world. This is such bullshit I can’t even. I almost thought I was the main character of a TV series or novel or something”!

“I think Ali’s lost it” Emilia sighed. Allison’s small scale breakdown was interrupted by Rinoa.

<<We have arrived at our destination. Our ally is currently under siege by Butterscotch and is holding a position 7.2 miles north-northeast of our present location>>.

“So we’re unloading those who want out first…right”? Jessica questioned.

“Of course. However, the cameras have been on since the main monitor up there turned on, so I figured all of you should know that the entire ship just witnessed all of the exchanges we just made. I only just noticed myself. So, since everyone is watching this like it’s a TV show, send word to the bridge if you want to be dropped off. We should be in what was once Scottland. This is your only chance to flee safely. We’ll be going into battle shortly. You have four minutes to decide”. Michelle gave her notices and returned to the captain’s seat.

Rinoa’s voice followed <<There are no requests for drop off. Messages from all crew have been received. Everyone is on standby. Awaiting confirmation from the bridge crew>>.

“I’m staying” Javon replied. “Me too” David and Jessica answered.

“I’ve already started tracking communications of both sides of the conflict ahead, I’m not going anywhere” Aaron grinned.

“I’m all set here” Mark said from his terminal.

“I gotta test out my new explosives. How the hell could I miss this”?! Jesse said with a fiendish grin.

“I have a lot of stuff to do with this ship, leaving wasn’t an option for me anyways, not that I’d want to” Emilia commented and took her seat.

All gazes fell upon Allison and Michelle. Michelle remained in her seat and glanced back at everyone “What, you’re really asking me if I’m in this or not? Are you stupid”?

<<Please finish deciding quickly. It would seem as though we have been noticed. We have been locked onto by several entities from either side>>.

Allison’s command was next “Rinoa, chart the safest route to the allied encampment. Javon, prepare for ranged combat with manual aim. We’re goin’ in”.

“Alison, just so you know, I am the captain, however, your judgement is right. ALL HANDS PREPARE FOR BATTLE! We engage against all current Butterscotch agents. You have 30 seconds. Move it bitches”!

Allison jumped into the pilot’s seat and the displays lit up. “I’m still new at this, so hang on to your asses”! She lightly pushed up the accelerator controls and the ship headed for its first true battle.

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