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The Effects of the Hunter The Summons

In the world of Reaperdom

Visit Reaperdom

Ongoing 3782 Words

The Summons

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The sun was hot, its rays beating down on the two guardians backs. They were sparing, with bare fists and pacing, trying to find an opening. The elder guardian was shorter with sandy colored hair, tanned skin, and golden eyes. Whereas the younger one was taller with white blond hair, light skin, and the same golden eyes. The starkest difference was the dark purple scar on his side. “Come on Spirit. I’m growing old here!” The older guardian sneered playfully. Spirit snorted.

“Good. Maybe it’ll make it easier to beat you Fritz.”

“Ha! Fat chance!” Fritz responded before making a move. He swiped at Spirit but was blocked. They shared a few more blows before Fritz kicked at Spirit’s side with the scar. The guardian yelped and fell.

“See? I told you. I’ll still beat you.” Fritz sneered.

“That was a dirty shot! You know Father said I needed to be careful with that area!” Spirit snapped, getting to his feet.

“You left it open. The fallen wouldn’t care what Father said either.” Fritz remarked before looking over as someone approached.

It was their father, Odin. He was tall too, yet due to his age, had to have a staff to help support him. His brunette hair was greying, but his golden eyes still sparkled. Fritz and Spirit bowed before approaching their father. “What’s the matter?” Fritz asked.

“A message came in for Spirit.” Odin remarked with a slight frown.

“Me? From who?” Spirit questioned, tilting his head.

“The reapers.”

Spirit blinked. He had heard of reapers but never really encountered one himself.

“Ooooh. You’re in trouble~” Fritz teased, trying to lift the mood.

Spirit only rolled his eyes.

“Come now. The golem seems impatient.” Odin told them. 

They made their way to Odin’s cabin, the other siblings joining them too. Inside the hut, a flying skull with ruby gem eyes was floating around in circles impatiently. “Woah. Weird.” Fritz commented. The siblings all sat around the fire, their father near the center. In his hand was the message that the golem brought.

“Hurry.” The golem chirped. Odin sighed and began to read the message.

“To the white wolf who saved my granddaughter…

I hope this message finds you well.

I request your presence at Reaper Headquarters of London as soon as you are able. The golem will escort you and help you gain entrance into the headquarters. 


Lord Barnabas D’aeth”

The hut was quiet as everyone processed the message. Then, Spirit spoke up. “Well, I guess I better get packed.” He commented softly.

“Hold on! How do we know it’s you?” Harald argued unhappily.

Everyone turned to the younger wolf. Fritz frowned.

“Who else would it be? He’s the only one of us who has white fur! And remember he came back looking like crap?”

“It could be a different tribe!”

“Harald stop it. Why do you care so much?” Anni remarked, annoyed.

“Spirit gets to do everything! He was chosen to check out the True Being and now he gets to go to the reapers!” Harald exclaimed childishly. “It’s not fair!”
Spirit frowned. “I was also shot in case you forgot. I almost died!”

Harald rolled his eyes and stood to leave. “Whatever. Hopefully this time you get shot and it works.” He murmured.

“Harald! Enough!” Odin ordered angrily.

Harald only left without a response.

“Stupid pup.” Fritz mumbled before turning to Spirit. “You ought to be careful.”

“I will.” Spirit promised.

“You said that last time.” Hilda remarked sadly.

Spirit gave her a hug. “This time I’ll be more careful. Promise.”

Hilda nodded before letting him go so he could pack.


It didn’t take Spirit long to pack as he would be primarily in his wolf form to travel. He packed mostly food and his formal warrior outfit. His father mentioned that it would show good manners to wear that when he had his meeting with Lord D’aeth. The guardian began to walk out of the village. He said farewell to his father and siblings {except Harald as he was still sulking}. The golem flew beside him, still chirping to hurry up.

The journey was one of the easiest Spirit had traveled in a long time. He moved fast as a wolf and made it to the boatyard in about a day. Hidden in an alley, he transformed back into his human form. Spirit held his bag of goods and small change pouch his father had given him. The golem chirped to hurry yet again causing Spirit to frown. Mortals would not like to see a flying skull on the ship so he grabbed the skull and shoved it in his bag. The golem cursed and wiggled in the bag. “Hush, will ya? You gotta hide so I can make it on the boat!” Spirit hissed before going to buy his ticket and board the ship. The wiggling skull stopped but one could still hear annoyed whispers coming from the bag.

The guardian paid for his ticket and boarded the ship. The ship was small and a bit run down but Spirit at least was able to have a tiny room. Once in the room, he let the golem out. The irritated skull nipped his hand before flying to perch on the bed post. Spirit rolled his eyes before sitting to eat from his provisions. As he ate the venison jerky and dried berries, Spirit thought about his upcoming meeting. He wondered what the reapers would be like and if they were friendly. A funny feeling settled in his belly, thinking of the beautiful nymph that had helped him. Through his painful haze, he had heard the True Being mention that the nymph worked with the reapers. Maybe he would meet her under better circumstances? But what would he say? ‘Thanks for saving my life’ was a given but he doubted saying ‘you’re beautiful and I want to get to know you better’ would suffice. The guardian sighed again. He hoped he’d know what to say if he saw her again.

The boat ride was dull over the three days. Spirit tried playing cards with the golem but since it did not have arms that made it hard. The golem was grumpy still anyways so it mostly stayed perched on the bedpost. When the boat finally made it into the London harbor, both beings were thankful as it meant that their journey was nearing its end. Once docked, Spirit stuffed the golem in his bag and followed the other passengers and crew off the vessel. He continued walking into the city, trying to listen to the golem’s directions. Eventually though, the annoyed golem got loose and started flying north down the winding streets. Spirit rolled his eyes and ran after the skull. He tried his best to ignore the curious looks of the mortals watching him as he passed. Through many dirty and turning streets, Spirit ran until he came to a sudden stop reaching an old, rusting entrance to an ancient cemetery. Green, stringy moss crept over the sign but one could still make out the words. “Kensal Green Cemetery. Est. 1833”

“Reaper Headquarters is in a cemetery…?” Spirit pondered quietly before being bonked on the head by the impatient golem.

“Let’s go!” It chirped. Spirit sighed again before following it into the cemetery grounds.

Near the rear of the grounds, stood a massive, decaying mausoleum. It had skeletons carved into the door and even more skulls in the doorframe. On the right of the door, hung by a chain, was another skull. Spirit shivered, wondering if it was a real skull. The golem flew around it, chirping. “What? Is that the doorknob or something?” Spirit questioned, placing his bag down. The golem bounced in the air as if to nod.

“Tickle the skull!” It tweeted.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Spirit deadpanned.


“No way! There has to be another way in? I’m not touching that thing!”

The golem puffed up its feathers before grabbing a mouthful of Spirit’s white hair and tugging him towards the skull.

“OW! Really?! Is that necessary?!” He yelped.

“Tickle!” The golem chirped again.

“Ugh!” Spirit groaned. He tentatively reached his hand towards the hanging skull, nearly expecting it to jump out and bite him. The wolf tried tickling the top of the skull’s head gently. Out of the silence, an eerie cackling erupted from the skull as its jaw chattered. Then, the ground seemed to shake and the stone door rose up, revealing a darkened entrance to the inside of the mausoleum. “Woah…” Spirit whispered, slightly in awe.

“Follow!” The golem chirped, breaking the new silence. Spirit grabbed his bag and followed after the flying skull. The corridor was dark save for the flickering candles fastened in skulls in the walls. Spirit chewed his lip, feeling a little panicky as the corridor seemed cramped. Soon though, they made it into the main area of Reaper Headquarters.

The marbled area was bright with what seemed to be sunlight even though they were underground. In the center was an elaborate marble fountain with a grim reaper figure holding a scythe in one hand and a scale in another. Spidering off in multiple directions were even more corridors and hallways. Reaper Headquarters was massive it seemed. “Is… Is there some where I could wash up?” Spirit asked softly. The golem almost seemed to roll its eyes but led the guardian to a small washroom down one of the many corridors. Spirit went in and took some time to wash himself and change into his warrior outfit. His clothes were made of a silvery leather and white fur, it was studded with gold in areas to bind it together. He weaved his hair into a quick braid and stuffed his other clothes into his bag. Spirit walked out of the wash room to the waiting golem.

“Follow.” It chirped. The golem showed Spirit back to the main area and once near the fountain, it told him to stay. It then flew off to inform Lord D’aeth that Spirit arrived.

Once alone, Spirit continued to look around in awe. Everything was so bright and clean. There were reminders all over that this was the home of reapers. There were motifs and sculptures decorating the area and entrances of the corridors. Reapers walked around, going about their business. Some held scrolls and books, others were holding curiously glowing jars and urns. A few gave a curious glance to the guardian, wondering what he was doing. Spirit fidgeted, anxiety rising as he wondered what was going to happen during the meeting. Time seemed to pass slowly as he waited for the golem to return.

When the golem did return, it tweeted to him to follow once again. Spirit walked behind the golem who led him down a corridor. Down the corridor was two massive marble doors, decorated with skeletons, skulls, and lilies. The golem flew into the doors a few times to knock before a loud cheery voice rang out from behind the doors. “Come in~” The giant doors creaked open as if by magic and the golem swooped in. Spirit took a deep breath to calm his nerves, stood straight, and strode into the office of D’aeth.

The office was huge with shelves of books and jars of glowing matter. There was an odd smell of burning leaves and ash which gave Spirit an uneasy feeling. Near the back was Lord D’aeth’s desk and chair which the elder was easing himself out of. Lord D’aeth smiled brightly, his silver eyes twinkling. “Hello Prince Spirit!” He offered his hand to shake which Spirit did. “It is a pleasure to finally meet you and thank you for saving my granddaughter!”

“Please just Spirit… But you’re welcome sir. I’d hate to think what would happen to our realms. And she saved me as well. With that healer…”

Lord D’aeth smiled. “Ah Lana. Yes, she explained what happened.” Spirit gave a small nod, that funny butterfly feeling returning as he thought of the nymph. “Please sit.” The reaper remarked, extending a hand towards the spare chair. “I have tea and we have much to discuss.”

The guardian took a seat awkwardly. Lord D’aeth poured the Earl Grey tea into delicate white porcelain teacups that were decorated with spirally skulls. He then took his own seat. They sat quietly, sipping their tea. Suddenly, the reaper finally spoke. “I want you to work for me.” He told Spirit seriously. Spirit spat out his tea in shock before apologizing profusely as he mopped up the mess. Lord D’aeth only laughed, his laughter echoing around the office.

“W-why would you want me? I’m just a wolf prince!” The guardian sputtered.

“Exactly.” Lord D’aeth remarked. “You’re strong, powerful, and care deeply about our realms. I think you would be a wonderful asset to our fight against the fallen.”

Spirit was silent for a moment as he thought it over before he answered quietly.”I… I… Yes. I will fight with you.”

The reaper smiled brightly. “Splendid. And I already have a mission for you! Mostly to get your feet wet.” Spirit nodded slowly before Lord D’aeth continued. “I’ll let you get settled into your new quarters.”

“But my belongings-“

“Are already here. I had your father send them with one of my reapers after you left.”

Spirit just stared, mouth open in surprise.

Lord D’aeth grabbed a silver bell from his desk and rang it, prompting the doors to swing open again. Lana strode gracefully in, her silver flowing dress bellowing slightly behind her. She stopped by the desk and bowed low. “Yes my lord?” The nymph asked as she straightened.

“Would you please escort the prince to his new quarters? Feel free to give him the grand tour.” Lord D’aeth gave a smile, pointing out Spirit. “My dear, do you recognize him?”

Lana turned and gazed at Spirit, who blushed realizing that she was the nymph who healed him. Her sea green eyes were confused, racking her mind to see if they had met before. Then her eyes and markings flashed a brilliant sapphire as she read his soul. Spirit’s blush darkened as he felt naked as she did.

“Oh! Aira’s wolf!” Lana exclaimed.

Spirit nodded softly. “Good afternoon my lady.”

“It’s so good to meet you sir. I am very happy to see you so lively.” She gushed.

“Thank you for saving me.”

Lana smiled. “You’re welcome. Healing is my gift… Oh! Let me introduce myself.” She curtsied. “I am Lana Azul of Aquila.”

“Please to meet you. I am Prince Spirit of the Scandinavian wolf tribe.” Spirit responded. “But please… Call me Spirit.”

Lana nodded with a kind smile.

Lord D’aeth chuckled, causing the pair to turn back to him. “How adorable. But why don’t you get a move on now? I am a busy man you know.”

“Yes sir.” Lana replied before showing Spirit out. Spirit was mumbling under his breath that the reaper was rude dismissing them like that. “You’ll have to forgive him.” She told him. “Lord D’aeth is an odd gentleman but he means well.”

Spirit gave a small nod.

“So, what would you like to see first?” Lana asked the wolf kindly. “There’s the mess hall, the living quarters, training grounds, healing ward…”

“Can you show me the healing ward first? I’d like to see what you do.” Spirit asked, hoping he was not being too forward.

Lana blinked in surprise. No one usually wanted to see the healing ward during the tour. “Oh! Sure.” She began leading him to the stairs that would take them to the healing ward. They were quiet since they were both growing shy.

Once at the healing ward, Lana opened the doors. The ward was painted with beautiful murals of various sceneries. There were candles on the tables by the beds and plenty of warm blankets on the mattresses. A few healing reapers wandered around tending to some patients but they waved seeing the nymph. Lana smiled back before going to sit at her table which had a menagerie of books on it. Spirit looked around. “It’s so nice in here.” He complimented.

“Thank you. When I became head healer, I gave it a bit of a make over so it would be more welcoming.” Lana explained.

“Well you did a wonderful job my lady.” Spirit remarked, giving a smile. Lana blushed and responded with another “thank you.”

Suddenly, Spirit’s stomach growled causing Lana to blink in surprise before she tried stifling a giggle. The guardian blushed.

“Why don’t we go to the mess hall for some lunch?” Lana suggested.

“Thanks… I ran out of provisions last night…” Spirit admitted. “Stupid golem was a greedy guts.”

“Ruby eyed?”

“Yes! You know it?”

Lana chuckled. “Yes. And it is rather greedy. And already fat enough. For a skull.”

Spirit snorted before offering his arm. “Shall we?”

Lana smiled and took his arm. “Yes. Let me show you where it is.”

The nymph led Spirit down a new corridor and soon a smell of delicious spices and flavors filled the air. Spirit gave a happy sigh, loving the smells. “We have a reaper here as chef. Chef Anton. He makes the best shrimp curry.” Lana explained. “And he can take special orders as well. In case what is being served doesn’t suit you.”

“That’s really cool. But whatever he’s got cooking smells great!” He exclaimed. They walked up to the counter and looked at the meals being offered. There was creamy tomato soup and sandwiches, steak pasties, a simple salad, and a grilled rainbow trout. Spirit tried his best not to drool over everything.

“What looks good to you?” Lana asked, grabbing a plate of the rainbow trout and salad.

“Everything…” Spirit remarked. “Could I…?”

Lana chuckled. “That hungry huh? I don’t see why not. I’m sure Chef would be appreciative.”

“Yes!” Spirit loaded a tray with all the food. “Woah! Dessert!” He exclaimed, seeing cakes and cookies.
“Maybe you should finish what you have first…?” The nymph suggested.


Lana chuckled again, shaking her head.

They found a table and set their meals down. Once seated, Spirit dug in. “Wow! This is so great!” Spirit remarked excitedly, mouth full. Lana gave a nod, smiling softly as she daintily ate her own food.

It did not take Spirit long to finish his lunch. Lana however was taking her time. Spirit decided now would be the best time to ask some questions. “So… When did Lord D’aeth recruit you?” He asked curiously.

“Um… I wasn’t quite recruited.” Lana responded, shyly.

“What do you mean?”

“Well… Aquila was taken by the fallen and my people massacred. I was the lone survivor and rescued by the Reapers when they tried taking back the city.” Lana explained.

“Oh.” Spirit chewed his lip. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s alright.” She assured him. “I’ve lived here ever since.”

The guardian nodded, kicking himself. Way to start, idiot.

“Do you have any family?” Lana asked, breaking Spirit’s thoughts.

“I do. My father is the head of our tribe. Fritz is my older brother, then I have four younger siblings. Harald, Anni, Torsten, and little Hilda is the youngest.” Spirit remarked with a proud smile. “We try to get along.”

“That’s nice.” Lana responded, smiling back.

“What do you do for fun?” The guardian asked next.

“I like reading mostly. But I am trying to practice piano but it’s hard without Jonathan around. He was the best at it…”

“Who’s Jonathan?” Spirit asked, a heavy feeling in his stomach. “A boyfriend?”

“Huh? Oh no! Jonathan is-“ Lana grimaced. “Was Lord D’aeth’s son. He was like a big brother to me. He took me under his wing when I came here.”

“What happened to him?”

“He disappeared. No one could find his soul or body.” Lana sighed sadly, pushing her plate away.

“I’m sorry… I’m sure he’s really proud of what you’ve done so far?” Spirit tried.

The nymph gave a small nod and offered a weak smile.

Suddenly, a cranky voice snapped behind her causing Lana to sit up straight and look back. “What do you think you’re doing?”

It was Xavier, looking irritated as usual. “I thought Lord D’aeth told you to show the wolf around.”

Spirit frowned, not liking the tone of voice the reaper was using with Lana. “She is. We were taking a lunch break.” The guardian countered.

Xavier turned to Spirit. “Well it looks like you’re both done. Get back to work!” He ordered.

“Yes sir…” Lana murmured, standing. Spirit stood up too and took both of their trays.

“I’ve got this, my lady. I’ll meet you at the entrance.” He assured her. “Gotta give my compliments to the chef.”

Lana gave a tiny smile and nodded. Xavier had already stomped off. She waited for Spirit who did not take long. “You okay?” He asked her.

“I’m fine. That’s just Mister Xavier for you…” Lana explained.

“Well he’s an ass.”

Lana shook her head with a small smile. “Easy now. He could hear you.”

“I don’t care. He needs to learn how not to be rude.”

The nymph patted his arm causing Spirit to blink.

“Shall we get a move on?” She suggested. Spirit nodded.

“Where to next?”

“How about the training grounds?” Lana offered.

“Works for me.”

The pair went off down more corridors, seeing the training grounds, mission control, and the expansive garden. They continued to talk about different things at the same time, Lana beginning to relax around the guardian. Spirit was impressed with all that Reaper Headquarters had to offer. Soon however, they reached Spirit’s new living quarters. “Well… Here you are. You are more than welcome to decorate it as you like. And each quarters has its own bathroom so you won’t have to worry about sharing a space.” Lana explained as she opened the door. Spirit’s things from home were already stacked neatly in the middle of the room near the bed. “If you need anything else, please let me know. I can be found in the healing ward or wandering around.” Lana remarked.

“Thank you my lady. I do appreciate it.” Spirit told her kindly. “And I do hope to see you again soon?”

Lana smiled. “Me too. Take care.” She told him before leaving. Spirit watched her go before he stepped into his room and closed the door. He gave a deep sigh. Her smile made that butterfly feeling spread throughout him. The wolf then smiled himself, glad that they got to talk for a while. She was so interesting, kind, smart, gentle…. He chuckled. Spirit could go on and on. But he needed to unpack first.

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