Chapter 11

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Take What You Will


Genevieve hazily woke up, on the least comfortable mattress she'd touched in years. Her neck was sore enough to snap, but she knew not who might hear her complain.


Sitting up, and looking around the dark, dingy room- the best the inn could provide her, she silently judged the standards this place’s staff must live by, to advertise a lockup like this. If this was the kind of inn that could survive a razing, what didn’t make it this far? Not that she had the leverage to demand any better- or avoid paying twice the inn’s usual rate, they did need the room.


To the Princess’ disappointment, Lotus wasn't laying beside her when she woke up. She was, predictably, already standing and dressed- staring at the door to the hall like a stone golem. On the nightstand, that morning's rations were waiting for her on a tiny wooden plate.


"Good morning, Genevieve." Lotus smiled as the Princess sat up.


"Good morning, Lotus." Genevieve did not return the smile. "You’re up early."


"Always. Though, it is nearing afternoon." Lotus nodded. "I stopped at the tavern to ask about breakfast, but the innkeeper said supplies were running low- since they've been donating to the unhomed. Our rations will have to sustain you today."


"I was hoping you would outsleep me for once. You know the whole point of this was for you to get some rest."


“I thought you wanted to investigate Rey Za-Hel’s motive.”


“The point of the room, Eel.”


"I'm fine, Gen." Lotus assured her. "I already feel like yesterday never happened."


"If anyone else told me that, I might believe them." Genevieve shook her head. "But I'll take your word. Just… don't overwork yourself. At least not until we’re back home."


"As you wish. Should we get out there, then?"


Genevieve nodded, and stood up to get dressed.

The two left the room, and met with Alexander, waiting for them in the tavern. The three took to the streets of Clearbrooke, and had their first look at the place in proper daylight.


It was terrible. Charred remains of homes left in piles of black rubble outnumbered the buildings still resembling some kind of shelter. Half-standing trees loomed like smoking phantoms, hiding the horizon. 


This was East Clearbrooke, so the actual forest had been pushed back from the residential district- but even then, the damage to nature was unmistakable. Elves, Satyr, and the occasional Tiefling wandered the wasteland- what was so recently a promising and developing half-city. Many sat on street corners- a lucky few crowded into the standing homes that opened their doors to their neighbors. A shame, Genevieve thought, those houses had a chance to survive this- but that charity would be a swift equalizer.


Alexander sighed. "So, what exactly do we do now?"


"Ask around." Genevieve said. "Try to get some sort of account of what happened that night. If anything you hear sounds off, or important, let me know."


"And if someone recognizes you?" Lotus asked. "Word could spread to His Majesty that we were here."


"It doesn't matter." Genevieve replied. "Father can’t catch us before we get what we came for."


"We could use your status to our advantage." Alexander added. "People may want to open up to the Princess who came in their time of need."


"Maybe. As a last resort." She stated, and the three split up to speak to the locals.


Genevieve spent half an hour talking with strangers, to little avail. She was able to reaffirm basic information; that Agria had flown in from nowhere, razed their half of the city, slaughtered dozens of civilians, then moved his assault to the West. She heard little else of value- except that Aarakocra soldiers were seen fighting- and dying- against the dragon. 


More often than not, whoever she spoke to would change the subject to ask her for food or money. Not bringing much in the way of emergency funds, she nonetheless obliged to the beggars, giving less and less as her purse grew lighter.


Her ears perked up at the sound of fluttering wings. A pair of Aarakocra landed a few feet away from the Princess- hardly welcome, given the circumstances.

Men Za-Hel dug his talons into Clearbrooke's bloodstained dirt. The sight of the city from a distance gave him chills- and sure enough, it was worse up close. The look on these people’s faces were blank- almost confused. They had just had everything taken from them- and he had an itch that some were waiting for that injustice to just undo itself. It made him sick.


Thank God the colony wasn't attacked. Thank God some of these people have somewhere to go. Was this the worst the Land District had to offer? Or was there truth to the propaganda- that this is what normal looks like to a Land Dweller?


As he and Kim got a feel for their surroundings- and the Elves’ dirty looks- someone caught Men's eye. An Aquatic twenty-something in a blue dress. Men had never met this woman, and yet-... what was she reminding him of?


Men approached and waver. "Hi there!" he began, "Do you live here?"


"Hardly." She replied. "Just visiting. Are you here for the colony?"


"I might work my way there, but I’m here for the city today. You’re a volunteer- maybe you can show me how to help? I am Men Za-Hel."


"Za-Hel!?" She almost choked. "You’re of the General’s line!?"


"Yes- I'm his son. I'm here to help- where am I needed most?"


"His son…" She pondered. "That's why you're here!"


"Hm? We- he told you why we’re here." Kim asked.


"I’ll show you where to help- but first, tell me- what specifically did you father say when assigning you here?"


"...What? No, I'm just-" Men asked.


Genevieve caught herself in the middle of Men’s explanation. "Ah- I'm sorry, I should introduce myself. I am Genevieve Carretero, crown Princess of Lyveria."


"Genevieve!" Men exclaimed. "It’s an honor to meet you, Your Highness."


"Likewise." Genevieve bowed. "Strange that we'd meet here of all places. Come, let’s talk while we survey"


"Survey?" Kim cocked her head to the side.


"We need to understand the circumstances of this disaster to know where to help, don’t we? On that note- what do you know about Agria the Red?"


"Me? Ah, well…" Men thought. "I actually had an encounter with Agria not long ago. He feigned innocence of this entire mess. And Xemmier- the Bronze- pointed out that it should be impossible to get this far down undetected."


Unless no one’s watching the jail cell, Genevieve thought.


"He could have acquired means to achieve invisibility." Genevieve nodded.


"At that size!? Who has magic that powerful?" Asked Kim.


"Perhaps it was a group casting. Dragons used to be worshiped as gods, weren’t they?"


“If anyone approached the Red Dragon as a god, Agria has already eaten them.” Kim quipped.


“Then there are other means of organization…”


“Like what?” Asked Men, curiously.


Genevieve didn’t answer- after a moment of silence, Men glared at the Aquatic.


“Like what?”


“I don’t know.”


Men and Kim shared a look between themselves. Kim shook her head at Men.


“I think I’ve surveyed as much as I can afford. I’d like to get to work, if you don’t mind.”


“Oh, not at all! I’ll be right with you- but until then.”


Genevieve bowed a second time. Unusually formal for Heavenfell, but maybe she was following her own customs. With that, Kim and Men watched Genevieve walk away.

"She's certainly royalty." Kim groaned.


"I don't like the way she was looking at me." Men replied.


"Oh, she looked at you?" Kim chuckled. "I'm jealous."


The two wandered around, but it took no time at all to find somewhere they were needed. A family of Wood Elves was picking up piles of rubble, looking for their belongings. Knowing themselves stronger than the Elves, they flew over and started lifting the heavier planks and piles- accidentally spilling some ash over the area one woman was already sifting through. The parents shot daggers, but didn't say anything.


"Is there something specific you're looking for?" Asked Kim. "Just let me know, I'll keep an eye out."


"We're not looking for anything." The mother responded. "Just picking up the pieces your dragon left intact."


"Well, we'll put everything we find together for you, then." Kim smiled. "Is there somewhere you'd like us to put it?"


"Shouldn’t you be further south of here!?" The father barked. “We’re not going to your settlement- go home and let us fix ours!”


Men's wings drooped. "I- I'm sorry sir, we just want to help-"


"You don't!" The father shouted. "You don't! You're hollow, pheasant! We needed one thing from you! One thing! We've tolerated your insistence on 'help' for that one thing, but now!? You’re a menace! You dirty, lying-"


"Daddy!" Cried the young girl sifting through rubble a few feet away. "I see Baba! He's okay!"


The girl was digging through a tall stack of wood, reaching for a little stuffed owlbear caught in the ashes. The girl's father panicked as the pile above her shook.


"Vivi, no!" He cried.


Men and the Elf both rushed for the girl. But before either could take two steps, Kim- who was closer to the child- flew into the pile, spreading her arms and wings out over her. The path to the bear was blocked- but so too was the danger. The girl's mother scooped up her daughter as the burnt wood tumbled onto Kim's back, knocking her onto her knees and covering her completely. She climbed out seconds later- a little cut up, but fine.


"Are you okay, baby!?" The girl's mother asked, frantically stroking her hair as Kim dug through the pile- unfortunately finding nothing better than a pile of torn up stuffing.


Men stood in silence. The father sighed.


Men put a hand on his shoulder. "We just want to keep you safe. But you have to meet us halfway. Promise me you’ll prioritize your safety- and if there's anything we personally can do to help ease your burden…"


The father nodded, eyes closed. "...We can't stay here anymore. Is… is there still room-”


“They’ll make room.”


“...There could be more worth pulling out of this mess. But I can’t- would you two take care of this, while we watch our daughter?"


Men smiled. "Consider it done."


Men and Kim escorted the family to the street. They spent the next half hour clearing rubble; to find any food, clothing, furniture, or accessories that could be salvaged. While they didn't find much, each time one of them wrest something from the rubble, they saw the Elves' faces light up just a little bit more, giving them drive to get back in there.

As things were wrapping up, Men got the creeping feeling that he was being watched. He peeked over his shoulder, to find Genevieve studying him from a distance.


She turned away as soon as Men made eye contact, getting back on track to… whatever her track was. She found a Satyr wrapped in a blanket, shivering on the side of the dirt road. Genevieve kneeled beside her, and smiled.


"Hi there. Is everything alright? You look cold."


The Satyr nodded.


"Alright. Say- I'm not from around here. Were you here when the Red Dragon attacked this place?"


The Satyr's eyes widened, and her shivering worsened. But again, she nodded.


"I see. And, did you see anything strange that night? Was anything out of place that you can remember, thinking back? I'm sorry- I just want to get a clearer picture of what exactly happened."


The satyr shook her head, and spoke- her voice unbearably raspy. “...Food?”


Genevieve frowned, and shook her head.


The Satyr stared at the ground. "S-stomach hurts…"


Genevieve stared sadly at the Satyr. After a moment of silence, she awkwardly stood up to leave. She shot to attention, however, as a scream shot out a short distance behind her.


Emerging from the forest, a Tiefling- scratched and bleeding, stumbled her way through the ruined trees. Running as fast as she could, she screamed her lungs out for help. Once she was a few feet past the trees, her reasons were made clear; a grizzly manticore leapt out from the treeline.

Hearing the commotion, Lotus and Alexander rushed to Genevieve's side. Without hesitation, the three of them- and the Aarakocra pair- rushed to the Tiefling's aid.


Aided by the greater speed of their wings, Men and Kim were the first to reach the Tiefling. Men planted himself in front of the woman, standing between her and the manticore, who bore its fangs. As Men Za-Hel pushed the beast back, Kim's whip flew in from the side and wrapped around its torso, pulling it off balance as Kim sent a flying kick into its grotesque, humanoid head.


Catching up with the other two, Alexander summoned a spectral weapon; a translucent white lance jutting out from the ground pierced the monster's chest, holding it in place as Genevieve sent a flurry of knife-like icicles into its face and eyes. As the monster roared in pain and frustration, Lotus leapt above the beast, firing an arrow into its mane as she flipped over its head. She landed on its back, took out a dagger, and sunk it deep between its shoulders. Overwhelmed by the barrage of consecutive attacks, the manticore fell to the floor, and drew its last breath.





The group of five stood proudly over the slain beast, sharing looks of impressed surprise with each other over their impromptu teamwork. Their focus returned when the Tiefling approached the group. Men, Genevieve, and Alexander huddled around the injured woman, the first two supporting her arms while Alexander began healing her wounds.


"Are you okay?" Men asked, holding the woman's hand. "Was anything else chasing you here?"


"N-no." The Tiefling stuttered. "No, I'm okay! T-thank you, thank you s-so much!"


"Of course! It's alright- you're safe now." Men soothed her.


"I know… gods, I know. I-I'm alright…"


"What happened? How did you run into that thing?" Kim asked.


"I was… I was trying to get to Broker's Hold." The woman explained. "I think I might have family there. They fled during the dragon attack…I mean I-I hope."


"I'll bring you there myself." Men smiled. "Don’t brave the forest again- not now."


"You'd do that?" The Tiefling gasped. "Bless you… who are you people?"


Genevieve watched the conversation between these two play out, having half a mind to leave them be and get back to her investigation.


"I am Men Za-Hel. It's a pleasure, miss…?"


"Za-Hel!?" The woman exclaimed, frantically scrambling to remember the Heavenfell salute. "Forgive me, I-I had no idea!"


"Forgive you?" He laughed. "For what? You’ve done me no disgrace."


"I see." She nodded. "My name is Patience. I don’t think you’re the General, but- you should know: the soldiers stationed down here fought bravely when the razing started. They died saving lives- including mine."


Men nodded, as Virtue continued. "I'd heard stories of Aarakocra in action, but I'd never have imagined they could do so much against a dragon, of all things."


Men seemed surprised. "You mean they left a mark on Agria?"


"Did they!?" Virtue chuckled. "They were the only ones who could do a damned thing to him! Agria killed just as easily, but the way that monster bled- when it moved on to the west, part of me thought it was retreating to lick its wounds."


Men’s eyes hazed over, something about this woman's account bothering him. Interested, Genevieve stepped back in.


"You had a good view of the conflict, then?" She asked. "Did anything else about that night stick out in your memory?"


"That night was a- a terrifying mess." She lamented. "It was hard to focus on anything. But I… I do remember seeing two things that struck me as odd."


Genevieve listened intently as she went on.


"Agria used all of his appendages to cut us down. His flame was mostly delegated to those of us on the ground, but the Aarakocra… he tore them apart with his claws, tail, and most disturbingly, his teeth."


"That’s not out of the ordinary." Men shook his head. "Agria and Xemmier have both developed a taste for us. It makes sense that he'd eat whatever gave him the chance to."


"But that's the thing!" She explained. "He wasn't eating them. I don't think he kept a single one of you in his mouth once he got a hold of them. When they died, he just… threw them away. Like a broken toy."


"Huh. That is… strange." Men admitted.


"And the second thing?" Genevieve asked.


Virtue nodded. "As a Tiefling, fire doesn’t hurt me as bad as everyone else. Scared as I was, I knew I had to stay, and help anyone caught in the middle. I've been living here for a while, and recognized most of my neighbors- and the soldiers from the sky, obviously. But there were these other people- I couldn't get a good look at them. But they were wearing these robes- these… these heavy, expensive looking robes. I'd never seen them before."


"...Robes?" Genevieve whispered. "...What… What color were they? Could you make out their colors?"


Virtue shook her head sadly. "I'm sorry, it was hard to see even that much."


Genevieve turned back to Lotus and Alexander, who were listening from a few feet away. The three of them shared a look. Genevieve thanked Virtue, and walked away, for Men to carry her away.





Genevieve stood next to Lotus and Alexander, and watched as Men lifted Patience into the sky, Kim following close behind.


"That doesn't bode well." Lotus mumbled. "Do you really think…?"

"It's not enough to think anything." Genevieve responded. "But it's… something. It's a start."

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