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Rope of Climbing - ITEM 3

Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L; Activate Interact;

This silk rope measures 50 feet long and is capable of holding up to 3,000 pounds. If the rope is ever cut, only the longest remaining portion retains its magic.

Type lesser; Level 3; Price 45gp;
Frequency: once per day

Effect: You hold one end of the rope and point to a destination. The rope animates for 1 minute, moving 10 feet per round until it reaches the destination or runs out of length. The rope can move across any non-damaging horizontal or vertical surface, but it can't extend upward without a surface to support it. At any point while the rope is animated, you can use an Interact action to wiggle the rope, giving it one of the following commands: stop in place, fasten securely to the nearest available object, detach from an object, or knot or unknot itself.

Type moderate; Level 5; Price 125gp;
Frequency: once per hour


Type greater; Level 7; Price 300gp;
Frequency:at will, no limit

Created by



Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

