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Kitrol - Focus 5

Traditions Components
arcane somatic verbal
Cast Range Target Duration Saving Throw
30 feet 1 creature 1 minute, sustained Will basic
You channel your ki to manipulate the mind of a creature within range. When you do so, the target must attempt a Will save against your Class DC. Kitrol uses 2 Focus points.
  Critical Success: The target is unaffected.
Success: The target is Slow 1.
Failure: You may use your to force the controlled creature to use one of its Actions to Stride, Strike, or Do Nothing.
Critical Failure: As failure, but you may control two of its Actions to Stride, Strike, or Do Nothing.
Strikes can be used to make a target attack itself. Doing so results in an automatic success, but it cannot critically hit itself.

Created by



Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

