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Story 14: Email

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For a mind reader, things get lost in translation way too much for Sky. One time they mistook someone’s eagerness to leave as interest in the topic at hand and lectured them for an entire hour. But they never expected such a thing would lead to them sitting across Rawon in a Special cafe, him facepalming at the entire situation Sky had just outlined. 

“Well? What do you think?” Sky beams ecstatically at Rawon.

“Gray, excuse me for this, but,” he took a deep breath, “did you really pass your Mind Reader test?” 

“Of course I did! What does that have to do with the plan?” Sky blissfully responds.

“Well, Gray, there is not going to be any plan,” Rawon sighed, “because you’re totally misinterpreting poor Aero’s intentions here.” 

Sky pondered what Rawon could be saying, they were definitely getting some kind of ‘we should do this more, but I’m not going to tell you that’ vibes the other day when Aero was over installing the internet portal thingy.

“Gray, you know I can read your mind, right?” Rawon rolled his eyes, “Yeah that part was kind of correct, but not because he platonically enjoys hanging out with you, please.” 

“Bastard. Didn’t your mother ever teach you not to read a girl’s mind. Anyway what does it matter why he wants to hang, I can still hang out can’t I?” Sky sharply replies.

“What can I say, it comes to me naturally,” he took a sip of his coffee, “Anyway, my heart goes out to poor Aero. Maybe he thought having feelings for such a bright colleague would make things easier, but turns out you’re not so bright after all…” 

“What. ARe. YOU. getting at?” Sky begins to shout, but ends calmly. “What does it matter to you anyway? I’m just hanging out with a colleague who may or may not become a friend.”

“Ah, my dear Sky, you’re just still in the denial phase. It’s okay - we’ve all gone through this.” A beat. “Ah, this is so fun.” 

Sky stands to leave. “Well its been nice seeing you, thanks for listening to my life. See you in court tomorrow?” Sky then smiles knowingly, “Your first big case and everything.”

Rawon shrugs. “You’re going to be there? Not Aero?” 

“Um… Of course. You're my understudy, remember?” Sky is baffled at Rawon’s previous confidence, now falling apart at this simple blunder. “So. Bye.” and Sky leaves the Cafe.

Rawon sits there, bewildered - but his mind goes to work, scheming how he can help poor Aero as he watches Sky’s back, leaving the building. 

As Rawon stares after Sky he is shook out of his musings by Sky marching powerfully out the door and headfirst into none other than Aero, the man himself. Aero jumps in surprise, but catches Sky by the shoulders, and Rawon looks away, chuckling to himself. 

“I’m so sorry ma’mmmm… Sky, sir, dude. Um. Sorry?” Aero fumbles apologetically.

“No - Aero -- uh, hi! No. I’m sorry. I wasn’t looking at where I’m going.” Sky stutters, suddenly really interested at their feet rather than Aero’s face. 

“No! I… was… um… Coffee?” Aero scrambles to put something together, panicking hard. Rawon buries his face into his palms - watching the usually calm and collected Aero stuttering because of Sky … he’s having too much fun. 

“Actually I just finished with Rawon, but he’s still around. I’m sure he’d love a cuppa.” Sky smiles and then politely excuses themselves. They were halfway out the door when a hand caught their wrist, halting their steps. 

“Actually I was… Um wondering if you’d want to hang.” Aero inquires politely, but shyly, avoiding Sky’s eyes. “Not now obviously, but you know. Later maybe?”

“Of course, just send me an email?” Sky replies, clueless. 

… Three days later

Sky may not be the best in technology, but they sure can tell that there has been no emails from Aero. Staring blankly at their computer screen Sky awkwardly moves the cursor over to write a new email. “Dear Aero,” they wrote, and deleted. As Sky mused over which greeting to use their phone dings with a new message.


Rawon: Hey. updates on googly eyes?

Sky: I lost it the last time I moved

Rawon: umm, sorry

Sky: why 

Rawon: nevermind. hows work?

Sky: it’s fine. why, do you miss work already 

Rawon: sky you have not changed. anyway,  got any plans for the rest of break?

Sky: ideally. depends on whether or not technology fails on me. 

Rawon: … brb

Sky: the … is suspicious 

After a few minutes Sky’s computer dings, a new email. Sky put their phone down and looked. They open the in-the-web browser, always confused to what web it refers. A familiar name on the screen, and Sky reads:

To  [email protected]
From  [email protected]
Subject  Sincerest Apologies

Dearest Sky, 

One cannot begin to word the feelings of regret and self loathing I feel now. I got caught up writing up the report of the case we finished the other day, and completely forgot about everything else happening in the world and I am very, very sorry. 

So about that thing I mentioned a lifetime ago, again my deepest apologies, maybe we could spend one of these break days together… go to the movies or a cafe or the park or something? I would totally understand if you’d made prior plans, though. 

Yours sincerely,

✈️ Aero

Sky stares at the words on their screen until they all somewhat blur out together. 

Rawon: hello

Sky: …… hello???? 

Rawon: So if you really have nothing to do… hit me up and we can do something.

Sky: er… maybe help me compose this email? 

Rawon: sure wahta about

Sky: [image attached] 

Rawon: oh… wow

Sky: don’t wow me, be helpful for once please 

Rawon: ok basics first. yes or no?

Sky: how to say yes without sounding too eager though

Rawon: very basic response? ‘ok’

Sky: no thats just you being crap at communicating 

Rawon: [image of draft email that is overdramatic, in a similar style to Aero’s]

Sky: ….no 

Rawon: well im sure youll find something inbetween, gl

Sky: ?? thanks ?? 

Rawon: still available though if you chicken out

Sky: will keep in mind 

Sky puts down their phone down and writes the email…

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