Chapter 15

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Our Radiant Son

Alexander felt the leather straps tighten against his wrists, ankles, chest and neck as his sister, Anna, pulled them into place. He sighed, sat back, and let her do her thing- giving a smile and a thankful nod as she finished.


He sat still, and resisted the urge to pull against his restraints. He knew the point of what he was doing. The stiller he stayed, the sooner he would be free. He closed his eyes, and quietly hoped the next part of his tutoring would be cooking. He liked cooking. Cooking was stimulating.


Alexander's parents walked in the room, each busy with some errand about the house. His father continued flipping through a tome, while his mother sat down next to Alex on the table, and started reading through a stack of notecards.


"Alright, Alex." She began. "A nobleman approaches you and proposes a merger of properties. He owns an assortment of metalworking plants, and sees potential in our means of distribution. What are the first things you look for during negotiations?"


"Division of revenue, responsibility, and proximity to our current shipping hotspots." He responded. "Liquid offerings can be ignored in most circumstances, and are a red flag for unfavorable terms."


"Very good." His mother nodded. "Permanence is also important, especially if responsibility is left in the other's favor."


"If a rival challenges you to a duel by rapier," His father chimed in, "Where does it take place?"


"That depends." Alexander replied. "If it's for personal grievances… a flat field, away from common folk, no one save for the duelist's family can bear witness…"


"May bear witness...And if it's over something else?"


"If it's a duel for the Princess' time or favor, there's a courtyard in the royal garden, where the Princess will watch in an adjacent gazebo. The loser receives a cut across the cheek- the left one if they have none- the right, if one is already on the left."


"I did not ask you about etiquette, just location." His father corrected.


"Right, forgive me." Alexander nodded.


"If the Princess requests a date of you, and you suspect the Queen is unaware of the advance…"


"It… depends on what she is asking. An expedition, public outing risking her reputation, or invitation to bed are too significant to be kept a secret. But outside of those circumstances… the Princess' judgment is to be trusted, and the opportunity to court is to be taken."


His mother frowned. "A bit slow that time. At a ball- how are you to go about requesting a dance of the Princess?"


"Um…" Alexander mumbled. "You… do not ask her first. Share no less… than three dances with other ladies first. You… wait for the Princess' current partner to leave, then you approach- forearm out, and bow when you make the request. A… dance with a lady may be scheduled or requested on her behalf, but the Princess…"


His mother waited for him to finish, before scoffing and finishing for him. "...Must be asked herself. You know this, Alexander."


"I know, Mother- forgive me."


"You're having a lot of trouble today, Alex." Anna noted. "Is everything alright? Are you sick?"


"No, no." He smiled. "I'm fine, really. Just a slip."


"Hm." His mother laid the notecards down. "Alex, you escorted Her Highness to the Land District. How did that go?"


"Wonderfully." He replied. "Her Highness is very capable, it was wonderful seeing her take charge."


"Mhm." His mother nodded. "And how is your relationship with her developing? It's very exciting that she's taking you along on these things."


"Ah, yes." He laughed, a bit awkwardly. "It is. I think we're steadily… getting closer."


"Did you make an advance on Her Highness while you were out?" His father asked. "She's pretty clearly flirting with you."


"Ooh, did you try to kiss her?" His sister teased. "I've heard Servus is such a romantic city!"


"Um, actually…" Alexander avoided eye contact with any of them. "I'm not… uh… I-I'm not-"


"Yes, Alexander?" His mother prodded.


"I'm not… pursuing her like that… right now." He mumbled, involuntarily tugging his wrist against the leather binding.


"What?" His father asked. "Why not?"


"What have you been doing, then?" His mother asked. "That's the whole reason we've been letting you go-"


"-Her Highness is a- a very close friend!" He stuttered. "B-but she… she has other connections that I-I don't want to get between."


"Alex, what are you talking about!?" His sister laughed. "Yeah, other suitors want her- that's the point of what we're-"


"He's talking about her handmaid." His father shook his head, fingers pinched on the bridge of his nose.


"Lotus." Alexander's legs started twitching in place as well.


"Lotus. Of course. The bedwench." His mother snapped.


"Alexander, listen." His father slammed his palm on the table. "Lotus is not a threat to you. You don't need to think about her, she's going to be gone in three years."


Alexander grew more restless in his seat.


"The longer you let an eel distract you," his mother interjected, "the more chances you give for some other family to steal your chance to have her! Your opportunity to be king! To make us royalty! We’re depending on you!"


"I-I know!" Alexander's arms strained against the straps. "I know, I'm sorry!"


"Forgive me." His mother corrected. "Alex, calm down!"


Alex thrashed his head to the side and arched his back, trying helplessly to snap the bindings holding him in place. Without thinking, he muttered under his breath "G-get these off me! C-can't breathe!"


"Sit still, boy!" His father shouted.


Alexander groaned as he struggled harder and harder, completely losing control of his body. Anna held his head and stroked his hair- to calm him down, as well as to keep him from putting any more pressure on his neck.


"Alexander, what's happening to you!?" His mother shouted, standing up.


"Off! G-get it off!" Alexander cried through shaking breath. A dim white light began to glow on the surface of the table, as Alexander- involuntarily- tried to summon his weapon.


Anna grabbed the strap of the leather binding around Alexander's neck, and pulled it tighter, choking him, and forcing him to open his eyes back up. The weapon's light faded back down as Alexander's shaking and struggling slowly calmed as well. Anna let go of the strap once Alexander was still once again, his heavy breathing regaining its rhythm.


Alexander's parents glared at him from above. 


"That's the worst you've gotten in years, son." His mother scolded. "I'm disappointed."


Alexander let out a raspy, nearly inaudible whisper. "Ffforgive… me…"


His mother sighed. "I love you, Alexander. And I recognize all the progress you've made these last few months. If you promise me to start acting like a noble, even when we aren't around… I'll pretend that this episode was just some accident."


His father walked out of the room, and his sister in another direction. Alexander’s mother gently held the boy’s cheeks, and kissed his forehead. 


"You need to focus on your composure... I'll be back in two hours, and we can get back to studying. I love you."


Alexander watched his mother disappear through the hallway. He sighed, hung his head down, and focused on sitting still.

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