Ch 4 - Cross Training

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Allison, Emilia, Jessica, Mark, and Jesse walked out of the firing range. “Emilia turned to Allison, “Well, you’re a decent shot. You easily cleared all of your firearms evaluations. Hell, you even beat me, though it’s because I ran out of ammo. I used up quite a bit dealing with Conrad”.

Mark followed up. “That’s bullshit Ems, we all know… OUCH”! He was elbowed in the stomach by Emilia before he could complete his sentence, with her right arm.

“I used up most of my ammo. It takes a bit to reload this thing as well. She won, fair and square….” Emilia repeated, or… threatened.

Jesse and Jessica simply laughed and continued walking, as did Allison, who was completely clueless.

Jessica spoke this time “So, you guys got the mission briefing yet?”

Mark and Jesse nodded. Emilia and Allison just stared blankly “Uhm, no. I didn’t” Emilia replied. Allison tilted her head. “We got a mission?”

Jessica nodded “Yes. To be fair, Mark, David, Javon, and sometimes Aaron get the notices slightly before the rest of the team. We’re mostly recon so we go in first. Though with Allison being the new transport person, she should’ve gotten a notice of some sort”.

Emilia laughed and replied “That may be true, but she hasn’t been cleared for flight yet. She literally just cleared weapons training on light arms. It makes sense that she hasn’t gotten a notice”.

“Uhm, how would I get such a notice?” Allison questioned.

“Probably a text message telling you have some mission. You’ll get instructions on getting the information that way. In my case, it just comes to the terminal in my left wrist”.

Jessica’s jaw dropped. “Wait, I know this team is a little… off, but you mean to tell me that we have a pilot that can’t fucking fly”?

Mark stepped in for… defense? “Now Jessica, the transport and logistics specialist does more than just fly aircraft. They also pilot ships, drive, or pretty much anything that moves. Hell, that might even include horseback riding. Maybe she can do those. Most of them don’t require an evaluation. So, Allison, ever sailed an aircraft carrier, or driven a tank”?

Allison looked at the floor as she walked down the corridor “No, I haven’t. How the hell would I be able to sail something like an aircraft carrier. Last time I checked, there wasn’t exactly a place to take a tank for a spin either. I haven’t used anything of the sort”.

“Well, that sucks, cuz you are supposed to be the one to get us to our destinations. You are actually supposed to be briefed first” Mark noted.

“Why is there an order in briefing”? Allison questioned.

“To see if it would be necessary to get others to do certain tasks, such as… in our case, having a pilot who isn’t cleared to fly. We must find another pilot to take us there. The recon is a forward team who goes in and checks everything out, so they are notified once transport is cleared. The rest are notified after that, and then the squad launches” Mark answered.

“Why don’t they just tell everyone at once”?

Jessica answered this time “they do, for every other team. We have some… uhm, combustible elements on our team, and most people don’t like to know that Jesse is on the same plane or in the same helicopter or whatever as them… at least when it comes to multiple team jobs”.

“Seriously, what is wrong with you people”?! Allison facepalmed in disbelief.

“Well, I was a bit noisy for team alpha, and impatient. I had a tendency of running in before I was supposed to. To be fair, I was probably the best one on my team at infiltration. Actually, I was assigned to team beta after getting dropped from alpha” Jessica answered.

“So, what happened on team beta? And what does team beta do” Allison continued to question.

“Well, team beta actually infiltrates the place, occastionally disables weaponry, security, and in general, get a layout of the place. Usually they are deployed with alpha team when dealing with large places. I got dropped from that team for the same reason as team alpha. I didn’t exactly do things ‘by the book’, so to speak”. Jessica grinned.

“So… you just didn’t listen, and you’re here? Isn’t insubordination a cause for dismissal after a certain point” Allison asked as she tilted her head.

Jessica questioned back, “Yeah, it is, but you’ve seen Mission Impossible, right? Maybe Oceans Eleven?”


Jesse shook his head “Wow, you’re an agent and haven’t seen those. I know what we’re doing for the next team movie night”.

“Damn right” Mark shouted. “Sounds good to me” Emilia nodded.

Jessica continued, “You’ve seen Lupin III, or at least James Bond, right”?

Allison stared at Jessica “Wait, Lupin III is anime, and I think everyone who has a TV has seen James Bond at some point. In any case…. I FUCKING LOVE LUPIN THE THIRD”!

“Ok… now that we’ve discovered that Allison has an apparent taste for anime, back on track…” Jessica laughed. “Ok, think of all the wacky over-the-top plans and such that were made up in James Bond and Lupin the Third… now… double it, and make it real. That’s pretty much me”

“You are so full of shit…” Allison stared at her in disbelief.

“Am I? Well, you need to be cleared for close-quarters combat, infiltration, and counter infiltration. Emilia, do you mind I handle the next evaluation”?

“Well, wasn’t scheduled for that for another day or 2, but if she’s cool with it…”

Allison stopped for a moment in thought “Sure, why the hell not, worst that can happen is a fail, right”?

“Well…. That’s not the WORST thing that could happen. I heard you met Conrad today…” Jessica laughed. “I don’t think I need to explain what the ‘worst’ thing that could happen is”.

Allison nodded. “So, when is this evaluation again”?

“Well, just a sec…” Jessica activated her intercom earpiece and radioed the rest of the team “The newbie says that I’m full of shit for saying I can’t do the mission impossible thing”

Alison overheard 5 different laughs, 4 for the remainder of the team, and 1 from the firing range keeper.

Jessica’s voice continued to echo over the radio, “for anyone who wants to partake, I’m gonna have a bit of a practice session, and evaluate the newbie. I’ll be in the 3rd training room in 10 minutes”.

10 minutes went by, and the remainder of the team made themselves present. Javon was present, armed with a sniper rifle, David was armed with dual-daggers, and Michelle also appeared to be equipped for … well, Allison wasn’t really sure what Michelle was dressed for. At any rate, it seemed that those 3, as well as Jessica and herself, would be taking part in the training session.

They entered training room 3 and what appeared before them was more like a large, sunken courtyard than a room. The team took a short elevator ride down about 6 floors worth of distance and came to the bottom floor (which was marked ‘sub-6’) and arrived at what seemed to be the bottom of the room. They stepped out of the elevator and stood behind a large red line on an inorganic, metal floor.

Michelle stepped forward and turned to address the team. “Alright fuckheads, most of you know how this is going to go, but I’ll explain for the noob”.

“I could do without the insults…” Allison complained.

“And I could do without some 5 day old recruit tellin’ me how to talk. I’m doing this explanation out of the kindness of my heart here you little shit” Michelle snarled.

Allison stared in shock “you’re the tiny one here….” She muttered at a voice only Emilia and Jesse, who were standing beside her, could hear… or so she thought.

“YOU WANNA DIE BITCH?!” Michelle screamed as she lunged at Allison. She drew some sort of blade, but Allison never saw it. She was shielded by Emilia (still clothed in armored duckie pajamas). Emilia rapidly summoned her right arm weapon, using it to block the blade.

Emilia leaned forward towards Michelle and whispered in her ear “Be glad this sleeve is already gone, now be patient with this one. She’s under my care, and couldn’t have known any better. She’s already nearly asked everything of me and Jesse that could get her killed. I’ll give her required rundown about you later… we got interrupted by Conrad’s bullshit before I could”. Emilia had also wrapped her arm around Michelle’s small back, leaving her trapped in a… hug of sorts.

“Grr, its fine, I’ll do it myself, and remind everyone else.” Michelle groaned as she put her weapon away. “Alright noob, here’s the deal: Call me short again, and I’ll fucking gut you like a fish. It’s kinda like making fun of Emi’s pajamas… it’s a no-no. I don’t like being called little, in any way, got it”? Allison stared at Michelle and was trembling slightly. If eyes were equipped with later breams, she most assuredly would’ve been stared to death at least twice today.

“But… what if I find you to be adorable” Allison whimpered.

Michelle revealed her hidden blade once more. It was some type of weapon that appeared to be attached to her suit. She glared at Emilia and blushed simultaneously. “Alright whore, you get a pass today… I’ll start explaining the rules in just a minute”. She seemed to be momentarily at a loss.

“You don’t get called ‘adorable’ very often do you”? Allison timidly asked.

“Nope, you’re the first, ho-bag”.

“Ya know, if you didn’t add the insults before or after most of the things you say, I’d just have to give you a hug. Though, the trying to shank me thing... kinda makes me rethink that” Allison admitted.

Michelle looked up at Allison, who stood a full head above her, with an expression of joy, rage, embarrassment, and pure killing intent. “Where’s your comm-link newbie”?

“Hasn’t been issued yet. I’m still in evaluations” Allison sighed.

Michelle sighed “Jesse, get to equipment and get Allison here a comm-link would you”?

“I’m on it”! Jesse was gone in an instant, moving at a frightening speed.

Michelle laughed. “You’d think these people would learn by now to stop the bullshit with this team. Oh well, Jesse should be back in about 40 seconds”.

“But it’s like a 3 minute run from here to the firing range and equipment storage” Mark stared in shock.

“No, it’s a 3 minute jog for most of us. It’s more for you, cuz even though you are built like a tank, you’re out of shape. Jesse is faster than you, and he has… other motivations when I make a request of him…” Michelle replied.

“Wait, you know?!” Mark looked completely bewildered.

“Mother fucker… I mean, Mark, who the fuck do you think I am”? Michelle stopped at that point and glanced at Allison.

Everyone stared at Michelle just as Jesse returned. Michelle continued “Mark, or any of you say anything, and… “ she flashed her knife again… “Like a fish, got it”?

Everyone nodded and Jesse spoke. “I got the comm-link, what’s it for”?

“You dumb-shit! It’s obviously for Allison. Take a look at it newbie. You do know how to use one of these, don’t you”?

Allison inspected the item presented to her. “Yeah, more-or-less. I can figure out the rest of it I suppose”.

“Let me see it…” Michelle snatched the earpiece from her and after a few seconds, handed it back. After Allison put on the earpiece, Michelle again, tried to begin her explanation. She was interrupted again, this time by the firing range guy.

“Alriiiight team Lambda. Most of you know the rules, same as usual. Allison, listen up. In this room here, buildings are gonna pop up. There’s gonna be some stuff ‘round the place that you gotta find. It’ll be Allison VS Jessica to capture the flag. Everyone besides Michelle, stay behind the red line, or … yall gonna be in for a bad time. Michelle, you know where to go. Oh, one more thing… Jesse, give Allison the bag I sent” The familiar voice from the firing range could be heard through the speakers of the facility.

“GOD-DAMNIT BUBBA-BILLY-JOE-BOB! You cut off my explanation!” Michelle roared.

“I coulda been a dick an’ done ‘fore you even got there”

Michelle sighed and stopped, turning to Allison “Talking to him is useless to me. Anyways, there’s a changing room over in the corner, get geared up already”.

“Wait, there’s gear for me, since when”?

“That’s what Jesse just brought back. It was probably finished a few minutes ago, or whenever you visited the firing range. Bubba didn’t tell you that he was gonna get started”?

“What do you mean”? Allison titled her head in confusion.

“Bubba, did you not inform Allison that she would need a body scan for precision outfitting”? Michelle questioned over the comm-link.

“Nope, by the way, Allison, you can call me ‘Bubba’ for short”.

“Bubba, remind me to cave your face in whenever I see you, ok”? Michelle muttered.

“Join the club girl, I’m sure I dun pissed off damn near everyone who come though these doors” Bubba replied.

Allison went into the changing room and emerged a few moments later. “It’s too big. There’s too much room here….” Allison sighed while holding the empty portion of her suit, around the breasts.

“That shouldn’t be right. Your boobs aren’t exactly small. You should be able to fill out a suit better than that. My pajamas weren’t an issue, where they”? Emilia questioned.

“No, that was surprisingly almost perfect. This gear doesn’t fit though…” Allison complained.

“Bubba, this is why you are supposed to go through the proper procedures for precise measurements. USING THE SCANNING EQUIPMENT ON GIRLS WHILE THEY ARE IN THE RANGE IS NOT PROPER PROCEDURE YOU FUCKING HICK-PERVERT!” Michelle’s bellows echoed through the room and over the radio.

“Oh, I guess I pissed her off pretty good. Bubba, out!” A clicking sound could be heard as he’s apparently either disconnected from the channel, or muted.

“Emi, come with me” Michelle ordered Emilia as she grabbed Allison’s hand and dragged her back to the changing room. Emilia followed. Moments later, Allison’s screams could be heard.

“What the hell are you doing?! My clothes, give them… Michelle, why are you stripping?! No… you… don’t…!”

All the men present glanced at each other, then at the door of the changing room. Mark grinned. “What do you suppose is going on in there?”

“I don’t care, naked Michelle, I’m interested regardless” Jesse laughed.

“I’m not sure which is worse, that fact that you’re a lolicon, or apparently a masochist” Jessica sighed.

Allison’s screams stopped at some point and the 3 ladies emerged from the changing room. Allison was wearing a skin-tight suit which was a bit small for her. The lower quarter of her legs were exposed, as well as the lower half of her stomach. She was fully equipped with standard gear, included an extra hidden blade on the right wrist.

Jesse noticed first “That’s… Michelle’s suit… isn’t it”?

“Give the man a cookie, he’s actually right” Jessica answered.

Emilia emerged, still wearing her armored duckie pajamas. The difference was that it seemed Michelle and Allison traded clothes, apparently against Allison’s will. Allison was dressed in a agent suit which was clearly too small, yet, just barely effective enough, since tight clothes would be better than loose fitting equipment in this line of work. Michelle on the other hand walked out smiling and blushing slightly, and clothed in… armored duckie pajamas, which were clearly too large for her, as she hand to hold up one side of her shirt, and pants.

“Michelle, you aren’t participating in this one in that gear are you” Jessica questioned.

“I am, but I’ll be at the control board. I’m going to be giving orders to Javon and David”. Michelle then turned to Allison. “Look, the goal is the capture the opponent’s objective, before they capture yours. While that’s going on, I’ll be coordinating the ‘patrols’, so you have to either not get detected, or disable them. All the weapons for this have been loaded with paint ammo or are special training weapons, so they won’t kill, but they will still hurt quite a bit”.

“Thanks for the info” Allison nodded. Michelle nodded back, wearing a somewhat rare smile.

“Oh, one more thing. Don’t worry about winning this. It’s nearly impossible for you, trust me. However…” Michelle paused and pulled up her shirt, which was sliding off, blushing all the while, “you’ll have Mark’s support. He ‘hacked’ into the system and relays enemy movements to the small terminal attached to your left wrist”.

Allison checked and determined that there were ‘enemies’ on her indicator. She was standing right on top of one. “Well, if you count as an enemy, then I suppose this works”.

Michelle grabbed Allison’s shoulder and pulled herself close and whispered in Allison’s ear “Be careful out there. If they hurt you, I’ll have to gut them like a fish. I don’t like cleaning up messes, ok”?

Before Allison could reply, Michelle ran off to the elevator, moving up to the 5th (or is it negative first?) floor. Everyone stayed behind the red line, except for Allison, Jessica, Javon, and David, who took places in marked squares on the board.

A click could be heard over the comm-link again, Bubba came back. “Alright, here are the official rules. Capture the flag, get their flag ‘fore they get yours. Rule 2, Allison, if you see ANYONE, they ain’t your friend, feel free to shoot ‘em.”

Michelle interrupted, “since I’m tired of hearing his voice, I’ll give the rest of the rules. Rule 3: if you are spotted, an alarm will sound. You have 2 minutes to make it to a designated “safe” location. Those will be listed on your displays. Rule 4: you may disable the patrols, if you do, you have either 4 minutes until they are radioed, or until they are discovered. At that point an alarm will sound, refer to rule 3. You each have 45 minutes to complete the objective. Should both of you fail to complete the objective, it will be a tie. I forgot the rest of the rules, so you’ll just have to go from there”.

Bubba’s voice echoed over the radio “You know darn well you ain’t forget….” Bubba was cut off.

“Hmm, looks like we gotta get his comm-link checked. Game on bitches!” Michelle shouted. The clock started counting down from 45 minutes.

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