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Curse of Lost Time - Curse 3

Traditions Components
arcane occult primal somatic verbal
Cast Range Target Duration Saving Throw
2 actions Touch 1 Large or smaller object, construct, or living creature Varies Fortitude
You mimic the process of aging or erosion on the target. The effect depends on whether the target is an object, a construct, or a living creature. Artifacts and objects and constructs made of precious materials, as determined by the GM, are immune.   Construct- The construct takes 4d6 damage (basic Fortitude save). On a failure, for 1 hour the construct is clumsy 1, is enfeebled 1, and can't be Repaired, and the curse attempts to counteract any spell that would restore the construct's Hit Points. On a critical failure, these effects have an unlimited duration. Living Creature- The living creature must attempt a Fortitude save. Ageless creatures are immune.  
  • Critical Success The living creature is unaffected.
  • Success The living creature briefly ages, becoming clumsy 1 and enfeebled 1 for 1 round.
  • Failure As success, with a duration of 1 hour.
  • Critical Failure As a success, with an unlimited duration.
  •   Object- If the object is attended, its bearer can attempt a Fortitude save. If the bearer fails or the object is unattended, the object immediately takes 4d6 damage (applying Hardness normally) and the item is cursed with an unlimited duration. Until the curse ends, the item becomes shoddy and can't be Repaired, and the curse attempts to counteract any spell that would restore the object's Hit Points. Remove curse can target an item affected by this spell.   Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d6.

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Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

