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Story 2: A Hard Day's Work

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It’s a big day at work for Sky today, but they’re barely excited. An opening statement and a handful of cross bench examinations are usually fun, but only if the defendants are innocent. Sky has been exerting extra effort to not bother with their thoughts more than what’s necessary, and it has been building up extra unwelcomed stress over the week. 

One man threw his cat out the window when reaching for a plate and the other robbed a store, but had an alibi that was under question –– in general just uncomfortable and slow cases that are taking more time than they should.

“I did see him, wearing a dark green coat exiting the tunnel,” the witness claims, and Sky’s eyebrows twitches. This particular witness has been going on and on for 4 days now, fixated on getting the man thrown in jail, but it isn’t clear why. Sky has sensed several thoughts of grudge, but they’re not able to pinpoint exactly why, and it’s frustrating. This witness is the prosecution’s key to winning the case, apparently, but so far has produced no insightful or relevant information that would dispel the accused’s alibi.

Sky did take a look at the security camera’s footage showing the accused wearing said dark green coat on the night of the incident. However, shall the witness’ testimony be found valid, it would effectively check out to break the alibi, and Sky is 83% sure they’re lying. The defence again asks where the witness lives and again the witness remains silent. 

Sky internally sighs, but keeps their eyes sharp. For the fifth time that week the defence requests a recess and once more goes to the back room with the prosecution to discuss their meddlesome witness.

A terrifying, loud thought suddenly appears, and Sky freezes in concentration to listen to the witness sitting at the corner of the room by their lonesome. As they lean slightly to get a better line of thought, their mind is suddenly overwhelmed by another consciousness. 

“Sky?” a voice pierces their thoughts. 

Taken off guard, Sky falls off their chair. The thought line is gone. 

“Hi Bab,” Sky replies back after recovering from their fall. Their eyes went straight to the witness; they’re still sitting there. 

It’s not that Sky doesn’t like Bab, he’s one of the most respected mind readers in the Special world, and it’s always an honour that they get to work with Bab. But for god’s sake, they’re in the middle of something here. 

“What you up to these days?” Bab continues to enquire, despite clearly already knowing. 

“The usual,” Sky replied, mind working hard to look back to the sight they had into the witness’ thoughts. They’re not going to let Bab distract them from this. 

“Well I’ll let you get on with the case then, it seems like you’ve got yourself a handful with that special witness there,” Bab hints.

Sky groans internally, looking through their papers to find anything they might have missed on the witness. Finally they spot a police report filed by the witness that includes their home address that is only a month old. A small smile appeared on Sky’s lips; dots connecting together. Suddenly, the court door slammed open and the prosecution, judge and defence all reappeared.

Sky fixed their tie and smiled; they know what they’re dealing with now.

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