The Temple of Ink Settlement in Hallowed Legacy | World Anvil

The Temple of Ink

There are no ends, no beginnings, to the wonders waiting to be discovered in that temple city. No hosts more excited to share their knowledge with you. All you have to do is survive the journey.
— A Crossroads Traveller
  The greatest wealth of knowledge in all the world lies deep in the jungles of The Tinta Tamna Wilds. This ancient city has been known by many names, many of which are unpronounceable by non-Xetri tongues, but it is most widely known as the Temple of Ink. Based on the way the resident Xetri revere and seek out knowledge, "Temple" is an apt description. The history of the city goes deep into the murky depths of ancient times, though the Xetri are certain to have it along with countless other histories, mysteries, and treasures kept within the many tiers of the Temple of Ink.  

Ancient Knowledge

The Temple of Ink is a large, tiered city nestled in a verdant river valley. This is the home of the Xetri, serpent people who dedicate themselves to knowledge, discovery, and recovering artifacts. Though it is clear the city was not always built with this focus in mind, it has morphed into what can only be described as a city-sized museum. Each section and tier is dedicated to different areas of study, culminating in the Great Library and observatory at the top-most tier.   As the Xetri found more artifacts and discovered new areas of knowledge to pursue, they built upon the city to accommodate them. There are buildings older than the founding of the oldest human empires buttressed by new construction made to look just as old. Between the buildings, in courtyards, and along the twisting streets are elaborate gardens overflowing with manicured hedges, exotic flowers, and unique herbs. And all of this is maintained by the Guardians.   The Guardians are automata, creations of engraved gold and gears. The Xetri created them, originally, to help maintain the growing city. Despite having several members of their race dedicated to the history and tactics of warfare, however, the Xetri have never been concerned with the defense of their city. They had always relied on the dangers of the Wilds to filter out the majority of threats. Even as the kingdoms outside the wilds battled for supremacy, the Xetri were largely left to their own devices. Until the Dark One found their city.  

The Dark One

It isn't known where the Dark One came from or why he seemed to harbor such hatred for the Xetri, but when he and his few companions entered the Temple of Ink he unleashed a fury the likes of which the serpent folk have rarely experienced.   Though it is true that many Xetri dedicate their lives to the history and theory of combat, very few of them master the practice. The ones who are experts in combat tend to spend much of their time away from the city, delving deep into dangerous locals or guarding younger Xetri in their travels. So when the Dark One attacked the city, there were not many who were able to protect it. Many Xetri, especially hatchlings, were slaughtered in the battle; their lack of experience and trusting nature left them defenseless.   Eventually, with the help of a stranger in the city, the Dark One was killed. Though he would eventually return, the lesson was learned for the Xetri. Masin Yaradici, a master of building, maintaining, and programming new Guardians, built the Defender models. Now, the streets of the Temple of Ink are patrolled by larger Guardians, golden weapons in hand, as they watch for any hint of a new attack.  

The Great Library

The pinnacle of the city is the massive, ancient library. This many-storied building houses copies of nearly every known book with countless other documents, maps, notes, and carvings from all the eras of history. The Great Library is run by Anasinin Gozu, a massive centuries-old Xetri Lich. Gozu spent their entire life maintaining and categorizing the library and could not be so inconvenienced by something as mundane as death when there is always work to be done. But even a master of the Xetri library needs help keeping everything organized, so Gozu created assistants. These assistants are brought in from all over the world, often as condemned criminals bound for death. Gozu offers them a chance at a second life and purpose. Their bodies are animated and given all the resources necessary to be the best, most efficient library assistants they can be.


The population is primarily Xetri, about 90 percent, but other races have settled in parts of the city. Helf elves, tieflings, and dwarves have made their home at the Temple of Ink as they pursue their own knowledge or secrets, or as a safe place to hide from demons or warlords. Even warforged, anpur, and halflings can be occasionally spotted in the streets or workshops.


The Temple of Ink is run by a council of elders. These are the Xetri who are most experienced and knowledgable, and for a Xetri to live to such an old age they must be wise and capable indeed. They rule by a majority vote amongst themselves though they do take the opinions of the younger xetri into account.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Gobek, Yatir
Location under


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Jan 2, 2022 14:12 by Ezra Aldrich

Oooh, I love me a good library. And a serpent species that's not defaulted "evil"? I'm in. This was an interesting article to read and I'd totally want to take time to explore everything. Reading about the attack made me sad; I hope they fair better next time. Overall I like the idea of a settlement based around so much learning and preserving history. Keep up the good work. c :

Jan 5, 2022 17:19 by Ellysium

Thank you! I love snakes, tbh, so any opportunity I have to use them, I try to. I like how many ancient cultures associated the snake with knowledge, so that was kind of the inspiration for them. I have a bunch of other stuff to add to this, but I wanted to get the basic info out for Worldember. I'm working on some maps and illustrations, too!

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