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Inflict Girth - unknown 1ST

Traditions Components
arcane divine occult primal
Cast Range Target Duration Saving Throw
2-Actions - 2-Rounds Varies 1 Living Creature 1 Hour Fortitude
You push positive energy into a creature’s body, making them swell with 1B of Girth.
The target can fail voluntarily or make a Basic Fortitude save to avoid it. Either way, the sudden growth throws the target off balance, rendering them Clumsy 1 for 1 minute if they gained at least 1 Bulk from the spell.
You decide how the girth manifests, be it all in one area, or spread out around several places. You may also dismiss the spell early, or purposefully lower the bulk that would’ve been applied
The number of actions you spend when Casting this Spell determines its range and other parameters
  2-Action The spell has a range of 30 feet
3-Action The spell has a range of 60 feet and the target gains an additional 1d10L of Girth
Two Round You disperse the energy equally in a small area, or concentrate it into a singular creature. You may either target every creature within a 10 foot burst within 30 feet, or target a single creature within 60 feet to gain 3B of Girth instead

Heightened (+1) The Bulk Gained from this spell increases by 1B, the extra girth from the 2-action version increases by 1d10L, and the single target version of the Two-Round cast increases by 3B.
The duration also increases with level as follows: 8 hours for 2nd, 24 hours for 3rd, 3 days for 4th, 1 week for 5th, 1 month for 6th, 1 year for 7th, 5 years for 8th, Unlimited for 9th

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Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

