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Ch. 11 Dark Dreams

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"You've been pretty quiet over there Nick." Brendan said as he drove his hand-me-down Colorado pick up down the highway. "My driving's not that bad is it?"

"Hm?" Nick asked as he turned away from the window, having been lost in thought. "Oh, no," He said, manifesting a yawn as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Just not use to getting up at six in the morning is all."

"Dude!.." Brendan complained as he caught the yawn, though he tightened his jaw to try and not let it out.

Nick chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry Bren. I think I should have taken you up on that coffee earlier."

Brendan grinned at his friend and held up the Starbucks caramel ices coffee he grabbed from the last gas station. "You can have a bit of mine." he teased.

Nick rolled his eyes. "And catch your cooties? I will pass." He teased back.

"Your loss pal." Brendan answered, taking a swig of the coffee. "So, tell me about this cabin. Is it old and creepy with Friday the thirteenth vibes or Country Club vibes?"

"That right there is proof that you watch way too many horror films.." Nick told him, leaning an elbow on the truck's door and resting his cheek in his hand.

"And that was a dodge to my question." Brendan told him. "Come on, you've been quiet for most of the trip. Its either 20 questions, Eye Spy, or I start belting show tunes. I bet I could land an Elsa note."

"Oh please don't!" Nick quickly answered, almost begging.

Brendan grinned and tilted his chin up. "Snow glows white on the mountain-" Brendan began, his voice off key.

"Shut up!" Nick answered, laughing at his friends antics. "Okay! 20 Questions!"

Brendan laughed as well and nodded. "Fair, people would move up a row in church when they heard me sing as a kid. You go first since I tormented you."

"Ever the generous one Bren." Nick told him, shaking his head as he thought of a question. "Why'd you ask to come along?”

Brendan pondered the answer. Why did he ask? Nick was right, he was a City Mouse, having grown up in Chicago before coming to Colorado in his freshman year, when he met Nick. Even now, Denver sounded quieter than the bustling port town. "Guess I've never really been out in the woods before." He answered. "Thought I'd see Pikes Peak at least and see if Pine really does smell like a fresh car."

Nick huffed though his nose in amusement. "Trust me, it's better than a car freshener." He answered.

"Okay, my turn." Brendan answered. "If it's not my driving, whats got you on a different planet? I haven't seen a withdrawn look like that since that one girl turned you down for a guy with a guitar."

Nick gave a small smile and a slow breath. "That's a bit complicated." He said, glancing in the rear view as he caught sight of the Mara, Atrix, lounging across the back seat like a loyal german shepherd. "My mother recently gifted me a family good luck charm. I'm grateful for it, just... unsure what to make of it."

Brendan raised a skeptical eyebrow at him. "That's all?" He asked.

Nick raised an eyebrow. "It is. I guess you could say it's a Rich Family thing."

"Oh spare the poor stable boy the tea." Brendan teased. "But is it something you should worry about?"

"Isn't it my turn to ask a question?"

"You just did?"

The two young man laughed again, and Brendan could see Nick was relaxing again. "To answer, no, probably not." Nick concluded. "Just... no, you're right. It can be dealt with later. We're to relax and prepare for Finals."

"I'll drink to that." Brendan answered, taking a swig of the ice coffee before belting out "Let it go!!"

"Oh Lord above Brendan!" Nick scolded, getting more laughter in return.

* * *

Nestled in the woods was a large A Frame cabin that was framed by trees. The front porch was cozy with a fire pit and even a ceramic pizza over a stone support. The windows faced west, where you could sit inside and enjoy the sunsets every night and not be rudely woken up by the sunrises in the morning.

Nick and Brendan entered the cabin, there being a loft upstairs with a mattress, and a guest room in the back on the main level. The living room was comfortably furbished, complete with bear rug in front of a fireplace, a small TV with DVD player and shelves of movies to enjoy. The kitchen took up most of the back space, save for the bathroom and guest room. The kitchen had marble counters, a gas stove, and full sized fridge.

"Ya know..." Brendan said. "I sorta envy you rich people sometimes."

Nick rolled his eyes. “Tsk, live long enough in luxury, and you grow a longing for the simple life."

"If you say so." Brendan answered as he brought his suitcase inside. It was cozy in the cabin, if chilly. The Mountain air was much cooler than he had originally anticipated. So he was glad for the hoodies he brought along.

Nick gazed around before looking at Brendan. "Loft of guest?"

"Ooh..." Brendan said, looking up at the loft. "Loft please.."

"Fair enough, I like having a door." Nick answered as he started off to get unpacked. "I'll let you settle in before we start thinking about what to have for dinner. I'll even get a fire going once I'm unpacked."

"Sounds like a plan." Brendan answered as he climbed up the stairs and set his suit case by the bed. Making the bed with linens in the nearby closet, be flopped on the bed and put in his earbuds, listening to some Imagine Dragons and letting his thoughts wander into an almost Day Dream state.

He thought about his dreams. They had persisted, always showing the elf girl and the strange creature that hung around her. Last time he dreamed of her, there were tons of the creatures, a whole pack it looked like.The dream was so hazy though, and it made little sense. He wasn't even sure how to draw what he saw in the dreams.

He sat up and opened his sketchbook, turning to the page where he'd made a water color bust of the elf girl. Galaxy hair tied back with a stick, bright curious eyes looking at him with.. concern? Was that Concern? Or was it Confusion? He sighed. Why was he even dreaming about her? He wasn't a book worm like Nick, he wasn't really into fantasy stories. Sure he liked the artwork in the fantasy video games, one reason why he was so interested in drawing such characters. But why was she stuck in his mind?

He closed the sketchbook and went back downstairs, Imagine Dragons still filling his ears as he went outside and stood against the railing of the porch. He took a deep breath of the mountain air, the smell of real pine filling his nostrils and chilling his sinuses a little, like he just ate a breath mint. He gazed out at the forest. Nick was right, the smell of real Pine was nothing like Fresh Car Pine.

As he glanced around, pausing when he spotted a shadow among the trees. A shadow with bright peridot eyes. It appeared to be a black cat from this distance. He chuckled. 'Great. In a cabin in the woods and we're being watched by a witches cat.' he thought ruefully. 'Bet Nick would live the longest in that horror film. He'd know the right spell to cast. While I'd likely go full on Casey Jones. Full on yelling Goongala at whatever horror comes my way.'

He grinned at his train of thought as he watched the cat until it slunk off in the bushes. At first he wondered what had startled it, but then he heard thunder overhead. 'And the stereotypical thunder storm. Great. All we need is Jason out there with an axe... heh, and we're missing the Cheerleaders.' He chuckled as he went back inside, unaware that the cat continued to watch him from a different angle. Humans... so close to the door... As long as they didn't go snooping around, the Door was safe.

* * *

The two young men didn't do much that evening, mostly unpacking and enjoying a horror movie. To Nicks chagrin, Brendan had brought Cabin in the Woods, saying it's was a good cheesy horror and an ironic one for where they were staying. Nick told him he had no taste, but the two enjoyed the movie.

When they had finally gone to sleep, Brendan did have a few unsettling dreams. Mostly quick flashes of the dream he had the other night and images of the caged black furred creature. She was staring at him, bright green eyes searching his. 'I can't... I can't let you in! I won't be made a fool of again!'

Brendan woke, his eyes open and glancing around the room. But to his horror, he couldn't move. No matter how much he ordered his hands or legs to move, they wouldn't. Thats when he noticed something black with deep amethyst eyes leap onto his bed. It was large and cat shaped, and what he could guess was smoke was drifting up and off  the creature. Though it prowled closer, and Brendan could see it looked a lot like a caracal cat, he still couldn't move.

Then the thing smiled, showing large, white teeth that ended in fangs. Its ears laid back and its jaws opened.

"GAH!" Brendan gasped as he sat up, the mid morning light streaming in through the windows. He was in a cold sweat as he panted and tried to collect himself. The heck was that?! He'd had sleep paralysis before, but nothing like that. He laid his head in his hands for a moment before taking a breath and getting up. He showered and got dressed, not wanting to start the day sweaty and gross.

Downstairs, he met Nick at the kitchen, enjoying some omelettes and a book. He lifted his head from cooking and blinked at Brendan. "Good morning." He said. "What was that shout?"

Brendan grinned and rubbed the back of his neck. "Remember Mrs. Gebheart?"

"From Homeroom? The one that said you were too stupid for math?"

"Yep." Brendan answered. "Dreamed she was in a cheerleader outfit and-"

"Stop there!" Nick told him. "I don't want nightmares like that!"

Brendan laughed as he came over and helped himself to some of the Omelettes. "So! Whats on the agenda today?"

"Well, to be honest, anything we want." Nick answered as he refocused on his book. "I plan on getting a little more reading done for the morning, just let myself relax and enjoy the cabin... decompress from the travel as it were."

Brendan gave a thoughtful pout and shrug. That did sound relaxing.

"What of you?" Nick asked.

"I think, I'm gonna go for a run." Brendan answered. "See if theres anything to doodle out here."

Nick grinned and turned his gaze to Brendan from under his brows. "There's plenty to 'doodle' out here Bren. Perhaps if you graduate, you can make a living off doodling the world around you."

"Dude, come on you're starting to sound like my dad." Brendan groaned, but he grinned. "And maybe I will. 'When', I graduate, maybe I'll be richer than you with all my Nature Doodles."

"Perhaps if they're good enough, I'll buy them and hang them in my family estate." Nick answered. "In those giant, gaudy frames that fill a wall, only holding one of your sketchbook drawings."

Brendan laughed. "Now that would make me rich." He joked as he finished his breakfast. "You enjoy your book. I'll be back in.... half hour."

"I'll send a search party if you're past that." Nick promised, watching as Brendan slipped on a pair of running shoes and stepped outside. As the somewhat reflective door closed, Nick saw that the Mara, Atrix, was laying at his feet. It still startled him seeing the creature though Brendan couldn't. At least, he wasn't about that, Brendan didn't say anything about it.

He gave the Mara a scowl. "You had to give him a difficult night?" He asked.

"You had to steal those eggs from a hen?" Atrix asked in reply, amethyst eyes looking at him through the reflection. "I do not make faces at what you eat, why do you make faces at my meals?"

"Because those are my friends dreams." Nick told him.

'And what fascinating dreams they were.' Atrix responded, licking his lips as if remembering the taste. 'Then again, the minds of artists have the most... flavorful dreams.' 

He stood and stretched. 'No harm was done. The mind creates the dreams. Its no different than a cow eating the grass that the earth naturally produces.'

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