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Story 7: No 1

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As Sky leaves the medical exam room, happy to have escaped in one piece, a fanfare can be heard outside, it seems the school elections have begun. Sky remembers the school elections during their days; all loud noises and chaos and posters, those weren’t fun days. Clayr was the kid while Sky was at school, good grades and money to spare. When Clayr ran for the school election, everyone was sure they would be chosen, and Sky had stood behind them in support. It was smooth sailing for almost all of the campaign time, but it all fell apart just 2 weeks out from election day.

Sky was sitting at the cafeteria, eating lunch like normal when a ruckus seemed to start from one of the corridors. Sky was about to return their attention to their food when all of a sudden they recognised one of the voices in the corridor as Clayr’s. Sky got up from their seat, discarded the rest of their food, and ran over to the corridor, finding a bunch of students crowding around a poster on the board. As Sky approaches to get a better look, they catch Clayr running off down the corridor, the poster has a picture of Clayr casting a basic illusion spell with someone else watching them while they cast it, there is a caption as well that simply reads No 1 breaks No 1

Sky didn’t spare too much time and run after Clayr down the corridor, finding them curled up behind the Keris and Shyun statue.

“What’s wrong Clayr?” Sky implored. 

Clayr looked up at Sky, tears running down their cheeks, and Sky sat down next to them, a hand on Clayr’s shoulder. 

“It’s okay. Do you mind if I try to understand?” Sky asked delicately.

“It’s as clear as day,” Clayr said, struggling to make out the words. “I performed a spell in front of a Normie, it’s over now.” 

“Oh. Is that really that bad?” Sky responds, visibly confused at the drama unfolding. Clayr visibly just tensed even more, probably not in a good way, and Sky braces themselves for an outburst coming. 

“Normally it isn’t, but you don’t seem to get it.” Clayr responds in a very soft, but tense tone. “I would’ve been fine, but I forgot to get permission first and now my whole life is… is… OVER!!!” Clayr barely finishes as another onslaught of tears overwhelms them.

“Permission … from who?” Sky, still as confused about what is happening, inquired. 

Clayr is unable to respond and now feeling annoyed by Sky’s presence waves them away. Sky tried to reach out a little bit more, but figured it would just worsen the situation, so they walked away.

As the last fragments of the memory start to appear, the train arrives at Palmfall station. They gathered their things and hopped off the train, memories about Clayr fading into a blur once again. As Sky rushes towards the exit, they bump into a man and a card falls from their coat. Sky picked it up and was about to call the man out, before recognising the letters on the card. 

Rawon Dashi. 

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