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Ch. 2 College Days

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This was the best part of the day for Brendan Books. Free Period. That time in between classes and track that he could sit and draw. He had headphones on as he doodled, working on a sketch he planned on selling once he got a canvas for it. So it was just him, the pencil in his hand, the bark of the tree against his back, and the music that let his imagination play. 

Freshman year of college wasn't so bad. Definitely a learning curve at the start, but here finals was coming up in a month. Hard to believe it was already closing in. Though he tried to not think about Finals. There was too much else on his mind that needed attention. 

The brown haired young man kept his equally brown eyes on his work, only cementing the fact that no one would peg him as an athlete and he was here on a Track Scholarship. he was tall and thin, but muscled well for track. Sure it wasn't an Olympics worthy skill, but it got him by. And that's what mattered. His hair was long, and he usually had it pulled back in a man bun, though he almost always had a single braid somewhere in the locks. Somedays it was big, other days it was small and delicate, and other days it was uneven with itself. 

Brendan was so engrossed in his sketch, that he didn't notice someone approach until their shadow blocked out the sunlight he was using to draw but. Scowling a little, he pulled his headphones down and looked, only for his scowl to melt away. "Sup Nick?" 

Behind him was a man about his age, early twenties, with platinum blond hair, bright blue eyes behind glasses, and a strait posture. Nicolas Griffin smiled back at Brendan before sitting next to him, and passed him a box wrapped in a plastic bag. "You ran out of the house without lunch." He told him. 

"Oh! Dude, thanks." Brendan answered as he set his sketchbook aside and accepted the lunch. From the look of it, it was Tokyo Joes bento with sushi, rice, and a salad. 

"This is the third time you forgot." Nick commented as he unwrapped his own lunch. 

Brendan grinned, knowing the statement was more of a question, though he was certain someone who didn't know Nick like he did would have thought the blond was annoyed at the fact. "Yeah, been staying up late. So by the time I gotta go, I'm lucky to grab a bagel on the way to school."

"Mm," Nick hummed, eating a bit of the salad. He looked at Brendan as he chewed, then at the sketchbook beside him. Brendan was not usually one that had trouble sleeping. "What keeps you up?" 

"Oh a commission I'm finishing up." Brendan answered. 

"You mean that Forest painting you've been obsessing over?" Nick pressed. 

"The guy's paying three hundred for it." Brendan answered. "I gotta make sure Its worth the price." 

Nicolas titled his head at Brendan. "But, what about your studies?" 

Brendan paused, but smiled at Nick. "Come on, we've known each other for years. You know Brendan Books isn't concerned about his last name." 

Nicolas raised an eyebrow at him and didn't respond.

Brendan held the grin for a moment before it finally slipped and he sighed. "Abby's back in the Hospital." 

Nicolas blinked. "That's the third time this year."

"Yeah, I know." Brendan answered, opening a packet of soy sauce and pouring it into his rice before taking a couple bites. "The money I make helps with the medical bills, at least a little bit." 

Nick gave a little hum and nodded in understanding. He'd known Abby for as long as he's known Brendan. She often joined the crowds when a track meet was going on to cheer Brendan on. "I take it you'll be visiting her this afternoon?"

"That's the plan." Brendan answered, almost talking through a mouthful of his lunch. "Right after class I'll be heading over. What about you?"

"My mom's visiting." Nicolas answered. "I'll tidy up the house before she gets there."

Brendan grinned at Nick, finding it funny that they were friends. Nick came from a very well-off family that had an estate in Britain. Nick had a great education, though when he and his family bought a second estate in Vale Colorado, Nick had insisted on a small summer home in the Springs, that way he can attend High school and have that experience. 

Meanwhile, Brendan was a suburb kid with a paper route he'd run. He and his sister were close, close enough that she'd walk with him and Nick to and back from school. When Abby developed her heart condition, Brendan promised to do his best to make sure she didn't give up on herself. His family didn't have much, so when he'd picked up art and started selling it, he'd squirrel away a little bit for Abby. 

So Nick and Brendan becoming friends was like the City Mouse meeting the Country Mouse. They were very different from each other, but somehow they were friends. Enough so that they rented a house for the college semesters. 

Brendan shook his head, pulling himself out of his daydreaming and finished his lunch. "Thanks for bringing me lunch, Nick."

"Seeing as you forgot it, and you have other things on your mind, I couldn't let my room mate go hungry." Nick answered with a grin. "Just try to not loose focus. You're here for a degree after all." 

"Right," Brendan answered, rolling his eyes with a grin as he stuffed his trash into the plastic bag to toss out later. "That super important paper that declares me 'Good Enough" to be hired somewhere."

Nick chuckled. "Not untrue." He answered as he stood, stretching his wiry frame from after sitting on the hard ground. "You bring home dinner since you're out?"

"You good with Pizza?"

"I suppose."

"Your usual?" 

"That sounds agreeable."

"Pineapple with bacon and mushroom and Alfredo sauce, got it."

"You're terrible." 

"Yeah, and yet I'm you're friend."


The two laughed as Brendan cleaned up his art supplies and stood as well. Back to reality. Plain ol, boring reality with nothing but dull expectations and duller aspects.

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