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The Effects of the Hunter The Summons

In the world of Reaperdom

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The Effects of the Hunter

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The morning dew glistened on the grass and leaves in the garden as Aira made her way to the peach orchard to complete her early chores. There was a chill in the air still as the sun barely peeked over the horizon so her breath left trails of fog behind her. She carried the worn basket on her hip and once she made it to the orchard, placed it in front of the first tree. Aira glanced around. So far she was still the only one up and in the orchard. Good. She rubbed her hands together, purple sparks crackling as she warmed up her aura. With a flick of her wrist, she pointed to the ripe peaches at the top of the tree. Surrounded by a purple bubble, the fruit popped off the tree and floated down into the basket. Aira gave a self satisfied huff before picking up the basket and moving on. She continued with her spell, gradually making her way through the orchard.

Out of the blue, Aira caught a glimpse of white fur out of the corner of her eye. The white wolf! It was back! She turned to see where it was and was surprised to see that it was only a few meters in front of her. It was massive, with silvery white fur and stunning gold eyes. The gold eyes stared at her intensely and she got the sort of feeling that this wolf was very smart and probably had some magic behind it. It took a cautious step forward before looking off to the wooded area near the fields. Aira grabbed a peach from the basket and held it out. “Here boy… It’s okay. I won’t hurt you.” She whispered encouragingly. The wolf looked back to her with a snort before walking closer to the girl.

When it got close enough that Aira could nearly pet its silvery fur, there was a sudden snapping of branches from the woods again. Both looked that way to see what caused the sound. Aira’s eyes struggled to see from the distance but she could barely make out a dark shape. “Who…” Suddenly, a loud shot rang through the quiet air causing Aira to gasp and flinch. Then, there was a thud as the wolf, who had jumped up to block the shot aimed at the girl, fell to the ground. Ruby red blood began to pool underneath it as it groaned out in pain. Aira dropped to the side of the wolf, cradling it. “Oh no… oh no oh no oh no…” She mumbled, trying to think of what she could do. “Daddy!!!” Aira screamed.

Donovan had just started getting the other servants up for the day when he heard the shot. Dread filled his gut and he ran out towards the orchard. When he heard his daughter scream for him, the feeling got worse. He was surprised to see Aira okay, but shocked to see a white wolf in her arms, bleeding out. “God Aira… What happened?!”

“Something I think was trying to shoot at me but it jumped in to save me! It took the bullet!” Aira cried. She was close to tears and panicky. Donovan frowned and looked around. His crimson eyes focused on a figure fleeing. That dread feeling landed in his gut again. It was that hunter his owner had met with the other day. He knew he was a fallen when he first looked at him and Big Boss was a supporter of the enemy… They spoke of big game. He never thought the big game would be his daughter. The demon cursed out loud. This was bad.

“Daddy… It’s dying… We need to help it!” Aira cried out again, bringing Donovan back from the dark thoughts.

“Right…” He hoisted up the wolf which was no easy feat, and began making his way to the servants quarters. Aira, covered in blood, followed behind.

When they made it to the building, the rest of the servants were beginning to start their day. The people gasped and looked inquisitively. “Table. Now.” Donovan ordered. Aira and a few others cleared one of the spare work tables before Donovan gingerly placed the wolf down. He dismissed the other servants to go off and do their work and to leave them alone. The demon then turned his attention back to the table. The wolf looked awful, it was still bleeding but now an inky substance began oozing from the wound. Its golden eyes were weaker and full of pain. It tried standing on the table before collapsing again. “Easy mate.” Donovan said. “Don’t move too much.” He turned to Aira. “What should we do?”

Aira stared at him blankly. She was not a healer. That was her grandmother and…

“Lana!” Aira suddenly cried out.

“Lana?” Donovan asked, he then lowered his voice. “The nymph that works with the reapers?”

“Yes! She helped heal me after Mom died! She should be able to heal the wolf right?”

“Well, yes… But it would take days for a message to get to her… And I’m afraid the wolf doesn’t have that long.” He remarked. “He looks like he’ll barely make it through the night…”

The wolf snuffed and coughed in response.

“He? How do you know that?” Aira asked absentmindedly.

“Hun… Look at him. Trust me, he’s a male.”

Aira glanced over the wolf quickly before blushing. “Oh! Sorry!” She yelped. “God I’m stupid…”

Donovan patted her back. “Focus dear. You mentioned Lana.”

“Oh! Right!” Aira exclaimed. “When I left London to come here, Lana gave me a shell that I can use to talk with her if I needed to.”

Her father nodded slowly before he looked to the door as it opened.

It was Big Boss. He waddled in, looking annoyed. “What’s all this business about a messy animal?”

Aira frowned. “Someone tried shooting me! And this wolf saved me!”

The fat man waved his hand dismissively. “Whatever girl. Just get rid of the corpse and get back to work.”

“We have to help him! He’s a living thing!” Aira cried out.

Big Boss raised an eyebrow. “Talking back are you?”

Aira was about to spit out a response when her father placed a firm hand on her shoulder.
“No. She wasn’t Sir. We will take care of the mutt and get back to work.” Donovan responded in a stern tone.

Big boss nodded. “Good. Much to do, you know. Donovan, come with me. We have special work to do.” The man then turned and left, the door slamming behind him.

Donovan grimaced. He hated this contract. But with his brother dead and his banishment ended, as soon as this contract was finished, he could get the soul and leave this place with his daughter.

“Sorry dear. I’ve got to go. Do what you need to do.” The demon told his daughter solemnly before he too had to leave.

Aira sighed deeply. She glanced around, thinking of what to do before deciding on her choice of plan. The girl went and locked the front and back doors adding some magic barriers just in case. She didn’t want someone walking in and discovering what was going on. Besides, if Lana was able to come, she didn’t want anyone seeing her. Aira then ran up the stairs to her meager room and dug through her trunk of belongings. At the bottom, in a sapphire velvet satchel, was a pearly oyster clamped shut. She grabbed it and pried it open. A brilliant blue pearl lay inside. “Lana…? Please answer… It’s an emergency!” What seemed like an eternity later, but was only a few seconds, a light erupted from the pearl. A figure appeared in the light.

“My lady?” A gentle voice came in like a wave as the figure in the light sharpened and the nymph came into focus. “What’s the matter?”

“Someone tried shooting me and a wolf saved me! He’s got shot instead and he’s bleeding real bad!” Aira exclaimed, panic raising again.

“Oh goodness…” Lana murmured before she became serious. “Is there a tub or bucket of water?”

“Uh… There’s a tub?”

“Fill it with water. I’ll use a water transport spell to get to you.”

Aira nodded and ran to the bathroom, putting the plug in the drain and filling the tub with water.

Meanwhile, Lana had grabbed her cloth bag full of her healing tools. Once she saw through the pearl that the tub was ready, Lana whispered her spell and like a sudden rainfall, she was gone.

Then an instant later, like a geyser, Lana suddenly burst from the water in the tub, clothes dry. Aira jumped back, gasping in surprise.

“Where is the wolf?” Lana asked, wanting to get to work right away.


The two rushed downstairs to the main area where the wolf was trembling and moaning in pain. “Oh no…” Lana murmured. “This is real bad.” She commented, seeing the blood and inky substance oozing out. The wolf whined weakly. Lana went to him and began examining the bullet wound. The wolf’s silvery fur was matted with the blood and goo. Lana frowned and grabbed forceps from her bag. She carefully moved to dig into the wound to grab the bullet. The wolf howled in pain and scrambled to get to his feet. Lana gave a small noise of surprise before dropping the forceps and placing a hand on the wolf’s head. “Shh… I’m trying to help. I’m sorry it hurts.” She whispered comfortingly. The wolf looked to her as he slumped down. His golden eyes were pained and fearful. “I’m going to heal you. It’s okay.” She assured before grabbing her tool again.

Lana dug into the wound again, the wolf whimpering then falling still. Aira frowned and began to panic again. “Is he dying?!”

“No… He’s passed out from shock and lost a lot of blood. Get me water. Quickly!” Lana ordered. Aira ran off to do so. The nymph continued to search for the bullet before suddenly she gave a gentle tug and pulled out a gnarled silver bullet. The bullet was leaking the noxious black goo and Lana clicked her tongue. “Fallen…”

“Did you just say fallen?” Aira asked as she returned with a pail of water. Lana dropped the bullet into a dish and turned to her.

“Yes… That is a fallen bullet. It poisons and tries to infect the victim before ultimately killing them. I must work quickly.” Lana explained bluntly before dipping her hands in the water. The water began to shimmer and glow in the same sapphire color as her markings as she began pouring her magic into the liquid. She then took a handful of water and carefully poured it on the wolf’s wound. It sizzled and bubbled, turning the water a dark red with the poison floating to the top. Lana continued the process until the poison stopped bubbling forth. Using her magic again, she contained the ooze in a sapphire bubble before moving it into a jar.

“Lady Aira, can you grab the dressings from my bag?” Lana asked quietly.

Aira nodded and got the supplies. When she gave them to the nymph, the girl noticed how solemn Lana looked.

“It’s bad still isn’t it…?” She asked timidly.

Lana glanced at her before giving her a small smile. “No. He’s going to be fine. I’m going to dress the wound, pour some more healing magic into him, and he should heal up just fine.” She turned back to her charge and began to wrap the dressings around him, covering the wound. Lana’s markings then began to shine brightly as she started to chant a nymph healing spell. Waves of light fell from her hands which she placed on the wolf’s wound. His body glowed for a brief moment before the spell finished. The wolf was still asleep but was more relaxed then Aira had ever seen.

Aira sighed, relaxing a little herself. Lana patted her shoulder. “We should move him off the table. Is there a safe place? Where he can finish sleeping?” She asked gently.

“We can put him in my room? I lock the door.”

Lana nodded and moved to pick up the wolf with Aira’s help. Through their combined effort and some magic, they carried the wolf to Aira’s room and gingerly placed him on the floor. Aira placed her quilt over the wolf so he would be comfortable.


“Let’s clean up.” Lana told her.

Once downstairs, the true extent of what had happened became clear as the pair looked at the mess. Blood pooled all over the table and onto the floor. In the middle of the table was the jar of poison and the dish with the bullet. It seemed so much uglier then the blood itself. Lana gave a sigh and asked Aira to grab rags so that they could mop up the area. Aira went to do so quietly and when she returned, Lana had cleaned up her tools and placed them in her bag. She had also put the bullet in a jar and placed both jars of evil in her bag.

“What are you going to do with that?” Aira asked curiously.

“I have to give them to your grandfather. This may help us in the war…” Lana explained.

“Oh… Right…”

“Are you okay?” Lana questioned, as she took a rag and began mopping up what was on the table.

“Huh? Yeah, I guess I’m fine.” Aira responded blankly, also beginning to clean the floor.

“Are you sure? Because when you called, you mentioned that the shot was meant for you?” Lana pressed, concern showing in her features.

Aira sighed. “I just don’t understand why they keep attacking me. First Mom. Now here? What if they kill Dad? And I still don’t know what happened to Shadow! He was my best friend… For all I know, he could be dead too…” Her voice started breaking. “I get that I’m apparently some special thing called a true being but why can’t they just leave me alone.”

Lana bit her lip before choosing her next words carefully. “My lady… You are incredibly special. And… I think they keep attacking you because they are scared of what you could do. True beings are the only thing aside from reapers that can fully eradicate the Fallen. And the war isn’t going well for our side unfortunately.”

“It isn’t…?”

It was Lana’s turn to sigh. “No… And unfortunately, that is not the first Fallen bullet I’ve pulled from someone. But at least, I was able to save the wolf. Some of the reapers I’ve treated haven’t been so lucky. Lord D’aeth acts like everything is fine but I can tell he’s worried. He’s sending more and more troops to fight but more souls continue to be lost to the Fallen.” The nymph explained sadly.

“Things are bad.”

“I’m afraid so…”

Aira nodded quietly as she continued to clean the floors.

The two worked in silence until the area was clean and there was no trace of the blood. Aira put the rags in the hamper to wash later that night. Lana washed and dried her hands before grabbing her things. “Gotta go?” Aira asked.

Lana nodded. “Sorry my lady. But please do let me know if anything else happens. You can call or write to me. I wouldn’t mind some letters now and then.” The nymph remarked kindly, an encouraging smile on her face. Aira gave a silent nod, chewing her lip before she gave the nymph a tight hug. Lana gave a sound of surprise before hugging her back. “You’re okay Aira. Everything will work out.” Lana told her softly as she withdrew.

“Thank you Lana.” Aira replied graciously before leading the nymph back to the tub. Lana stepped in and whispered her spell, disappearing in a flash of water droplets, leaving Aira alone in the servants house. Aira sighed deeply before going to change out of her bloodied clothes so she could get back to work. When she arrived to her room, she was surprised to see the wolf gone, her window open. It seems his short nap gave him enough energy to make an escape. Aira only prayed that he’d make it home safe.

Meanwhile, back at Reaper Headquarters, Lana knocked on the large, marble, skull decorated doors of Lord D’aeth’s office. In her hands, were the two jars filled with the goo and bullet. “Come in~” The reaper called cheerfully as the doors opened on their own. Lana took a breath to steady her nerves before striding in. The massive office was filled with books, scrolls, and the occasional flying golem zooming through with news. Lord D’aeth’s desk was near the back and covered in more papers. He sat in his ebony chair, quill in hand as he wrote notes. The reaper looked up and smiled when Lana approached. “Hello dear girl. What have you got there?” He asked cheerfully.

“Um… Sir. I’ve got some news from your granddaughter…” Lana started anxiously. The reaper’s smile fell quickly and he stood with a serious look.

“What happened to Aira? Is she okay?” He demanded in a worried tone.

“She is fine… But… Someone tried shooting her.”

“WHAT!?” Lord D’aeth exclaimed, his voice echoing in the room and sending stray golems off flying. Lana flinched then continued.

“A wolf saved her. From reading his aura, he might be a wolf spirit?” Lana started before placing the jars on his desk. “I pulled this bullet out of him and removed this fallen poison before healing him. I thought you’d need to see this…”

“THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! WHERE WERE THE SCOUTS SENT TO WATCH OVER HER?!” Lord D’aeth yelled angrily, his pale cheeks growing rosy. The nymph flinched again and took a step back. She looked back, hearing the doors open again.

In strode Xavier, one of Lord D’aeth’s best reapers. He was scowling already, rainbow eyes steely. “What is going on, Sir? You’ve sent the whole headquarters into a frenzy?” He asked.

“My granddaughter was shot at! Who was on scout duty this morning!?” The elder reaper demanded.

Xavier blinked. “Aira? Was shot at…?” A funny sort of look appeared on his face, a mix of fear, concern, and sadness all at once. Yet as soon as it appeared the look turned into a serious scowl again. “Reapers Johnson and Peters were supposed to be on duty.”

Lord D’aeth gave a small growl before snapping his fingers loudly.

In a flash, two reapers appeared at his desk. They seemed disheveled and slightly terrified before bowing low. “My lord?”

“WHAT HAPPENED THIS MORNING?!” Lord D’aeth yelled furiously, face now a bright red. Johnson sputtered a weak excuse, something about waking up late and forgetting to eat. Peters in turn muttered that things had been quiet so he took the morning off. Xavier pinched the bridge of his nose as Lord D’aeth continued to scream at the two reapers. Lana stayed quiet, fidgeting as she waited to be dismissed. Lord D’aeth’s voice was loud in general but with his anger and the echo, it made it ten times louder. Soon enough though, after both reapers had been punished with unicorn and desk duty, they left and quiet returned to the area.

“Xavier. Assign Jacob and Flowers to scout duty. Effective immediately.” Lord D’aeth ordered. “Send Donovan a mini golem with a message saying to give updates weekly if not daily now. If fallen have swooped in that area and Aira’s been shot at, I fear that they will be planning something bigger.”

Xavier gave a nod before leaving as well.

Lord D’aeth gave a sigh, collapsing into his chair. Lana stepped forward again. “Um… sir? Can I get you anything?” She asked carefully. The elder reaper looked up, silver eyes tired.

“No dear girl. But thank you. You may leave now.” He told her gently as he sat up to return to his work.

Lana nodded, bowed and went back to the healing ward.

Once alone, Lord D’aeth sighed again before grabbing his map and pendulum. He spread the map out and held the pendulum above. The reaper whispered a spell, asking to locate the wolf who saved his granddaughter. The gem in the pendulum shone briefly, spinning around the map before coming to rest on an area near the orchard. It moved slightly which showed the wolf was on the move. Lord D’aeth whispered again, asking where his home may be. The pendulum gave a massive swing before landing on a mountainous area in Scandinavia. He gave a small smile. “Guardians. Interesting.” The reaper then began to write a message and called for a hearty golem. “Long journey friend. But you’ll find your way.” He told the skull before sending it off. Lord D’aeth leaned back into his chair with a deep sigh. It had been a long day.

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