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Elemental Missile - unknown -

Traditions Components
arcane occult somatic verbal
Cast Range Target Duration Saving Throw
120 feet One creature in range Instant Isn't a Saving Throw. After successfully Spell-Stitching its a Spell Attack Roll.
"One of the simplest spell-forms any magister learns to weave in their early days of training, a simple small missile or dart of elemental energy to launch as a weapon. Simple shape a shaft, a line, above your hand, a foot or so in length. Add a small triangle as if an arrow tip to the front end. Such a symbol, in such a placement above/in your dominant hand as if a dart gripped to throw, is another simple and universal symbol in the linguistics of Arcanis, as all the primordial forces seem to recognize and respond to it when made from their essence and manna."

Spell-Stitch/Spell-Weave DC: 12

This is a Spell Attack, you roll a Spell Attack roll after seeing if you successfully cast the spell.
1d8 to decide which element the energy you manifest is, if you are a Shaman. If you are a Magister, it will be the same elemental type as your Order. For those whom have to roll, the types are; Fire, Necrotic, Lightning, Radiant, Thunder, Poison, Cold, Psychic.
Deals 2d6 +Casting Attribute Modifier of the appropriate elemental type of damage

Tier -1: Fail to cast, roll Minor Miscast
Tier 0: Only deals 1d6 damage flat if it hits
Tier II: Deals 5d6 +Casting Attribute Modifier damage if it hits, Spell-Stitch/Spell-Weave DC becomes 17 if you can cast at Tier II flat
Tier III: Deals 8d6 +Casting Attribute Modifier damage if it hits, Spell-Stitch/Spell-Weave DC becomes 22 if you can cast at Tier III flat.

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

